Chapter 3: Striking Down My First Death Flag

Thin tendrils of sunlight stretched across the expanse of the lush green lands as the sun began to rise above the clear horizon. Hinata admired the sight of a new day from the top of the highest hill inside the Hyuuga Mansion's territory. Trees adorned the path she had taken today, and she marveled at their impressive height. The beautiful natural landscape surrounding her home was a stark contrast from the cement city she had grown up in her past life. Hinata breathed in the scent of fresh pine and wood and felt a sense of calm overtake her.

She allowed herself to relish her small moment of peace before surveying the downhill path behind her. Her breathing, which had been rough and force, grew softer as her pounding heart slowed to a more acceptable rate. Her morning jog had been a success!

Hinata's revelation a month ago that she was the villainess of the otome game had stirred other memories as well. Her death was not only imminent in Neji's route – death flags awaited her in every target's route due to rumors and allegations that always pinpointed her as the mastermind behind assassination attempts on the heroine's life!

Hinata's first response had been to feel crushed by the dark fate that loomed ahead of her. What could she do in the face of countless pre-determined BAD ENDS? However, she didn't let this feeling take hold of her for long. Selfish as it may seem, Hinata was determined.

I want to live!

Her past life's memories had synchronized with her present life's personality and thoughts – the feeling that had always pushed her through every trial was this: I want to find happiness.

In her past life, her happiness was following the love of her life. Hinata's family life had demanded every fiber of her being and even then, that was never enough. She was never enough. And so, she found a beacon of light in her beloved. He was her first love and it was thanks to his encouragement and strength that she had made it through every obstacle in her life. However… he had never been hers. His rejection of her had made that clear.

Her first love's rejection brought her to the brink of despair. He was the one who took my hand when my family forsook me. Without him, I am nothing. I'm worthless to my family. I'm unnecessary in this world. Who would even care if I died…?

Those dark thoughts encouraged her past self to almost commit an act she could never take back.

That is, until her younger sister showed up at her door with all of her belongings. I've ran away from that shitty house. I won't become the heiress. I'm going to become an otome game developer! So, let me stay with you, nee-san.

Her younger sister's words saved her.

Even without my family, I can find my own happiness.

That was what her sister had taught her. This was why her relationship with her sister had saved her. Otome games connected her to her sweet younger sister, and it was this small happiness that saved her from her despair. Hinata knew… she had to live. She had used her own life to save her sister's life. With this second chance, Hinata was determined. She was determined to live this life in a way that would make Hanabi proud.

Which was why she had started running every morning before dawn.

The realization that she was going to meet death flags in every future route had momentarily made her lose hope. However, the conviction she brought with her from her past life helped her stay strong – I want to live!

And the best way to survive in every route was to learn how to defend herself!

Hinata remembered enduring years of harsh physical conditioning and training to measure up to the xxxx name in her past life. The xxxx family had been proud of their physical, mental, and financial status that had been passed through ancient traditions. She grew up upholding these traditions, but her efforts had always fallen short when compared to the genius her sister and cousin both displayed.

However, it was thanks to the strenuous training she had undergone that Hinata could now use this information to strengthen her current body.

Her six-year old frame was small, even by children's standards, but Hinata knew she could train herself through daily practice and strict regimens. The first step in her plan was to increase her stamina and physical strength. Hence, she started a daily morning jog through the dense forest surrounding the Hyuuga Mansion. It had been about a month since she implemented her plan and already, her stamina and endurance was starting to grow. She had been sore the first week, but Hinata had always enjoyed running and feeling the wind flow against her body in her past, so she embraced her initial soreness and continued without complaint.

The most difficult part of her Plan to Avoid Death Flags was that it was unheard of for a daughter from a noble family to partake in physical training in her country of Konoha. The country Hinata had reincarnated into was quite conservative regarding male and female roles, and the expectations placed on a noble daughter typically consisted of embroidery, etiquette, social interactions, and accounting of household affairs. Sons were taught politics, land management, physical training and swordsmanship, and other skills suitable for the occupations they sought.

Despite her limited age and experience in Konoha, Hinata knew instinctively that she should hide her physical training from others. This was why she started her morning jogs before the sun even rose and was back in her bed before her maid could find she was missing.

Realizing that she had spent too much time admiring the splendid view from the hill, Hinata started a quick pace down the hillside. She smiled and thought to herself, I shall beat my time from yesterday!

Hinata stared down at the elaborate breakfast laid out in front of her with trepidation. It was not the breakfast that made her anxious; rather, it was the presence of both her father and cousin Neji that unsettled her. Ever since her mother passed away, she had been taking her meals alone. Even when her mother had been alive, her father had rarely joined them for meals since his work often kept him in the Royal City. However, on this morning, her father declared that they would eat breakfast together. A small shiver threatened to overtake her body when her eyes met Neji's sharp glare across the dining table.

Her father did not seem to notice the tension in the room, and he began eating his meal. Hinata lost herself for a second as she observed her father's smooth movements. He exuded elegance and ate his meal with the grace befitting a noble Duke. Neji also followed suit with equally elegant table manners. With a determined face and attitude, Hinata attempted to copy their graceful manners. Her mother had gently guided her and taught her basic manners, such as which spoons and forks to use with which dishes, but Hinata had never had to measure herself against other dignified guests. She was thankful to see that her father did not make any scolding remarks about her etiquette.

The clink of silverware on plates was the only sound that echoed in the large dining room, however. Her father, his face impassive as ever, did not speak a word to her or Neji. Hinata bit her lip, wondering why he had called them to join for a meal then. A month had already passed with all three members of the family never sharing meals together. Why now?

Her question was never answered as the rest of breakfast passed in the same way. She could not discern what her father was thinking, and she did not even want to guess what Neji was thinking. His loathing towards her was thinly disguised these past few weeks, and she had always lost her courage when she tried to approach him.

However, today was the day. Hinata had formulated a plan to get closer to Neji in order to avoid her death flag. She had been observing him each day, hidden out of his sight, of course, and she had learned a few facts about her cousin.

He was a true genius. This, the servants her father employed had gushed about the whole month. Neji's tutor was already struggling to keep up with his academic growth, and her father's Commander of the Knights praised his natural combat ability. Despite being only seven-years old, he was calm and insightful. He held himself with pride, but he also respected her father and his elders. Hinata had also never seen him berate a servant, even when one of his new attendants had accidentally spilled hot tea on him.

In short, Neji was the perfect heir to the Hyuuga Ducal House.

Hinata was betting on his fierce pride to help her accomplish her plan.

She managed to catch him in the afternoon after his academic lessons.

"U-um, Brother Neji!" she called out to him as he walked down the hallway.

He turned to look at her, a cool glare settling on his face. It was unbefitting on a boy's face, Hinata decided.

"Yes, Lady Hinata?"

Hinata ignored his animosity and continued. "Will you please join me at the courtyard?"

"If it is your wish," he answered, barely holding back the annoyance that flashed across his face.

"Thank you."

If he was curious about her sudden invitation, he didn't show it on his face. Hinata thought he was doing a great impression of her father. She wondered for a second if the inability to show facial expressions ran in the Hyuuga Family and wished briefly that she had inherited this ability too. She was certain the hesitation and nervousness she felt was written all over her body.

The setting sun greeted their sight when Neji and Hinata reached the courtyard. The scent of flowers from her mother's garden brought an unbidden smile to her face and washed away her hesitation. She could do this. She had to, in order to strike down the death flag awaiting her!

"Why have you asked me here?" said Neji.

She met his uninterested gaze with fierce determination.

"Neji Hyuuga, I… I would like to challenge you!"

A shocked silence awaited her. Her maid Maria, who had been following behind them, stopped in her tracks confused by Hinata's uncharacteristic shout.

Neji's eyes opened wide with surprise, but he slowly formed a taunting smile. "I see. And what are the terms of your challenge, Lady Hinata?"

A flush of heat crossed her cheeks. He thinks I have no chance of winning, thought Hinata with slight indignation.

"I challenge you to a race," she declared. All of my training this past month will finally pay off! "The winner of this race may request one favor from the loser."

"I accept your challenge," said Neji, confidence oozing from his voice.

Hinata nodded. "The race shall start at the fountain and end at the greenhouse. Maria will be our judge," she said and indicated the greenhouse that stood in the distance a kilometer away from them. Neji raised his brows at the distance, clearly not expecting such a long race.

Maria bowed in assent. Neji watched her form with a trace of a frown on his lips. Perhaps he was not as stoic as Hinata initially thought. This thought made her smile. Her cousin was still a boy after all, despite being a genius.

"Why challenge me?" asked Neji as they walked to their starting positions.

"Because I wish to know you," answered Hinata simply.

He was not satisfied with her answer, but he did not ask further.

"On three, then, Lord Neji and milady," said Maria. We both nodded once and started to get into position. "One, two… three!"

Shock framed his normally stoic face. Sweat glistened down his pale skin and dust coated his knees and palms from where he fell on the ground.

"I… I admit my defeat," he said through gritted teeth.

Hinata smiled with joy and held her hand out to him. "Thank you for racing me, Brother Neji," she said without a stutter.

Neji stared at her outstretched hand with amazement. He hesitated for a second, but he reached out and grabbed it. The touch of his small, child-like hands in hers made her heart warm. She helped pull him up and reached out to rearrange his long, black hair that had gotten out of place.

"You were hiding your true strength," he said accusingly, but he did not move away from her touch.

Hinata did not deny it. It was true. Neji had taken the lead with confident strides, but he had underestimated the distance from the fountain to the greenhouse. This, coupled with the day's intense heat had quickly sapped his stamina by the mid-point of the race. Hinata, who had predicted this, quickly surpassed his pace and set a fast run towards the finish line.

In her month of observations, she had observed that Neji was fast, strong, and efficient, but he rarely undertook stamina training due to his other commitments with academic lessons and meetings with Father. She knew in a short-distance race, Neji would surpass her, but she, who had practiced relentlessly for a month, could defeat him in a race of endurance and stamina.

"So," said Neji with a touch of distaste, "What will you request of me?"

Hinata met his strong gaze with her own. Reflected in his eyes, she could see, finally… he had recognized her. Someone worthy of his attention. Perhaps he even saw her as an equal. Not as his kid cousin whom he hated with all his heart. Hinata was giddy with relief and happiness. Was this something her game version could have achieved? Definitely not. I will live! Her strong desire would help her overcome all of the death flags!

"Brother Neji," she began, "I… I only request an honest answer. Why do you hate me?"

Unfortunately, her question could not be answered immediately. Maria, who had finally caught up to the pair, quickly turned them around towards the Mansion to wash up for dinner. Sharing a meal with father again put a damper on any conversations, so a few hours passed before she could finally meet with her cousin.

She ran into him in the hallway, and he simply motioned for her to follow him into the library. Maria trailed behind them with a radiant smile. Hinata knew the reason for her joy – the cousins who had avoided each other like the plague this past month were finally playing with each other! Or so she thought.

Hinata sent Maria for tea and sat across Neji in the lounging area. He regarded her with a serious expression before speaking.

"When you were four, you contracted a serious disease after returning from the port city of Hayama." Hinata nodded, remembering her mother telling her this story, although she did not remember this time herself. "You were ill for two weeks before Duke Hiashi sent for help from my mother. She is a healer and proficient with herbs and medicines." Neji's solemn expression softened at the mention of his mother and a tinge of pride coated his tone as he spoke of her achievements.

He loves his mother very much, thought Hinata.

The next part of his story hardened his gaze. "After treating you, you mended quickly. However, the disease easily cured for children was a different story when contracted by adults. When she returned home, she became deathly ill. To this day, she is bedridden and relies on medicinal herbs for relief from her pain."

He turned his usual hard glare on Hinata. Her fingers gripped her dress tightly, finally understanding the reason for her cousin's hatred.

"You are the reason my mother is ill."