Kyle stares at himself in the bathroom mirror, disappointed at what he saw. What did he see you may ask?


Too much of it. It was disgusting, he is disgusting.

"Worthless." He mumbled to himself, Staring down at his feet instead of his stomach, not wanting to see the big squishy mass anymore. He sighs, walking over to the bathtub and turning on the water as hot as it will go, so hot that the mirrors fog up even before he enters the shower. It burns but it feels good.

Now what to do about this little, or should I say 'big' problem? He thought, What was he doing wrong? He had been eating healthy and exercising everyday for the past month and he had only lost 5 pounds. He now weighed 120 pounds and he was 5'5. His BMI was 20.0. Both his weight and BMI were much too high, he had to do something about it and obviously dieting and exercising 3 times a week weren't enough. So then what was? Maybe he should just stop whining about his weight and starve himself he thought with a small smirk.

…starve himself?

That sounded like a most appealing option, it was certainly bound to be the fastest way to lose weight, that along with a healthy amount of exercise of course.

So why not?

Well, he thought, watching his stomach rise and fall as water drizzled down his arms and down the shower drain.

Well… he couldn't think of a reason why not, except maybe that people would notice that he wasn't eating, but then again, who cared enough about him to notice?… Well, if it was going to be a problem then maybe he'd just wear baggy clothes, it's not like he wore tight clothes to begin with, he didn't want to think of what people would say if he ever wore tight clothes, he couldn't and didn't want to picture it. Not one bit. He was fat enough as it was, he didn't need to be reminded of it. Kyle sighs, isn't this the kind of thing a girl his age would worry about?... And anyway, he can't just starve himself, it just isn't healthy and anyway, he was way too smart for that. He would just have to find another, more effective way to lose weight, more effective than what he'd been doing the past month anyway. He turns off the water and steps out of the shower into the steamy air of the bathroom. The mirror is fogged up, thank God it was. Now he doesn't have to look at his plump stomach. He dried off using one of the fluffy white towels his mother had bought just the past weekend. When finally dry and clothed he walks out of the bathroom and to his own room. He throws his dirty clothes and towel into the laundry basket beside his door then flops down on his bed. Not even 5 minutes after laying down he hears someone make their way up the stairs "Kyle?" came Ike's voice from the hallway.

"Yeah?" answers Kyle.

"Dinners ready."

"Great…" He mutters.

"Did you say something?" Ike asks

"No, nothing. Forget it little bro."

"'K, but seriously, hurry up. We've been waiting for you to get out of the shower, dinner was ready 10 minutes ago… didn't you hear me knock on the door?"

Kyle stands up. "No." He said innocently enough, walking out of his room and down the stairs with Ike.

At dinner he eats a little less than usual, he could cut back on fatty foods, like meat and fatty drinks like milk, both of which where on his plate and in his cup at the dinner table. He picks around the pork and only eats vegetables and his motzoh ball soup. Once he's done he stands up and collects his plate and bowl. "Is there something wrong with the pork, bubbalah?" Sheila asks Kyle.

"No, of course not, I'm just not that hungry for it is all." He lies simply, walking towards the kitchen sink.

Sheila smiles at Kyle when he passes, "Oh, okay Kyle, I was just wondering."

"Okay." Kyle says putting his dishes in the sink and walking back up the stairs to his room. Once there he pulls out his laptop and searches 'How to lose weight' After a few moments of surfing through websites depicting healthy eating and excercise he finally moutters: "This is stupid." and closes the laptop. If he wants to lose weight he is going to have to do it by himself.

He gets up and walks down the stairs to the basement, there he steps onto the treadmill and turns it on, after about 2 hours his legs feel numb and shaky but he continues to push himself until he notices the sound of someone coming down the stairs, he turns his head and sees that it's Stan. "Hey dude." Kyle greets, his breathing heavy and irregular "What's up?" Stans asks, coming closer to the treadmill and Kyle, looking at the time his eyes widen. "Dude, 2 hours? Seriously?"

Kyle laughs it off " Yeah, that's the usual amount of time for someone to be on one of these things, sometimes even more… you just haven't ever used a treadmill so you wouldn't know."

"How do you know I've never used a treadmill?"

"Well, have you?"

"No, I guess I haven't."

Kyle smirks "That's what I thought."

He turns off the machine and steps off once it comes to a stop. "So what brings you here?" Kyle asks, staring him down "Surly you're not back for more sex, we already did it in the bathroom at school today.

"Can't I just come and see my boyfriend without being accused of wanting to do dirty stuff to him?"

Kyle laughs "I guess." He says, standing on his tiptoes to kiss Stan, as he was 5" taller than him. Stan licks the bottom of "Kyle's lips, begging for entrance Kyle has to force his face to stay straight as he opens his mouth and allows Stan and his tongue to intertwine and tangle together. Stan places his hand under Kyle's shirt, causing Kyle to shudder and move away. "Don't." He says, his face burning up "What?" Stan says "Touch my stomach." kyle says


"Because I asked you not to, isn't that enough?"

"Not really," Stan says, grinning "Why?" He asks again.

"Never mind, just don't do it again."

"Why though?"

"I said never mind, God."

Stan looks at Kyle with a confused look on his face. "Fine, if you don't want to tell me, don't."

"It's nothing, really."

"Okay." Says Stan. "Can you ask your mom if I can stay over tonight? Shelly is visiting from collage and she's making my life a living hell."

"That sucks, but it's a school night."

"Can you just ask?"

"I'll ask," Kyle pauses for a moment "But I know the answer is no, and so do you."

"Fine, fine, don't ask. But I'm staying here until your mom kicks me out." Stan says, bending over and pressing his lips to Kyles. "Okay." Kyle says when they both pull away for air.

"Okay." Stan said.

And they go back to kissing.