Chapter 8

A/N: hey y'all. Back for another chapter. Now, I know y'all have some questions and I'll explain.

For those who aren't sure if this is really a DP/YJ xover. Be patient. I have a plot worked out for this story. More elements of DP will appear as the story goes on. I'm just an author who doesn't like immediately jumping in without giving context.

As for Danny's reaction. Don't worry, once he gets over his initial shock of being taken against his will (again), he'll react more…you'll see. Last chapter was mostly to express what he was feeling as he was orienting himself with the situation (considering he couldn't really remember; Sam threw him really hard); and to show what happened the night he was taken. So it was more of a filler anyways cause I wrote it at like 2am after classes, studying, etc. Sorry.

Ok, enough of my rambling. Hope that clears things up. On with the story.



Bludhaven, March 31, 11:05EST

Dick was caught off guard as he was suddenly pushed away. Landing flat on his back, he stared as his brother glared at him a familiar rage returning to his eyes.

He wasn't dealing with Danny right now, it was Talon.

"Nu, acest lucru nu este real [No, this isn't real]," Danny hissed raising his fists as he settled into a fighting stance glaring at the traitor. Anger began to burn through him as he looked over the figure more. It was obvious. He should've seen it sooner.

Amaya—she betrayed them. She told Nightwing who he was. And he'd fallen into the trap hook, line and nearly sinker.

This was a trick to get him to let his guard down; to make him weak. To use the one who'd abandoned him against him, like the Court always said they would. It was likely a coincidence they looked alike. It'd been years after all. And he'd been too stupid to realize it. "Încerci să mă păcălești [You're trying to trick me]."

"Danny," he whispered shaking his head, slowly starting to get to his feet, "Nu. Nu este un truc. Sunt eu. E Dickie. [No. This isn't a trick. It's me. It's Dickie]"

"Mincinos [liar]!" Danny snarled lunging at him.

Unfortunately, he had forgotten about the speedster standing beside the traitor in his rage. He grunted as two arms wrapped around his arms, trying to pin him in place. "Hold it kid! We're on your side!"

Blue eyes narrowed and Wally almost swore he saw them change color for a split second. In that moment, Wally screamed as the teen gripped his arms with inhuman strength, turning his arms in a direction they were not supposed to turn as Dick's younger brother forced his arms over his head before pushing down and kneeing him in the face. The ex-hero collapsed to the ground, dazed with blood gushing out of his likely broken nose.

Trying to orient himself, green eyes could only widen as an icy blade began to form in the assassin's grip. He was so not feeling the mode.

To his relief, Dick came from behind with a nightstick, forcing the assassin to duck the hit and turn his attention back on his primary target: his own brother.

Dick, meanwhile, cursed under his breath. In all his excitement about having Danny return, he hadn't stopped to think about what could happen. And, more importantly, he forgot about his fucking cryokinesis!

He ducked under another swing of the crystalline blade as it slashed right through where his head had previously been. Throwing out a fist, Dick punched his younger brother in the gut, causing the young teen to fold in on himself. Though, what he didn't expect was Danny to roll with it. The teen placed his hands on the ground and handsprung over him before landing in a crouch and swiping Dick's legs out from under him as he tried to get up.

Blue eyes widened as a icy blade swung down towards him and Dick grabbed his brother's arms, trying to keep the blade away from his throat. But, unfortunately, Danny definitely had been…changed by whoever took him. He was strong, strong enough to make Dick's efforts to stop the weapon almost futile.

Fortunately, Wally tackled the assassin off him before those efforts went to waste. Scrambling to his feet, Dick reached to grab a nightstick only to be slammed back as Wally was tossed into him. The two friends fumbled over each other, looking towards where the teen had last been. Only to find curtains billowing in the breeze of an open window.


Leaping off a roof, pale, ungloved hands grabbed onto a flagpole, using it to swing the Talon onto the fire escape on the next building. "Huh, that flagpole thing works," he muttered settling into a crouch on the hidden escape.

Blue eyes looked over his surroundings warily. He was definitely in an American city; Bludhaven most likely since that was where Nightwing had set up shop after leaving the safety of his mentor's shadow and opening the path for more apprentices of the bat to come through.

Brushing the infuriating situation aside, he leapt up to the fire-escape across from him, using it to climb the taller building to gain a better vantage point. He reached the top, climbing up over the ledge and took in the city. Well, his first guess was definitely right, he was in Bludhaven; which was good, it meant he was close to the Court.

"Daniel." Blue eyes widened and the teen whirled on his heel, eyes meeting the familiar form of his mentor, his teacher, his great-grandfather, William Cobb. The older Talon hopped down from his perch, tossing a spare uniform his way. "You were a fool to get yourself captured. I trained you better grandson."

Not bothering to meet gleaming eyes of the golden mask, he slipped the uniform on quickly. "Nightwing caught me off guard. It won't happen again."

Even though he couldn't see the other Talon's eyes, he could tell they were narrowing behind his mask. "The traitor? I warned you about him," the man snarled. "What did he say?"

"He pretended to be Dick," Danny answered, trying to keep his voice steady, "just like you said they would."

"Let's get back to the Court, they'll need your report."


April 8, 05:34EST

"Obviously and partnership between the Reach and LexCorp is bad news," Nightwing said turning to face the team. "So Alpha Squad is going undercover to recon LexCorp Farms. Robin, you'll be running Alpha."

"M-Me? Run Alpha?" Tim stuttered. "Uh, right. Who's on the squad?"

"Nightshade, Blue Beetle—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I should not be in the field esse!" Jamie protested. "What if the scarab goes all Reach apocalypse on us?"

"Your scarab has had multiple opportunities to betray us, it hasn't," Nightwing replied. "And right now it's connection to the Reach may be our best shot in figuring out what they're up to."

"Well if Blue's going, I'm going!" Bart said throwing a arm around Jamie.

Dick smiled lightly, "I assumed as much. And last but not least, Arsenal. But you'll have to travel lighter for your first mission. Nothing that won't fit under civilian clothes. Any questions?"

"Just one: Why are we meeting in this dump?" Roy sneered.

"With the Cave and the Hall of Justice out of commission we don't have many other options."

"Except the Watchtower," he countered. "It's national news now. You can't pretend it doesn't exist!"

"Only Justice Leaguers and senior members of the team have clearance. You don't qualify," Nightwing answered.

"Good to know where we stand."


Smallville, April 9, 08:15EST

"Please remain seated at all times while the tram is in motion," the tour guide said as the tram drove into one of the greenhouses, grinding to a halt. "We've just entered one of our farms hydroponics domes, where LexCorp and the Reach are growing the food of the future!"

"This gonna put Smallville's farmers outta business," a man grumbled crossing his arms.

"No, no, no! Not at all!" the lady reassured. "The Reach plans to share their techniques with the entire agricultural community!" She motioned to a series of tables set in front of them. "Please, enjoy a piece of the Reach's enhanced produce!"

"Genetically enhanced?" Sam inquired crossing her arms.

"There's been no tinkering with genes here! The Reach has a way of drawing out an organism's full potential!"

Robin and Jamie each took a sample, placing it in a bag as Bart took a bite out of one. "What? I'm maintaining cover?"

"I can't believe you'd actually eat one of those corporate driven products, they just care about quantity not quality," Sam retorted crossing her arms. "Despite what she says it's only a matter of time before all the farms are forced to sell out into the big man and made to produce this enhanced sludge!" She growled. "Watch." She strode over to the the tour guide, tapping her shoulder. "Those tubes? What's in them?"

"Just water, nutrients, and a little Reach/LexCorp love."

"So what's the Reach/LexCorp love made of," she pressed. "Cause naturally organic materials would not turn the water purple. Are we sure this is safe for the environment?"

The woman chuckled nervously, looking unsure, "LexCorp and the Reach would never use materials that would be harmful to our wonderful world! Now, everyone, our next stop is the pluat orchard! That's right folks! Pluat!"

Sam turned to the others raising a brow, "Point proven."

Tim nodded, "Time for a bathroom break."

"Thanks, I went before I left," Bart started before Jamie grabbed him and dragged him off.

"But they don't have pluats in the future!"

"Gee! I wonder why?!"


Western Mongolia, 17:09UTC

"State your grievance Sportsmaster," Savage ordered.

"Manta's son, Aqualad, killed my daughter Artemis without my permission. As the Light's enforcer I expect reparations."

"We grieve with your loss," Luthor spoke, "and we offer substantial monetary compensation."

"And normally I'd be fine with that," the mercenary shrugged, "but this goes to the heart of my rep! word gets out I took a payoff, then I look like a cheap punk!"

"Then what do you suggest old friend?" Savage asked.

"You know the code: an eye for an eye, a kid for a kid."

"No one touches my son!" Black Manta snarled.

"Agreed," Savage concurred. "The death of Kaldur'ahm is a nonstarter."

"Fine," Sportsmaster growled. "If the minnow's under the size limit, I'll go fish for the whale." Hurling an explosive a quick flash flew by, intercepting it halfway, causing it to explode midair. Turning on his heel, Sportsmaster found Deathstroke and Talon standing in the doorway. "I see you didn't waste any time hiring my replacement old friend."

"Fortune favors the prepared."

"You don't say," Sportmaster smirked as the wall blew in behind him. A helicopter came to a stop by the new hole in the wall and the mercenary ran for it. Leaping across, he ducked as two sharp gold blades embedded themselves in the metal hull. Sportsmaster turned on his heel and raised his arm to block the attack from the Talon as he struck. He tossed a leg out in an effort to knock him over but the teen jumped out of the way, delivering a spin-kick to his face. His mask came flying off and Lawrence growled kicking the boy out of the helicopter as he lunged.

Flipping in the air, Talon pulled out one of his longer blades digging it into the cliffside, slowing hom to a stop. The copter flew away with the new traitor, Deathstroke firing gunshots after it as it flew off into the horizon. With a growl, Talon climbed back up into the hold. Two traitors, things were definitely getting darker in the Light.


Smallville, 18:35EST

"Took you long enough," Nightshade said as she crouched behind some of the produce shelves.

"Sorry, team leader here wasn't exactly in the mode," Impulse said.

"Says that guy who forgot to put on stealth mode," Blue retorted.

"Now's not the time!" Robin hissed. "Nightshade, what've you got so far?"

"Not much," she replied. "I've been mostly relying on the plants to relay information to me so I don't get spotted on the cameras. So far, from what I've gathers that purple stuff isn't good news. It's an addictive additive."

"You got all that from plants?" Impulse muttered.

"The right kinds are more knowledgeable than you think," she said scratching a small flytrap as it grew from the brush.

"Cameras are down, let's move," Robin ordered.

The group ran from their hiding spot towards a trapdoor in the middle of the room. Gently opening it, they each hopped down silently, Blue carefully closing the entrance behind them.

Racing down the hall, they hid behind more plant counters watching Reach work with something. "What're they saying?"

Blue blinked, starting to translate, "Uh, ok, she's telling her people to go easy on the additive."

"The stuff Nightshade was talking about?" Impulse asked.

"Like I said, nothing safe would make the water purple," she replied.

"Got what we need," Robin said "let's go!"

They turned away, heading towards the exit. Peering around the corner, Robin took in the situation, "Two guards, one door hack and we're free."

"Cause a power outage and I could get us out through the roof before anyone would know what happened," Nightshade offered.

Robin nodded, pulling out his hologlave when Arsenal put a hand on his shoulder with a smirk. "Wait for it…"

An explosion rocked the building and the alarms began to go off as smoke began to rise from the labs. "You blew up the labs?! What were you thinking?!" Robin hissed.

"I wasn't about to let Luthor and his space buddies poison the world cause we don't know exactly what poison they're using! Plus, I enjoy making Lex miserable."

"You dumbass! You're gonna get us caught!"

Impulse ran out slamming one of the guards into the wall before Nightshade took out the other using a vine to toss him across the room.

"You just don't get it do you? You went off mission! That was a huge mistake!" Robin growled as he began hacking.

"Funny. I was about to say the same thing," Black Beetle chuckled.

He slammed down onto the ground, forcing the teens to dodge out of the way. Ducking under a swing, Robin pulled out his bo-staff and activated the electricity, slamming it into Black Beetle's chest. His opponent shoved the rod down, causing the end Robin hled to go flying up into his jaw. The teen stumbled back from the unexpected blow, only to be hurled across the room into one of the growing shelves.

Impulse raced past Black Beetle as he approached his downed teammate. Punching the massive man, he wove between the pillars before coming around for another attack. One, that was foiled as he collided with a metal clad arm, sending him into the tomatoes.

"I may not move as fast as you, meat," Black snarled, "but my scarab processes faster than even you can run. Let alone think."

A rocket hit the Reach's enforced in the back and he turned to see Arsenal aiming his arm at him. Stomping towards the new hero, he stopped as something slapped on his back. Turning around, Black Beetle found himself being pelted by tomatoes.

"Now, that's just a waste of good fruit," he growled as Impulse hit him in the face.

"Sure about that?" Nightshade snarled. Vines came to life from the tomatoes on Black Beetle's armor, wrapping around him. One vine covered his eyes, and he attempted to rip it off only for another vine to replace it. Even then, he felt more plants curling around and encasing his armor. And with every vine he broke, another took its place.

"Fighting dirty meat?!"

"Who ever said anything about fighting fair?!" Blue Beetle commented. Firing his plasma cannon, Blue grimaced as the vies burned away, leaving Black still standing. That was so not supposed to go that way.

"Ah, nothing like a warm plasma blast to calm the nerves, and get rid of the tomatoes."

Growling, Blue Beetle switched to his sonic blaster. Firing it at Black, it was met with an equally powerful blast. The two attacks remained at a stalemate, pushing against each other before bursting apart.

"Seriously? The fruit hurt more." Impulse ran out, racing around Black. "Trying to Suck away my oxygen? I hardly touch the stuff."

"Blue, what gives?! Last time you threw down with this guy you were hard core!" Robin exclaimed.

"That wasn't me! The scarab is in control!"

"So give it control again!" they exclaimed.


Atlantic Ocean

"My son, I've brought visitors," Manta spoke opening a door. Leading the way into the room, the supervillain laid his hand on his comatose son's shoulder. "Robbed of life, or a noble death. I will have my revenge on the Martian witch that did this."

"As a father myself I understand your pain," Savage spoke.

Talon pulled out a knife, looking down at Kaldur. "Do you wish for me to handle her?"

"Not yet Talon," Savage replied. "The opportunity for revenge will come, but in the meantime, let's focus on making Kaldur'ahm whole again. I've borrowed Psimon from Queen Bee for you and your boy. He'll sift through Kaldur'ahm's mind for every fractured memory, every buried thought. By the time Psimon's work is complete, your son will be whole and Psimon will know more about Kaldur'ahm than his own father."

Behind his mask, Talon smirked. This was good. He couldn't go to the bosses without evidence of Tigress' betrayal. He have to know where Kaldur met Tigress, see if there were any hints that he might've suspected she was a traitor. Or worse, known she was and said nothing. Which would mean Kaldur was betraying them as well. And with Psimon checking things over, he'd be certain of such.

"Talon," Manta spoke gaining the teen's attention. "Find the Martian witch that did this, bring her to me, alive. I want the pleasure of killing her myself."

Talon's smirk grew to a grin. This was going to be fun.



Robin and Arsenal dove out of the way of an incoming plasma blast. As Black Beetle prepared for another attack, he was forced to change tactics as Blue came down from above. Their scarab-swords clashed together as the teen feel. Flipping back, he parried another swing.

"You're just toying with us aren't you?"

"What gave me away?" Black smirked punching the weaker beetle back.

Blue slammed into the wall falling to the ground beside Impulse, whom started to regain consciousness. "Time to go?" the speedster asked looking to Robin as the Boy Wonder planted bombs on the wall.

"Yep. Do your thing."

Nodding, the speedster began to vibrate through the wall. Robin raced over to Blue, helping his teammate up. A crash came from the other side of the room, and Robin's eyes widened as he saw a large torrent of vines coming towards them. Several lunged towards Beetle, focing their enemy to try and blast or slice in incoming vines away as they came from all directions. Some wrapped around his legs, and yanked the enforcer off his feet.

Nightshade used her plants to hurl their opponent, towards Robin's bombs. They went off just as Black hit, sending the smoking Beetle skidding across the fields.

"Well done, but I doubt this battle will last much longer."

"So it would seem, a new voice spoke and the team's eyes widened as they saw another Beetle standing a few yards away, this one in green.

"How many colors do these guys come in?!" Impulse groaned.

"Too many." Nightshade hissed as she pressed back-to-back with her teammates as scarab-swords formed on the two Beetles.

However, instead of attacking them, the green on attacked Black Beetle. "Warrior! You dare attack me?! You scarab rejects are coming out of the woodwork tonight!"

"Better to be a reject than a slave!" the other retorted blasting Black back with telekinesis.

"Uh…this guy, not in the history books," Impulse remarked.

"Then who is he? What is he?!"

"Who cares! Right now, he's on our side!" Nightshade reminded.

"Density shifting, shape shifting, telekinesis, all the powers of a Martian except—" Robin was cut off as they all felt something enter their heads.

"Heroes of Earth, I have telepathically linked us so we can coordinate our attacks."

"He's the Green Beetle of Mars!" Robin concluded.

"So another alien?" Arsenal scoffed. "Do we leave them to fight it out?"

Black Beetle blasted Green back through the corn, causing fire to spread around their savior.

"That answer your question?" Nightshade hissed.

"Blue, Nightshade, keep Black Beetle Busy. Impulse, put out the fire! Arsenal, I want that plasma cannon out of commission!"

"Be prepared to move then!"

Blue fired his staple-gun on rapid-fire. The staples slammed into Black, forcing him to raise his arms in an effort to protect himself. Vines emerged from the ground, wrapping around his legs and yanking his feet out from under him. The Black Beetle faceplanted into the dirt, grunted as a blast hit the plasma cannon on his back. Forming one on his hand, he fired in the direction of his attacker, forcing the teen to dodge. Robin, meanwhile, flipped over, throwing a batarang onto Black before disappearing in the brush. Black began to stand up only to be slammed to the ground again as the small weapon exploded.

Nightshade raced forwards, forcing more vines and plants to wrap around the Black Beetle as he attempted to rise. Chuckling, the beetle, tore through the plants. "You think your flimsy plants can hold me?" he laughed.

"I was kinda hoping that's have a more lasting effect."


"Your methods are crude, but you all have the right idea," Green spoke. "Beetle of Earth, fire your sonic cannon at 27 Amstrungs precisely."

"My scarab's telling me that tactic will be ineffectual."

"For one scarab that tactic would be ineffectual, but tonight there are two," Green replied forming his own cannon and firing. "Now!"

Blue nodded and formed his cannon. Adjusting to the proper strength, he fired. Before their eyes, they could see the black armor start to peel away, revealing the Reach man inside before he collapsed.

"Scarab says he won't be unconscious for long."

"That is true."

"So, what do we do now?"

"Now, we run!"

A/N: hey guys, I figured this would be a good place to stop for this chapter, since we all know not much else happens after this point. Anyways, don't worry, I'm not dead. Just dealing with some writers block and figuring how how to handle my college courses being moved online for the rest of the semester. So, let me know what y'all think of Nightshade? Just want to expand so of the DP universe in here, so don't be surprised if y'all start seeing more chaps involving others.

Welp, that's all for this chapter. Let me know what y'all think and I'll see y'all next time!