Chapter Five

Meeting Lady Silver Diamond

Grandmother and grandson meet for the first time. Will Lady Silver like her grandson or not?

As Steven and Pearl go outside so they can un pop the bubble that held Lady Silver in it, they see Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth with Greg at his van messing with stuff in it

Both Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth and Greg see them as Grey says "hey there Schtu-ball, what you got there?"

Before Steven answer back, Peridot looks at the gem and says "Lady Silver Diamond"

"what, another diamond, is she dangerous like White Diamond?" Greg says as he starts to freak out which Pearl was trying to calm him down

"no she was actually nice person." Pearl says

"but why is she in a bubble?" Amethyst says

"she went into hiding when White Diamond took over Homeworld and then mom started and ended the war so mom and Pearl found her and bubbled her, she's been in Pearl's gem for six thousand years." Steven says

"what are you gonna do with her gem." Greg asks

"I want to talk to her." Steven says

"why?" Amethyst asks

"she created mom so technically she is my grandmother." Steven says "and I want to get to know her."

"oh boy, more family bonding." Greg says

Steven un popped the bubble and placed the gem on the sand and he backs away slowly from the gem until the gem starts to glow and float in the air

As a figure appears and begins to take form, the gem is position on the chest like Amethyst and Bismuth and the figure was still stretching, it was almost tall as the temple

Then the glowing stopped and there stood a one hundred feet tall woman. She had long curly silver hair to her hips, one of her eyes was covered by her bangs. She is wearing a silver long dress to her feet and long sleeves. Her gem was shown on her chest. Her skin was silver like her hair and her eyes were closed

Steven had stars in his eyes as he whispers "Grandmom is a giant woman."

"whoa, she's taller then White Diamond." Amethyst says

Then the giant woman opens her eyes to reveal silver eyes with diamond pupils

Steven had his mouth hanging open as he stares at her

She looks around for something as she says "Pearl, where are you at?" with a scared voice

"she sounds scared." Steven said to himself

She then hears "I'm down here my lady." She looks down to see Pearl surrounded by a bunch of strangers she didn't know

"Pearl." she says as she bends down to her knees so she can reach Pearl's height

"Pearl, why am I un bubble, I told you and Rose to keep me bubbled until White is over thrown or she has changed her ways." she says in a scared voice

Everyone is quiet until Pearl says "my lady, your daughter White has changed her ways about four years ago."

"four years ago, but why am I being told this now." Lady Silver demands

"because..." Pearl says

"because what?" Lady Silver says

"because I forgot that I placed you in my gem." Pearl says

"I should have you shattered for this betrayal." Lady Silver says as she raises her left hand and was about to strike Pearl

Pearl closes her eyes and tries to protect her gem until "wait." Steven says as he actives his shield to protect Pearl from being shattered

"wait, that shield, Rose is that you, why are you in this strange form." Lady Silver says as she picks up and holds Steven in her hands

"my lady, it's a long story." Pearl says

"well I got time." Lady Silver says with a smile

"remember the war against Homeworld." Pearl says

"yes I remember it, you guys won as rose shattered my daughter Pink, oh Pink I miss you so much my youngest." Lady Silver says as she begins to cry

"well that's not the whole truth, my lady." Pearl says

"more lies, is this Rose in a few form or not?" Lady Silver says as she looks at Steven

"the truth is that, Pink failed her shattering." Pearl says

"what, she's alive, where is she at?" Lady Silver says

"after the war ended, she took the form of Rose Quartz for six thousand years." Pearl says

"so this creature is Pink now?" Lady Silver says as she points to Steven in her hands

"kinda yes but Pink as Rose fall in love with a human eighteen years ago." Pearl says

"a gem in love with a human, that's crazy." Lady Silver says

"I thought so too but I was ok with it. So Rose got pregnant and gave her form up to give birth to her only son Steven who is your hands." Pearl says

Lady Silver looks at Steven with a weird look until Steven lifts his shirt to reveal his gem to her

"I see that you got her hairstyle but with a different color." Lady Silver says which made Steven smile

"so Pink doesn't exist anymore?" Lady Silver says

"no, she gave her form up to give birth to me." Steven says "and hi grandmom."

"does that make you the new Pink Diamond." Lady Silver says

"I'm not actually the new Pink but I do have her duties like the Earth belongs to me." Steven says

"so what do I call you-Pink, Rose or that weird name Steven?" Lady Silver says

"well technically since you created mom and mom created me, so I'm your grandson." Steven says with a smile "and also you can call me Steven"

"I have a grandson from Pink, so your half gem and half human, have you been proofed before." Lady Silver says

"well not yet but White did remove my gem, my human half was dying until my gem half turned into me and we merged back together." Steven says

"why did White do that?" Lady Silver asks

"she thought Pink was still alive but hiding in her gem in the form of me until she removed my gem and it turned into me, White asked where is Pink and my gem half shouted back at her "she's gone" so she understood that Pink was truly gone after she had a mental breakdown." Steven says

"well I'm happy that White has changed her ways." Lady Silver says

"Yellow and Blue have changed too." Steven says

"I'm happy for that, Steven." Lady Silver says as she brings Steven up to her face so she can kiss him on the face and Steven gives her a hug on her face with a smile on his face

Everyone on the ground was in tears as they watch grandmother and grandson hugging and getting to know each other