"You and I are in war now. You will lose all of your friends and Adrien will soon be mine."

Marinette seemed distressed after reliving that horrible memory. From herself nearly getting akumatized today, she would have given in to Hawmoth. And fought against her own partner.

"Ow, my leg! Marinette pushed me down the stairs!"

How could anyone believe that stupid liar? She wasn't the type of person would do that. Pushing someone down the stairs would of resulted in more injuries. Did anyone have any common sense in that?

She stood on her balcony, alone. Her parents in the bakery, getting ready for the next day. And all she wanted to do was prove her innocence. The evidence was really stacked up against her. A single tear drop fell from her face and fell to a certain blond boy who had just finished a photoshoot.

He looked up at her. Lila had hurt her and she had hurt him by hurting his best friend. Marinette was always there for him. She was that sort of girl for him to rely on anytime. And her height was adorable. "Marinette.." he knew her better than she did, which was strange because he loved Ladybug and their identities had to be..well, hidden for now. He allowed Plagg to face him.

"Kid, don't."

"I only want to check in on her. Please Plagg! I'll give you three wheels of camembert!"

Now, how could this kwamii turn down an offer like that? He gestured for his holder to stay out of the girl's view. He hid between a two buildings where no windows or lights were around. He called out his transformation and wasted no time to have down time.

The hero in black climbed on top of a budding, using his staff. He watched Marinette head inside her room by opening her trap door and stepping inside with caution. "Princess.." he muttered. He quietly landed on the bluenette's balcony. He peeked through the trapdoor window.


When Marinette stepped inside her room from her balcony, she sat on her bed and closed her eyes. "Why doesn't anyone believe me?" she whispered softly.

I'm so tired of pretending. Where's my happy ending?

Lila was tearing her down. She managed to turn most of her friends against her. She was pretending their words didn't hurt her.

"Why are you being so mean to Lila? She's done nothing to you."

"What evidence do you even have?"

I followed all the rules. I drew inside the lines. I never asked for anything that wasn't mine. I waited patiently for my time, but when it finally came, he called her name.

Were they no longer going to believe their long time friend?

Alya had a point. What evidence did she have?

But she knew for a fact that Lila was lying. She didn't know how to prove it since she was really good at it.

She screamed into one of her pillows in frustration before bursting into tears. She held her head.

"Didn't I tell you that Adrien was already mine?"

Her voice echoed through her mind. It was like a loop that never stopped when she wanted it to.

Large tears escaped her beautiful eyes. She was tired of keeping things inside. Maybe Lila was right. She supposed the liar won. Because no matter what she tried, her so called friends would stand up for her.

And now I feel this overwhelming pain. I mean it's in my veins. I mean it's in my brain. My thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train. I'm kind of like a perfect picture with a broken frame. I know exactly who to blame.

Other than Alya, no one else bothered to stand by her side. She wasn't even sure if Adrien was trying to stand by her side. Her heart ached when she realized that she'd probably end up alone.

"You will lose all of your friends and Adrien will soon be mine."

Marinette didn't want to tell anyone what Lila had told her. She didn't want anyone to get in trouble on her behalf. Her mind was so focused on Lila that she didn't hear the gentle knock coming from her trapdoor that let to her balcony. She silently sobbed.

Her kwamii nudged her.

She looked up to see her partner concerned over her. She quickly wiped away her tears and climbed up to wear Cat Noir stood. "D-don't you have patrol with Ladybug soon?.." she asked quietly.

She was startled when he pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry, princess.."

"Y-you didn't do anything." she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Why was he here, she wondered. No one, other than her classmates knew about this entire situation and Alya didn't dare to post it on the Ladyblog either. "Why are you saying sorry?.." she looked at his golden hair that seemed to shine with the balcony lights she had on.

"Adrien told me what you were going through. So I decided to check up on you."

Adrien. He told Cat Noir her problems? Oh no. She was just a big klutz around him. "Me?..It's nothing.."

He gently grabbed her shoulders. "Then why is a beautiful girl like you crying on this beautiful night?"

"There's this girl..." she began. "She spreads lies that are so believable to other people that I...I got expelled..The evidence was stacked high against me and I wish I could properly explain myself." her eyes dropped to the ground.

He had never seen someone look do hopeless. It was so unusual for Marinette to act this way. He was devastated that he would probably never see Marinette ever again. With one of his clawed hands, he lifted her chin up.

Hopeless bluebell eyes looked up into his emerald green eyes.

"Marinette, is it?"

She nodded.

"Adrien tells me how strong and kind you are. He tells me that at times, you remind him of Ladybug and he adores you."

A faint blush appeared on her face. "Well.." she got on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Cat Noir.." it felt strange to her that he was giving her attention. For crying out loud, he was in love with Ladybug and everyone is Paris knew that.

He smiled at her. He let his hands drop to his side and he turned around to leave.


He tilted his head.

"Here." she handed him a bag of pastries. Now, she could of sworn his eyes bulged out of his eye sockets.

He accepted. "Thank you. princess." he gently kissed her forehead. "Take care."

And then he was gone, leaving Marinette in a state of feeling good. She went back inside to see Tikki smiling at her.

"Does someone have a crush in Cat Noir?" the little kwamii teased.

"Not at all!" she denied. "Let's get going, Tikki." she stood up. "Tikki, spots on!" the feeling of how the suit covered her body made her have a sense of hope. As long as Ladybug was still around, she wouldn't allow herself to get akumatized.

She opened the trapdoor that led to her balcony. She threw her yo-yo to the nearest lamppost, swinging across Paris under the lovely stars.

In the dark of night, she had to be careful. She could loose her footing and go plummeting down towards the ground. But thankfully, many lampposts decorated the streets of Paris.

She made her way towards the Eiffiel Tower. She wanted to make sure everyone was safe. If a little kid had a nightmare, she would sing them a soft lullaby that her mother taught her.

She hummed the melody. And sat on the tower. She felt arms wrapping around her stomach. On instinct, she punched whatever was touching her. She heard a small whimper. She placed her hands over her mouth. "Cat Noir?! D-don't scare me like that!"

"It's okay, M'Lady. I should of known better." He dusted himself off. Then took her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Hey kitty." she greeted. She smiled at him and had to go on her tip toes to pet his head.

A soft purr came from him. "Bugaboo!" he touched his head and backed away.

"Don't be ashamed. It's cute." She giggled.

"Is my Ladybug flirting with her kitty? How sly of you to do that. I thought you were going to tell me off about the boy you liked."

"I've decided not to pursue him." she said quietly. "I mean, I do still love him, but he's not going to date a girl like me."

"Anyone would be lucky to date you!"

"That's very sweet of you, but this guy that I've had a crush on, he thought I hated him. I don't hate him. I love him. He's wonderful and humble. I wish I could stand to be like him one day."

"You are all of those things, Ladybug."

She looked up at him and back down. She smiled. "His name..." she took a deep breath. She trusted him. "Adrien Agreste. I know what you'you're thinking. Ladybug is another crazed fangirl over a model. But I didn't like him just for his looks. I loved him for his kindness." she blushed. "I did humiliate a girl in front of him out of jealousy..." she turned pink in embarrassment.

"M'Lady.." he just stared at her in awe. Ladybug had a crush on him? Well not him, but yes him, but no? He did a little dance.

"Uh, Cat? Are you alright?"

"I love you, Ladybug!" he blurted out.

She didn't know how to respond. She knew this. "Cat Noir.."

He kissed her. It wasn't forced, no. It was gentle and passionate.

She kissed back, wrapping her arms around him.

And he held her with such carefulness that she assumed he was a gentleman in his civilian life.

It was long and special. It meant so much to them both.

"I think I love you too. I mean I've never really kissed anyone except you...multiple times.." she blushed more. "I should really get going!"

He grabbed her hand. "I'm him." he said to her.

"What are you talking about?"


Ladybug shushed him, pushing him somewhere private. "Are you crazy? Don't de-transfrom in public! Someone could record you! And I don't want you to be akumatized.."

"Plagg, claws in."

She closed her eyes.

"I'm him.."

"A-adrien?.." she asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"You guys are so impossible right now! You two were lovebirds from the start of this!"


She opened her eyes slowly. "You...I've been rejecting you this whole time." tears sprouted from her eyes.

He cleared away the tears from her eyes. "It's okay." he gave her a kind smile.

"It's not fair for me to know who you are, but, I have a little challenge for you, kitty cat." she gently tapped his nose. "Don't follow me home. I allow you to look into my life and find out who I am underneath this mask. All I'll say is I go to your school. At least I used to." she kissed him again, but this time it was quick and she left in a hurry.