Zim arrived to Ms. Bitter's class on time from hiding in the bathroom and immediately sat at his seat. He waited throughout the lunch period and recess period to avoid the Gaz-human.

It was a good thing that Gaz wasn't in the same class as Zim or else he would have thrown the same fit from the cafeteria. Even if she wasn't in the classroom, he still felt uneasy from how he felt in her presence.

He didn't want to admit that it was himself naturally feeling this way, so he was suspicious if Dib or Gaz had done anything to him.

He glared at the Dib-monkey sitting at his assigned seat. He had human slop staining his clothes and head. His slumped posture showed he was drained from the events that happened to him before. After the whole food fight, he had to stay in at recess to help clean the cafeteria.

Surely they did something to make Zim feel that squeamish fuzzy feeling. Well, he for sure knew the Gaz-human did something.

And strangely did nothing suspicious at the same time…

No! She did. She's surely hiding something. There's something about her that allows her to control Zim in a way…

Zim slammed his face on his desk. Why did humans have to be so humany? With their squishy emotions and stuff. They were so confusing to him. Especially the Gaz-human. She was so different from the rest of the humans that she made him feel terrible.

And yet he didn't feel so terrible.

But why was he, an Irken, so capable of experiencing this weird human emotion? He needed to know more. Was the planet's environment and atmosphere getting to him? Was he infected? Was he ill? What other explanation could there be-

Ms. Bitters growled. "No sleeping in class, Zim."

Zim turned his head up and sat up straight. "Zim doesn't need sleep!"

"Good for you," Ms. Bitters responded in her monotone voice. "It seems this entire class has failed on basic human function once again." She glared at all the students covered in cafeteria food. "Not surprising." She grabs a pile of books that were behind her desk. "I suggest reading on pigs to learn more about who you all really are."

Ms. Bitters slithers to each desk and hands each student a book on basic pig information.

Dib grabs a book and weakly places the book down on his desk. "This Skool doesn't surprise me anymore." He sighs. He opens the book and pretends to look through the pages so he can drift off into his own little world. A world where everyone believes him and his studies.

Zim rests his head in his hand as he flips through the pages of the book with his free hand. Each pig photo seeming more disgusting with each page turn.

"Filthy pig beasts. Almost as filthy as worthless humans." He began to say to himself. He would of said they were equally filthy if it weren't for… anyways. "Stupid pigs. Stupid humans. Stupid fuzzy feeling. I will be ruler of this stinking planet." He tries to keep his mind off of thinking about the cause of his fuzzies.

He turns a page. Two older pigs are seen with a small pig.

"Disgusting pig love."

He turns once more. Two people are seen sharing a hot dog.

"That pig probably deserved it."

He looks at the food intently.

"...Yeah, probably."

Zim doesn't turn the page. He wanted his hand to move the page so he wouldn't see the couple anymore, but he wanted to keep observing the scene. He spent a good minute staring at the picture. He placed a hand on the picture looking at it in an entranced state. His expression became somber. He craved this. But he wasn't hungry for food. He was hungry for, "Zim's love-pig… She is worthy of Zim… We can rule… together… Together? Gaz-human? Gaz-human?!"

What was he thinking?! Putting himself in that situation with… with-!

Here comes the fuzzy feeling again.

Zim began to yell once again. "How can this be?! I must conquer the fuzzies! I can't take it anymore! AHHHH!" He slammed his hands against his desk and against the pig book and stretched his legs out. His whole body felt tense.

"Being scared of pigs doesn't excuse you from reading the book," Ms. Bitters called out.

"Zim is not scared of love-pig!" Zim shouted.

Dib sighs. "She didn't say love-pig. She just said pig."

Zim glares at him. "Lies!"

Dib simply rolled his eyes and continued in his preferred little world. Although, he did question why he said love-pig. Why was the term so familiar to him?...

Zim had to wait a few more agonizing minutes with the small daydreams of the Gaz-human that would pop up in his head from the boredom of pig book skimming. Time went by slowly as he shuffled in his seat at the thought about wanting to be in the human's company or not. He needed to know if the emotion would do him more hurt than a fuzzy sensation if it could grow bigger around her presence. The humans could handle the emotion, but he wasn't sure if his body could handle the emotion.

Even if Dib was stuck in his ideal world, he was able to observe Zim's suspiciously erratic behavior. He needed to know what was up with him.

After what seemed like forever, the bell rang to dismiss the Skool classes. Kids swarmed through the doors and through the windows to impatiently leave the building.

Dib called out to Zim before he could exit the classroom. "The book inspired some sort of evil plan for you, didn't it? What are you gonna do with pigs, huh?"

"Those filthy pigs are of no use to Zim!" He glared at him.

"Then what's love-pig, huh?" Dib curiously asked with a raised brow.

Zim's eyes went wide at the sound of that term. "What is this love-pig you speak of?! He yelled quickly before bolting out of the classroom.

Zim ran in panic to the exit doors of the whole Skool shoving a few Skool kids in the process. He opened the two giant doors and checked behind him to see if the Dib-beast was following him. Without looking ahead, he took a quick step outside the building and fell back from bumping into someone in front of him. He looked up to see the towering figure above him.

The hideously alluring short purple spiked hair.

The intimidatingly intriguing scowl from being irked.

The scarily powerful clenched fists from her wonderfully built up anger.

Little Gaz.

She warned through clenched teeth, "watch where you're going, Zim."

No, Zim's love-pig.

Zim panicked once again. A warmth grew inside of him. "Not the fuzzies!" He immediately stood up and ran straight home.

Dib shortly made it outside of the Skool, panting from running to try to catch up with Zim. He stopped next to Gaz. "Darn it! I need to figure out what he's planning! All I know is that he was freaking out over pigs or some love-pig." He ran ahead without Gaz to investigate what Zim was doing or was going to do.

Gaz exasperatedly sighed and walked down the steps of the Skool. "I just want to go home and get more batteries for my Game Slave." She started her walk home. She didn't mind the idea of walking alone so nobody could annoy her.

In between her walk, all she wanted to think about was getting home and doing things she wanted to do, but she didn't think Dib's last words before zooming off would stick in her mind.

Gaz rose a brow. "Pigs?" She clenched her teeth. "...Love-pig?" Her clenched fists shook in anger. She found it amusing that pigs were enough to psych Zim out with how superior he proves himself out to be. Even if he wasn't such a threat to Earth, she could relate with the power and authority he tried to show to humans with his attitude. While he often failed, he did have his moments…

Gaz shook her head. "This is stupid." She hated how he used the term 'love-pig' as a sign of endearment.

Gaz growled. She hated how she hates his term less than how she thought she would.

His attitude, voice, laughter. They were all annoying.

Yet, they surprisingly weren't that annoying.

Her eyes opened wide. An eye twitched. She stomped on the floor as she walked. "... Love is stupid!"

She rose a shaky, clenched fist. "Curse you Dib for leaving me alone with these thoughts and not your annoying paranormal studies for once. Curse you Zim for ever wanting to take over this stupid planet. I wouldn't be having these thoughts or emotions about anybody if you never appeared in our lives. I just want to be alone and enjoy what I want to do. Curse you gross, warm human emotion. Curse you Zim! CURSE YOU!"

She angrily bolted to her home wanting to distract herself in her room with her video games.

A/N: Oh my. Frustration on both sides haha.

I really appreciate people following, reviewing, and favoriting. It's a joy to see!

I'm beginning to feel the fuzzies like Zim, woops.

Until the next!