In The Arms Of Someone You Love


A 9 month pregnant Shirayuki walked down the hallway to her husband's office. Shirayuki knock on the door and wait for him to answer. "Come in," Zen voice said on the other side of the door. Shirayuki grab the door handle and slowly open it.

"Hey, am I interrupting something," Shirayuki asked, walking into the room.

"No it is fine I'm just working on some papers," Zen said, put his pen down on his desk and stand up from his chair. "How the baby doing?" Zen asked, walkes over to Shirayuki and place a hand on her stomach.

"The baby is doing great," Shirayuki said, place her hand on top of Zen's hand that was on her stomach.

"That good, You need to take care of yourself and the baby," Zen said.

"I will Zen. You got so overprotective seen I got pregnant." Shirayuki said, wrap her arms around Zen's neck.

"I dont want nothing bad happen to our baby," Zen said, kiss Shirayuki on the lips.

"I know that other thing I like about you," Shirayuki said, kiss Zen back on the lips. "Zen did you feel it?" Shirayuki asked, place her hand on her stomach.

"Where is the baby kicking?" Zen asked, moving his hand around Shirayuki's stomach.

"Right there," Shirayuki answer, place his hands where the baby was kicking.

"That is our baby," Zen said with a smile.

"Yeah it is," Shirayuki said, wrap her arms around Zen's neck and kiss him on the lips. "I love you,"

"I love you too," Zen said, kiss her back.

"I will let you get back to work." Shirayuki said, walked over to the door.

"Okay, I will see you later," Zen said, walked back over to his desk. Shirayuki walked out of the room and close the door behind her. She walked down the hallway. Shirayuki felt some cramps in her stomach.

"Ow," Shirayuki said, kneeling down and holding her stomach.

"Princess are you okay?" a mind asked, running up to her.

"I think the baby is coming," Shirayuki said, breathing in and out.

"Let me take you to a room first the i will go and get highness Zen and the chief," The maid said, help Shirayuki to stand up. Shirayuki and the maid walked into a bedroom that was close to them and The maid help Shirayuki to laid down on the bed. "I will be okay," The maid said, walked out of the room.

"It will be okay, daddy is coming," Shirayuki said, rubbing her stomach.

"Shirayuki," Zen said, run into the room out of breath.

"Zen," Shirayuki said with a smile. Zen walked up to Shirayuki and sat down on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Zen asked, wrap his arms around Shirayuki.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Shirayuki said, lay her head on Zen's shoulder. There was a knock on the door and walked the room was the chief.

"Shirayuki, count of three i want you to start pushing," The chief said, sat down at the end of the bed.

"Okay," Shirayuki said.

"One, two, three push," The chief said. Shirayuki starting to puch holding Zen's hand.

"You can do it," Zen whispered in Shirayuki's ears. After a while, Shirayuki push one last time and heard a baby crying.

"It a baby boy," The chief said, clean the baby and wrap him in a blue blanket.

"He so beautiful," Shirayuki said, hold her new son in her arms.

"You did great," Zen said, touch his son little hand.

"What do you want to name him?" Shirayuki asked, looking up at Zen.

"I dont care what ever you pick," Zen answer, kiss the side of Shirayuki's head.

"Zenith," Shirayuki said.

"Yeah I love it," Zen said, kiss Shirayuki on the lips.

Thank you for reading this story :)