Quirk Ranking:

S-Legendary (All Might) 1000-950 RP : Ranking Points

A-Extremely strong (Endeavour, Best Jeanist, etc.) 949-850 RP

B-Strong (Kamui Woods, Death Arms, etc.) 849-700 RP

C-Above average 699-500 RP

D-Average 499-200 RP

E-Weak 199-50 RP

F-Useless 49-0 RP

The four-year old Izuku Midoriya sat in a chair at the doctor's office, where he and his mother were eagerly waiting for the results of Izuku's quirk test. Izuku was playing with his All Might action figure while his mother looked on, happy that her son had the dream of becoming a hero.

Izuku turned to his mother with a questioning look on his face. "Do you think I will get a strong quirk like All Might?" Izuku said holding his toy high up in the air. "I'm sure you will" Inko said happily that Izuku was having big dreams.

The door opened and the doctor entered the room, his face looked somewhat troubled. Inko noticed this which made her nervous as she didn't want Izuku's dream of becoming a pro hero be crushed at his age.

The doctor sat down on his chair and scratched his head with a pen. "Well young Izuku surely has a quirk but to say it's strong is an understatement." Izuku excitedly wobbled up and down in his chair happy that he got a strong quirk.

Inko was relieved that Izuku had a quirk and that his dream wasn't shattered, but she still wondered about what the doctor meant with his statement. "What are you talking about? Is his quirk A rated?!" She asked, now fully focused on what the doctor had to say.

"Well how should I say this... Out of 1000 points which are given in the quirk test, Izuku reached the full 1000 points." The doctor said shocking Inko and Izuku likewise. While Inko still looked shocked, Izuku on the other hand had a giant smile on his face.

"I CAN BE LIKE ALL MIGHT" Izuku screamed, running through the doctor's office. Inko was laughing and the doctor looked happy too. "Thank you very much doctor. Come on Izuku let's get home, we can make Katsudon" Izuku and Inko went home with Izuku only being able to think about how he will be like All Might.

Izuku arrived at the playground the next day. Bakugo and the others were playing already. He ran over to them, a giant smile on his face not being able to wait to tell Bakugo about his quirk ranking. "Kacchan!" Bakugo turned around waving towards Izuku.

"I was at the quirk doctor's office yesterday, guess my quirk rating!" Bakugo looked at him and his smile turned into an evil grin. "You're definitely weaker than me, so I would say maybe about 300 points" His goons laughed at the sight that was Izuku's disappearing happiness.

"Why do you have to be mean Kacchan?" "I'm not mean it's just the truth" Bakugo said, acting like he was taunting Izuku. "Anyway, the doctor said that I reached 1000 points!" Izuku said, now being back to his usual cheerful attitude.

Bakugo and his goons were stunned for a second before Bakugo decided to further mock Izuku. "1000?! You're crazy, not even All Might has that many points! He probably said 10 and you just didn't listen correctly" Bakugo said laughing at the green-haired boy.

While Izuku was slightly angry he began glowing, which didn't go unnoticed. "Whoa Izuku is glowing." The winged one said pointing towards Izuku. As soon as Izuku focused on the fact that he was glowing the light that he emitted, disappeared.

"You see? That was your stupid weak quirk!" Bakugo said mocking Izuku even further. "No, it's not a stupid quirk just you wait until my quirk shows its full power!" Izuku ran away sad that his friends were so mean towards him.

The 14-year old greenette was lost in thoughts, walking towards his school while mentally thinking about his future as a hero. 'I have ten months left before the entrance exam and all my quirk did was glow once...'

Izuku arrived in his classroom sitting down silently, not even looking at the others who were making fun of him once again. 'I need to train way more to even stand the slightest chance in the entrance exam' Was all that Izuku could think about at the moment.

When the teacher entered the classroom he began talking. "Its time to start thinking seriously about your futures! You guys are all third years now. I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but you all are pretty much planning on going to the hero course , right?"

A loud "YES!" was heard and all the students in the room began showing off their quirks except for Izuku and Bakugo. The teacher calmed them down and was about to say something when Bakugo jumped onto his desk creating explosions in his hands.

"Don't lump us all in the same group, I'm not going to be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!" His classmates got really pissed at him until the teacher told the class that Bakugo registered for the U.A High entrance exam.

Of course, Bakugo wasn't finished and started mocking his class some more. "I aced all the mock tests, I'm the only one suitable to go to U.A and I'll be the one to beat All Might!" The teacher took a second look into his list and saw another student with the same school registered.

"Ah, Midoriya you applied for U.A too, right?" Izuku put his hands above his head, laying his head onto the table. "That human glow stick at U.A? His quirk can't even activate on demand!" Bakugo charged Izuku, blasting Izuku's table in the progress, which scared the green-haired boy.

After class while Izuku was packing up he was approached by Bakugo and his goons. Bakugo snatched Izuku's hero analysis book out of his hands. "What the hell is this? 'Hero analysis for the future' I don't think you'll need this anymore"

Bakugo blasted the book to pieces and threw it out the window into the koi pond outside the school building. "Jump off the roof, you might get a quirk in the next life." Bakugo told Izuku, grinning at the disturbed teen.

Izuku walked down the stairs towards the koi pond, fishing his book out of the water. Izuku took the long route home as he had a lot of things he needed to think about. He noticed something coming out of the drain next to him.

The drain lid shot up into the sky, green sludge spewing out of it. Izuku stood there shocked, not moving until the green mass began to engulf him in it. He struggled to escape the sludge but his power faded away as he grasped for air.

"Stop struggling and this won't hurt a bit." Izuku slowly lost consciousness, a second before he was gone he saw something yellow appear in front of him. "Texas SMASH" He heard, feeling a large amount of air rushing past him before he lost consciousness completely.

Izuku woke up feeling light slaps to his cheek. When he saw who it was he began freaking out completely, his idol and no.1 hero stood in front of him. "I'm glad that you woke up young man, but if you'll excuse me now, I have to deliver this criminal to the police."

All Might prepared to jump away, but before he could jump Izuku made a split-second decision, he grabbed All Might's leg with everything he had to not fall off into his demise. All Might tried to push Izuku off of his leg as they were flying through the city.

"If I let go now, I'll die!" Only after hearing this All Might realised the situation they were in and decided that he needed to land as quickly as possible. Izuku stood in front of All Might wondering if he should ask the one question that has been in his head since that day.

"Can someone with a weak quirk be a hero?" All Might looked at Izuku, not being able to comprehend what he meant by that, but he knew that Izuku waited for an answer so he answered. "People with weak quirks should stay away from hero work."

At this moment Izuku's heart broke. All Might, the one he had admired all his life, told him that he should give it up. Izuku stopped listening to All Might's reasoning and ran down the stairs wiping his tears away. All Might processed what just happened and understood why he asked.

"Shit I need to-" All Might spewed out a lot of blood and shrunk down to his normal size. "Dammit my time limit is up, I'll have to find that kid again and tell him more about the job of a hero, but first I need to get the villain to the police station."

Izuku was going along the main street when he heard an explosion not far from him, he decided that if he was close to it he could take a quick look and then go home. Izuku arrived at the scene and saw a lot of people gathered around the actual villain attack.

He could spot Death Arms, Kamui Woods, Backdraft and Mt. Lady trying to fight some villain. Izuku probably would have been more interested in the fight if his idol wouldn't have just destroyed his hopes and dreams.

Izuku pushed through the crowd to get a better look as he still wanted to see what was going on, but what he saw let his blood freeze. 'Kacchan is being attacked by the slime villain which All Might should have captured... This is all my mistake...'

Izuku got angry at himself for being so selfish. "Why can't I do anything right." One of the people next to Izuku noticed that he seemed to be in despair. "Hey, don't worry about that kid, the heroes are going to defeat the villain." Everything the man said ran through his head. "The heroes aren't doing anything." "They're probably just planning on how to defeat the villain."

Izuku heard the heroes talking. "I can't grab the slime, my quirk is useless against the villain." "Where are the fire fighters?! "I can't get into the street, it's only a one lane road!" "I can't get close to them because of the fire." "Goddammit, we need to wait for someone whose quirk is suited for this situation." Hearing the heroes talking about how their quirks were unfit pushed Izuku over the edge..

Izuku's eyes shot open black like death, a red shine filled his pupils, blood dripping from his eyes. Izuku slowly looked up, staring the slime villain into his eyes, Izuku's rage consuming him. Bakugo saw Izuku and what was happening to him, scaring him more than any villain could scare him.

He rushed past the heroes who were standing at a safe distance. "Hey kid, get back here!" "You're going to get yourself killed!" He heard the words of the heroes but he was controlled by something more sinister than anyone could ever imagine. "Nothing will stop me."

When Izuku ran through the street black mist began forming around his hands.

Izuku reached the slime villain, his hands extending towards it. As soon as he made contact with him a dark aura surrounded them and the slime villain exploded into a million pieces splattering around the alleyway.

The heroes and civilians stood there shocked that a child could do such a thing. When Izuku came back to his senses all he could do was look at what he had done. After the villain was picked up by the heroes they began scolding Izuku for what he had done, all the while Bakugo got praised by the heroes.

Izuku was done and just straight up ran away from the heroes, pissed of at their ignorance as to what would have happened if he hadn't intervened. When he was on his way home he heard someone yell through the small street they were in. "When did I ask you for help you nerd?!"

Izuku turned around and faced Bakugo, he really wanted to let out all his anger. Bakugo was already wandering off but not before saying the last thing Izuku wanted to hear. "And if you think you're smarter than me by hiding your quirk all this time then I'll show you by beating you into the place where you belong, trash!"

Izuku wanted to say sorry but before he could even open his mouth Bakugo was gone. Izuku turned around and wanted to go home but fate was out for him that day. "I AM HERE!" All Might shouted before he suddenly spat out a lot of blood and begun shrinking, confusing Izuku even more.

"You're not the real All Might, you are an impostor!" Izuku said not knowing what was happening. All Might began explaining how he sustained his injury and how it affected his body. Izuku seemed to understand what All Might was talking about and decided to trust him.

"I thought you told me that you had a weak quirk, but what was that quirk you showed while attacking the slime villain?" Izuku looked at All Might slightly confused at what he was implying before he finally understood that his quirk had just manifested.

"WAIT, MY QUIRK JUST MANIFESTED!" Izuku was ecstatic that he finally had a quirk and on top of that even one of the strongest ones in existence. "So you didn't have a quirk like that before?!" "No, all my quirk ever did was glow up once or twice in my life!"

"Then why did you run to safe that boy if you knew that it would get you killed?" "I don't know, I guess my legs moved on their own." Izuku looked down at his legs not knowing what exactly had brought him to jump in and risk his life. "That's great! You are the material that real heroes are made out of!"

"Wait you're saying I can be a hero?" Izuku was on the verge of crying, as he heard that his idol finally said the words he wanted to hear all his life. "Yes! You can be a hero!" Izuku felt happy, the happiest he has ever been. "Meet me on Saturday at 10.00 AM at Dagobah beach and we can train together!" Izuku nodded frantically at All Might.

"Perfect I'll see you on Saturday!" All Might turned into his hero form once more and jumped away, before Izuku could thank him. After standing there for a couple minutes he decided that it was time to go home, his mother probably worrying where he was.

Izuku woke up Friday morning happy what he had achieved the previous day. "I'm not a weakling anymore, I finally can be a hero who saves everyone with a fearless smile." He thought about going into the old forest to train, as he now had 10 months until the U.A entrance exam would begin.

Izuku went out into the old forest to finally start training his quirk and finding out what his boundaries were. When he arrived at the forest he saw something which terrified him, a giant bird-like creature. Next to the bird-like creature there was a boy who looked like he could be around the same age as Izuku, but he had hands attached all over his body.

Izuku slowly approached them thinking that they might just be kids playing around with their quirks but once he got close to them the kid turned around and looked Izuku deeply into his eyes. "We can't let master's work be discovered… Nomu kill him." The Nomu ran towards Izuku ready to obliterate him any second.

Before the Nomu reached him time stopped and Izuku felt like he had lost all gravity that was upon him. He closed his eyes believing that he was about to die, not wanting to see his final moments. When he opened his eyes he was in a white room with a large hooded being standing at the opposite side of the room.