Hi everyone!

I hope you all are having a spectacular day/evening. This is going to be a series of one shots, probably in different AUs and such, featuring mainly Chelsie and I might dabble in some other ships, who knows.

I'll be taking requests, prompts mainly and you'll be mentioned in the beginning of the story. This fic really depends on you guys and your prompts, the more the merrier, seeing as I'll be faced with oodles of work. I'll be accepting any range of prompts, and if I'm kind of iffy about the rating, I'll go ahead and up it or skip the prompt (maybe do a separate collection of them, I'm not sure yet..)

I'll *try* to post a new chapter every week, but that depends on how many requests I get.

So, all you need to do is leave a review on this chapter with your prompt request and I'll be sure to get to it.

Happy writing,

PJ xx