I have a love-hate relationship with the song "I Love You Always Forever" by Donna Lewis. This story popped into my head.

Steve leaned over the engine, one hand steadying him. He held a wrench in the other hand, satisfied he was finished with his task. The Marquis should run like a dream.

"I love you always forever." He sang along with the music. Tinkering with the car was a huge stress relief for him. Singing backup to the oldies station was another. "Near and far closer together."

He took a breath, ready to launch into the final fluffy lines of the chorus. "Say you'll love, love me-"

The song cut off, and a figure blocked his light.

"Excuse me?" Steve looked up. He'd been expecting company.

Danny stood by the work bench, hands in his pockets, looking all smug and hot in his crisply pressed slacks and dress shirt. "Who listens to the radio anymore?"

"Um." Steve frowned. He was offended by the sudden silence and Danny's outfit. "I was listening to that. Why are you so dressed up?"

"I mean, I get listening when you're in the car."

Danny had slipped into random rant mode. Steve took a deep breath and waited him out.

"Sure, it's got a good message but the song is evil."

"Evil?" Steve quirked an eyebrow at Danny. This could be good.

"It's an earworm. It will stick in your head. And the lyrics will go round and round and round. Til you go crazier than normal. So, stop singing it. Now. Please."

Steve grinned. "It's already stuck in my head."

"So, you're passing it on to me?"

Steve had no defense. He hoped his goofy grin would win him some points.

"Stop. Your exquisite good looks can only get you so far, mister." Danny poked Steve.

"My exquisite good looks? Wow."

Steve's chuckle was contagious and a turn on. Danny blushed when he replied. "That's right. I said it."

Unable to help himself, Steve returned to the song. "I love you. Always-"

Danny slapped his hands over Steve's mouth. "STOP!"

"Never." Steve licked Danny's hand. And used Danny's surprise and veiled disgust to grab Danny by the wrist and spin him around, pulling him close.

"Uh, Steven. What was that and what are you doing?"

"You talk too much." He wrapped both arms around Danny who leaned into him for a millisecond before jumping out of his grasp.

"Jeez – you better not – god what did you do?" Danny feigned horror as he studied the palm of his hand.

Steve's eyes twinkled. "Me? What's wrong with you?"

"Do you know how much this cost?" Danny smoothed his shirt and tried to look at his own ass. "There better not be any grease on me."

Steve bit his lip. "Ooops."

"Ooops? No oops, you animal."

"I'm sorry, Danny." Steve handed his friend a rag.

"Like that's gonna help. It's covered in grease too. Like you!"

"Oh, I'm just kidding about the grease. You're fine." Steve tilted his head and smiled. "Why are you dressed up anyway?"

"No reason."

"It's 98 in the shade, Danny." Steve wiped his hands before pulling his shirt over his head.

"God, must you?"

"It was dirty." Steve shrugged.

"I can't take you anywhere."

"I'm in my own garage. Fixing my car on a hot day."

"Right there's your problem."

"So now I have a problem?" Steve edged into Danny's space again.

Danny stood his ground, raising an eyebrow. "You're gonna have a problem. Very soon."

"Don't worry. I can handle myself." Steve leaned in close. He knew Danny could feel his breath on his neck because he shivered. "And I wouldn't dare mess up your precious shirt. Not unless you want me to."

Frozen, Danny didn't move or breathe. Steve turned away, gathering his tools and closing up the car. Humming to himself before adding the words. "I love you always forever. Near and far closer together."

Steve smiled over his shoulder as he left Danny standing in the garage, still processing what just happened.


"You're lucky."

Steve took a sip of water. He let Danny talk.

"Not a spot of grease. How'd you manage that? Are you a mechanic ninja now?" Danny leaned against the counter.

"Ninja mechanic. That's a new one." Steve offered Danny a glass of water, which he accepted. Steve took advantage of the moment and asked his burning question again. "Why are you so dressed up?"

Danny answered simply. "I had a date."

"A date? Since when do you have a date?" This information surprised Steve. And not in a good way.


Never had one small word made Steve so giddy. Had. Danny had a date. As in past tense. No more date.


Why no more date?

"Yo Steven. You in there?"

Danny was talking to him. Shit.

Steve needed to know one thing. "What happened to your date?"

"Oh she's okay. A little pissed at me, but she'll be fine."

"You cancelled?"

"Yes I cancelled."


Danny shook his head and set his glass in the sink. "Why did I cancel my date?"

"Stop repeating what I say."

"Stop being you."

Steve wrinkled his nose. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Danny undid the first three buttons, letting his shirt hang open. He chuckled.

"Seriously." A little worry crept into Steve's voice. "What's up?"

Danny sighed and headed for the living room, hands in his pockets.

"Danny?" Steve followed like a magnet. He could hear his best friend mumbling something. He really needed to know what it was.

"I love you always forever…" Danny's singing was almost a whisper. His smile was shy when he made eye contact with Steve again. "Told you it gets stuck in your head."

"It's great, though, right?"

"Clearly we're not talking about the song." Danny took off his dress shirt to reveal a snug white T.

"You're stripping for me?"

"I don't want your grimy paws to ruin my new shirt."

"Why would my grimy – why would my hands be on your –" Steve stumbled with his words.

Danny rolled his eyes. "Clearly I see why someone called you Smooth Dog. Come here."

Steve obeyed. He was too calm for what he hoped was about to happen. Like he was watching himself invade Danny's space.

"Hey, whoa. Don't crowd me. Where are your manners?"

"Woof." Steve growled.

Danny's burst of laughter was cut off by Steve's mouth covering his.

Then a car door slammed and Steve pulled away. "Junior's home."

Danny grabbed his shirt from the chair and smoothed his pants. "I gotta jet. My date."

"But you cancelled?" Steve didn't hide his disappointment and confusion.

"Yes I did. But I have a table for two waiting."

"Oh okay." Head down, Steve nodded.

"Grab one of your Navy showers and join me." Danny smacked Steve's sweaty, bare back before he headed for the door.

Steve didn't have to be told twice. He bolted up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time.

Danny laughed as he closed the door, looking around before adjusting his pants. Shirt slung over his shoulder, he whistled what he would now think of as their song as he walked to the Camaro.

"Hey Danny." Junior waved at him.

Tani jumped out of the truck. "Hey Danny. Got a hot date?"

"The hottest." Danny answered with a laugh. He left the pair standing there watching him. They'd find out soon enough.

Is there a song that gets stuck in your head?

Happy Birthday, Tracey450! This story is for you. It's one of a few I have planned for your birthday month. Why have just one day?