Hey, sorry this took forever. I have had an interesting few months. I detailed a few life events in What's Wrong with our Kids, but suffice to say, my step dad passed away in December, I needed to move and get settled. I was going to finish What's Wrong but I felt this story has waited long enough. Also, give my new story Baal some love as well. I am very proud of how thats coming along.

5 years ago

Mike and the others gathered at Nancy's house. She was working in Chicago as a reporter when she got the call from her brother. It was a simple 5 second call, "We found her, we are on our way", And now she had several people checking weapons in her home. Max and Lucas were checking over a pair of shotguns while being disgustingly cute. Suzie was putting together a med pack in case things got dicey for them. Dustin was at the computer station with Mike's roommate, a close friend of his named Dane.

He was the same age as Mike, about as tall as Dustin, with brown hair cut to his ears. He had a look of someone who barely slept. Nancy felt something was off about him. But Mike trusted him, and that was good enough for her. He was using her printer to bring up a map of a building. "These are the schematics I found." Dane said. Dustin took the paper and placed it on the coffee table. Mike looked it over as the others gathered around. Nancy mused that it looked like one of their old Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.

Mike looked it over, placing figures around the map. He looked over other papers, ones that had guard schedules and when Dr. Brenner would be in. Mike wanted that to be a day. He had a score to settle with the bastard. "Okay, let's go over the plan." He said. He grabbed a ranger and rogue figure. "Lucas, you and Max will provide overwatch. You're the best shots in the group." The pair nodded as Lucas picked up a sniper rifle that he got from Hopper earlier in the week. Picking up a bard and cleric figure, "Will and Dustin will watch this door" he said placing the figures by a side door. "That's were Brenner likes to leave out of. Keep him there if he escapes." The pair nodded. Picking up a knight and elven archer figure, along with a bear figure and vampire figure. "Myself, Nancy, Hopper and Suzie, we will go in and assault the place. It's far away from the city and no chance of the police showing up." Mike said.

Hopper grabbed a water and chugged it down. He was anxious. When he got the call from Mike that him and his college roommate found one of Brenner's labs in Chicago and this was the main one, he gathered other items needed. They had plans to leave the country once the operation was over. Doc Owens was going to provide some logistical support and he might be able to arrange for help on El's mental state.

Jonathan was out of town, otherwise he would be with the infiltration team and Steve was helping the county sheriff with a missing person's case. The team they had though, was ready. Hopper looked over at Mike and despite him being confident, he still looked like a nervous wreck. He walked up and put his hand on Mike's shoulder. "Mike, you are doing good kid. Now let's go get her back," He said. Mike looked up, his nervousness left him and steely resolve replaced it. He nodded to Hopper and caught a rifle that Lucas tossed to him.

As they began prep, Max walked up to Mike and asked him to talk in private. They moved off to a side room. "What's up Max?" Mike asked. She gave him a smile. "Look, you have been looking to this for a decade. El should be very lucky that someone is as devoted as you. But I just want this out of my system before this ends." Max said and she kissed him.

It wasn't the usual pecks she gave the others, but one of the deep and passionate ones Mike usually spotted she would give Lucas either after they made up from a fight or just because they felt like it. Once it was over she looked at his surprised face. "Thank you." She said as she walked out. Mike merely stood their flabbergasted.

Mike always suspected that Max liked him. Usually she went to him when her and Lucas would fight. But Mike always considered her a friend. Once he got over his shock, he left the room and the group loaded in the van. Dane decided to stay behind and keep the home fires burning.

The van made a stop at the building opposite the lab to let out Max and Lucas then parked in a nearby alley. The group piled out then split off to hit their points.

Mike, Nancy, Suzie and Hopper made their way to the door and got into a breaching position. The front faced a street, but it the road was clear. They pulled out their rifles, while Hopper pulled out a shotgun. "We breech in three….two…..one, GO." Hopper shouted as he kicked the door open. The four rushed inside, expecting to surprise several guards.

Only to find, the guards were already dead. The front foyer looked like someone attacked them. Multiple wounds were all over the bodies of the guards. "What the hell happened here?" Hopper asked.

"Maybe Owens?" Nancy asked. Hopper shook his head. "After Brenner got his position back ten years ago, Owens has been person non grata with the government." Hopper explained as they made their way through the lab complex. It looked like a massive battle took place, bullets casings were everywhere. Hopper took point as they found the main lab complex.

They found the main lab complex to be a massacre. All of the white coated scientists were dead. A man with a large grey beard was dead on a table, a note was lain on top of him. It had Mike's name on it.

As Mike grabbed it, he saw it was a file on Subject Eleven, and a note from Brenner. The note was cold and strait to the point.

Mr. Wheeler

If you are reading this, I told you I was monitoring you. All these deaths are your fault. They were sanitized as a result of you poking your nose where it didn't belong. And much more distressing, Subject Eleven had to be disposed of. I leave you the file on the progress we made. Don't try to use it to bring me down. I can still reach your family.

Dr. Martin Brenner.

Mike slumped to the ground. Hopper looked over the note and his face contorted with rage. He let out a massive howl of anger and fired his shotgun at some lab equipment. Nancy looked at the file and found the sanitation order. "We were a day late. This happened yesterday." She said. Suzie looked through the cabinets and found all the paperwork was gone. All the computers were destroyed. "These guys are effective, I'll give them that." She said under her breath.

"Paladin, what's your status? Over." Will asked over the radio. Hopper picked up his own radio. "Mission aborted. We were to late kid." He said as he sat down next to Mike. Both had tears in their eyes. Nancy joined them, her heart breaking as her brother broke down for the second time since this happened.

An hour later, they were at Nancy's house. Dane was at the dinner table, with a curious look on his face. "That didn't take long." He said. Mike sat down at the table, dejected. Lucas had a hand on his shoulder, looking morose.

"So, was Dr. Ivey with the bodies? Big man with a black beard." Dane asked. The group all looked at him and he had a large smile on his face. "I liked him, but lessons need to be made." Dane said. Hopper was growling at this point. "Who the hell are you?" Hopper demanded. Dane began humorlessly laughing. "Just an operative to keep an eye on you. I kept trying to throw Mike off the scent but clever bastard found it. Well, he had help from that bitch Suzie." Dane said, earning a glare from Suzie and Dustin. "Once Mike found the lab, I called the good doctor and he sanitized it yesterday. He told me your precious El was crying for you when they burned her up with a flamethrower." Dane said laughing. Mike was now seething with rage, the betrayal making him see red. "All that work, and you lost." He said.

His laughter was cut short as a bullet went between his eyes and he fell back from his chair onto the floor. Max glared at him as she put her pistol back into it's holster. "Fuck you." She said to the dead man.

The group shared her sentiments.

The present

Mike looked at the video and saw the massive scientist with a black beard, Dr. Ivey, was explaining the Cyber Program. "Subject Eleven, after being physically and mentally conditioned, is fitted with enhancements. These are combat conditions and extreme pain resistance. The helmet connects It to the central hub and can have the Subject be controlled directly." Ivey explained. Mike couldn't see El, just the helmet of the cyborg he fought. "We now begin the test." Ivey said as the scientists begin pushing buttons and flipping switches. The cyborg on the table began screaming. It was a haunting sound that Mike had nightmares about for years after El was taken.

Once the screaming stopped, it was replaced by laughter. It was cold laughter. "I worked!" The cyborg said. "Phase one works!" It said. El's voice was coming out of the machine. "I will work on fixing the helmet's voice modulator, but I can feel myself through Subject Eleven." It said. Dr. Ivey looked on proudly. The cold laughter continued. "I received word we have been discovered. Thank you, Dr. Ivey, but your services are no longer needed." It said as it pulled a guard's gun with telekinesis and began shooting around the room. The video cut off at that moment.

Mike was shocked as Hopper handed him a water. "El was alive the whole time. Brenner tricked us. Of fucking course he wasn't going to kill her when his fucked up experiment worked." Mike said. Suzie nodded. "He mentioned phase one. I am still digging in the files, but phase two looks at turning a person's brain waves into normal human bodies." She explained. The group was horrified at the thought. "Brenner is a mad man." Robin said.

Department of Energy holding facility

Jericho sat in the interrogation room, his wrists were cuffed behind him. Saverio had his men arrested once they saw the face inside the helmet. Apparently that was national security. Jericho decided he would play along.

Saverio entered the room, looking smug, as he took a seat opposite Jericho. "Well, it looks like you still have a few uses left." He said. Jericho tilted his head to the side, curious about what he was talking about. "We lost Wheeler and his friends van. But we know you can find it. However, this time you will be answering directly to me." Saverio explained. Jericho rolled his eyes and Saverio gave a laugh. "You could refuse and you and your men will be executed. Now are you going to be a good little dog and play nice?" Saverio said. Jericho looked long and hard at the man across from him. "Who is she?" He asked. Saverio smiled. "Not a she, that's an it. Not a person. Government property. Also classified." He said. Jericho glared at him while he considered his options. After a moment he decided. "I have a score to settle with Wheeler. But make no mistake. Once I am done with him, you are next." Jericho said. Saverio smiled. He liked that answer.

Jericho made his way to the cell blocks where his men were waiting. "We have another chance. Get ready to move in five." He ordered. His men nodded and headed for the armory. All except for Lopez, who indicated he wanted a word. Jericho nodded and he pair walked into the guard room.

"What the hell was that Charles?" Lopez demanded. He rarely used Jericho's first name. "I don't know. But I have a plan. Do you have my back Lopez?" Jericho asked. Lopez still had an intense look on his face but he nodded. "Always Jericho." He said. "Good. Because once we are done with this, we are fucking over Dr. Brenner hard core." Jericho said.

Parking garage

Steve walked up to Hopper, his anxiousness was all over his face. "What are we going to do?" He asked. Hopper shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I think we need to head to Hawkins. Put the battle on out terms." He said. Steve ran both hands through his hair. "I suppose your right. But we need to get out of here now. No telling when those troops will catch up." Steve said. Hopper nodded. Robin and Suzie walked up to the pair. "We need to split up, take different cars." Robin said. "But this is my van." Steve complained. "We can get it later. Besides, the Chief shouldn't have a child molester van." Robin said.

Mike was already hard at work hotwiring a truck when Steve walked up to him. "Wheeler, you seriously still walking around after that ass kicking?" Steve said. Mike shrugged his shoulders. "We need to get safe. Once we are out of the woods, I'll rest." Mike said. Steve couldn't argue with that.

Soon, they were all situated in vehicles and heading out in various directions, heading to Hawkins.

Jericho arrived a few moments later. Using city cameras he found the van entered this parking garage. This one had no cameras so tracking them will be difficult. "The van is registered to Steve Harrington, Chief of Police of Hawkins." Smiley said. Jericho laughed, he might not need to look to hard where they were going. "That big fucker who helped Wheeler escape, who was he?" He asked Smiley. He looked at his notes before finding the page. "Jim Hopper, mayor of Hawkins." Jericho began thinking. "They will go back, just to make the fight home turf. Tell Saverio that's were we are headed." Jericho said.

"No need, I am here." Saverio said as he arrived with several guards. "If they are headed to Hawkins, give me some time to get some troops together. They won't go anywhere." Saverio said. Jericho shook his head. "The longer we wait, the more entrenched they will be. And Wheeler gave us a problem when he wasn't prepared." Jericho said. Saverio smiled. "I have a few surprises in store for Mr. Wheeler. And you don't give the orders anymore." He said as he walked out. Jericho glared as he walked out.

Martin came out of the command trailer and walked up to Jericho. "Boss, you got a personal call." He said quietly. Jericho nodded and headed inside. He put the phone to his ear.

"Charles, it's Sam. He's becoming unruly. I am having a hard time taking care of him." The voice came. It was Jericho's sister Emily. "Look, I am kind of in the middle of something. Can't you take care of him?" Jericho asked. "He is asking for you. You're his favorite." Emily said. Jericho groaned. "Okay, you two still in Indianapolis?" He asked. She said yes and told him they were at a park. "I'll swing by." Jericho said and he hung up the phone. "If we need to sit tight, I guess I can handle a short errand." Jericho said to himself.

Road out of Indianapolis.

Mike and Will drove in a truck, Will keeping look behind them as he checked if they were being pursued. He saw nobody. "Should be a few hours before we get to Hawkins. So what do we do?" Will asked. "I have a plan, you need to tell me how bad it is." Mike said.


Nancy was writing a piece on human trafficking in massage parlors when her desk phone rang. "Nancy Wheeler speaking." She said. "Hey, it's me." The voice of Jonathan came over the phone. Nancy breathed in. Her and Jonathan were separated after a fight they had a month ago. "What do you need Jon?" She asked, sounding testy. Jonathan sounded different, like this wasn't about them. "I got a call from Will. He said it's a code red. We need to get back to Hawkins." He said. "I dunno if you want to ride with me but…" Jonathan was cut off. "Let me get my bag. Pick me up in twenty." Nancy said as she hung up the phone. Code red's were reserved for danger and needed to be addressed quickly. After all, a party member required assistance.

Sorry for how short this was, but not every chapter will be action packed and full of danger. So i have a couple of things to talk about.
1. Hopper lives...because of course he did. I kinda figured with how coy they were being about his death. They picked that up from Game of Thrones and that annoys me. I would usually prefer silence over trying to be clever.
2. I am not going to update this in the same way. A lot of my motivation is limited so I will update when I can. I do appreciate feedback and love hearing from ya'll.