World of Horror

The Meeting of Madness

Part 3: Nightfall

England grunted in frustration, closing up his suitcase. Of course the one time he needed his books on magic was when he decided to leave all of them at home.

He looked over to his fairies sleeping fitfully on a pillow on his nightstand. They weren't any better than when they'd arrived, but at the very least they hadn't gotten any worse. He supposed he could count that as a small fortune, but he didn't want to just sit by and wait to see if their conditions improved. Running a hand through his hair, he came to a decision.

The next day, during the hour long break the nations had halfway through the meeting, he would go into the city and see if he could find some books on magic. He wasn't sure how much luck he would have with his search, but he was certain of the magic he sensed in the air. Where there was magic, there tended to be people practicing it, and those practicing it oftentimes needed texts. He would see what the local bookstores and libraries had to offer, perhaps he would find a new age shop that would have something of use to him.

With a plan in mind, England began to get ready for bed.


Canada woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of Kumajirou's growling.

"Kuma…?" he murmured sleepily, groping in the dark for his glasses. When he returned to his room that evening, his bear had calmed considerably. He wouldn't say that he was completely content with where they were staying, but he at least seemed as though he could tolerate it for the remainder of their time there. So what was bothering him now?

Sliding his glasses onto his face, Canada turned on the light, wincing at the sudden brightness. Blinking rapidly, he scanned the hotel room, finding Kumajirou standing before the door to the hallway looking as though he'd take a bite out of whatever stood on the other side.

The nation frowned, standing and padding his way over to his friend. "Kuma," he said quietly, trying to get the bear's attention, "what is it? What's wrong?"

The animal didn't respond, continuing to growl at the door.

Stepping around Kumajirou, his careful footfalls silenced by the carpet, Canada went up to the door and peered into the peephole.

He was just quick enough to catch someone as they passed in front of his door, a second later and he wouldn't have seen them. The nation stepped away from the door in surprise, he honestly hadn't expected to see anyone when he looked. Glancing at his companion, he saw that Kumajirou had backed away from the door and was no longer growling, but his teeth were on display in a silent snarl.

Worrying his lip, Canada reached for the doorknob hesitantly. Against his better judgment, he found himself indulging his curiosity. He opened the door as quietly as he could manage and peeked outside, looking down the hall in the direction he'd seen the person go.

It was America.

Canada's eyes widened, watching America, still dressed in the clothes he'd worn earlier that day despite the late hour, walking purposefully down the hall. What was his brother doing up so late? Was there still so much he had to do to get ready for the meeting that he was running around the hotel in the dead of night?

He stepped out into the hallway, about to call out to the other nation when he felt a tugging at his pajama pants. Looking down, he saw his bear had the leg of the garment in his teeth, staring back at him with unmistakable pleading in his eyes.

Canada couldn't help but feel unsettled by Kumajirou's behavior. The bear had remarkable instincts, and though there were times that communicating those in a way that his human could understand, even with his ability to speak, this message was clear.

Don't go.

It's not safe.

Even though he wasn't exactly sure what was going on, or what could possibly be unsafe in this hotel set up by his own twin, Canada withdrew back into his room without a fuss, closing the door as quietly as he'd opened it. He supposed the best thing to do for now was to try to make Kumajirou more comfortable and then go back to bed.

After all, he could always talk to America in the morning.


Liechtenstein opened her eyes, the need for the bathroom rousing her from a peaceful sleep, but only barely. She slowly rose from her bed, not bothering with the lights as she remained mindful of her brother sleeping in the room's second bed. She took a moment to rub at her arms, the room was a little too cold, and nothing they'd done seemed to help it. Moving sluggishly, her mind still fogged over with sleep, she quietly stumbled her way into the bathroom to take care of business.

Moments later, she emerged from the bathroom, focused on getting back under the covers and away from the chill in the room. She had just about lowered herself back on to the mattress when a sound made her pause.


Liechtenstein blinked, her mind steadily clearing up as she tried to figure out what the sound was. It took her a few moments coupled with her eyes finally adjusting to the dark for her to register the source. When she did, her eyes widened in alarm.

It was the door knob.

Someone was trying to get into the room.

Liechtenstein sucked in a breath, trying to refrain from making any loud noises as her heart began to race in her chest. Suddenly the chill in the room seemed so much more pronounced. Quietly, swiftly, she went to her brother's bedside.

"B-Big Brother," she whispered urgently, her voice so soft it was almost drowned out by the rattling at the door. She placed a small hand on Switzerland's shoulder and shook it firmly. She felt the man's form grow tense beneath her touch and his head turned towards her, his eyes laser focused on hers in the dark, as if he hadn't just been roused from a deep slumber.

"Someone's trying to get in."

Just like that, Switzerland was out of the bed, pistol in hand. Without a word, he motioned for her to stay back and she obeyed, her fingers bunching worriedly into the fabric of her nightgown. She watched tensely as he silently marched over to the door, looking through the peephole.

Suddenly, Switzerland swore, throwing the door open. "You!" he shouted, and then, "hey! Get back here and explain yourself!" before disappearing out the door, giving chase to whomever was on the other side.

"Big Brother!" Liechtenstein exclaimed, rushing to the door and looking outside after her brother. She was able to catch sight of the door accessing the stairwell closing, indicating the direction Switzerland had gone.

"What's going on?"

Liechtenstein looked over to the door across from her, seeing the Philippines standing in the doorway watching her curiously. She must have been drawn out of her room by her brother's shouts. It was past midnight after all, frankly she was surprised that only one of their neighbors had come to investigate the commotion.

Despite her worries about where her brother had gone, Liechtenstein found herself smiling apologetically, "I'm very sorry, Miss Philippines, did we wake you?"

The island nation shook her head, smiling kindly, "you're fine, you're fine," she waved her off breezily. "I was having trouble getting to sleep. It's freezing here!" she shook her arms and shoulders and made a 'brr!' sound to emphasize her point.

Liechtenstein laughed lightly, but the sound died down rather quickly. She cast a glance at the stairs, worried that her brother had yet to return.

"Ayos ka lang ba?" Philippines asked. She, too, looked to the stairwell, probably guessing what was on her mind. "Are you okay?" she clarified at the other girl's somewhat puzzled look, smiling sheepishly.

"Ah, I'm just waiting for Big Brother to come back..." she told her, her fingers yet again worrying at her nightclothes.

"I see," Philippines nodded. She then crossed the hall and stood beside her, linking arms with her and giving her a friendly smile. "I'll keep you company!"

Liechtenstein's eyes widened in surprise, but soon she was smiling, feeling grateful at the other nation's kindness towards her even though they were not close. "Thank you," she said, the idea of sitting alone in her room, worrying about her brother until he came back had not appealed to her. She was glad to have someone with her right now.

Philippines just patted her hand reassuringly and began to chatter at her quietly about her flight over and time differences and being ill-prepared for the colder climate and other light topics. She didn't seem bothered in the slightest that Liechtenstein didn't have much to say, another thing the European nation was grateful for.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed when Switzerland finally returned, looking out of breath and angry. He had rushed out of the room with bare feet in his haste to catch whoever he'd seen at the door, and they were now covered in dirt. Had he pursued the person all the way out of the building?

"Big Brother!" Liechtenstein called to him in relief as he neared their room. She was so glad to see him come back in one piece.

"Lilli," Switzerland looked surprised to see her, and he picked up his pace as he approached her, frowning in concern. "What are you doing outside of the room?" he demanded, his tone harsh, but she knew it was out of worry.

"She was waiting for you, Mr. Switzerland. She was very worried," Philippines spoke up beside her, giving him a pointed look. As Philippines wasn't as familiar with them or the awkwardness in which Switzerland often displayed his care, Liechtenstein guessed that the island nation was trying to keep her from getting into trouble.

Switzerland blinked, seeming to notice the Philippines for the first time. His expression calmed just a little bit, "you were with her?" he asked.

"Oo," she nodded.

"I see," he nodded stiffly, then added an awkward but sincere, "thank you."

"It was no trouble," Philippines waved him off, then gave Liechtenstein a kind smile, "you are in good hands now. I will go."

"Thank you, Miss Philippines," Liechtenstein said gratefully.

Philippines gave her hand a final pat then let go, "magandang gabi," she nodded to the two of them politely, bidding them good night, and then returned to her room.

Once the two siblings were alone, Switzerland took Liechtenstein by the shoulder and guided her back into their room. He closed the door behind them, securing it further with the latch lock.

"What happened?" Liechtenstein asked him, "who was out there?"

Switzerland didn't speak at first, running a hand through his mussed hair. There was a grave look in his eyes as he faced her, perhaps a bit of hesitation. She could tell that she wouldn't like his answer.

"It was the man from earlier," he told her, softly, "the one you encountered out in the hall."

Liechtenstein gasped, a cold wave of shock running through her at the new information. She moved, sitting heavily on her brother's bed, and stared up at him with wide eyes, her lips parted but no words coming out. She had no idea what to say. She didn't understand. Why was this person trying to get into the room? What did he want with them?

Her brother took a seat beside her, and she leaned against him, the warmth of his body comforting her. He reached down and placed his hand over hers. "I chased after him, but I couldn't catch up to him. I lost sight of him in the parking garage." So he had chased him out of the building. "I… shouldn't have left you here by yourself. I'm sorry."

"It's alright," she assured him softly, linking her fingers through his and squeezing.

He squeezed back firmly, protectively. Despite her fear, she found herself soothed by the gesture. "I have matters to discuss with other nations tomorrow at the meeting that can't be put off," he told her, and she could make out the regret in his voice, "but no matter what, we will not be staying here another night. I promise."

"Okay," she felt relieved at that, but she still was not looking forward to the rest of the time they had to spend there, no matter how short it was.

"Get some sleep," Switzerland told her, "I'll keep watch."

"But then you won't get any sleep," she said, concerned. He'd already spent so much time running around, and he had business to handle at the meeting. She didn't want him to exhaust himself.

"I'll be fine," his tone didn't leave any room for further argument. To soften it, he gave her hand a final squeeze, "now get back to bed."

Liechtenstein bit her lip, but relented, standing from the bed. She put her arms around her brother's shoulders in an affectionate hug, "good night," she said.

He patted her arm, "good night."

She let go, and with one last glance towards her brother and then the door, she returned to her bed to try and get back to sleep.


Austria found himself descending down a deep cavern, his body seemingly weightless as he sank deeper and deeper and deeper.

He could not see the bottom, only an unfathomable darkness beneath him, beckoning him. He wanted to see what was there, but at the same time, he didn't. He couldn't understand his contradictory desires, couldn't understand how he had gotten there or how to get out. All he could do was fall.

It felt like hours had passed when he finally sensed a change. A sound came to his ears, horrible, beautiful, frightening, seducing. It penetrated his skull wormed its way into his brain, overpowering his senses.

He could no longer see, could not feel, smell, or taste. He could only hear. In his eyes he saw the sound, in his mouth it laid heavy upon his tongue. He breathed it in, felt it glide along his skin, slice into him. The sound. Oh god, oh god, the sound!

Austria was overcome by fear, joy, anger, sadness, love, but above all madness. He was being torn apart, overcome by the great cacophony that rose from the darkness at the bottom of the cavern. He wanted to die, he wanted to live, he wanted to listen, he wanted to carve his ear drums from his ears.

He wanted- He needed-

"-wake up! Roderich! Roderich please!"

Austria woke up to the sound of a great, terrible scream. It took him nearly half a minute before he finally realized that he was the one that was screaming.

With this realization he was able to stop, his throat feeling raw, his breath coming out in pants. He looked around with wide eyes to take in his surroundings.

He was in his hotel room, the light of the morning streaming in from a space between the curtains. He was on his bed and above him was Hungary, her hands gripping onto his shoulders, great concern in her expression as she gazed down at him.

"Elizabeta..." he croaked, his voice damaged from the screaming.

"You were screaming in your sleep," she told him, there was a slight tremor in the hands that gripped his shoulders, "it was- you sounded so-" she cut herself off, shaking her head.

Austria sat up, gathering her hands in his own. It was upsetting to see her so shaken. He knew what his screams sounded like to his own ears, he could only imagine what she must have thought, waking to that. "I just… had a strange dream," he murmured, thinking back to the dream he just had. When he did so, when he remembered the sound he heard, his stomach lurched suddenly and he did his best to banish it from his mind. "I'm alright now," he assured her.

She didn't seem so convinced, her frown deepening. When he offered no more information, she sighed, reaching up to his face. She caressed his cheeks, smoothed her thumbs over his creased brow, sorted out his hair. She didn't press him. They all had things that haunted them in their sleep, it wasn't so strange to be overcome by something in the night. "Is your headache any better?" she asked quietly, and he knew she'd let the previous topic slide.

Austria, who had up until this point been wholly distracted by her comforting touch, paused, reflecting upon the state of his headache. "It's not nearly as bad as last night," he answered, feeling relief. In all honesty, he'd forgotten it was there in the chaos he woke to.

"Well, that's something at least," a smile graced Hungary's features and Austria was glad for it, drinking the sight in.

He took one of her hands in his, kissing the inside of her wrist. "We should get ready for the meeting," he told her, doing his best to assure her that he was okay and well enough for the day's meeting.

She hesitated, but eventually gave in. She gave him a chaste kiss, "okay," she said, rising from the bed.

Austria held back a sigh, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before getting out of bed as well.

What an awful start to the day.

A/N: Okay so I'm dropping the horror host act in this A/N to apologize for the late update and say that at this point this story will definitely not be finished by the 31st if that wasn't already obvious XDX Fatigue and IRL stuff got the better of me in these past weeks.

When the month began, I think I was feeling too ambitious. Even though I was writing again for the first time in years and writing a lot, I'm still not completely well… And even before I got sick and life got, you know, the idea of finishing a multi-chapter fic in a month is an intense goal to have.

But you know, it won't kill me to just take World of Horror into November, and December or however long I need. I don't think there's a time limit on horror fun.

So, just because the month is ending doesn't mean I'm abandoning this fic, I'm still very passionate about it and will see it through to the end. Also, I have two more one-shots for this series planned that I'll get out as well.

As for this chapter, it's more build up, and I'm worried readers might think I'm dragging it all out. But trust me, when shit goes down in this story, it's going to Go Down and with a quickness. Also, I couldn't help but put a Philippines OC in here. It was meant to be a short cameo but then it all ran away from me. She'll probs show up later on, though the focus still remains on the four POV characters.

I also should warn you that it's looking increasingly likely that there's going to be Character Death by the end of this story. I've been really going back and forth on it, so I don't know for sure just yet, but just a head's up.

Thank you for the feedback, follows, and favs on the first two chapters. I wasn't expecting this to be received so well and I'm so grateful for it all. I hope you will continue to enjoy this story and follow it through to the end.

Take care everyone and have a safe and spooky Halloween.
