Hey opinion 2 won, enjoy

Being told he did not have a quirk was the worst thing deku ever experienced. The realisation that due to factors out side your control you had become worthless in the eyes of many. His own mom had said that he couldn't achieve his dream this dad was sympathetic on the phone, he said it could be worse he could have his quirk, his dad never liked his quirk.

11 years later

The fight had been a real show to witness the final strike was almost perfect in a cinematic sense , it was one of the reasons deku loved heros so much, heros made others feel good, he was a massive hero nerd but deku believe there was more to him than hero worshiper, he could play guitar and draw to a good degree and other stuff (not that anyone cared) hero stuff was just the main thing he liked .He was quickly scribbling down notes in his book , he had drawn a quick sketch of the new hero, mount lady was proudly boasting to the cameras about her debut, her quirk was giganticfication "it appears to be a growth quirk possibly works by hormones in the blood that causes the body to grow in size on command and since her clothes didn't rip when see grew she must have an electo magnetic field her body creates which alows her clothes to grow when see does" he was hurriedly writing about her completely absorbed in the moment, he failed to notice the light burning sensation coming from his hands, he need to get to school ,not that he wanted to.

After school

Well life continued to be shit for deku,his back ached from when bakugo threw him against the wall, he had just fished his burned notebook out of the water. It had been another day , it was nice to know the only friend he had - had just told him to kill him self, god life was terrible he hated the way everyone said his dream was impossible. Deku decided to take a short cut back, it would hopefully get him out of the way of bakugo and his worshipers , deku began his walk down the tunnel he promised himself that he would become a hero but his resolve for that dream seemed to fade after every beating and mocking, Midoriya reached intos his jean pocket and pulled out his headphones but just before he put them on he saw the man cover move ever so slightly

Suddenly thick goo burst from the cover he fell backwards and when looking up saw a set of eyes that started deku down "a nice skin suit perfect to hide in" the sludge opened it's unhinged jaw to reveal its bright white teeth, deku froze to scared to even think about running " it won't hurt much kid ,unless you struggle" the sludge began to creep forwards deku tried to bolt into a sprint out of the tunnel but slime shot up and grabbed his leg and pulled him back toward the sludge ,the creature strung deku up and slowly started to suffocate him with his body "sorry kid but I'm not going back, especially with him on my tail" deku's mind failed as he began to loose air ,he tired to rip off the sludge but with his body that wasn't happening "oh god I'm gonna to die ... no not like this please mom dad I need to make them proud- please"

Like on command his finger tips began to burn the pain shot threw him, he want scream but the sludge blocked his voice, then like pure energy was entering his body he started to feel a rush of electricity course threw his body and he felt a strange rush course threw his veins as his body changed.


Deku back pressed hard against the roof of the tunnel he felt like he was trapped, he look to the floor only to see the sludge villain looking up to him a feeling of shock was felt between both party's ,deku still didn't know what was going on but before he could think.

"Texas smash"

A huge air blast blew the villain anyway the tunnel groaned due to the force, deku felt the sharp air smash into his face.

Deku opened his eyes to see the number 1 hero looking up to him.

"Hey kid I appreciate you just got attack but you know the rules on quirk use ,so shrink down and run along"

"Quirk... but I'm quirkless"

Deku looked down and saw the his body was now nearly 50 feet tall his body was being crush in the tunnel ,like being stuck under a table

Deku panicked

He tried to move but his head hit the roof causing dust to fall from the roof


"You alright kid"

Deku took in some oxygen

"Y-yeah i-it's just I'm q-quirkless s-So his shouldn't happen"

"Oh, ok just think about shrinking like if you were moving your leg, just hurry up not sure how much his tunnel can take"

"Y-Yes a-all m-might, a-absolutely "

Deku's body slowly began to srink to his normal height

"Your quirks similar to mount lady's"

"Y-yeah I g-guess"

All might glanced at his hand "Your hands smoking"

Deku looked down to his hands a saw a strange marks on them , on each finger tip was slightly darker patch of skin

"Huh that's wierd"

"Well love to stay but I must go, city needs hero's

Bye kid go to a doctor about your quirk" he sounded like he was in a rush

Deku looked at the spot at where all might had been standing

"Yyyyeeaah ssssure"

Deku put his hand on his brow to rub it but instead felt a tingling sensation in his new finger pads, suddenly he felt something exit his body he look in his hand and saw a glowing ball of blue light in the centire of the ball was a white light

Deku saw the ball slowly sink into his plam another burning sensation went threw him as the ball was absorbed into his palm.

Deku looked at his plams and saw another dark patch of skin in the center of his hand. Deku started to panic he tried to increase his size but he couldn't grow, he was quirkless again "no please not now I just got his quirk I need that gigantigication quirk"

As he began to fell his eyes water he saw the blue orb reappear in his hand

Deku then thought again and saw the orb disappeared into his hand ,getting a idea he thought of a quirk it was a stretch but he had thought about how mount lady's quirk his morning and he gained a similar quirk so it wasn't a stretch to think that...

"A quirk that use the iron in your blood to turn your skin into a steal substance it has the properties not the mass of steel"

Deku saw his finger tips light up ,white light emerged and started to form a ball of dna and energy. He heat was immense it dryed his eyes and caused him to star sweating, the smoking orb dropped into his palm deku picked in up and pushed it into his arm he felt a similar sensation but his time it felt like millions of heart beats going off In his body he saw his veins bulge a slight bit. Deku only processed when the sensation stopped he then thought very hard and. His skin started to groan as cool metal started to run up his skin

Deku looked to see himself made out of steel it glisten in the sun rays that made there way into the tunnel. Suddenly he began to feel like he was running out of breath clutching his stomach he pulled the quirk out of him. He began to start breathing normally

"So quirk creation ,better start training U.A.'s exams are in 10 months"

Hey I did it I finished it on time sorrys it's a bit short ,took a while to count the votes anyway next week is a new deku augmentations we start the sport festival arc YEAH anyway I'm off to work, send criticism enjoy sorry for any poor spelling I'm terrible at checking bye plus ultra