Elsa's Foolish Wish

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Arendelle, there lived queen named Elsa and her sister, Anna. Elsa could control the elements of ice and snow with little effort, but sometimes, she longed to be rid of her powers. After all, not too long ago, Elsa had caused an eternal winter and nearly froze her beloved sister's heart. If you ask me, these feelings were rather justified. Anna, for her part, was too in love with Kristoff to notice. As for Olaf, the little snowman, well, let's all agree that he's too stupid to know what was going on. As luck would have it, Arendelle was about to celebrate May Day, and Elsa was working out the plans with her top advisor, Martine, a woman with short, black hair, a red cape, and white dress. "Your Highness", said Martine, "the square will be too crowded for the May Day pole. Might I suggest putting another in the garden?" "Uh, yeah sure", said Elsa. "You seem distracted, your Highness", said Martine, "What's wrong?" "Another letter came", said Elsa. "Another?", asked Martine, "I thought the people of Arendelle had come around to having a Snow Queen". "I was sure they did", said Elsa, "Then again, I've been wrong before." "You're looking at this all wrong", said Martine, "You need to stop people from telling you the powers are ugly. One only needs to look in a mirror to understand true beauty. Martine said this while looking in a nearby mirror carried by two maintenance men into the palace. "Elsa", called Anna, "One of the support posts needs a little fixer upper". "I'll be right there", said Elsa.

Inside the palace, Anna led the servants in decorating the halls with a variety of flowers. One of the servants, a girl with blond hair and green eyes named Ingrid, was putting the roses near a painting of Elsa. Well, I say that, but it was more holding roses and staring. Just then, Alfred the butler walked over. "Miss Ingrid", said Alfred, "I understand you find her Highness beautiful, but"…He pointed to the roses. "Oh yes, of course", said Ingrid. Alfred chuckled and set about dusting the vases. Anna admired the other paintings in the room, especially the one of Joan of Arc. "This keeps me relaxed", said Anna, almost to herself. "Relax?", said Ingrid, "Princess Anna, we have little to worry about". "Besides", said Alfred, "nothing bad has ever happened on May Day. What could possibly go wrong?"

Later that night, in a cave on a nearby mountain, Martine entered a huge, stone temple that resembled a Greek tomb. Inside was Hans, the very man that had tried to kill Anna and Elsa before, wearing a black suit with some armor on the wrists and shoulders. "You are late", said Hans. "I had to help plan a holiday", said Martine, "It's not like I can slip in fake letters and come back willy nilly". "Silence", shouted a deep, menacing voice. The two villains bowed to a man on top of a throne wearing a helmet with three spikes and a metal dragon face, bladed armor, and holding a double-sided spear. It was the Dragon Lord. "You fools have not lost control yet", said Dragon Lord, "On the contrary, everything is going to plan". "Now what?", asked Hans, "You know Herobrine doesn't give out power for free, Dragon Lord". "Of that I'm aware", said Dragon Lord, "Tell your master that I thank him for his trouble. Now, for the big guns". "What big guns?", asked Martine. "The ones that will help you take the throne", said Dragon Lord as he held up an idol shaped like a snowflake, "This is the Wishing Star. We will trick Elsa into using it to remove her power. In order to do that, I'll send in the Super Troll". With that, a large roar was heard. "I can work with that", said Martine.

The next day, Anna checked the May Day presentations in the capital city. "Everything looks good", said Kristoff. "Elsa wants everything to be perfect", said Anna, "Knowing her, she's going to be very upset if even one flower isn't in sync with the others". "It could always be worse", said Olaf, "I mean, it's not like a big, ugly monster is going to crash the party in advance". Suddenly, a huge creature with green fur, gray skin, red eyes, and great claws. It was the Super Troll! Elsa ran over. "What is that?", she cried. "It's a Super Troll", said Kristoff as he took out an ice ax. "I think you mean it's toast", said Anna as she readied her grappling hook, "Run, Olaf!"

The Super Troll looked down, then attacked! Elsa sent out a wave of snow, while Anna hit the beast in the face with her grappling hook! But then, the Super Troll broke free and smashed a fruit stand, all while being hit by Elsa's frost! Kristoff then rode in on his reindeer friend, Sven, hitting the beast in the leg! Anna climbed on the monster's back and hit it with an ice ax! Then, the Super Troll took Anna and threw her! Elsa created a slide to carry her sister to safety, but then, the Super Troll fired psychic waves at Elsa! She then sent ice and snow flying everywhere! The Super Troll roared, but was then hit by a cannonball! "Quick, ready another load", cried Alfred. Before the Super Troll could attack, Elsa regained control and froze the Super Troll! But then, without warning, Elsa accidentally blew apart a market stand! Before the Super Troll could break free, Anna grabbed a sword and cut its head off! "We did it", cried Olaf. "Yes", said Alfred as he wiped sweat from his brow. Elsa looked around at the damage her powers caused and felt her heart sink. She started walking home. "Elsa?", asked Anna. "Let her go", said Alfred, "She needs some space".

Martine walked into the throne room to find Elsa on her throne looking dejected. "I lost control", said Elsa. "Hey, no big deal", said Martine, "I have something that could help". She held up the snowflake idol. "What is that?", asked Elsa. "Don't know", said Martine, "But the miners think it has the power to grant wishes". "How does it work?", asked an intrigued Elsa. "I guess you hold it", said Martine, "and make your wish". Elsa picked up the idol, took a deep breath, and thought of a wish. "I wish to go without my powers for three days", said Elsa. Nothing happened. "Oh well", said Martine, "Best to check in the morning". "You're right", sighed Elsa, "Good night, Martine". Elsa then slunk off to bed. "Nighty night", said Martine.

The next morning, Elsa got out of bed. As she brushed her hair and hummed part of the Arendelle national anthem. Elsa turned a noticed something in the mirror. She didn't look too different, but there was something very wrong with her eyes and hair.

Alfred and Ingrid were dusting in the foyer, when suddenly, a loud scream echoed throughout the palace! "Well", said Alfred, "It looks like the termites are back". Then, Anna ran in with her hair in a mess. "Guys", she cried, "That wasn't termites. That was Elsa!"

The three of them ran into to Elsa's room, just in time to see that Elsa had changed. Her hair was now dark brown and her eyes were green! "What happened?", asked Ingrid. "I don't know", said Elsa, "I was just fine last night. Wait a minute. Suppose..?" Elsa picked up the hairbrush, but try as she could, she could not freeze it. "Oh dearest me", said Alfred, "How could something like this happen?" It took Elsa a moment to think. "The idol", she said at last.

Everyone rushed into the throne room, just as a huge explosion rocked the palace! "What was that?", asked Anna. "Don't know", said Ingrid, "But it can't be good". They all ran into the throne room to find Martine holding the Wishing Star. "Martine, what have you done?", cried Elsa. "What you should have done sooner", said Martine, "I'm handing the reins over to more experienced rulers". Anna noticed the room was getting colder, but forgot about it as the Dragon Lord and Hans burst into the throne room! "Hans", growled Anna, "I might have known". "If only", sighed Hans. "Yeah", said Dragon Lord, "Name's Dragon Lord. I'm afraid Hans here is only a tiny cog in a grand plan. You've lost the frost I see. No worries, Martine will have them for next few years". Martine's hair then turned white as she surged with power! Suddenly, the palace guards entered. "Oh yes", said Dragon Lord, "A demonstration is now in order". Dragon Lord flicked his wrists, and a set of blades emerge from his gauntlets! He then lept at the guards, slicing their spears and kicking them across the room! Martine froze thee guards in a block of ice, while Hans used his sword to fight of the remaining two! The Dragon Lord then killed them by throwing his blades at them! "Well that was fun", said Dragon Lord, "Anyway, as I was saying"… But when he turned, he saw that our heroes had escaped. "Where'd they go?", asked Dragon Lord.

Elsa and Anna rested from their flight into the forests of Arendelle. "What just happened?", ask Anna. "Don't know", said Ingrid as she and Alfred put on armor, "But it'll be a tough job to retake the kingdom". "I've seen worse", said Alfred, "I just want to know how Martine got our Queen's powers". "It's my fault", sad Elsa, "I wished my powers away for the next three days. I just kept getting these letters"… "No matter", said Anna, "We'll just go see the Trolls. They can help us...right?" "I haven't the slightest clue", said Alfred as strapped on a sword.

Back at the palace, Martine had Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf frozen in a block of ice for the Dragon Lord. "I'm asking nicely", said Dragon Lord, "Where are they?" "We don't know", said Kristoff, "Even if we did, we'd never tell". "Yeah", said Olaf, "We'll never tell you where they went". "Fine", said Dragon Lord, "Guards, take them to the dungeon! They'll be back for them; I know it". "Why does it matter?", asked Hans, "Arendelle is ours. We should be celebrating". "It's too easy", said Dragon Lord, "I want the former Queen to suffer, as I have suffered". "Well", said Martine, "you won't get anywhere that way". "You're right", said Dragon Lord, "Time to send in the big guns". Dragon Lord took a potion out of his belt and threw it on the ground! Just as suddenly, three skeletons emerged! "We stand ready to serve", said the skeletons. "Destroy Queen Elsa and her friends", said Dragon Lord. With that, the skeletons drew their weapons and ran off!

Back in the woods, Elsa pushed past some bushes. "Alright", she said, "the good news is I only wished my powers away for three days. "I have a feeling there's some bad news in there somewhere", said Alfred. "The only bad news is that this Dragon Lord guy is in charge and has our friends", said Ingrid. "Still", said Anna, "It could be worse". Suddenly, the skeletons attacked! Elsa was knocked aside, but before she could be speared, Ingrid fought off the skeleton! Alfred took out his two swords and attacked a skeleton with an ax! The skeleton with the sword attacked Anna, but she in turn punched him in the face! "Elsa, catch!", cried Alfred as he tossed her a sword. Elsa then joined Ingrid, and they both killed the skeleton by stabbing him and cutting off his head! Alfred killed the ax skeleton, then threw the ax at the remaining skeleton, killing him as well! "OK", said Elsa, "this is bad". "I'll say", said Ingrid. "We'd better hurry before more show up", said Anna, and they all ran off.

Soon, the team found themselves scaling the side of a mountain. "We should be close now", said Anna. Suddenly, Martine appeared and attacked! "Look out", cried Elsa as she took the force of the ice blast! "You always were too weak to rule", taunted Martine, "That's why I hated you so much". "What?", whispered Elsa. "Who do you think sent those letters?", said Martine, "All that power in such a weak queen. It's disgusting". "Anna", said Elsa as she picked up a spear, "take the others and get to the Trolls". "But Elsa"… "I'll be fine", said Elsa, "Go!" Anna, Alfred, and Ingrid ran off, leaving Elsa to face off against Martine. Martine used her powers to create a blizzard, but Elsa charged through and attacked! Martine used two ice swords to slice her arm, but Elsa then hit her with the blunt end of the spear! Then, Elsa stabbed Martine in the foot! "You have no idea what power you wield", said Elsa, "I had to learn to use them. If anyone makes them look ugly, it's you". Martine then punched Elsa in the face! Suddenly, Elsa started feeling weak, giving Martine the opportunity to kick her in the face! "How is that?", asked Martine, "Your heart is freezing, and there is no one to save you this time". Martine then made an ice sword and prepared to cut off Elsa's head. But then, Elsa stabbed her with the spear! "Go back to Dragon Lord", snarled Elsa. Martine limped into the blizzard, leaving Elsa to walk alone. But the fight had taken its toll. She was now exhausted, and her frozen heart was doing no good. Soon, Elsa started to shiver from the cold, and after that, she fell over and fainted.

Elsa then awoke inside her ice palace. Looming over her was a giant snowman. "Hi Marshmallow", said Elsa sadly. "Why Elsa sad?", asked Marshmallow. "I made a terrible mistake", said Elsa, "I wished away a part of myself. Now I'll never get it back". Marshmallow simply held her hand in his massive, icy fingers. "Still love", he said. "Thank you, Marshmallow", said Elsa, "But I need to get to the Trolls. It's urgent". Marshmallow then picked Elsa up with his massive hand and started walking toward Troll Valley.

Once there, he put Elsa on the ground and watched as her sister hugged her. "Elsa", cried Anna, "I was worried about you. Oh my god, your hair!" Elsa looked at her braid as it started turning pale white. That was when Grand Pabbie, the Troll Leader, came forward. "It's worse than I thought", he said, "Elsa, your heart has been frozen. Not even your powers could save you from this". "What about an act of true love?", asked Ingrid. "It's possible", said Grand Pabbie. "Good enough for me", said Ingrid, and she then kissed Elsa! "That'll do it", said Alfred.

Meanwhile, back at the palace, Dragon Lord was busy chastising Martine. "You thought you could take my kill from me?", he growled. "Forgive me, Dragon Lord", wept Martine, "Had I known…" "Enough", said the Dragon Lord, "You are no longer fit to have her powers. You know what I must do". "NO!", cried Martine. Dragon Lord held up the Wishing Star. "I wish to have Elsa's magic for myself", he said, and just like that, the power drained from Martine. Then, Dragon Lord stabbed her with his arm blades! "This", he said to Hans, "is the price of failure".

"It didn't work?", asked Ingrid. "Sadly", said Grand Pabbie, "Whatever is continuing the freezing process is unknown to me". "It doesn't matter", said Elsa, "Some would say I deserve it". "That's not true", said Anna, "At this point, I'd say the people need you more than ever. Elsa, we can't run forever". "On that, I concur", said Alfred, "Arendelle doesn't need a queen. It needs a hero". Elsa felt the cold surge through her once more, but her resolve fueled her more. "We're taking back the kingdom in the morning", she said at last, "I'll give Dragon Lord a fight he won't forget". "In that case", said Grand Pabbie, "I'd better summon some backup". He took a crystal from his cloak and threw it into the fire. Out of the flames emerged an army of spiked-back wolves, each ridden upon by men whose faces were hidden by helmets and masks. Each and every one of them was holding a spear. "Let's get to it then", said Elsa.

The next morning, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf were lead to the courtyard for their execution. Hans stood by, readying his sword. "Well", said Dragon Lord, "this was fun. I just hope the rest of your friends join the fun very soon". Suddenly, a spear landed in front of Dragon Lord! "Was that supposed to happen?", asked Hans. "They're here", said Dragon Lord, "I am going to enjoy this". The army burst through the palace gates, and immediately attacked the skeleton warriors! Ingrid and Anna were both able to kill two skeletons, but then, Hans attacked! Anna was able to break his sword and knock him out with a single kick! "Stay down, Hans", said Anna. Then, Alfred and the warriors destroyed more of the skeleton army! Suddenly, Dragon Lord froze some of the warriors! Then, just as Anna, Ingrid, and Alfred were about to attack, he froze them in a wall of ice! "Well, what a treat", he said. But before he could attack, he was hit with a rock. There was Elsa, holding a spear, ready for battle. The Dragon Lord removed his helmet, revealing an unremarkable face with a slight scar underneath. "You", he said, "At long last. Now, the winter that you have cause will never happen again". "And what of you?", asked Elsa, feeling the cold flowing through her, "You use my powers to hurt and kill. You make a mockery of my kingdom. That ends here". "You do realize", said the Dragon Lord as he put on his helmet, "you cannot win. I have not only your powers, but those given by Herobrine". "Who cares what happens to me?", said Elsa, "The only thing you have left to fear for is your life". She held up her spear in defiance. The Dragon Lord extended his arm blades and charged! He made a set of ice spikes, but Elsa dodged the attack and cut his leg! She tried to stab him in the heart, but Dragon Lord blocked the move and slammed his head into her! Then, Elsa knocked the Wishing Star off of the Dragon Lord's belt! "No", he cried, but then, Elsa kicked him in the face, smashing part of his helmet! Then, Marshmallow burst through the palace walls to attack, but the Dragon Lord threw his blades and cut his legs off! Before he could make the killing blow, Elsa tackled him! She used the blunt end of her spear the knock his faceplate off! Then, the Dragon Lord threw off his helmet and cut the spear in half! Elsa started limping. "You feel that?", said the Dragon Lord, "That is the feeling your sister must've had when you did it. How does it feel?" Elsa then punched him in the face! "Like that", she said. She then punched the Dragon Lord in the stomach! She felt her hands turn to ice, but Elsa didn't care. She then punched the Dragon Lord so hard, he fell over! Just as Elsa was about to freeze over completely, she took the wishing star and said: "I wish everything was as it should". Just like that, Elsa regained her powers, and with them, she freed her friends. Then, she realized she wasn't freezing anymore. "What happened?", asked Ingrid. "I guess the person that needed to love me the most was myself", said Elsa with a smile.

After that, everything went back to normal, for the most part. In the ensuing fight with Dragon Lord, Hans had escaped. But still, the forces of evil were defeated and everyone was happy. Anna played with the children when May Day arrived, and Elsa and Ingrid walked among the paintings in the palace hallways. "It was wonderful what happened", said Ingrid, "So, what did you do with the Wishing Star?" "Oh", said Elsa, "That old thing? I had Alfred bury it far away from here. That way, I'll never use it for anything as foolish as this again". "That's nice, but what about Dragon Lord?", asked Ingrid. "He was a petty and cruel farmer", said Elsa, "The palace dungeon will suit him nicely." "So, what should we do now?", asked Ingrid. "I say let's get it over with", said Elsa as she pecked Ingrid on the cheek. All Ingrid could do was blush bright red.

Meanwhile, in a fiery dimension called the Nether, Hans walked into a stately mansion and into the throne room. He bowed to a tall man wearing a dark cloak and stared into his pale, glowing, featureless eyes. "Did they succeed?", asked the figure. "No", said Hans, "I was forced to retreat before the two could be killed. Martine is dead and Phillip is in the palace dungeon. We've failed, Lord Herobrine". "It's times like this when I remember what my old benefactor used to say", said Herobrine, "Defeat is only momentary. I have no doubt we'll squash Queen Elsa and her family. All it takes is a little drop of madness". He then turned to his window as a huge, black dragon roared outside.

The End?