Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson

Chapter 1: Camping?

The children of the big three waited in the throne room. They didn't know why they were summoned, Chiron had contacted them early morning and told them that their presence was required at Olympus.

Suddenly all the Olympians appeared in the throne room. The demigods bowed to their respective fathers and waited.

Finally, getting tired on the silence, Percy asked "Why were we called here?"

Poseidon smiled at his son, his eyes softening as he took in his son's anxious eyes.

Hera spoke up. "The 5 of you are currently the only demigod children of the big three, You all have helped us plentily in the past 2 wars"

The demigods' eyes narrowed. What was going on?

"We have realized that you don't have a good relationship with your parents" Hestia continued.

"So you all will be spending the next one month with your fathers on a camping trip" Hera finished.

They didn't know how to react. After all, none of them had ever spent time with their fathers.

Suddenly Poseidon spoke up, addressing his brothers "Hey! You both have two children accompanying you while only Perseus is with me!"

"So?" asked Zeus

"Perhaps one of your godly children could come" suggested Hades

"Who?" asked Poseidon

'Please not Triton or Rhode' prayed Percy, not realizing that the one who he usually prays to is in the room.

"Why not Triton or Rhode?" asked Poseidon


"Isn't it obvious?" said Hera. "Why not one of your children with whom you rarely talk?"

"Excuse me?"

"Sapphire perhaps?" suggested Artemis

"Who?" the demigods asked in union.

Words this chapter: 263

Total words: 263

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