Okay so I have been trying to upload this fic for a few hours now. For some odd reason it Keeps glitching. So I'm hoping this time It works. Sorry for the long wait. I do hope everyone is well.

Chapter 11

Rachel sighed leaning her face on one of her hands as she sat at the kitchen counter eating her snacks. She wasn't looking forward to having Kitty in her home at all.

"Rae-Rae don't be sad." Brittany said reaching over and squeezing her hand gently.

"I'm not sad Britt." She said, patting the tall blonde's hand. "I'm just not looking forward to having that-that Thing in my home." Rachel's face scrunched with a scowl.

"Don't worry short-stack, me and Britt will be here to have your back." Santana says popping a strawberry into her mouth.

"Hey girls." Shelby says walking into the kitchen. She wanted to finish some grading before Kitty came over so if Rachel needed her she would be available.

"Mmm these are my favorite." Shelby says popping a strawberry into her mouth. She had made sure the girls had some snacks before she left to her office to collect her papers.

"These celery sticks are really good." Brittany says brightly, grabbing another celery stick and biting into it.

"Yeah mama S what's in the filling." Santana asked, taking a large bite of her celery stick. She wasn't too fond of vegetables to begin with. But her mom made her eat them anyways.

Smiling, she was glad Rachel and her friends enjoyed the snacks. She was worried because nowadays kids like junk food. And she doesn't mind it but would prefer for Rachel to eat healthier and have the junk in moderation.

"It's jalapeno cream cheese." Rachel adds in. Popping a strawberry into her mouth.

"For reals?" The other brunette replies shocked. "Well I would have never guessed." She says with a shrug and goes for another one.

"Okay girls what would you like to drink?" Shelby asked, walking to the fridge. "We have apple juice, grape juice and ice-tea? Oh, and water."


"Grape juice."

"Apple juice."

The girls all say at once.

Shelby brings the girls their drinks. "So, I was thinking that you girls can work here in the kitchen on your project. The counter is plenty big enough and I will be at the kitchen table across the room." Shelby did not want to leave the girls unsupervised. Kitty was not to be trusted in her opinion, and for the time being she was going to give her the benefit of the doubt.

All the girls nod and continue to eat and chit chat for another half hour.

Rachel was handing Santana the plates from their snacks to put into the dishwasher when the doorbell rang. Noticing the lack of movement Santana encouraged Rachel to go get the door and that her and Britt would finish in the kitchen.

She took a deep breath in before letting it out, trying to center herself before she opened the door to let in the spawn from hell in her home.

"Hello, Kitty. Please come in." Rachel says politely.

Kitty walks in the foyer looking up and around the entire room in awe.

"My mom doesn't allow shoes in the house, so we have this cubby here for our daily shoes." She explains pointing to the shoe cubby.

Kitty lifts an unimpressed eyebrow and walks to the cubby to take her shoes off. She didn't want to start an argument, so she just complied.

Rachel explains they are doing their project in the kitchen and leads the way to the kitchen where they meet San and Britt.

Kitty observed all the rooms she passed as they walked towards the kitchen. This house seems huge. She hoped maybe the little runt would show her around.

Santana was just finishing loading the dishwasher when both Rachel and Kitty came into the kitchen.

"Oh, I see you have hired some help." Kitty bites sarcastically.

Narrowing her eyes, Santana was moments from a smart remark when Rachel intervened.

"Okay, can you two stop? Let's just get through this next hour or two without any drama." Rachel snaps annoyed.

The girls are 30 minutes into their project when Shelby walks into the kitchen to check on them from her spot in the dining room.

She walks over and places a kiss on the top of Rachel's head in greeting. "Hey bug how are things going?" She asked walking around the island to pull out a pitcher of tea from the fridge.

"We are making progress." Rachel replies. Looking up from her outline.

"Yeah mama S me and Britt are making progress as well." Santana states happily. She has never really been good at turning things in on time. But having Rachel as a friend has helped a lot.

"That's good to hear." She says with a smile. "Would any of you like some ice-tea?" She offers to the four girls sitting in front of her.

"Yes please." Is heard from the three girls.

"What kind of tea is it?" Kitty asked curiously. She was watching in fascination how all three girls interacted with Shelby.

"It's passion fruit with a little bit of blueberry simple syrup." Shelby answers. She already poured the three other girls their drinks.

"OMG this tastes just like the ice-tea at the Tea Shack downtown." Britt exclaims.

"Okay well, Kitty if you decide you want some the pitcher is right there and there are glasses in that cabinet over there." Shelby states pointing to the location of where the cups were. "I will be at the table if you need anything." And makes her leave.

Another 30 minutes pass when Kitty throws down her pencil and drops her head onto the counter. "Do we have to do anymore? My head feels like it's going to explode any minute now." She grumbled into the counter.

"Well I think we made good progress. I guess we can pick up again on Monday." Rachel suggests.

"Oh, can we go into the media room and pick a movie to watch?" Brittany asks, jumping in her seat with excitement.

"Sure Britt, I'll ask my mom."

Kitty watches as Rachel walks over to talk with Shelby. Some part of her is jealous. Somehow the little twerp ended up with a loving parent, large house and anything she could practically ask for. It just wasn't fair.

"Your green is beginning to show." Santana remarks with a smirk.

Rolling her eyes, she decides not to comment. The last thing she needs right now is to get into any kind of trouble.

"Okay mama said it was fine as long as we all got our homework done." She announces with excitement. Then looks at Santana, "Oh and mama said she talked with mami about you spending the night so we can just wake up and go to the festival in the morning." She beams. She has never had a sleepover before.

"Wait can I sleep over too?" Brittany asked, feeling left out.

"I really don't see why not. We are all going to the festival tomorrow." She states with a shrug. "But you should go ask my mom just to make sure." Rachel says cleaning up her books and things from her project.

Kitty's blood was boiling with envy. She was shocked to hear Rachel refer to Santana's mom as mami and even more surprised the little runt was having a sleepover and going to the festival. It was the talk of the school and anyone who was anyone was going. She was sad deep down, she longed for true friendships, but life hasn't always been easy for her and instead of taking things in stride she is bitter and mean to those around her.

"So, when is your ride coming?" Santana asked pointedly. She wanted to just hang out with her friends and not have to walk on eggshells being around Kitty, her mouth tended to get her in trouble and she didn't want to be banned from attending the festival because of something she said to the small blonde spawn.

"Why does it matter? Tired of me already?" Kitty snaps.

Rolling her eyes, Rachel goes to pick up Santana's things for her. "I got it, short stack." She says, mouthing a small thank you, then reaches out a hand to stop the small girl from continuing her task of picking up her schoolwork.

Walking over to the girls, Shelby smiles. "Okay girls go on up to Rachel's room and get dressed in something comfortable. There is a dresser that has extra clothes for guests that should fit you both." Shelby explains. The girls quickly leave the room squealing in delight. "No running." She shouts in the direction of the very excited girls. She shook her head with a smile, she forgot what it was like being in a house with a bunch of squealing pre-teens.

Shelby looks to Kitty and frowns. She hates that the small girl is so mean to her daughter. If she had been nice then maybe things would have been different. "What time is your ride supposed to be here?" Shelby asked inquisitively.

Looking at her watch she realized her foster mom was due to pick her up in about 45 minutes.

"My foster mom should be here soon, at least within the next 45 minutes or so." Kitty answered honestly.

"Okay well the girls should be down soon and will most likely be in the media room. So, you are more than welcome to join them. Just please no arguing." Shelby stated seriously. "I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, and do not test me on this Kitty. Remember this is Rachel's home, a place she feels safe in. I will not have you making her feel bad or hurting her feelings in her own home. So, I expect you to be respectful and mind your manners. If Rachel were to be the one to get out of hand, then I will deal with it. I will not tolerate any name calling or any physical confrontations. Is that understood?" Shelby questions firmly.

Kitty nodded solemnly. She would never admit it out loud, but Rachel's mom scared the crap out of her. She knew when to pick on the small girl and knew when not to. She would be crazy to pull something here with Shelby within close proximity.

Shelby goes and leads the way to the media room and tells Kitty to make herself at home. She heads upstairs to check on the girls and smiles as she sees them in matching black and pink plaid pajama bottoms and black tank tops.

"Hey baby." Shelby says walking into the room.

"Hey mama." The small girl says with a megawatt smile. "Do you think we can paint our nails later?" The young girl asked her mom.

"Sure babe, I think I have a case of nail polishes and polish removers and stickers and lots of other cool things put away somewhere."

"Thanks." Rachel grins widely.

The girls make it to the media room and decide to watch a Harry Potter movie. Rachel has never seen any of them, so she is actually looking forward to watching the franchise.

Kitty is sitting on the opposite side of the couch watching the movie. She hasn't seen the movie either and is really getting into it when Shelby informs her that her foster mom is here. Sighing, she bids goodbye to the girls and followed Shelby out of the media room.

Shelby is walking Kitty to the foyer where her foster mother is waiting for her. She will admit she got lucky this time with foster placement. She is in a nicer neighborhood and the family only wants to foster one kid. So, she won't have to compete for attention. The only drawback is that the foster mom can be a little smothering.

"Hey Kitty, got all your things?" Her foster mom Hannah asked.

"Yes, I have everything. I just need to put on my shoes."

The girls get halfway through the movie when they are called for dinner.

"Omg I have never had chicken that tastes this good before." Santana states gobbling the chicken on her plate.

"Yeah mama S this is really good and what are these little salad ball thingies?" Brittany asked taking a bite, eyes lighting up as she does.

"Well I'm glad you like the food and the little balls of salad as you called them are Brussel sprouts. I was going to order out, but I figured all of you would be filling up on junk tomorrow so thought I'd cook something at home."

"I agree this is really good and I will admit I am not a fan of Brussel sprouts" Rachel says with a scrunched-up nose. "But the way you made them makes them taste so good."

Everyone at the table ate till their tummies were full. Then they all helped clean up the kitchen. They wanted to get their sleepover started.

"I'm not sure I like that color." Rachel says picking up the small bottle of bright red nail polish.

Taking back the nail polish from the small girl, Santana smiles. "Well if you don't like it, I will use it for my nails." Her favorite color was red. "What color are you choosing Britt." She asked, grabbing the toe separators for their feet.

"I think I will choose purple." She smiles when she finds some stickers to place on her nails when they are finished.

"What about you Rachie? Choose a color yet?"

"Well I really like this yellow. And it would go with my yellow chucks I have as well."

All the girls take turns doing their nails and then let them air dry while finishing the movie.

A short while after the second movie is put in Shelby comes in with a bowl of popcorn and some juice. "Thought you'd want some snacks." She said placing the bowl down with the tray of juice boxes and napkins.

"Mama can you stay with us and watch the movie?" Rachel asked shyly.

"Yeah mama S come watch the movie with us." Brittany said in a chipper voice.

It was well after 11 and the girls were fast asleep on the couch. Shelby didn't have the heart to wake them up, so instead she heads up stairs and brings down several warm blankets. The downstairs always seemed colder than the upstairs.

She finds it so cute how all three of them are cuddled so closely and interwoven into one another and seem so at peace. She takes a quick picture before kissing each of their foreheads before going up to her room to get ready for bed.

It was after 9:30 when Shelby woke up. She quickly made her way into the shower and got ready for the day. They were meeting Quinn and her mother at the festival in a few hours. So, all she had to do was get the girls up and ready and fed at least something light before they left.

"Hey Shelly." Stephanie said coming into the kitchen and reaching out to grab the fresh cup of coffee that had just brewed from the Keurig. "Mm this is like the best coffee ever." She utters with a satisfied sigh.

Glaring at her soon to be dead sister. "Who let you in?" Shelby scowled. Snatching the cup from her sister's hand "Mine." She bites.

"Geez grouch." Stephanie exclaimed. "I let myself in." She replied at her sister's questioning brow. "I have a spare set of keys." She responds in a duh like manner.

"Well remind me to change the locks." Shelby replied bitterly. She was not a morning person and then to be robbed of her first cup of coffee was just not acceptable.

Stephanie rolled her eyes. She knew how moody her older sister could be if she didn't have her coffee first thing in the morning. Shelby was not classified as remotely human by any standards without at least a cup of coffee.

It was after 11 and Shelby had the Range Rover packed with everyone. She had fed the girls before they got ready. She thought it was cute how they all dressed in matching color jeans, band t-shirts and all wore their different color converse.

"Are we there yet?" Brittany asked excitedly from the back seat.

"Almost Britt." Shelby said from the driver's seat with a smile.

"So, what did you want to do while the munchkins were off doing whatever they are gonna do?" Stephanie asked from the passenger seat.

"Whatever you want Steph. I know you wanted to go last weekend so whatever you want to do is fine with me." Shelby replied. She reached over to turn up the radio earning her squeals of delight from the passengers in the back.

Normani's song Motivation came blaring through the speakers and Santana immediately began singing it. Brittany was dancing as much as one could while in a safety belt.

"Oooh I love this song." Brittany said dancing in her seat singing lightly. "C'mon Sannie dance with me." The tall blonde begged.

Needing little to no coaxing she began to move just her upper body a little. Bumping the smaller brunette's shoulder she wanted Rachel to sing. "C'mon Rach sing with us please."

Soon enough Rachel began to sing along to the song. She got so lost singing with the other two girls she didn't see her mom taking small glances at her from the rear-view mirror.

Shelby smiled at the girls singing in the back. She however was surprised when she heard her daughter began to sing accompanying the other girls who were already singing the song. She was astounded by the control and volume and range her daughter had at such a young age.

Glancing at her sister momentarily then back on the road, "Wow she can really sing." Shelby said in awe.

"Well she does come from you Shelly, and you have a set of pipes on you as well." Stephanie said, listening to her niece and friends sing.

Shelby knew if Rachel wanted, she would give her lessons or pay for private singing lessons, anything the small girl wanted. If she decided to explore music. Shelby would never force Rachel to do anything, she just wanted her to be happy.

"Awe you girls look so cute." Judy, Quinn's mom gushes as she takes in the girls semi matching outfits.

"Mom." Quinn whined embarrassingly.

"Yeah Quinnie." Fannie Quinn's older sister teased. The older Fabray sister took some money and kissed her mother before leaving to find her friends and promising to call when she was ready to go home.

Rolling her eyes at her older sister's antis Quinn runs up to the other girls and hugs them. "So, we're gonna get unlimited bracelets for the rides, right?" Quinn was an adrenaline junkie. She loved rides and would spend all day on them if she could.

"Not sure?" Rachel shrugged. Looking up at her mom. "Is it okay if we get the bracelets for the rides?" She has never been on a roller-coaster before and was kind of nervous, but excited at the same time.

"Yes of course. Here is some money love." Shelby said, passing her some money to buy the bracelets.

"Oh, you didn't need to pay for my Quinnie. I was going to give her some money." Judy interjects politely.

"Oh, I don't mind." Shelby said. "I'm Shelby, by the way." She says reaching out a hand in introduction. "Rachel's mom."

"Judy Fabray. Quinn's mom." Judy replies, shaking Shelby's hand. "And since you paid for the unlimited ride bracelets. I will give them some spending money."

"That seems fair." Shelby smiles grateful.

Both moms talk for a while getting to know one another while their children wait in line to buy the bracelets.

When the girls were out of line they came and stood listening to Shelby give instructions. "Okay girls it is 12 o'clock right now. At 5 I would like everyone to meet up here at this sweater shop. If for any reason you need anything, or something happens please call me or Judy." She pulled Rachel in for a hug. She was really nervous allowing her child to go anywhere without her but knew that she needed to let her be a kid. "Love you bug." Shelby whispers into her head.

Looking up at her mom, with wide adoring eyes. "I love you too mama."

"Okay enough of this mushy crap. I want to look at some exhibits." Stephanie interjects.

"Go have fun love. Remember if you need me sooner call me."

"I will, bye mama." Rachel said. She was already being tugged by a very excited Brittany.

"C'mon Rae it will be fun." Quinn whined. She really wanted to go on the roller coaster, but San and Britt were in line for the Ferris Wheel.

"I'm not sure Q. I mean that is really high." She replied with a sigh as she looked up watching as the passengers screamed on their way down.

"Yes it is but it will feel like an adrenaline rush." She tried again.

"Fine, but if I throw up it's all your fault." She says with narrowed eyes and a small smirk playing at her lips.

The girls spend the next 2 hours getting on as many rides as they can, until they get tired and want to sit for a bit.

"OMG my legs hurt, and I'm so thirsty." Quinn pants sitting down on a bench.

"Well there is a lemonade stand over there." Rachel says pointing to this large lemon shaped lemonade stand.

"Really? You would be my favorite person in the whole wide world if you got me a lemonade." Quinn said looking up at Rachel's eye's twinkling.

Leaning in, Rachel kissed the whiny blonde on the head mumbling the things I do for you and went off to go get some lemonade for all of them. She was in line when she heard her name being called from somewhere off to her left. She turned in time to see it was Marley. The younger girl came running full speed to greet her.

"Rachie I missed you." The younger girl said. Holding onto the small brunette tightly.

"I missed you too." Rachel said softly. Letting go Rachel looks around wondering where the young girls foster parents are.

"Who are you here with Marley? '' She asked her curiously.

"Oh, I am here with Mariana. She is my new foster mom. She is a really good friend of Santana's mom. She is the one who helped place me with her." She exclaimed happily.

"Really? That is awesome. I am so glad you found a good home." She replied with a soft smile.

"Yes, the family is really great. They have this other foster boy there named Rider around my age and he is super nice." She goes off to explain. "They are actually looking to adopt. They can't have any children of their own. So, my chances of having a forever home are very high." Marley gushes with watery eyes.

"Oh Marley, I am so happy for you. You deserve the best." Rachel pulled the younger girl into her for a hug crying softly.

"Rachie why are you crying?" Marley asked sadly. Was it something she said?

"Happy tears Marley, happy tears." She said, wiping her eyes.

They talk for a few more minutes until they hear Marley's name being called.

"What took you so long?" Quinn said excitedly, reaching for a lemonade.

"Why does it look like you have been crying?" Santana asked suspiciously.

This caught both Quinn and Brittany's attention. "I ran into Marley, my younger former foster sister." She explains. "She just told me thanks to your mom San, she is most likely going to be adopted." She replies with a large grin.

"Wow that is amazing. Your mom is awesome Sannie." Brittany states jumping.

"Okay here try these Elotes. They are tasty." Santana says passing out the corn on the stick to each of the girls.

"What's on it?" Rachel asked curiously. She wasn't very picky. She was willing to try anything once.

"It is a grilled corn on the cob, with a mixture of mayo and softened butter on it." Rachel just lifts an eyebrow at this. "It is covered in Cotija cheese and sprinkle of cayenne pepper for some heat." Quinn finished describing before digging in.

Shrugging her shoulders, she decided to just try it, it all sounded amazing. She takes her first bite and is amazed at how tasty this Mexican corn on the cob is. "Oh My God this is like one of the best things I have ever eaten." She says leaning in to take another bite.

"Just wait till you try a Mangonada. Now those are bomb." Santana states almost finished with her Elote.

The girls finish their snack and decide to walk around the exhibits and play a few games until they have to meet up with the parents.

"C'mon Shelby." Stephanie whines pitifully, pressing her face into the large glass window in front of her. "Please. Let me get her a kitten." She begs. Pointing to the cutest baby gray tabby.

"Absolutely Not." She says shaking her head. "I don't think it's a good idea." She would love to have a pet, one day, but today was not that day.

"Fine." Stephanie pouts like a child. She wanted to get something cool for her niece and Shelby was taking all the fun out of it.

"Let's go get some ice cream." Shelby says, trying to cheer up her sister.

"Okay." She sighed dramatically. "But I get 2 large scoops." She says dragging Shelby out of the adoption section of the building and outside to find an ice cream vendor.

"So how do you think the girls are doing?" Shelby questioned her sister, sitting on a bench outside.

"They are fine Shelby. The picture Rae sent you is so adorable." Stephanie replies, eating her ice cream in earnest.

"Yes it was. I love it." Shelby said, looking at the picture of Rachel posing with a large purple unicorn.

Shelby and Stephanie chatted for a little while longer before Judy found them and sat with them until they had to meet up with the girls.

"Sorry I hope I'm not intruding." Judy said sitting down slowly on the bench both brunettes were occupying.

"No of course not. It's nice to talk with some of Rachel's friend's moms." Shelby said sincerely.

"So how is Rachel adjusting? I know my Quinnie just adores her."

"She's actually adjusting well. I have loved every minute I've had with her." Shelby replies with a soft smile. "I'm also happy she has found good friends. Ones that accept her and treat her kindly." She said thankfully.

"She is so polite and sweet. I really don't understand how that Kitty girl treated her so badly." Judy comments with a shake of her head.

"I think she is jealous." Stephanie added in with a shrug while eating her ice cream.

The 3 adults talk a little more then make their way to the sweater shop where they are to meet up with the girls and take them out to eat.

Shelby was pacing nervously. It had been over 10 minutes. The kids were to meet them here at 5 o'clock and they had yet to arrive.

"I'm sure they are on their way Shell." Stephanie said, placing a calming hand on her sister's arm. "Let's not think the worst." She stated, with a lifted brow.


"Nope! You were totally thinking the worst." She cuts Shelby off.

"Fine. I just hope they get here soon." Shelby said in a worried tone.

Shelby turned when she heard her name being called. She sighed in relief when she saw it was her daughter and then smiled when she noticed all the stuffed animals she had in her arms, clearly making it hard to travel.

"Hey bug, these are a lot of stuffed animals. Did you win all these?" Shelby said, grabbing some of the stuffed animals. "Here hold some of these will you." Shelby said passing some over to Stephanie.

"We had so much fun. Thank you for bringing us mama S." Brittany said sucking on a lollipop.

"Yeah we had a great time. We went on all the rides. Some even twice." Quinn exclaimed with a large grin.

"I'm hungry, can we go eat now." Santana adds, leaning into Quinn for support she was tired but didn't want to admit it.

"San we just shared a Mangonada." Rachel mutters shocked her friend was acting like a starved animal.

"San you are always hungry." Quinn said, rolling her eyes.

"Well I could eat." Stephanie pipes in.

"You just ate a large bowl of ice cream. You know what never mind." Shelby said incredulously at her sister. She turned to her kid and her friends and walked with them back to the car so they could drive to their choice in restaurant.

The whole group ended up at this burger and steak house place the girls had chosen.

The waiter had brought over the menus and took down their orders for drinks.

They were all sitting on this large rounded booth.

"Mama I can't decide what to get." Rachel said leaning into Shelby slightly upset.

"Oh baby, it's okay take your time. There is no rush." Shelby spoke softly. "Would you like me to help you?"

"Yes please." She nodded thankfully.

Shelby helped Rachel order and then went and looked at her menu to try and decide what she wanted. All the girls were gossiping and laughing while they waited for the waiter to arrive.

"Shelby? I was wondering if maybe next weekend Rachel can come over for a BBQ at my house?" Judy asked. She really wanted to do more things with her youngest.

Gazing down at Rachel, "Is that something you would like to go to?" Shelby asked.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." Rachel replies with a large smile.

"Did you need any help?" Shelby asked.

"No, I got everything covered. I just need you and Rachel." Judy said.


"Yes, I meant to clarify. It will be a BBQ/cookout for not just the girls but for the adults as well." She leans over to wipe some soda off Quinn's upper lip.

"Mom." The small blonde whined trying to turn her face away. God why were moms so embarrassing sometimes.

With a smirk she looks down at Rachel. "See I'm not the only mom who does that." She states pointing to the blonde duo in front of them.

The small girl just looks at her mom unimpressed and leans in for a cuddle.

The waiter came and went and soon enough all the food arrived.

"San your burger looks amazing. Are you going to eat all your bacon?" Quinn asked, eyeing a slice of bacon sticking out of Santana's burger.

"Quit drooling." Santana said, pulling her plate closer to herself. "I'm not sharing." She scowls.

"Quinnie you have plenty of bacon with your own burger." Judy chins gently.

Rachel and Brittany just giggled.

"Stephanie if you keep grabbing at my fries you will permanently lose your hand." Shelby snaps at her younger sister.

"Fine. Don't share."

"Sharing would require asking and you are not asking."

"Mama." Rachel called pulling on her mom's shirt lightly.

"Yes bug?"

"Can you cut my sandwich please? It's too big for my hands to hold." She asked quietly. Rachel had ordered a meatball sandwich with a side salad and some fruit. But she was having trouble holding the sandwich because of its size.

Nodding Shelby cut the sandwich and placed the girl's fruit closer to her plate.

Mid way through her sandwich Rachel scowls at her aunt. "Those are mine." The small diva snaps hiding her strawberries.

"I just wanted a taste." The older brunette says sticking out her tongue playfully.

"Get your own." Rachel says sticking her tongue out as well.

"Okay you two." Shelby says from between the bickering pare she rolled her eyes at their antics. God was this what it was like when she and Stephanie were kids? She needed to call her mom and apologize.

Shelby then turns to wipe some sauce off of Rachel's face.

"Mama! I'm more than capable of cleaning my own face." She whines trying to move her face, but Shelby has it held with one hand while the other cleans her face.

Tapping her nose. "There, all done." She states satisfied.

"Mom, seriously I can clean my own face. I'm not a baby." Quinn huffs out across the table.

"Oh hush and keep still." Judy lightly scolds.

Santana just sits back and giggles quietly watching her friends. She was glad her mom was at work, but her amused state didn't last as long as she would have liked, for she as well fell victim to Shelby's hands and Judy took Brittany's face in hand as well.

"Ugh, mama S." Santana pouts while the other girls snicker at her.

"There, now you are all nice and clean." She says pressing a kiss to the pouting brunette's forehead.

"Did you have fun today, bug?" Shelby asked, taking a seat next to Rachel. The small girl was playing Mario kart on the Nintendo switch.

She put the game on pause giving her mom her full attention. "Yes, I had an amazing day." She beamed. "Thank you." She says throwing herself into her mom's arms.

"I'm so glad baby." She squeezed the small girl tightly.

"Can't breathe."

"Sorry bug." She apologized.

"That's okay. For a minute I thought you were trying to suffocate me." She smirks.

"Oh really? You think so?" Shelby says leaning in closer.

Before the small girl can move, she is pounced on and is tickled.

"Ahhhhhh! M-mama…. Okay. O-okay pleeease S-stop." She shrieked.

"Are you going to accuse me of trying to suffocate you again?" Shelby asked all the while tickling her kid beneath her.

"Yes…. Ahhh I mean N-no." Rachel pants breathlessly.

Leaning off Shelby smiles at Rachel's disheveled appearance. Her hair was tasseled every which way and her face was slightly flushed.

"Meanie." Rachel said, adopting her aunt's favorite word when talking with her mom.

Rolling her eyes, she pulls the young girl onto her lap and kisses her face until the small girl is laughing and trying to escape again.

The mother and daughter duo spent the rest of the evening playing video games and cuddling watching movies before bed.

The small girl fell asleep arms wrapped around her purple unicorn. She had an Amazing day spent with her mom and friends. For the first time in ever she feels like she is finally at home and loved.

I'm hoping to have another update soon. Please R&R.