Chapter 3

As they days went on, Harry became more and more comfortable in his new routine. He spent his mornings in the back room of the apothecary becoming familiar with a wide variety of plants and animals used in potions, and his lunch times and early afternoons with Velum, reading his new textbooks, practising quill-writing or helping with chores. Later, he would fly with Greg, talk History with Mr. Fortescue or learn a new charm with Velum. He thought he hadn't learnt any Transfiguration until he found that colour changing and resizing was considered just that. Harry found the split in categories of spell rather arbitrary.

On Sunday morning, he had progressed to dissecting rats and was carefully separating the various internal organs into separate dishes when a tall, painfully thin man, dressed in black swept into the room.

Harry met his eyes and smiled, but the man stared back as if transfixed then swept out of the room.

"Who is that child?" he demanded of Mr Finn.

"Hal," Mr Finn replied. "Abandoned muggle-born. Walked in last week and old Velum took him in. Sparky little lad, he is. I'll miss him when he goes to school."

"He's eleven?"

"Well, birthday next Tuesday."

"He needs a nutrient regimen. I'll test him."

"I know he's tiny, but he's not short on energy," said Mr Finn doubtfully.

"Nevertheless, his father was a foot taller at his age."

"You know him?" Mr Finn raised his eyebrows. Mr Finn locked the front door and the two men walked into the back room.

"Harry Potter," said the tall man sharply.

Harry looked up, automatically responding to his name. His hands started to shake when he realised his error.

"Put the knife down before you cut yourself, foolish boy," snapped the tall man. Harry dropped it and with a clatter it slipped off the counter onto the floor.

"You're alright, Hal," said Mr. Finn walking over and putting a reassuring arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Velum said it was okay if you found out," said Harry looking up at the friendly apothecary. The silent question hung in the air.

"Snape won't tell. He knows you're safe with Velum."

"He's angry with me. I don't know why," whispered Harry.

"He has exceptionally good hearing," sneered a sarcastic voice.

"Why are you angry?" Harry put his chin up and meeting the dispassionate gaze of Severus Snape.

"Perhaps because you ran away from the safety your relative's home for a new adventure. Anything could have happened to you. Anyone could have snatched you, child."

"That's a lie. They drove me here in their car last Tuesday. I didn't run away. They dumped me," yelled Harry.

"Outrageous!" exclaimed Mr. Finn, squeezing Harry's shoulders more firmly. "Don't worry, Hal. You know you don't have to go back." Harry turned to hide his face in Mr Finn's chest. After a week of kindness, the harsh accusation was almost unbearable. Mr Finn shot a warning look at Snape.

"I am no threat to you, Mr Potter. I have simply been anxious for your well-being," said Snape in a less hostile tone. "I will be one of your professors when you attend Hogwarts."

Harry turned around. "Are you Severus Snape?"

"Professor Snape to you, young man," retorted Snape.

"I didn't mean to be rude. It's just Aunt Petunia said you were my mum's friend." Harry decided he had better not disclose the rest of Petunia's diatribe.

"Yes, she was a classmate," said Snape repressively. "I believe I can better understand the issue with your relatives now. Petunia hated magic with a passion. You were never meant to be sent to her."

"I didn't mean to be reckless either," continued Harry, thinking about Greg's explanation of a wizard's attitude to child safety. "I didn't know I was famous, or that people would want to use me. Velum explained and I stay with safe people who teach me things now. I just did what I had to do last Tuesday."

"Mr Potter, allow me to take responsibility for your health," said Snape in a tone that brooked no argument. "I have reason to believe you have not received adequate nutrition in the past."

"Can you call me Hal, please? Velum says it's not safe to use my full name," said Harry. "I get three meals every day with Velum, as much as I want."

"I'm sure you do erm… Hal, but potions can correct any long-term issues more efficiently. You might as well have the benefit of my expertise."

"Okay, thanks."

"Very well. Go and wash the rat's blood off your hands thoroughly, then we will begin."

Harry scrubbed his hands while Mr Finn made quick work of cleaning the counter.

"You'll need to strip down to your shorts for the diagnosis, Hal," explained Mr Finn. "It's not painful, just a few spells to test different parts of your body." Harry removed his shoes and socks then lifted the robe over his head, revealing ribs, too visible and a slightly distended stomach.

Professor Snape conjured a thin mattress on top of the counter and lifted Harry up to sit on the edge, before he could protest that he could climb up himself, thank you very much.

"Lie down please," he ordered quietly. Harry complied and Snape began making circular movements with his wand up and down the length of Harry's body, all the while muttering Latin incantations under his breath. After a few minutes he allowed Harry to replace his robe, but asked him to sit on the edge of the counter.

"Broken bones, untreated. Fractured skull, untreated. Scar tissue on the lower legs and upper arms. Severe malnutrition. I do not believe you were accident prone, Mr… Hal." stated Snape firmly. Harry examined his toes as if they held the answer to his quandary.

"I don't want to talk about it now. I already told Velum. Can't he tell you," begged Harry.

"Two witnesses are required to take a statement that will hold up in court. These abusive muggles must be prosecuted. They had an allowance for your care that was more than generous. There is no excuse for denying you food or healthcare," explained Snape.

"They were scared of me," whispered Harry. "They lashed out and threw me around a bit when I did something weird. They knew it was magic, but I didn't. I think they thought I wouldn't be strong enough to do any damage if I was hungry. I just want to forget they ever existed. I'm happy here."

"If we take evidence from you, we can deal with it without you ever having to see them, Hal," persuaded Mr Finn. "You deserve to have the money back that they didn't spend on you so that you can buy all your school things in future years."

Harry nodded. The thought of what the Dursley's had denied him, while they indulged themselves, made him the angriest. He allowed Professor Snape to record an explanation for each injury he identified, then he signed the document along with the two adults. That was easier; it was clinical; factual. When Professor Snape started asking about other things, things that Harry hadn't mentioned to Velum, Harry needed a calming draft to get his words out. He told of those words that chilled him. Freak. Boy. Birthdays ignored, Christmas without gifts. That no-one ever believed him. He was a cheat if his score was better than Dudley, a liar if he told when Dudley punched him. Shouting, always shouting.

Professor Snape's lips seemed to get thinner and thinner as the questioning progressed. Mr Finn shed a few tears as he held Harry's hand. Both men were relieved at Harry's vehement 'no' to the worst question.

Professor Snape insisted on carrying him back down to the junk shop for lunch, and Harry felt so wrung out he didn't bother to protest. He lay on the couch and slept while the three men debated the best way to proceed.

When Harry sat up at last, he was presented with food.

"This is the plan we've come up with for you, Hal," Velum began. "Professor Snape is going to brew some potions for you to drink at mealtimes for the next month. It won't change anything, except you will need to get an extra couple of hours of sleep every day, so you won't start at the apothecary until 10am and you'll try to be asleep before 10pm every night. The potions will make you feel tired so you shouldn't have a problem falling asleep in the evening. The next thing is the Dursley's. We are going to delay handing the evidence to the Ministry until after you go to Hogwarts. That way, you will be sheltered from public attention. The last thing is your old injuries. When you get to Hogwarts the school nurse will be able to correct all the problems with your bones. Professor Snape will arrange this, but it would attract too much attention to deal with the problems sooner."

"Mr… Hal, I have considered this carefully and I think that I should recommend Professor Flitwick as magical mentor for you. Given your history, you might benefit from a mentor with a warmer nature than myself," said Snape.

"I want you," said Harry decisively. "You knew my mum."

"Hal, I'm not erm… even-tempered. I cannot promise that I won't shout or put you across my knee if you deserve it."

"If I deserve it, I won't complain," said Harry. "You were angry today, but you still listened and believed me."

"I think the child can see past your shell, Severus. I told you he's astute," smiled Velum.

"Very well," said Snape, "it is decided. In truth I was loathe to hand your care over to another. Trust me that I will be most diligent in ensuring your well-being. I will procure a list of this year's intake, so that we may consider any potential issues with your peers."

"I've already had a warning about avoiding the Malfoys, Professor."

"Good. Be sure to heed it well. Draco Malfoy is likely to be my biggest headache this year as he will undoubtedly be sorted into Slytherin House. You, on the other hand are likely to do well in any of the other three houses, so given the choice, I would recommend you avoid him."

"The next issue is to visit Gringotts. Professor Snape assures me that there are funds held in trust for you. As the sole surviving member of your family, you will be entitled to take control on your eleventh birthday," said Velum. "There is a good chance that the bank will be watched from that day onwards, so I suggest we take a midnight outing and complete your transactions before any observers appear. I will make the necessary appointment discretely."

Harry looked excited at the prospect. "Do you think we will see the dragon?"

"Unlikely," sniffed Snape. "Do you think I would consider it beneficial to your well-being to risk meeting a dragon?"

"Maybe in carefully controlled conditions?" suggested Harry cheekily.

Mr Finn and Velum laughed at Snape's pinched expression. "That child has your measure, Severus," chortled Mr Finn.

"That child is insufficiently protective of his behind," Snape retorted.

"But I'm suggesting stringent safety measures!" protested Harry. "I can't possible have been hypothetically breaking the most important rule."

"The danger here is bating me, Mr Potter," said Snape.

Harry hid his face in his hands.

"You'll never out-tease me, Hal. I'm three times your age," said Snape, more kindly.

"Okay. I'll just watch Velum do it instead," retorted Harry smugly. "He's three times your age."

They all laughed at that, and Snape pulled Harry over towards him. Harry tensed at the touch, then shrieked with laughter as Snape tickled his ribs. No-one had ever tickled him before, and Harry wasn't sure his tears of laughter weren't tears of regret. When he was allowed to escape to the bathroom he heard the comments behind him.

"What did I tell you, he's a sparky kid," said Finn.

"He's very amusing, I'll give you that," replied Snape, "and resilient, thank Merlin. I'll take him back with me to brew his nutritional potions if you've no objection, Velum. He should understand what he is drinking."

"Very well, make him write the directions down. He's still struggling with quill writing."

When Harry returned to Velum that evening he was carrying a crate of potions proudly.

"Professor Snape's cauldron was so big, I could sit inside it. I tapped it with my wand to light it and I chopped 'adequately', which Mr Finn says is like a gold star from Professor Snape. I nearly got into trouble for pushing my magic too much into the potion, but after I dodged the stinging hex, Professor Snape said, let it drip like a tap that won't turn off properly, and I understood then, and he said it wasn't really my fault."

"So, Potions is your new favourite?" smiled Velum.

"Yes, did you know my potion has 23 ingredients and if you add too much of something or at the wrong time, the cauldron can melt?

"Did Professor Snape keep patience with you this afternoon?"

"Well he did get a bit snappy when I suggested an experiment, but then he explained how potioneers used reaction charts and how they 'exhaustively researched' possibilities before they even got out their cauldrons. He also said there was a whole ward at St Mungo's for potion accidents, and that he would take me to see if I didn't 'desist my trial and error mentality'."

"So, you feel comfortable with him then? You still want him to mentor you?"

"Oh, yes. He's great, but maybe you should ask him. He had to take a headache draught and he had a tic in his eye at one point."

"I see. Perhaps you could help him by writing down your questions as they occur and then allowing him to dictate how many should be answered each day. He might, perhaps, direct your reading so that you can investigate your own answers. He will have many duties at Hogwarts, so you may only meet with him once or twice a week outside class."

"He said I could brew with him on Sundays, and he might bring me to Mr Finn's sometimes if my grades were satisfactory. He's a mentor for three older boys as well, and they have a meal together once a month and I can go with them too."

"Excellent, excellent. I can see I won't have to worry about you in term-time. Now come and help me prepare dinner, then you can try out your new potion," said Velum.

Despite his nap, Harry was asleep before 9pm that night and did not wake until 9am the next morning. He almost dozed off when Mr Fortescue was explaining how the Wizengamot was comprised, and got sent home for yet another nap. He was glad of it later, however, when he was woken at 11pm for his meeting at Gringotts. Accompanied by Velum and Professor Snape, he entered the bank from the back entrance on Knockturn Alley and was ushered into a side room to perform an identity test. Velum conducted the negotiation in a guttural, harsh language that Harry realised must be Gobbledygook.

Eventually, Griphook was introduced to Harry in English and they climbed into a small cart that was really quite comfortable for Velum and Harry, but involved wedging of limbs for a man as tall as Professor Snape. After a twisting, turning, spiralling ride the cart came to an abrupt halt, nearly catapulting Professor Snape over the front, at a rocky ledge. When they climbed out Harry had to put his hand on a metal plate in the centre of the door. It revealed a miniature keyhole, into which Griphook inserted a silver key.

To Harry the vault appeared to be full of untold riches. About half of the room was filled with stacks of galleons, sickles and knuts. However, Professor Snape's attention was taken by the empty side.

"Where are the furniture, the portraits and the property deeds?" he demanded. "Where are the books, the family documents, the will, the rings?

"They have been removed by Mr Potter's guardian, sir" explained Griphook.

"Who is my guardian?" asked Harry.

"Professor Dumbledore, of course," said Griphook.

"But I don't know him. I've never met him. Is he allowed to take these things?" asked Harry.

"It is my understanding that he is maintaining several safe houses on your behalf," said Griphook. "I imagine that is where the other property is being stored.

"You will write to him and demand the return of the rings," said Velum firmly. "Threaten, if you must. There is no legitimate reason he could have to remove them from the vault. This is theft."

"Harry, we cannot complete the process of emancipation of a minor without the rings, but we can still file the paperwork tonight and arrange for Griphook to bring the rings to you as soon as possible."

"Do I need to take some more galleons, Velum? I can pay for my room now," suggested Harry.

"No, Hal. I just wanted you to see that you are safe to spend the money you have on your school supplies. You have enough here to get you through Hogwarts, and should have more to help you establish a career once we have prosecuted your relatives. You are comfortably off, by wizard standards. No need for you to be worried," the old man explained.

"What of the gifts?" asked Professor Snape. "Surely some of them would be useful as Mr Potter prepares for school?"

"Professor Dumbledore sequestered a safe vault in case of jinxes or curses on the objects, sir. I don't believe he has inspected the vault, sir." apologised Griphook.

"A request for access should be included in the letter, I believe," said Velum. "Hal, after the terrible deaths of your parents and the disappearance of Voldemort, many families send gifts to you, in sympathy and in gratitude. I think it's reasonable to assume you have never received them?"

"I didn't know. I didn't thank them," said Harry, overwhelmed by the idea that he would have presents.

The return to the surface seemed, bizarrely, but certainly magically, to be another downhill roller-coaster ride. In the meeting room, Harry fell asleep on his chair as a long debate in Gobbledygook began. The next time he awoke, he was in his own bed and light was streaming in the window.

"Happy Birthday, Hal. Get dressed. There's brunch waiting for us downstairs," said Velum, shaking him gently.

"What happened last night?" Harry asked blearily.

"We'll talk later. You have guests," replied Velum leaving the room.

Sitting at the dining table were Professor Snape, Mr Finn, Mr Fortescue and Greg Brown. All of them smiled at Harry's astonishment.

"Happy Birthday, Hal," said Velum. You are sitting at the head of the table today. It's not every day a young man turns eleven."

Harry climbed into the slightly higher chair that Velum usually used and looked down at the feast before him. There were different breads, cold meats, cheeses, jams and fruit. Professor Snape saw his confusion and deftly served him a plate containing a small portion of everything.

"Try it all, Hal, and find out what you like best," he said. Harry wondered if they had taken Mr Fortescue and Greg into their confidence, but he thought Professor Snape would have called him Harry if they knew.

"You know I like potions best, sir," he grinned, trying to relax under so much attention.

"You get a free pass today. We don't want you falling asleep on your broom now, do we?" Snape replied. "Not when you've got some competition."

"You're coming flying with me? Thank you. That's the best present ever!" exclaimed Harry

"No this is the best present ever," said Greg, passing over a wrapped cube. "Go on, open it!"

"Thank you," said Harry, unwrapping a small practice snitch.

"You have to set it up for your height, then you can chase it round," explained Greg. "You might have to wait until you're at school to use it. You can have fun on cold evenings, when it's too cold or wet to play outside. The emptiest corridors are on the seventh floor."

"It's perfect Greg, thanks," said Harry.

The others pulled parcels from nowhere. Professor Snape gave him a leather-bound Potions journal to record his brewing, and Mr Finn gave him a cauldron filled with the ingredients he would need for school. Mr Fortescue gave him a copy of Hogwarts: A History. He thanked them all profusely, but his favourite gift was from Velum. He walked through to the front of the shop and returned with a snowy white owl in a cage.

"This is so that you can write to us every week, while you are at school," he said. "I've bought a gift for myself really. It's a girl. You'll need to name her."

"She's Hedwig," said Harry, with certainty. Hedwig hooted in response. "She likes it. Can I send her with a letter?"

"Who would you write to Hal?" asked Snape, concerned.

"My friend, Hermione," said Harry. "She's a muggle- born girl. I met her in the ink shop and I think she has as many questions as I do. I bet she'll write really long letters."

"Invite her to come and have ice-cream with you, Hal," suggested Mr Fortescue.

"Will Hedwig be able to find her? I only know her name is Hermione Granger."

"I'll get her address from the school records for you tonight," promised Snape. "After Hedwig has been once she will remember and will only need you to write a name."

Mr Finn, Mr Fortescue and Greg made their goodbyes, with a promise to meet up at Quality Quidditch Supplies later. Velum brought a metal box onto the table and opened it to reveal some documents, a quill and three rings.

"First you need to put on the three rings onto the ring finger of your left hand," instructed Velum.

"They're massive," said Harry doubtfully. "How will they stay on?"

"Trust magic and watch. You'll like this," said Snape.

Harry finger was completely covered as he slid the three rings on. They glowed white and blended together into one ring, which then reduced in size to fit. The ring was platinum and had three tiny circular crests on the top. Harry looked at it in awe.

"In the centre you have the Potter crest, to the left is the Peveril crest and to the right the Gryffindor crest. You are the last member of all three families. Now that the ring has bound to you, you have the authority to sign these documents. This one gives you emancipation- meaning you have control over your own property and some choices in your life. This one discharges Albus Dumbledore from all duties and responsibilities concerning your upbringing," Velum explained.

"What are the other documents for?" asked Harry, as he signed the first two.

"When you are fifteen, you will be allowed to control everything yourself, but for now Hal, you need some adults to guide you. This is your choice and you can think about it as long as you want, but I would suggest that you name Mr Florian and Mr Finn to handle the political duties of the Potter family. They are both good men, and it is a safeguard to you to split the duties."

"What would they have to do?" asked Harry.

"Do you remember Mr Florian's lesson about the Wizengamot, Hal? About how new laws are written? Your family controls a block of votes and you need an adult to cast them for you, either to agree or disagree with new laws. The Wizengamot is also a court, if somebody is accused of a crime, the members hear evidence and decide on a verdict."

"Does Mr Florian know who I am?"

"Yes, he knew your father's family well, and your physical resemblance is uncanny. He is more than willing to help you," said Snape.

"Now the last document concerns guardianship, we would like to propose that Professor Snape and I share that role, if you are willing, Hal. In essence, the role is the same as that of a magical mentor, but we would also help you manage your finances and provide you with accommodation," said Velum.

"You would really want me?" asked Harry.

"Yes, child, you have quickly become dear to both of us," said Velum. "In all honesty, I must tell you that you would not be short of offers to undertake your care. I had considered making a request to the Wood family, who you have seen have ample resources and are politically neutral. However, I believe Professor Snape is more equipped to keep up with your eagerness to learn."

Harry picked up the quill and signed the documents. He wanted to say 'Thank you for being my family' but he felt strangely fragile about that word, so instead he asked, "Will people be able to find me now?"

"No, fortunately for you, the Goblins can claim diplomatic immunity, so they can file a sealed record of your guardianship at the Ministry. Dumbledore will know that you are alive and well, but he has no reason to believe you are resident in the Alleys. The goblins have told him that you arrived by portkey from an undisclosed location, implying that you have gained the protection of one of the prominent wizarding families. As their homes are unplottable, he will have no way of gaining access to eliminate possible guardians. I suppose he might write some letters but like everyone else, he will have to wait until September 1st to meet you," said Velum.

He put all the documents and the quill back into the box and tapped it to return the contents to Gringotts.

"There, it's done now Harry. Now, why don't you read about how to take care of your owl while your meal digests, then we'll head out to meet Greg," Velum suggested.

Harry was thrilled to be having an outing on his birthday and had great fun playing catching games with the quaffle. He didn't have the upper body strength to shoot goals well, but Harry had already decided he wanted to be a seeker. He was a little overwhelmed that four adults would take time to play with him and thanked them all profusely as they dismounted. They retreated to Mr Fortescue's shop after closing time and ate cake and ice-cream, then climbed onto the roof when it got dark, showing Harry the major constellations and teaching him how to focus a telescope.

Harry became drowsy as Mr Fortescue recounted the myth of Orion and smiled as Professor Snape grumbled about being used as a mattress, all the while tucking his ward closer under his arm.

'I've got family,' thought Harry as he drifted off to sleep.