Danny sat typing up the final statement in the report from his notes as Baez filed the last of the handwritten notes in the tan manila folder. Everybody else in the precinct had left but them. It was about 12:30 in the morning. Baez got up and grabbed her empty coffee mug from her desk, scattered with papers. She looked at her partner,

"Do you want some?" she asked motioning to his own empty coffee mug. He rubbed his face with his hands

"Yea, thanks." She smiled and scoffed as she picked up the mug. She filled both mugs up with steaming black coffee and headed back to their desks. She set Danny's mug down,

"Thanks, partner," he mumbled. She was about to sit down when her cell phone rang. She took a sip of her coffee and dug her cell phone out of her pocket.

"Baez," she answered, still standing by her partner's desk.

"Yes, hello. Is this first-grade detective Maria Baez out of the 54th precinct?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"Yes..." She hesitated to look back at Danny, he raised his eyebrows giving her an inquisitive look, she shrugged back at him, and then said "And this is…" her voice trailed off as the man continued,

"I am detective Marshall Nelson from the 111th precinct."

"Okay? " She said clearly confused as to why this detective, that she had never met, was calling her. She subtly chuckled at Danny as they exchanged smiles.

"Do you know a Lucia and Ana Baez?" the detective asked interrupting her.

She cleared her throat,

"Yes, they are my mom and sister. Why?" Danny looked up at this comment and watched his partner as she listened to the man on the other end. The residual smile he had left on her face shattered, as terror flooded her eyes, and her face went white. She dropped the mug full of coffee, it clattered onto her desk the boiling liquid going everywhere. Her now empty right hand clutched her abdomen and she gasped for air. In a matter of seconds, the phone slipped from her hand and to the floor. Danny shot up from his chair, and slipped his arms under hers, as her knees gave out and she collapsed into him. Her breath quickened and she began to hyperventilate. One of her fists gripped his shirt. Danny slowly eased her to the ground, still in his arms. He pulled her closer with his left arm and then picked up her phone from a foot away, the other detective still on the line.

"Hello, this is Daniel Regan, Maria Baez's partner. What the hell is going on?" he asked. Detective Marshall answered,

"I'm so sorry detective, Ana and Lucia Baez were found dead yesterday at 11 hundred hours." Danny inhaled sharply,

"Oh my god." He glanced down at Maria, closed his eyes and swallowed. "Thank you, detective. I will call you back in the morning." He hung up the phone, not waiting for a response. He set the phone down and pulled his partner closer. She exhaled shakily and inhaled a whimper escaping her lips tears ran down her cheeks as her emotions intensified.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Her body curled into the fetal position and Danny brushed back her short hair from her face as she struggled to breathe. Danny inhaled slowly trying to keep himself calm. He held her and few tears escaped his own eyes. As he watched his partner's heart break, his own heart broke with her. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as Maria sobbed against his chest, shaking.