Title: Transformers Minus

Summary: Kumagawa Misogi decides to take a vacation and moves to Jasper-Nevada. The good loser was waiting for a quiet and boring town, but instead, he found an alien war of giant bots.

Universe: Transformer Prime and Medaka Box

Author's note: Medaka stopped the moon without destroying it.

Misogi Kumagawa was someone to whom life always trampled without pity, opportunity after opportunity was ruined by the twisted personality he acquired when he grew up in an environment full of love, with working parents who supported him and only wanted his goodness. So what happened ? What made five years later formulate an abstract plan to avoid being registered on the government list, threatening to kill the mother and her son in charge of the operation for the Non-Human census? What did he do when Kumagawa was a teenager to screw others of his age just because? Showing the bodies of their classmates adorning the classroom while their blood covered the windows and the floor; Kumagawa Misogi sat in the classroom seat and looked at the window, so red with blood, making it appear that the sky outside had been killed by humans in their uncontrolled contamination. The sky crying blood, it almost sounded like a poem, a poem made by someone destined for a slow and painful death, now, if only Kumagawa Misogi were mortal ...

At first the teenager only saw his reflection in his victims, all with a horrified expression, all with tears in their eyes, Kumagawa Misogi did not even give them time to keep screaming, he stopped them when some screws passed through their hearts and heads. The adolescent's life was like that for a long time. He moved to a school, killed his classmates, destroyed society and the hierarchy beyond teachers and students, moved to another school and so on ...

Until he met Medaka again

He changed ... his life changed, along with Medaka and the student council, Kumagawa Misogi obtained the materials to paint his world of colors, his whole world was combined with his absurd reality and everything had a new meaning, senses he never expected to have . Their destiny beside the others was fun and exciting, they faced all kinds of threats, each one bigger than the previous one, until they reached graduation. The graduation was splendid, everyone said goodbye and Medaka returned to their lives after stopping the moon, finally, they all followed their respective paths.

With nothing to do after a few years of graduation, Kumagawa Misogi decided to contact a certain person, a certain person who took him to the US, specifically Jasper.

"I know who I was this morning when I woke up, but I think I have had to change several times since then. Beautiful phrase from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, right?"

"[Yabumi Juunichou! Long time no see!]"

He had managed to find the chairwoman of the Library Committee after a short search, where she had moved to the US, in a place called Jasper to live a quiet life after everything that happened at Hakoniwa Academy.

The long-haired girl closed the book "Say you came to my place of work, Kumagawa"

The black-haired boy showed a huge fake smile, while standing in front of the young girl's desk.

"[Let's say I miss others! I'm so bored! You don't know the hell I'm going through, everyone has built important lives and fulfilled their dreams. But I don't!]" He exclaimed dramatically while crying.

The room where they were both was huge and elegant, worthy of the new principal of this school in the US.

Yabumi blinked bored "That means you found us all" He said turning his attention to his book "Why then did you approach me? I bet others are doing more important tasks than me"

Kumagawa dropped into the seat "[That's right, your job as a director is very, very, very boring, it makes me want to kill you with boredom]," she said with a huge smile.

A screw crashed in the middle of the desk

"Enough games, Kumagawa, what do you want?" Yabumi asked undeterred by his shattered desk.

"[ Some vacations]"

Yabumi raised an eyebrow

"[You see, since we graduated, I visited all of Japan and I saw a lot of things, but in the end I ended up getting bored. Then, as a good protagonist, I decided that I need a co-star in my story, you were also the only one in the outside of the country!] "

Yabumi turned his attention to his book "No"

Kumagawa made the screw disappear, leaving the desk as new "[Why? Is it because I am too beautiful for you? Yes, I assure you that it would overshadow you, but you would serve for the fanservice. What do you think?]" His smile increased.

Yabumi denied "Forget that I am the director of Memorial High School. I don't have time for you, Kumagawa"

The black-haired boy closed his eyes smiling "[I don't understand why you decided to work in this academy, it's as simple and boring as your town, Jasper]"

"That's why I chose to work here," Yobumi replied and showed a small smile. "It's peaceful, there's no madness that I found in our old academy. There are no Specials, Abnormals, Minus, Not Equals, just normal people, people we didn't reach. to live together thanks to all the incidents in Hakoniwa Academy "

Kumagawa laughed "[The normal ones are boring, people with basic thoughts and easy to predict, they are the lowest of the low from my point of view]"

Yobumi got up from his place and opened the door "I think you should try to get to know these people more thoroughly, you will get to see charm in them once you do it" He said quietly "Now, please retire"

Kumagawa got up from his place and headed for the door, but before leaving he looked at Yobumi.

"[You seem to forget who you talk to]]

"Don't let your evolution in your story with Medaka be in vain Kumagawa, you sound too arrogant"

And a screw went through the woman's head, but before falling to the ground, Yobumi was healed, and without Kumagawa in sight.

Jasper was bored

This town had nothing to offer, even the most boring places in Japan made them look like Las Vegas compared to this place. Kumagawa thought of Yobumi's words, she was an intelligent woman par excellence, not for nothing she was a Special, but her words didn't make much sense. Living with the normal just because yes? Ridiculous. Kumagawa had approached them just for research and to manipulate them, there was always something to gain, but approaching why, it was silly. As he walked and thought what to do now that he was rejected, he observed something that made him stop.

A motorcycle stopped in the other alley while the young driver got off very nervous and scared, leaving the motorcycle on.

"W-W-What are y-y-you...?!"

Kumagawa tilted his head in confusion as he approached

"I don't exist. Tell anyone about me, and I will hunt you down" The motorcycle spoke, without anyone driving it.

"[That's great! I had no idea that in the US they had bikes that could talk!]"

Both the young man and the motorcycle turned to see him when he heard it, the boy who had gone down was still backing down, but the motorcycle only lowered the brightness of its lights.

"Scrap ..." The motorcycle groaned, but upon hearing the sound of engines approaching it decided to start at full speed.

Kumagawa stepped aside as he watched the motorcycle move away, but his curiosity about this kind of "technology" made him want to know more, so he watched as the other boy stumbled as he tried to escape who knows what.

"[Hey friend!] "

The other terrified boy fell to the ground when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned quickly to see who had caught him

"[That motorcycle of yours was very impressive, tell me more about that! Maybe one day I bought one too!]" He said smiling.

"W-What !? That motorcycle is not n-normal! I don't even know her!" the boy shouted on the floor.

Before they could continue talking, some lights illuminated them, showing that a purple and dark vehicle was approaching them at full speed, with obvious intentions not to stop. Kumagawa observed this with curiosity and without worry, since a traffic accident meant nothing to him, but nevertheless, to the other boy ...

But out of nowhere, the same blue motorcycle that had moved away from them, reappeared on top of the vehicle at full speed towards them.

"Go up!"

The terrified boy hesitated a second to get on the motorcycle when he passed by, but he was speechless when the boy in the black uniform was the first to get on with a huge smile, so he had no choice but to follow him or die hit .

And the motorcycle accelerated

"AHHHHHHH!" Shouted the teenager in simple clothes, who was overwhelmed by the speed and fear of not knowing what was happening.

Kumagawa, on the other hand, was very excited, as he was with a big smile on his face as the wind shook his hair. He liked how fast this motorcycle was running, it was very entertaining, and the cars that followed them made the trip more fun.

Until they shot

Kumagawa smiled more

"WHY ARE WE SHOOTING US ?!" The boy on the motorcycle shouted completely upset.

"There's no 'us' kid, and they're not guys!" Answered the motorcycle

Kumagawa blinked "[What do you mean, Miss Motorcycle? You don't want to say that ... they are autonomous robotic organisms from the other planet, right?]" He joked

Both young men felt the motorcycle stiffen, but did not answer, as the shots continued and lives were at stake. Kumagawa then watched as a golden stain appeared in the mirrors of the motorcycle, so he turned, causing the other boy to change his attention, and both watched just in time as a beautiful car made a maneuver to collide with the cars that followed and gave them more advantage to escape them.

"[Friend of yours?]" Kumagawa asked smiling at the show.

"Family" answered the motorcycle.

It certainly reminded him of Suishou Kibougaoka

Then the yellow vehicle was cornered by both cars and pushed sharply to the side of the road. This made the other boy who was holding Kumagawa's waist more deeply, but before they both thought about it, the blue motorcycle made an unthinkable maneuver, as he jumped to the side of the bridge.

The boy behind Kumagawa shouted like never before in his life

Upon landing on the ground with a big noise, he heard the audience say "Woah!"

Although it was not an audience, just a little boy in glasses with a yellow stroller in front of a huge pipe. The screaming boy got off the motorcycle shaking and staggering, trying to catch his breath, while Kumagawa slipped as if nothing.

"[You have no idea]" Kumagawa said to the boy, who approached them.

But soon, in the heights, the pair of vehicles that followed them could be seen, approaching at full speed before jumping into the air and soon transforming themselves into huge flashy-looking robots. Before being able to process what was happening, Kumagawa and the other pair of boys heard the same transformation sound behind him and the motorcycle took the form of an elegant and strong blue femme.

"This ends here, 'Cons!" The femme shouted before running towards them for battle

Meanwhile, the three young people moved away to give space to the fight, however they stayed close to see how everything developed.

"... Who are they?" Asked incredulously the boy in glasses

"[They're… talking cars that transform into robots. Or it could be the other way around.]" Kumagawa replied, watching entertainingly as the robots fought each other.

Until the robot femme was shot

The boy and the screamer startled in fright, but Kumagawa just kept smiling without being affected. Since the thin boy knew that like every cliché of the Shonen Jump, a hero always appeared to save the girls, and here it was no different. By the way, very sexist.

The yellow vehicle appeared in a jump before transforming into the air and landing to save his family, making a superhero scene, well, this was the US, here only the slow motion was missing. Meanwhile, the robot woman was recovering from the attack. The yellow robot then dropped its curtain of hard and cool character by releasing a beep for having stepped on and destroyed the child's pram.

The young man in glasses only denied "No problem, really!" Assured the boy

Both young men turned to observe the child, confused at not knowing why he responded to the robot as if he understood that beep. Before answering, the yellow robot was abruptly launched to fly by an enemy attack.

Kumagawa laughed "[Oh wow, you distracted him]" he looked at the boy

The boy in glasses looked hurt and scared, until he watched the two purple robots mistreat the yellow, and his eyes lit up.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

Both robots directed their weapons to the human trio, and the boy backed away fearfully.


"Bad idea!" The screamed boy said, and was alarmed to see that one of the robots was approaching like a predator towards them.

Kumagawa froze as he approached, since he was more curious than scared, but was sharply pulled back when the other young man held him by the hand, forcing him to run with them.

"Quick, we have to escape!"

The robot followed them even when they entered a huge pipe. At this point, Kumagawa could only see how the claws of the great robot got into the tube to catch them, smiling, Kumagawa expected him to be close enough to pierce that hand with his screws, but the hand withdrew and instead, in the on the other end, the face of the yellow robot appeared, releasing beeps.

"Thank you!" Thanked the boy

The screaming boy started dragging Kumagawa

"Don't turn around!"

"And what was that?" The boy asked, referring to the whole situation in general.

"No idea, but I don't want to know!" The boy shouted as he ran.

That left a question to Kumagawa

"[Hey, so that means it's not normal to see huge robots fight in America?]"

Both young men watched Kumagawa as if another head had come out, but they kept running.

After the events that occurred, Kumagawa decided to return to visit the woman he had come to look for, since she more than anyone could believe him.

"Are you crazy"

Or maybe not

"[You really don't believe me?]" A large pool of tears appeared on his face "[Yobumi, you hurt me!]"

The woman rewrote the documents on her desk "I'm sorry Kumagawa, but I'm busy right now to give credibility to your story that involves giant robots fighting in Jasper"

The tears disappeared and a smile replaced Kumagawa's face "[Then that means you didn't get out of your office enough! Maybe we should take a walk]" He purred

Yobumi did not react "No thanks, I'm busy, and you know the way out"

Kumagawa looked at the woman for a long time. "[Okay! I'll be back later!]" He shouted before running off.

Already outside, the Minus began to look around in this American school, everything seemed simple and peaceful, similar to the films he saw from this country. Some of the students looked at him and Kumagawa just smiled at them, and wondered what American girls' panties would look like. Upon leaving school, Kumagawa met someone he recognized

"[Hey!]" Kumagawa caught the attention of a certain boy coming down the stairs.

It was the screamer boy

"Oh ... It's you" his voice sounded nervous, but he still approached "I didn't expect to see you. Do you study here?" he asked

Kumagawa considered the question "[Maybe I will soon, who knows?]"

The other boy was confused by the answer, but decided to ignore it "Hey ... err"

"[Kumagawa Misogi, but since we're in America, I guess what Misogi Kumagawa is. Oh wow, it sounds weird in reverse!]"

The other boy gave him a strange look "Ok ... I'm Jackson Darby, but my friends call me Jack"

They both started to walk

"[Your friends? Then I can also tell you Jack !? You make me so happy!]" The Minus boy began to cry dramatically, scaring Jack, who didn't expect this kind of reaction.

"H-Hey, it's fine! I'm glad you're happy but stop crying!" Jack looked nervous as the nearby people gave them a strange look.

"[I suppose spending a near-death experience together involving giant robots means friendship to you Americans, doesn't it?]" The boy said happily, totally changing his attitude from nothing.

As they walked, Kumagawa gave a fleeting glance to a young woman who sat and drew quietly, her features betrayed her as a Japanese.

Jack thought that maybe the boy in front of him is only bipolar, so he decided to pass it on "Talking about it ..." His worried expression appeared "I think we should keep that a secret"

Kumagawa ignored him and looked to the side, watching someone call his attention

"[Look, it's the boy!]" The boy turned to the other young man who was near the tree, next to Jack

"Raf" Greeted Jack "Hello"

Raf was about to speak but was interrupted by the boy in black uniform

"[Hi! Do you remember me? I'm Kumagawa Misogi]" interrupted the boy.

The child nodded "I remember you, and sorry for not giving you my name yesterday, is that you got lost from one moment to another. I'm Rafael Jorge Gonzales Esquivel, but you can call me Raf!"

"[It's a pleasure, little friend!]"

Jack sighed "Listen ..." He caught the attention of both boys "I think we should keep this a secret, and forget what happened"

Then they heard a horn, and soon a yellow car stopped in front of them, raising its door as an invitation.

"[Great!]" Kumagawa said looking inside the vehicle.

Jack sighed tired "Not again" Heard a recognized beep "Ehh ... Does he want us to get in?"

Raf denied "No, just Kumagawa and me"

Both boys narrowed their eyes at the little boy "Wait, you could understand that ?!" Jack asked "How?"

"I don't know." "Raf shrugged" I just did "

"[What?]" Even Kumagawa was very confused, but then he remembered how to talk about Unzen Myouga and could understand that language a little more, maybe it's the same way of speaking or who knows, but he would soon decipher it.

Raf gently took Jack's sleeve and pointed aside "Your ride's over there"

The blue motorcycle came into view

Jack trembled "The truth ... I don't believe—

"Hi how's everything?!"

"[It's a beautiful car!]"

"Raf! Kumagawa!" Jack shouted when he saw that both young men got on the disguised robot without problems. "Stop! Wait!"

"Why do you talk with square brackets, Kumagawa?"

A while ago they had abandoned Jack to his fate with his motorcycle, when Raf and Kumagawa had taken off from the place, they were now far from Jasper, in the middle of the desert.

"[Because yes]" He replied with a smile. "[Let me ask you a question, you're not American, right?]"

Raf denied "No, I'm from Latin America, but I moved here thanks to my dad's job"

Kumagawa laughed "[That's great, look at the things we found just by appearing in this country. I'm so excited that we could find more!]" And he began to cry with happiness

Raf was alarmed and waved his arms "Kumagawa !? Ehh q-quiet, I know it's exciting, but you must c-calm down. No need to cry!"

He heard the car's beeps sound frantically

"No, no! He's fine, he just got excited!" Raf replied

Kumagawa stopped his crying "[Hey, that makes me curious. How can you understand it?]"

Raf reassured to see that the boy did not cry "I do not know, I can simply understand it"

Kumagawa touched his chin "[Oh, do you think it's mathematical language? I met someone who could talk like that]" he exclaimed smiling.

"Mathematical language? I never heard of that. Are there people who speak with numbers where you live?" Raf asked curiously

Kumagawa nodded frantically "[Yes! Japan had all kinds of weirdos and very striking side characters!]"

Raf inclined his head "Secondary characters?"

"[Yes, Japan is a very beautiful place with all kinds of people, when you go I will give you a complete guide for the best places!]" His smile was huge

Raf thought 'That was not my question ...'

"[Hey, Raf, look at that!]" Kumagawa was already sticking his head out the window

Raf was surprised by that, but he only approached the window and could see how the car was speeding towards a mountain, this alarmed the boy without a doubt. However, the rocks around a part of the mountain moved and gave way to an entrance. Kumagawa and Raf were surprised by this, and were moved by the secret hiding place. As they entered, Kumagawa could see another pair of robots, staring at a certain white and red robot, who looked back indifferently.

When the car stopped, they knew it was a signal to get off, and in doing so, they saw how it was transformed again into a robot. Kumagawa would have continued to admire the new robots in front of him, but his attention shifted to the new girl who arrived with Jack. At what point had they picked her up?

"I thought there were three?"

"Haven´t you heard? Humans multiply" replied the robot woman.

The four young men stared at the huge robots

"Hi, I'm Raf!" The boy introduced

"I'm Miko!" The girl shouted, who walked away quickly to approach the green robot. "Who you are?" she asked, causing the large green mech to step back.

"Bulkhead," I answered.

"Are you a car? I bet you're a truck, a monster truck. Do you like heavy metal? How much do you weigh? Ever used a wrecking ball as a punching bag?" She continued to list off questions, while the green robot looked at her dazedly.

Kumagawa meanwhile watched the girl with interest, she certainly had a lot of energy and seemed very cheerful, certainly reminded Hitomi Hitoyoshi for being outgoing and small. Too bad the pink-haired girl doesn't have a skirt, otherwise she would be watching if she could recognize the pant marks. Jack stood beside him, and he didn't seem very happy despite having ridden a female robot haha.

Raf also came forward " So, if you guys are robots, who made you ...? "

Kumagawa was also curious about that

"Ugh! Puh-leez ..." the white and red robot snorted, which sounded like an old man.

The Minus boy was about to speak, when he heard heavy footsteps and felt the ground tremble behind them. Everyone turned and found the biggest robot in the place, it was a red and blue color with an elegant silhouette with a calm expression, Kumagawa believed that waist and hips should belong to a woman.

"We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron ..."

The robot femme squirmed, and Kumagawa couldn't help letting out loud laughs, drawing everyone's attention, and surprising humans. Until now, Kumagawa had run into all kinds of things, but it was the first time he ran into aliens, and he was sure Ajimu didn't count, but the news was easily digested.

"[How ironic my god!]" The young man laughed. While the robot femme glared at him. "[Just ignore me and go on ...!]" Kumagawa finally had to put his hands to his mouth to shut up and not keep laughing.

The huge robot gave him a calm look before continuing "Also known as Autobots"

Jack overcame his nervousness and asked "Why are you here?" Questioned.

"To protect your planet," replied "From the Decepticons."

"The jokers who tried to bump us off the road last night," the female robot explained, reminding them of the chase and the past battle.

"Okay ..." Jack muttered, unsure of how to continue, but in the end he asked "Why are they here?" His tone was almost annoying

The blue and red robot stood up to humans, which did not intimidate them by their soft way of speaking.

"A fair question Jack"

'[Apparently someone already told us our names]' Kumagawa thought, noticing the shiver in the tall boy.

"In part, they are here because our planet is uninhabitable, ravaged by millennia of civil war."

That got Kumagawa's attention "[Why were you fighting a war?]" Asked

"Foremost," he replied "For control over our world's energy supply, Energon, the fuel and life blood of Autobots and Decepticons alike. The combat was fierce and endured for millennia. In the beginning, I fought alongside one who I considered a brother. " A flash of sadness appeared on the robot's face "But in war, ideals can become corrupted, and thus it was that Megatron lost his way."

Miko sighed bored "Is there gonna be a quiz?" she asked

The two boys looked disapprovingly at the girl, but Kumagawa decided to ask "[So, what does ... Megatron or any of this have to do with us?]" he asked.

"Megatron has not been seen or heard from in over 5 years," he explained, but his gaze was serious. "But if his return is imminent, as I fear, it could be catastrophic."

The three young men imagined an apocalyptic world. Kumagawa imagined another day in his life

"And since you now know of our existence," said the great robot "I fear that, as of last night, the Decepticons know of yours as well."

Jack nodded "Got it, spot any Cons, we call you guys." I've looked around nervously "Can we go now?" I have asked.

"Are you insane !?" Miko jumped from her place and looked at him accusingly "I'm living a dream here in Botsland! And I will not allow you or anyone else to shatter it!"

"It is best that you three remain under our watch," Jack would have yelled at him if the giant robot hadn't interrupted him "At least until we can determine our enemy's intentions."

"Optimus," the white and red mech said. "With all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here as anywhere!"

Kumagawa giggled, not offended, but the young American next to him jumped indignantly.

"Children !?" Jack growled.

"They have no protective shell!" The grumpy robot said "If they get underfoot, they will go ... squish!"

I have stomped his pede for emphasis, making young people jump in surprise. Kumagawa just looked at them entertainingly, giving them a confident look, almost challenging the robots to try to crush him.

"Then for the time being, Ratchet," Optimus, the robot named Optimus said "We must watch where we step."

Suddenly a loud alarm sounded

"[What is that ?]" Kumagawa asked curiously

The yellow bot beeped something and Raf translated. "Proximity alarm," he said.

"It's Agent Fowler," Ratchet, the grumpy old man, showed how a dark, overweight adult man was approaching the base.

"Who's Agent Fowler?" Jack asked "I thought we were the only humans who knew about you guys."

"Special Agent Fowler is our government designated liaison to the outside world," Optimus explained. "Agent Fowler tends to visit only when there are… issues," Optimus continued. "It may be best if you do not meet him at this time."

Kumagawa was pulled back again by Jack, apparently it was customary. Soon the young people hid very close to see what was happening. They watched as the man appeared without fear before the robots.

"Seven wrecks, thirty-four fender benders," Fowler yelled, "a three hour traffic jam, and of particular note, numerous reports of a speeding motorcycle of unknown make and a black and yellow muscle car."

The guilty just shrugged

"So, anything you care to get off your tin chest, Prime?" Fowler demanded.

Optimus gathered his words before speaking "We have the situation under control, Agent Fowler," he said.

"They're back… aren't they?" Fowler asked.

"If you are referring to the Decepticons," Optimus said. "I have doubts that they ever left. Your planet is much too valuable."

"Then it's time to wake up the Pentagon," Fowler said.

Kumagawa observed Optimus's complicated body language, no doubt he did everything possible not to be disturbed.

"Hear me, Agent Fowler," Prime said. "We are your best, possibly your only, chance against the Decepticon threat."

"Says you," Fowler hissed.

Kumagawa gave a fleeting glance to everyone in the room, wow, the older man had touched a nerve for everyone. Even Miko seemed upset.

"Hey, fleshy!" Bulkhead yelled. "Did anyone get splattered on that freeway?"

Bulkhead ripped a nearby tool

"Team Prime knows when to use force," he said, as I started to crush it "And how much to use." The tool was completely destroyed in the Autobot's hand.

"Bulkhead!" Ratchet cried. "I needed that!"

Humans endured laughter, even Fowler showed a faint smile, but soon vanished.

"Enough," Prime ordered, then turned his attention to Agent Fowler. "Military involvement will only result in catastrophe," he said. "Perhaps you can condone widespread human casualties, Agent Fowler. I, however, cannot."

Fowler looked at him. "Then do us both in favor and handle this, Prime," he said moving away to the elevator. "Under the radar."

He got into the elevator and pressed the button. "Or I will." And with that he left.

"Pretty big bearings ..." Bulkhead said. "... For a human."

"Agent Fowler is concerned for his world, Bulkhead," commented Optimus, "As he should be."

Kumagawa looked critically at the robots. Apparently a lot was at stake around these so-called Autobots, however, the Minus was more interested in the fun part of the situation. He had no fun for years, maybe he could follow the game until he got bored, but ...

Kumagawa looked at the other young men near him, and a psychopathic smile appeared on his face, while a screw appeared in his hand.

Something in the atmosphere of the place changed, something felt rotten and evil, nobody knew where it came from, but instinctively, the humans turned to see Kumagawa, who looked at them innocently, without any weapon in sight. The yellow robot and the motorcycle also diverted their attention to the young man in uniform, why? They did not know, something in their processors demanded to be attentive, that the danger was near, and they did everything possible not to take out their weapons.

"Blasted Earth tech!" Groaned Ratchet Being the only one who ignored what everyone in the room felt, but thanks to that shout, everyone reacted "Cliffjumper's signal popped back online."

Those words made everyone forget the feeling.

"Who's Cliffjumper?" Miko took that signal to get out of hiding, forgetting about a moment ago. Jack approached the girl, but Raf was still looking at Kumagawa, he only smiled kindly before joining the others.

"How is that possible?" Optimus asked, ignoring Miko and the unpleasant sensation just now, it was not time for that.

"It isn't," Ratchet growled. I have gestured at the screen in disgust. "Another bug," he shouted "The system's chockfull of them!"

The robot femme came forward "If there's any chance Cliff's alive ..." Kumagawa noticed the pain and hope in that voice, incredible coming from a space robot, but Kumagawa could recognize the pain wherever. Whoever Cliffjumper is, or was, it was pretty obvious he was important to her.

"Ratchet, prepare the med bay," Optimus ordered, causing a battle mask to cover half of his face. "We may need it."

Miko caught his attention "Hey, what are we doing?" The girl shouted. How disrespectful, Kumagawa liked it.

Optimus looked at the children. "Remain with Ratchet," Then the giant robot walked away

Miko groaned disappointed, Ratchet did the same. They made Kumagawa laugh

Suddenly, lines shone from where the Autobots stood, and a bluish-green vortex appeared out of nowhere. This made everyone surprised, even Kumagawa.

"Autobots," Optimus called. "Transform and roll out." And the four transformed to vehicle mode, and drove through the vortex and lost in a flash, while the vortex disappeared

Jack paled "W-What just happened?"

"I transported them to the designated coordinates via the ground bridge," Ratchet said undeterred

Humans stared at the white and red robot "What's a ground bridge?" Raf asked.

Ratchet sighed and settled into his command center. "Scaled down version of spacebridge technology," then snorted "Since we don't currently possess the means, or the Energon, required for intergalactic travel ..." Ratchet explained.

"[You're stuck here,]" Kumagawa finished, "[On Earth.]" Enduring a mocking smile.

"With the likes of you, yes," Ratchet growled "But I constructed the ground bridge to enable us to travel from here to anywhere on your planet."

"Whoa!" Raf exclaimed in surprise. "Does it work for humans?"

"Naturally," Ratchet with a proud tone.

Miko jumped instead "You mean I could just shoot on over and visit my folks in Tokyo?"

"Within moments," Ratchet said. Then something malicious and mocking appeared in his features "In fact," Ratchet said "allow me to send you there immediately, all three of you!" He said anxiously.

The young people got the message

"[Watch it, Ratchet,]" Kumagawa scoffed

"What is this anyway?" Miko asked, about to touch a strange machine.

"Broken," Ratchet said, going to the monitors "Don't touch." Even without seeing the girl, Ratchet could tell what Miko thought "Don't touch that either," he said, causing the Japanese girl to pout.

Jack sharpened his gaze "Is there anything in here we can touch?"

Ratchet looked at the teenager in disgust, but before answering, an error warning appeared on the monitors in front of the robot. Kumagawa laughed at the fate of the old robot, causing him to turn to see him with an annoying expression.

"How come you guys are using human computers?" Raf asked, causing Ratchet to divert his attention from the other human.

"It certainly isn't by choice," Ratchet growled. "It was handed down from the previous tenants when we inherited this former missile silo. I make modifications as I see fit,"

And more error warnings appeared

Raf felt sorry for the old robot "I think I can fix that," he said pulling out a laptop.

Ratchet rolled his eyes "Really," Ratchet scoffed, watching as the boy settled into a chair and inserted a cable "You know this is complex technology, don't you? It's not a child's toy."

The boy in glasses smiled broadly "Now try,"

Then the warnings disappeared

Ratchet looked at the monitors without believing "How did you?"

"Raf's a bit of a child prodigy." Jack explained, with some humor.

Kumagawa leaned against the railing "[Wow, it must be very humiliating to let a simple human be able to handle so complicated technology]"

The huge robot growled and looked at him with bright eyes "Listen, fleshy , right now I could make you disappear without any effort and nobody would ever find out, not even Optimus."

Kumagawa kept smiling "[Oh wow! Will you do a magic trick? I want to see it!] The human challenged. Miko laughed, while Jack and Raf looked at each other nervously, they weren't sure if angering a giant robot is a good idea.

Ratchet growled more and approached menacingly, but something interrupted him.

::Ratchet:: Optimus shouted over the com. ::Bridge us back. Use the arrival coordinates! NOW!::

The old robot rushed to his workplace and managed to activate the vortex. Seconds later, the other robots appeared, running as if their life depended on it, and it must have been because of the blue fire that accompanied them.

"Woah!" Miko and the rest of the children were surprised.

"Cutting it a bit close," Ratchet humphed. "How about Cliffjumper?"

They seemed discouraged with the question. Miko was quick to ask questions, earning a dangerous growl from the robot femme, Jack immediately pushed the girl back, but Kumagawa and Raf stayed close to listen.

"Arcee," Optimus caught the attention of the robot femme "What did you see?"

"Not Cliff," he confessed, crossing her arms. "At least, not anymore."

Ratchet was confused "What?"

"He was mutated, butchered ..." The robot's voice, Arcee, trembled. "Like something from those 'Con experiments during the war." Without anyone expecting it, the femme dropped to the floor.

Kumagawa couldn't help laughing, earning a disgusted look at Raf and a couple who were in the room.

Yellow let out a beep that sounded worried, but the femme calmed him down. "I'm fine," she muttered. "Just woozy."

The humans exchanged glances

"Robots who get dizzy?" Miko asked.

"Robots with emotion," Raf said.

"[Robots at war]" Kumagawa said.

"Robots ... who can die," Jack said.

The old robot approached the woman to scan her, but then noticed an unusual liquid in the femme's hand "What is this?" Whispered ratchet.

"Don't know," Arcee said, holding her helm. "Cliff was covered in it, leakingit."

Ratchet picked up the liquid with a scalpel, and looked at him suspiciously "Go take a decontamination bath," Ratchet said, softly. "Now."

Bee helped her up and helped her into a large glass chamber. Kumagawa contemplated surprised how similar these robots were to humans, they acted in the same way when they got sick, he asked himself how similar they could be.

"Uh, Optimus," Jack said, holding his cell phone in his hand. "I hate to bug, but… no bars."

"A security precaution," I answered. "The silo walls isolate all radio waves."

The teenager grimaced "Well, if I don't call my mom, like now, I'm pretty sure the cops will be out looking for me."

Optimus approached and innocently asked "Have you broken a law?"

"Curfew," Jack said, trying not to laugh. "It's after 10 pm,"

"I better get home too," Raf said. "Or I'll be grounded for a year!"

Kumagawa looked at Miko, who seemed relaxed, apparently in no hurry to go home. The Minus then thought of him, there was no one waiting for him, since he had no home.

"Earth customs," Optimus said. "I haven't considered, but the issue of your safety remains." He turned to see Bulkhead. "Bulkhead, accompany Miko home—" he ordered, causing the girl to gasp.

"Awesome!" She interrupted. "My host parents are gonna freak." Kumagawa laughed at the girl's naivety.

"And maintain covert surveillance," Optimus finished. "In vehicle form,"

The green robot nodded "Curbside duty," Bulkhead said. "Got it,"

Miko groaned in disgust

Optimus turned to they yellow robot "Bumblebee, you'll watch over Raf." Kumagawa saw happiness in Bumblebee's robotic eyes.


"Busy!" He said hurriedly, without encouragement to be matched. Then Arcee appeared near him.

"Arcee," Optimus caught the femme's attention " You'll accompany Jack."

She grimaced "Ooh, still dizzy," she said.

"Your fine," Ratchet hastened to correct it. "Says your physician."

Arcee just growled to herself.

Optimus looked at who was missing, and Kumagawa looked innocently. The big robot then looked at the old mech again.

"Ratchet" the grumpy old man turned to see him "You'll accompany Misogi"

Kumagawa blinked at the use of his name. Most likely, they have heard them appear before Jack and Raf. Meanwhile, the old robot seemed disgusted by the decision.

"But Optimus—!"

"Ratchet, our new human allies depend on us for their safety, we must watch them so that nothing happens because of our war," Optimus explained, in his authoritarian tone. Ratchet sighed annoyed and growled looking at the human

"Okay ..." Ratchet muttered in disgust.

Soon, the four vehicles were transformed and the young people approached their guardians. Kumagawa raised an eyebrow when he saw that Ratchet was transformed into an ambulance, of course, that would not attract attention, but to the fortune of the old man, Kumagawa liked to attract attention.

The front door opened, and Kumagawa entered the vehicle "[This is so cool]" Kumagawa said and ran his hands all over the dashboard.

"Stop" ordered Ratchet

Kumagawa laughed "[I think we should introduce ourselves now that we will be partners. I'm Kumagawa Misogi, it's nice to meet you!] He introduced himself.

Ratchet was silent for a long time "Ratchet, doctor Autobot." And accelerated like the other Autobots.

I hope you like it

You know, I will need help for the story, because as you will see, English is not a language that I master, and if someone helps me in grammar I would appreciate it :')