Chapter 1

"God it's good to be home!" Daphne sighed, collapsing onto the couch, rubbing her small bump.

Fred chuckled as he sat next to her, holding her in his arms, "I've had the best three weeks with you." He said, pressing his lips tenderly to her neck, Daphne giggled, Fred chuckled again, "This just popped out of nowhere." He said, gently pressing his lips to her bump.

"Daphne Jones, I love you so much." He whispered, Daphne blushed heavily, goose bumps covering her body; this was the fist time she'd heard her name as 'Daphne Jones' instead of 'Daphne Blake'.

"I love you too, Freddie." She said.

Fred slowly fell asleep, his arms wrapped around her and his head on her bump. Daphne watched him as he slept. Since she told him of her pregnancy, and since her bump appeared, Fred had been over-protective; a lot more than he usually is. Daphne loved him for it, but now she knew that it wasn't just her he was protecting.

Never did she think she'd ever look down at her Freddie sleeping with his head on her baby bump.

Never did she think she'd ever love anyone so much.

"Ok guys, Daph and Fredster are gonna be here any minute!" Shaggy said excitedly. "I'm so excited!"

"Relax Shaggy." Velma sighed from her desk. Usually she could be seen with a file in her hand, she was hardly seen with her phone in the office.

"She's right Shagster. Y'need t'chill." Jack said, sharing a box of donuts with Scooby, who now had pink frosting around his mouth; but to be fair, Jack had frosting on his nose that nobody had told him about yet.

"I bet they had the best time." Sara said dreamily, she'd missed her sister, though she'd enjoyed staying with Shaggy and Scooby, she couldn't wait to see her sister. "I'm gonna be an aunt!"

"You already have 2 nieces and nephew." Velma pointed out. "Yeah but face it; I haven't seen Thalia since the wedding and she and Lewis left early because the children were tired." Sara said. "But this baby will be special."

"How so?" Jack asked. "Because I'll actually see my sister pregnant! And I'll be the best aunt in the world! Besides, Thalia's kids hardly spoke to me at the wedding."

"For several reasons Sara," Velma began, "Tobias is a year old, Jessie was tired from dancing with Shaggy and Megan was upset when she spilled juice on her dress."

"Raphne! Reddie!" Scooby exclaimed, bouncing to the door; nobody had noticed the couple entering the office.

Everyone stared at Daphne; she was nearly 3 months pregnant when she and Fred left for their honeymoon; and it was barely noticeable, now she had a baby bump.

"Oh my god your huge!" Sara exclaimed. "I'm not." Daphne replied, rolling her eyes, "I'm only 3 months. But my body-guard seems to think I'm about to burst."

"Can I help it if the love of my life is carrying my first child?" Fred asked, he walked over to the filing cabinet and was surprised to find all the files marked with a CASE SOLVED stamp. "Wow, you guys have been busy." He said.

"Yep," Sara said proudly, "We solved them all kidnappings, robberies, one or two murders, it was a piece of cake."

"Were we solving different mysteries?" Jack asked, "Because they weren't that easy."

"Well I had so much fun!" Sara exclaimed. "Show them the scrapbook." Shaggy said, nudging her arm.

"Scrapbook?" Fred asked. Sara jumped up from the couch and grabbed a book from the shelf. It was a brown scrapbook covered with stickers and rough drawings, and SHAGGY AND SARA'S SCRAPBOOK on the front.

"Cute." Daphne said, sarcastically, but Sara rolled her eyes and opened the book, the pages inside were covered with pictures of Sara and Shaggy with handcuffed criminals.

"It was Shaggy's idea." Sara said. "Cute." Fred muttered to Shaggy, who elbowed him.

Daphne was happy for her sister, though she seemed to be oblivious to the fact that Shaggy was dropping hints that he liked Sara.

Everything was great, she and Fred are finally married and she's pregnant, she was getting on great with her sister and Jack had officially began working with them; but something was on her mind…Velma.

She'd hardly said a word to Fred and Daphne since they stepped into the office, so she left Fred looking through Shaggy and Sara's scrapbook and stepped over to the desk where Velma sat, holding her phone tightly in her hands.

"Velm, you ok?" Daphne asked, Velma nodded. "How are you?" She asked. "I'm great." Daphne smiled, "Are you ok?"

"Yes." Velma replied. "You usually have more to say than that." Daphne said, "I've known you since we were 6, what's the matter?"

"It's a girl thing." Velma muttered, then she sighed, "Can you come to my apartment tonight? I need to talk about something, but…you're the only one I feel like it can talk to."

"Is everything ok?" Daphne asked, growing concerned. "Yeah, it's nothing worth panicking about, but I really need to talk to someone." Velma said.

"Ok, sure. I'll be over later." Daphne said.

Velma smiled. "So, how was France?" She asked. "Amazing!" Daphne said, remembering her 3 weeks with Fred. "How was travelling with you know, being pregnant?" Velma asked. "Exhausting, but Fred was so good to me." Daphne smiled, she looked at him.

How did I get so lucky? She thought.

"Well, that was nice." Daphne said. She and Fred were driving back to their home, after visiting Fred's mother who cried with excitement upon seeing Daphne's bump. While they were gone, Ms Jones had begun redecorating the spare bedroom into a baby's room, with Fred's old crib which she kept in the garage.

"Yea, I told you she'd be excited." Fred said.

"What?" Daphne asked, Fred looked at her, before returning his focus back onto the road. "Nothing, I just…remember after I proposed to you and we talked about having kids?" He asked, Daphne laughed, "Yeah, we said we were going to wait at least 2 years after we got married before we had kids."

"Nothing ever goes to plan, does it?" He asked, smiling. Daphne smiled back, "No, it doesn't."