Quick author's note: This is my first ever story so feel free to leave me some feedback or ideas. Also, this first chapter isn't as exciting because I'm just laying out the basics so you understand the setting and characters. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!

Disclaimer: All characters are owned by Sarah J. Maas.

Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was far from your regular 19 year old girl. In fact, you could almost say she was the exact opposite. And now, entering her first year at Adarlan University, she couldn't help but notice it more than ever. Aelin had never been a stressor, living life in the moment, unapologetically doing whatever the hell she wanted to, regardless of the consequences. But moving out was a big step, and between the college courses, job applications, and trying to figure out what she even wanted to do in life, it all seemed like it was too much to handle. Aelin had said as much to Lysandra, her best friend and roommate, who was currently curled up in her bed, sleeping like the dead. After all, it was 3am. Another thing, Aelin was most definitely a night owl.

Aelin was laying on her own bed, unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep. Sighing, she stood up and dressed in simple joggers and a hoodie. Slipping on sneakers and grabbing her phone from the table, she quietly slipped out of the room, not wanting to disturb her sleeping friend. Aelin walked down the hall towards the elevator, pulling her long hair up into a messy ponytail.

Jogging had always helped clear her mind, although it was a much simpler task back home in Terrasen, where she could easily sneak out of her window. Here, with dorms packed full of students, it was hard to get out without running into people, which made for awkward 3am conversations. Walking out of the elevator, Aelin breathed in the fresh air, relishing every bit of it. She pulled out her phone and earbuds, putting her playlist on shuffle, then began her jog. The playlist usually went on for about an hour, the perfect amount of time for a calming jog. The official college term and classes started in two days, giving her some time to get her sleeping schedule back on track before classes started.

Too immersed in the music to notice, Aelin suddenly ran right into someone.

"Watch where you're going," a gruff voice called from above her. Aelin looked up to see a tall silver-haired man, his pine colored eyes piercing right into her. He had a tattoo running from the left side of his face down to his currently balled fist.

"I could say the same to you," Aelin immediately retorted. The man just rolled his eyes, shoving past her to continue where he was going.

Rolling her own eyes, though no one could see, Aelin continued her jog, trying to shake the man from her mind. He was quite handsome, she thought to herself. Although the personality was a real dealbreaker. It was true. While many of his features were rather good-looking, the semi-permanent scowl he wore definitely ruined the look. He hadn't looked much older than herself either, maybe only by a year or two.

Cutting all thoughts about the mysterious stranger from her mind, Aelin headed back towards her building. She was about to walk inside when something caught her eye. It was a flyer, advertising for a gym just down the street, according to the address. She had been looking for a new gym ever since arriving in Adarlan. Aelin had trained in pit fighting and martial arts for several years alongside her cousin Aedion, so it was important to her that she kept up her skill and stayed in shape. She had been sad to leave Aedion, who had decided to stay in Terrasen to attend a local college, though she knew he would visit her frequently because of his girlfriend, who happened to be Lysandra. And yes, Aelin had originally set them up, but who could blame her?

Snapping a picture of the flyer, Aelin quickly dodged inside, avoiding the oncoming wind. Back up the elevator, and into her dorm room. She quietly opened the door and shut it behind her with a small click. Aelin only had time to set her phone back onto the table before sprawling onto her warm and comforting bed, immediately falling asleep, without even remembering to change first.

In the morning, Aelin woke up to the delicious smell of eggs and bacon. She sat up groggily finally noticing she was still wearing her sneakers from her jog last night. Groaning, she kicked them off and padded into the kitchen. She found Lysandra standing by the stove, making breakfast. Her beautiful dark-haired friend was still in her sleepwear.

"How much sleep did you get?" Lysandra asked, not even turning around to see the horrendous state her best friend was in. She already knew.

"Four hours," Aeline grumbled. "This one asshole even ran into me last night."

"What," Lysandra cracked an egg into the sizzling pan. "Like that hasn't happened before?" It was true. Aelin's late night jogs had often resulted in unwanted encounters. But the man from last night was quite unsettling. He didn't even apologize, and acted like it had been entirely her fault. Aelin said as much to Lysandra, earning her a sigh.

"Whatever," her best friend had started piling two plates with the bacon and eggs. "He's probably off on his miserable life now. Why do you care so much, anyways?" Aelin tried hard to keep the blush from blooming across her face. But her unusually long moment of silence was a hint enough. Especially for someone she'd known her whole life.

"Was this stranger, say," Lysandra the two plates down on their little table, motioning for Aelin to sit down. "Handsome or charming?" Aelin rolled her eyes, but her choice of scarfing down the food instead of answering gave Lysandra the answer she wanted. Indeed, her best friend shot her a smirk from across the table.

"Who knows," she stated. "You might just run into him again."

"That asshole?" Aelin defended. "No, I think I'm fine."

"Whatever you say," Lysandra sing-songed. She smirked again when Aelin growled.

"I'm gonna head out," Aelin said, bringing her finished plate to the sink. "Thanks for breakfast and no thanks for the conversation." She could hear her best friend's chuckle as she slipped on the sneakers again and made her way out of their dorm. Pulling out the photo she had taken the previous night, Aelin set off to find herself a new gym.