The police and ambulance pulled up to the scene only a few minutes later.

All Might marched out of the warehouse carrying Nucleon's unconscious body straight to the police.

Midoriya knew to mention the villain by name in the call, because they made sure to come prepared with a heavy-duty steel truck.

Men in full-body combat gear jumped out and practically covered Nucleon in restraints then dragged him inside and hauled him off in less than a minute.

All Might talked to some officers that stayed behind but kept his eyes on the group of friends being tended to by the paramedics.

Midoriya sat in between Bakugou and Ochaco each wearing a blanket. They occasionally looked at each other but all stayed silent.

Paramedics inspected them and wrapped various bruises and cuts in bandages and patches.

"You are some of the luckiest kids." One female paramedic sighed.

Ochaco grabbed Izuku's hand and wrapped her fingers in his.

He smiled feeling her rest her head on his shoulder.

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "You two are going to be the death of me."

The three were then left alone as a shadow cast itself upon them. They looked to see All Might with his arms crossed.

After a moment of silence, he spoke. "How old are you three?"


"12, All Might-sensei."

"12, sir."

He nodded then knelt down to their level. "As concerned and angry as I have to be with you kids, I'm also very happy and proud that you held your own together for as long as you did. Thanks to you buying time, I was able to rescue that man in the chains and finish off Nucleon myself properly."

Izuku and Ochaco smiled while Bakugou simply nodded.

"Mister All Might." Ochaco said. "I want you to know that even though you may just see me and Katsuki here as future heroes, please pay attention to my-...Izuku here. He may be quirkless but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the heart to be a hero like the rest of us. Please give him that hope again..."

"Miss Uraraka. Believe me. He has proven my words wrong. Perhaps there is a chance for him... There is always hope." He ran his hand up one of his long bangs of hair that shot up like rabbit ears. "I'll be checking in with you three every now and then. I expect each of you to be better. And it looks like being the childhood friends you are, you each know just what is best."

Ochaco and Izuku smiled bigger. Izuku had tears in his eyes again. "Thank you so much, All Might!"

All Might turned away. "Geez, is this kid always this teary-eyed?" He asked himself. He then turned to their third friend Bakugou.

"Good luck trying to talk me into anything. I've had a pretty crappy day." The blonde barked.

All Might chuckled. "Good work, fellow hero." He planted his hand on Bakugou's head and ruffled his hair, much to his sudden discomfort. "Just remember that this world needs its heroes to bring smiles to people's faces. Not tears."

Bakugou wanted to shout at him but stopped himself and sat back in a huff. He lowered his head then nodded again. "Alright."

"You wanna give me a smile now?" All Might smiled wide with a big thumbs up.

"Don't push your luck, old man!" He snapped.

"Eugh! Alright alright." The hero bounced up and looked back down at the kids again. "Well. Duty calls! Good luck, little heroes!" And with that he turned around and gave himself a running start before he leapt off into the sky.

Ochaco nuzzled her head on Izuku's shoulder. "Our parents are gonna kill us." She giggled.

Izuku laughed. "Yeah. They will."

"Geez, do you two always force everything to sound so positive?" Bakugou groaned.

"If you'd like to stick with us, you're gonna have to get used to it!" Ochaco shrugged.

"Only if you stop being all cuddly-kissy and crap to each other."

Izuku and Ochaco looked at each other then blushed and tore away to their own personal spaces. "Right, right."

Izuku turned his attention to the sunrise. Soon they followed his gaze.

"Guys, it's time we worked to become heroes."