Disclaimer: Don't own and never will.

AN: Set just after Volpina

"Hello Alya."

Alya's head snapped around to see Ladybug sitting on a bench behind her in an empty park. In an instant, her phone was out and she was already recording.

"Oh my God! Ladybug! Are you here to talk about the new superhero Volpina? Or maybe your friend Lila? Are you happy that your friend is-"

"I've never even met Lila before today," Ladybug said wiftly, cutting Alya off before she could build up any more steam. Alya's smile slipped slightly.

"Really? But…" her words trailed away as Ladybug shook her head.

"Alya, I would…" Ladybug paused for a moment and frowned. "Alya, I would NEVER endanger a civilian like that. And how would I know her? She's only just arrived in Paris. From Italy. Akumas never travel that far."

"She seemed so real," Alya said, a slightly crestfallen expression on her face. "And…"

"I know," Ladybug said, placing a comforting hand on Alya's shoulder. "And I know the temptation to be the reporter who breaks the story is very strong. But…" Ladybug paused for a moment and looked away. "Lila's lies put her at risk and I don't want that to happen."

"I see," Alya said as she looked down. Ladybug put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"But I can give you another exclusive," she said with a smile and Alya's head shot up. "I can tell you about Volpina."

"Really? That's great!" Alya said, bouncing slightly and Ladybug smiled.

"I thought that might cheer you up."

"Volpina was Lila as an akuma. One who specialised in creating illusions. That's why that meteor appeared out of nowhere. It was never there," she paused for a moment and looked away with a hint of embarrassment. "I...lost my temper and...embarrassed her in front of a boy that she likes. I...acted badly."

"It's okay Ladybug. We all make mistakes," Alya said and Ladybug sighed.

"Yes, but I'm supposed to be better than that," she said and Alya snorted.

"So am I, but that didn't stop me swallowing her lies about being your friend," Alya said. "You're still human at the end of the day."

Ladybug looked up at Alya.

"Thank you Alya. I needed that," she said, before throwing her yo-yo to a nearby rooftop. "Chat and I will be releasing a statement to the press tomorrow morning. Until then, bug out!"

Alya watched as Ladybug swung into the distance, before rushing home. She had a video to upload and an apology to issue to her fans!

AN: One of the things that bothers me about Marinette busy trying to show Lila's lies is the fact she never did the obvious. She's Ladybug after all. Why not just have a quiet word with Alya? But no, instead we get this effing ridiculous little dance that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

AN2: I'm not blaming Marinette for Lila's actions. I'm annoyed at her response.