Thank you so much to all the readers and reviewers! This was such a fun journey….well, for me at least, because I love to read smut and angst fics (preferably smutty angst or angsty smut) and I enjoy writing what I read. I adore Fraphne and this couple was just too fun to write. I know it was a crazy roller-coaster, but I enjoyed reading all of the reviews. It always made me smile when readers would get passionate about a chapter. Loved it all. I'm sure I'll write more for them. I've been thinking of expanding my one-shots.

In the meantime, if you are in the mood for some more Fraphne smut/angst I've written a few stories that take place in the Scooby Apocalypse universe and I've been told it hits all the right Fraphne feels.


Daphne held Penny with one arm, the other hand stirring a pot of potato soup, while talking into her phone tucked between her ear and shoulder. She wasn't big on bragging, but she had to admit that having Penny had made her a multi-tasking master.

Daphne was politely ending her call when she heard Fred's key unlocking the deadbolt. He swung the door open, sauntering in and kicking the door shut with his heel. Daphne could immediately sense something wrong with his demeanor. His head was bowed, face blank, as he shuffled past her, not bothering with a kiss to her cheek or Penny's. Collapsing onto the couch, he sagged deep into the cushions, staring intently at the tv that wasn't even turned on.

"Fred?" She asked uncertainly, lightly boucing their fussy baby. "Freddie, what's wrong?"

He didn't answer, his glaze fixated at the tv's black screen. Daphne buckled Penny into her infant swing and joined him on the couch, reaching for his hand. Thankfully he grasped it limply, giving it a squeeze.

Fred's hand slipped from the door knob, he turned and without a second thought said, "I quit."

Gretchen huffed, "Oh, please. I know how badly you need this job. Your little family can't last a month without pay."

He shrugged his shoulders, "We'll manage. Me and Daph have survived worse."

His boss's eyes were as wide as saucers when she realized he hadn't taken the bait. She has absolutely no power now. And to Fred, that was very freeing.

He winked in her direction, while she stood there open-mouthed, trying to think of a snappy comeback. But Fred wouldn't hear it, he was already down the hallway, shoving his personal items into a box.

He heard the clicking of Gretchen's high heels following him to his office. Seeing his stuff being shoved into a box must have made his statement reality, because she hissed, "You'll be back, Fred. If not for me, then for the money. Good luck finding anyone that pays what Joran does."

A wrinkle of worry dug into Fred's stomach, but he pushed it away. He would find a new job. Eventually. The effects of unemployment was the more tolerable choice compared to sleeping with Gretchen.

The drive home was spent reflecting on the future. The worry beast had reared it's ugly head. He was sure he'd made the right decision, but...what if it wasn't?

The events had just spilled out in a teary rush. His solid rejection of Gretchen, losing his job, possibly even destroying his whole career. To make matters more serious, he was the only provider for his newly formed family of three. This news would have broken anyone. And yet, his Daphne was still smiling as if every word had been nothing but rainbows, cupcakes, and butterflies.

Daphne brought her hand up, running it gently down his jawline and cupped his cheek. He knew his stubble was coming in and would be scratchy on her palm. She smiled sweetly, her eyes full of nothing but love, and it pinged his heart. Something about her expression didn't seem genuine. Didn't she understand? Maybe reality hadn't sunk in yet?

Sensing he needed comfort, but was too stubborn to ask for it, Daphne pulled him in for a strong hug. She ran her fingers through his blonde hair, whispering her love in his ear.

Finally, Fred's curiosity got the better of him, "Daph, have you been listening? I'm out of a job. We've ran our savings dry already and...I hate to say this but…maybe we should ask your parents if…"

He shook his head, unable to bring himself to finish his statement. It sounded so much worse when it was said out loud.

Daphne squeezed his hands between hers, "Things aren't always as tragic as they seem."

She reached behind her and pulled out a manilla folder, placing it in his lap. "Call this a reward from the universe for finally stepping away from that succubus. Go ahead," she gestured, "Open it."

Fred piqued an eyebrow, noticing a slight hint of glee and excitement in her voice, as if she had just given him an unexpected Christmas present.

"Go on, Freddie," she clapped her hands like a small child at a birthday party, "Open it! Open it!"

Despite how terrible today had been, her enthusiasm was infectious. Before he could flip the folder's cover, he was grinning from ear to ear. His breath caught in his throat glancing at the first page. What his producer's eyes saw looked like…a contract.

A new contract.

Featuring both of their names.

Him as the editor, producer, cameraman, and all around one-man crew. Daphne would continue as the lead hostess. It even featured a generous clause at the bottom for Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby if they'd ever want to cameo for an episode or two.

Fred blinked rapidly in succession, reading the top form over and over until he'd memorized every word. But it still wasn't hitting his brain. Surely, miracles like this don't just happen when you need them the most. When he finally could speak, his voice cracked, "You got a new job?"

Daphne laughed, "No, Helen Keller, look again. I got us new jobs. And we'll be working together again."

She pointed to a few minor details on the page, "You'll be under me, of course. Both literally and figuratively," she said with a seductive wink.

Fred felt his eyes water when he noticed the salary offer. It was significantly higher than their current - or rather, former - pay under Joran's contract. It would be plenty, enough to build up their savings again and to start a college fund for Penny.

He read through the folder, while Daphne sat beside him, explaining the smaller bits. Apparently, she hadn't just been applying for other positions while breastfeeding Penny at home, his red-headed wonder had been pitching various show ideas to other companies and had finally landed a big one.

Their new show would be a spin-off of their old paranormal series, with a tourism twist. Visiting supposedly haunted attractions and motels, investigating, and encouraging their viewers to come visit themselves.

Fred's cheeks were starting to hurt from so much smiling. "Looks like we're going back to the old Mystery Machine, huh? I need to give the old girl a tune-up though before we head out."

Daphne nodded, "It'll be different now, with the baby, but they included another addendum for nanny services while we're filming. But for the most part, it'll be just us three."

Fred was full of so much emotion he felt he might burst. His mind just couldn't comprehend how awesome this all was. He suddenly snatched Daphne up from the couch, hugging her close, before scooping her off her feet effortlessly, and spinning her around the room. She giggled along with him, both lovers giddy with excitment at their new opportunity. Fred set her down, feeling dizzy and beckoned her mouth for a long deep kiss, her arms sliding around his neck, while his moved across her waist.

The kiss definitely had potential to escalate to something more passionate, had Penny not chosen to let loose a loud, happy baby chortle. Her adorable attempt at a laugh. They both turned to look at their beautiful daughter in her infant swing, her blue eyes shining bright. Fred reached out to grasp her foot, jiggling it, and she giggled and gummed her tiny fist.

Daphne leaned her head on Fred's shoulder, finally, she thought, this is how it's supposed to be.