
"This explains a lot." Ryuko said to three that used to be her boyfriend. As the four sat on their favorite spot on the Eiffel Tower looking out at the city below them.

"How mad are you?" Cat Noir asked sheepishly.

Ryuko turned her blade over in her hands. "I would be lying if I said I was not mad at all, but I understand what you did and why you had to keep it a secret. So that leaves the difficult question for you three. I was dating Hydra an entity who does not currently exist. So do the three of you want to continue dating me? As you know I was and still am dating another group besides you three. And while I am sure they will say yes it is important to double check that they are okay with me dating three other people" Ryuko put her hand to her chin as if in deep thought before exclaiming with fake enthusiasm "Why don't you ask them for me? I am sure you would have no problem convincing your past selves. Luka Marinette and Adrien." Ryuko finished with a sly smile.

Well Shit.

The three were too stunned to say anything before Ryuko jumped off to go find the past version of ladybug and turn in her miraculous. The trio sat in silence as they processed what had just happened.

The next several days happened in a whirlwind of activity as the three discussed their options and planned with Master felt a unique sense of worry and relief when they realized in the middle of one planning session that their bond had been weakened but not severed completely and how with some effort they could still communicate and share experiences. With Master Fu taking everything in stride.

"You three were fused for so long and so deeply that I am not surprised even after the ritual was completed you three still shared aspects of each other. With a little refinement I am confident that you three might be able to fuse together and apart at will. The energies that tied you three together are still very much present, yet the ritual is still doing its work. Each dancing around the other in a delicate balance a little push from the outside could upset the balance and make three one again and the same for the reverse." Master Fu said he refilled a plate full of snacks for the Kwamis who had taken on flecks of color from their former fused partners.

That means we can spend as much time together as we want?

Yes you loveable affection starved kitten.

Being "Jean" was actually fairly fun especially if we can become our own people if and when we want.

Master Fu interrupted their mental conversation with a polite cough and continued talking. "Which may be necessary as right now I see one of two options moving forward either the boosted, uncontrolled second chance altered one timeline or caused a split and then made two different ones. In the first no Miraculous will be able to return you to your time as it no longer exists so you would be stuck in this time."

"Or one quick trip with the Rabbit Miraculous and we are back home." Marinette added knowingly.

"Either way as long as I am with you two I know we can handle anything." Adrien said with a gleaming smile. "though it would be kinda sad to have to leave Kagami well our Kagami? There Kagami but the one we started dating? This times Kagami. But She would be in excellent hands and Our Ka…Our Times Kagami would be waiting for us we would just need to rebuild well, rebuild on our end. God why are time travel pronouns and descriptions so hard?" Adrien blurted out as he starting overthinking the future. He was stopped from going further down that rabbit hole by a kiss by Luka and a reassuring hug from Marinette.

"Adrien why don't we cross that bridge when we come to it? Either way we still have a few weeks in this time why don't we enjoy them and just listen to its unique melody."

"And no matter what you will have us. Both of us." Marinette said firmly before following in Luka's example.

"Well that settles it then." Master Fu said with a laugh. "We have our work cut out for us for the next few weeks but first we should work on allowing you three to become Jean at will and defuse just as easily."

The three nodded in unison ready to face whatever the future, any future, held.

AN: In the immortal words of a sweet porcine fellow That's All Folks. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story I enjoyed writing it. I may in the coming months go though and correct all the little spelling mistakes and reword some of the sentences to make the flow better (No matter how many times I reread or how much time I spend editing it seems like I always miss several somethings) . But besides that, thanks again for reading my first ever fanfiction and my first multiple chapters long one at that.
