It was late in the evening when a taxi cab pulled into the Gordon's driveway. Mr. Gordon was standing in front of the garage still examining the still-broken garage door with some concern. As soon as Gordo got out of the cab Mr. Gordon came over to him. "David, what happened? Are you OK."

"Yeah, dad, everything's fine. We were in kind of an accident."

Mr. Gordon motioned to the battered garage door "Yeah, I could tell that."

Mrs. Craft and Ethan exited the cab and introduced themselves to Mr. Gordon. "Hi. I'm Tawny Craft. Ethan's Step mom."

Gordo's dad shook her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Howard Gordon, David's father."

Ethan looked confused. "I thought you were Gordon's dad."

Mr. Gordon looked at his son, not knowing what kind of response to give to Ethan's statement. Gordo just said "I'll explain it later, Ethan."

"Oh, OK dude," Ethan nodded.

Mrs. Gordon appeared at the front door. "Oh, good. You're home. Why don't we all come inside and talk this out?" Her husband agreed with her and showed everyone in. Mrs. Gordon went into the kitchen to get some drinks while Gordo went upstairs. As they passed by, she handed him an envelope. "This came for you in the mails today."

No sooner after Gordo entered the room did his phone start to ring. He picked up the phone to hear Miranda's frantic voice. "Gordo? Is that you? What happened at the Service Station? Is everything all right? You weren't answering your cell phone."

Gordo had completely forgot that he had told Miranda that he would call her back. "Oh, sorry I didn't call you back. Something came up."

"Well what happened? Don't keep me in suspense here."

Gordo sighed. "Well it turned out that Ethan was standing right behind me and heard the whole thing."

At that, Miranda just melted. "Awww.. is he OK?"

"Yeah, I think so. We talked and I think everything's been worked out."

"Well good, cause if it wasn't I would have let you have it when I got home. Ethan Craft is way too cute to be in that much pain."

Gordo rolled his eyes. "Miranda, why do you always have to talk about him that way."

"Because... it's true?"

"Do you think he likes to be talked about that way? Ethan has feelings too."

Miranda was taken aback by this. "You care about Ethan's feelings? Is this the same Gordo who use to say that Ethan Craft was the stupidest person on Earth?"

"Well, maybe I was wrong... or jealous or something."

"So, basically you're saying that I was, oh..., right?" Miranda said in a smug tone.

"Yeah, yeah. You were right. I guess he's not such a bad guy."

Gordo noticed that he was still holding the envelope that his mother handed him when he got home. He looked at the return address and smiled. Forgetting that Miranda was still on the other line, he ripped it open and began reading the letter. On the other line, Miranda was unsure of what exactly was going on. "Gordo, is something wrong with your phone? I heard this crackling sound."

"Oh, that was nothing. I was just opening a letter from Lizzie."

"Lizzie sent you a letter? I thought she was grounded."

"Yeah, but I guess her parents thought that this was OK."

"Well, read it. I'm dying to hear what it says."

Gordo began reading. "Grodo- Hey. I hope you're Summer's going OK. My parents finally let me have some contact with the outside world, but I'm still grounded for the rest of the Summer. Things have been kind of boring here. Matt's been a pain and my parents have been really dopey. It seems like every day Mom looks at me and says, 'My little Lizzie is growing up so fast'." What can you expect from parents? Anyway, I hope everything's going OK with you and I can't wait to see you when school starts. I'll write soon, I hope. Lizzie."

"Wow, I never thought I'd hear Lizzie say that she can't wait for school to start. Maybe that means that she likes you."

"Maybe." Gordo was embarrassed to say that he really hopped that she was right. "But until she comes back, I can just enjoy what's happening right now."

"Even if it mean spending the Summer with 'The World's Biggest Doufus'?"

No sooner had she said that than he heard a large crash downstairs in the kitchen followed by a familiar "Sorry" being shouted so that everyone in the house could hear." Gordo wasn't sure how, but Ethan has defiantly done it again.

Gordo thought about what Miranda had said for a second and replied back, "Well, maybe."

The End

*Author's Note*- I hope you enjoyed my first Fan Fiction. I'm planning another that will be sort of a sequel to this one with Miranda coming back from Mexico, but I'm not sure how soon I'll have it up. In the mean time, please help me out by reviewing this story. I want to thank everyone who has already read and reviewed my story, but I would love to have more so I know what works and what doesn't and hopefully be able to make my second story even better than my first. Thanks again and I hope you liked it.