My name is Thea Queen. I'm 16 years old. Upon first glance, I am a normal teenager, but my life is anything but normal. When I was 12, my father, and brother went on a boat trip and never returned. Things had been different ever since then. I wasn't the model daughter by any stretch, but at least I had an excuse. I still did well in school. I was on pace to be top of my class. My mom eventually moved on and married an associate of my father's, Walter Steele. I don't date though. Other than kissing a girl at a party and occasionally watching porn, I really don't do anything sexual.

I was currently grounded because Walter caught me drinking. They were leaving me at home while they went to a party. Their plan didn't seem that logical especially because it would be easier to monitor my alcohol intake by keeping an eye on me. I knew that my dad had had alcohol hidden all over the house and I was going to find another one of his spots. I didn't know why he had so many secret compartments in the house, but I supposed that when you're CEO of a huge company, you have to hide your secrets somewhere. I just hoped that he didn't have literal skeletons in his closet.

I found a secret compartment. I was good at finding them. Although, this one was different than some of the others. There wasn't a bottle in it. Instead, there was a book, a lighter and what appeared to be a letter. Strangely, the letter was addressed to me. Both the book and the letter appeared to be blank. I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck I had just found. It was then that I noticed a note on the letter that read use this to read.

I took out the lighter and held it up to the letter. I knew that I probably shouldn't let the flame touch the paper. It was then that words started to appear.

Dear Thea,

If you're reading this, it probably means that I'm dead. You always were good at finding things and I see that you have found this letter that I left for you. I don't know how old you are right now, but hopefully you're old enough to understand what I'm saying. The city is in ruins, specifically in the Glades. Scores of people, myself included, have taken advantage of the Glades and its people something needs to be done about it. I need you to fix it. In the book, there is a list of names. They need to be brought to justice and it's up to you to do it. Don't share this information with anyone, especially not your mother. I have faith in you


I was shocked. I wasn't expecting such a thing. I held the lighter up to the book and just like the letter, words appeared on it. In this case, it was names. Pretty much the entire book was filled. I couldn't help but wonder how someone could write in invisible ink. How would you not write over what's already there? I then looked at some of the names. I had heard my mother and Walter mention a few of them before. Some of my friends parents were there as well. The book did not say how they hurt the Glades. I supposed that I would need to find that out myself. I would have to find what the people were guilty of and like my father said, I would have to bring them to justice.

The question was how. How was I going to do that? I wasn't any sort of vigilante. Maybe I could be. I did possess above average archery skills. I still had my old bow and I think a few arrows as well. But I also needed probably needed to learn how to fight. That would be an easy task. I could meet with a personal trainer to learn martial arts. There was even one at my school. This would take time. It didn't seem like there was any immediate danger, so I probably had some time.

After doing some digging, I managed to find someone who I was pretty sure could train me. There was a woman who lived in Starling City who was a bit under the radar. She was using a different name but I was sure that it was her. I supposed that it was easy to hide when not many people remembered you.

I went to the Chinese restaurant and began to look around. I had to be sure that it wasn't a front for the Triad, which had a home in Starling City. I was sure that she was here.

"I needed to speak Laura Jun." I remarked.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" A woman asked. She was probably in her late 20s.

"Is there somewhere that we can talk in private?" I requested.

She took me to an apartment above the building.

"If you're looking for a job, I don't think you would present the right image for my restaurant." She told me.

"Okay, that's racial discrimination, but luckily I'm not. I want something else. I know your name is really Laura Jun. It's Laurie Jupiter, also known as the former superhero Silk Spectre."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said.

"Look, I'm not asking you to be a superhero again, or do anything." I replied. "Well there is one thing that I want from you. I want you to train me how to fight."

"Why would I train you? Even if I was who you think I am, which I'm not, I wouldn't have any reason to." She pointed out.

"Maybe you don't, but this city needs help and the rich people are too busy bribing the police to be brought to justice. Someone needs to stop them, and if no one else is going to do it, then it should be."

"If these people are powerful as you say that they are, you won't be able to stop them with just hand-to-hand combat. They'll probably have multiple armed guards." She declared.

"I know that." I stated. "I have a weapon for farther range, but I need to know how to fight in case it comes to a situation where close combat is needed. So, are you going to train me or not."

There was a moment of silent. I assumed that she was thinking about my proposition. I waited patiently for her to answer me.

"I'll do it, but I won't do it for free." She said. "I know that you have money and my restaurant could use some of it. I still think that you're on a suicide mission."

"Did they say the same thing when you decided to become a superhero?" I challenged.

"I didn't decide to be a superhero. I was forced to by my mother." She explained. "I've seen friends die."

"You don't have to worry about anything happening to me." I promised. I was going to save the city. I was going to make my father proud of me.

So here's a different take on Arrow with Thea actually becoming a hero before Oliver does. Plus there's an appearance by a seldom used hero in Silk Spectre, who is played by Constance Wu. Please don't forget to review.