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Chapter 25: Rebirth of the Last Shine

Beta-reader: Ant0nius

I found it difficult getting off the floor when I first woke up.

It wasn't due to tiredness, and I'm quite sure it wasn't caused by my body. I felt fresh since I had rested well through the night and early morning.

I was still as I continued lying down on the floor, staring aimlessly at the ceiling in an effort to regain my thoughts in an orderly manner.

My mind… my brain just couldn't properly compute what I discovered the night prior. There was much to say about it, and yet, so much to keep quiet about with what I had learned through that experience.

The De Magno Exploratione held much more than I had initially expected. Some of the content was outright ludicrous with how it was expressed, and yet I couldn't peel my eyes off from the ink.

Things were going fuzzy the more I pondered about it, and there was no means for me to shrug off the immense truth that I had been given the chance to learn about.

The content in it was something that resonated deep within my memories, despite the fact that I remember having never found and read this literary piece before. Something about it struck me as familiar.

I knew the content within its pages before I opened it. This left me particularly unsettled as I would've remembered opening this book before now… but this wasn't the case here.

I've seen its conception years ago. I remember being 'there' when it was being written. Not only did I have a recollection of the drawing applied to its cover, but I also remembered some of the written constructs left in the various pages making it.

It reminded me of a confusing bit of my life, when I was younger and incredibly devoted to an important task. It was something so essential for me at the time… but I couldn't remember what it truly was.

But how did I see its creation and why it didn't strike me before now?

I was growing accustomed with the confusing development of so many revelations hitting directly at me so frequently.

Yet this very element struck me the worse.

And while I had been quite careful to not indulge myself in these strange memories because of the dreadful amnesia-related reactions caused by these attempts, I still couldn't help but actually push myself to finally get some proper answers.

This was the means I had been waiting for to finally reach the truth. The real answers to the questions that had been consuming me up until that very moment.

The instrument that I needed to use to unlock what was forgotten. Something precious that I needed to remember.

To unleash what details of the past I had lost. And to bring wholeness to the shattered memories of my past.

Diving deeper into the pages, I forced myself to remember that extensive experience unraveling before my eyes.

There weren't any strange reactions to this unexpected determination enveloping my entire core and pushing me through the various words and sentences in the large tome. And yet, I still felt reluctance building up the further I read through the words and the scenes.

The stories of a crew that did so much for the galaxy, and yet were barely remembered in history for its deeds. Sure, the book offered a solid narration, but it was just that.

There were plenty of stories about the Crests and, while a large majority had been confirmed as false, the remaining stories were still enough to shadow the events caused and solved by this small crew.

Misfits reunited under a single banner of peace and justice.

It sounded so romantic to read, and yet my awe was diluted by the fact it didn't feel like a novelty for me to learn about. It was as if I knew these stories from somewhere else and… that surprisingly hurt.

My chest ached as the night progressed, and I ended up staying up even after Randal had gone to sleep. Reading in these circumstances proved to be rather difficult.

The Collie Prime had impressive hearing, and it would take a very sudden wrong reaction to get him to notice my current predicament.

At first, my swift reading brought up curious names along the tedious way offered by the book, just like the mayor had mentioned back when we met at the library.

Addie, Carmie, Ice, Gracie, Howlie (more than once also addressed as 'Howlett, Howlsome, Howloski' and other bizarre nicknames the author and leader of the group would come up with), and finally… Geecku.

I was surprised when the last member of the crew was confirmed to be the Gecko Prime. This enabled me to further study the odd correlation between me and the book.

Thinking back about the strange encounter with the Ravenhurst family through that call at Minos' house, I had thought it suspicious how Grace and Gracie had similar depictions and personalities.

The curious connection didn't just end with a few bits from the book, but also related to the way she had first reacted when the call started.

She had stared at me as if she had seen a ghost. As if someone familiar to her that was supposedly dead was now before her eyes alive and well.

And while it had been quite odd to just only notice now, the stranger elements within this book were all made by the numerous references about Geecku, explaining in grand details about the quirkiest of the outcasts reunited in that group.

Despite the gal having been the last member of that crew, her presence was noticeably impressive within the pages of the book.

There was a strong bond between the writer and the childish girl, enough so that there was a single detail that just stood out from the rest.

It was something I had almost skipped early on, but then I paused and returned to it when I encountered the word again. I was unsure at first, but then I felt more confident about this quick theory being real.


It was one of the few elements that distanced Geecku from the rest of the crew.

While it was normal for the other people in there to address each other with nicknames, the Lizard Prime was the only one that ended up fixing a mutual nickname for both herself and the crew leader.

They were buddies. He was the one that she trusted the most, and he was the one that took care of her throughout the complicated life of modern society while they faced the Empire's forces.

"You welcome, Buddy."

It was a nickname limited to just Geecku and the writer. Something so rare and unique that it shouldn't have been given to someone else so easily.

And yet Geecku decided to call me that when we just met so recently. And those 'encounters' were through the phone. There was no reason to grow so attached to me after so little time had passed…


"See you later, Buddy."

The more I thought about it, the more I ended up feeling like I've-

"This is delicious, buddy~. Spice is good!"

"But I want sleep with buddy!"

"I trust you, buddy!

"Don't- DON'T GO!"

And with that final memory, I felt other voices joining in a chorus to try and stop me from… leaving.

My entire world crumbled in mere moments as I felt my consciousness slipping away so suddenly and painfully. I was asleep for a couple of hours and yet… I wasn't allowed a normal dream during that strange situation.

In fact, I ended up in quite the confusing but enlightening place.

A place that left me in a state of general dislike towards certain situations and developments that had led to this maddening circumstance.

Blinking placidly, I found myself staring at the world from afar. I was floating… in space.

For a brief moment I thought that I was going to die because of the lack of breathable air, but then quickly realized that the situation was fine from where I was.

A dream. I was dreaming of what was quite the idyllic sight to be bestowed with.

I was staring at Neo-Earth far away from its surface. Enough to see its entire form with a mere look. It was so beautiful. Just like one of these pictures showing old Earth from several kilometers away.

And I wasn't alone in watching such a glorious view.

Approaching slowly and carefully, the pure white figure stopped as I turned around to address her.

This intruder reminded me of a Nanozell Spirit, and yet, there was something about her overall appearance that made me doubt that it was one.

Something about her was… different. More complicated.

The spirit smiled kindly, yet I couldn't help but give her a minor scowl.

Something about its angelic nature made me uneasy, and I felt wary of such a presence right now.

I knew of her… but I couldn't recall where I had first met- No wait. I do- I do remember her!

"Child of Terra, my heart is warmed to finally have the chance to see you reach the truth," The woman stated in a calm and suave voice. "I'm Apogeo, the Heart of Prime-"

"And the messenger of the Dragon Gods," I calmly muttered, my brain burning a bit as I saw flashes of memories about her.

It was quite recent… and it was back on Earth.

"That would be correct," Apogeo muttered, her tone showing a lack of uneasiness at this interruption. "I'm glad that you're remembering so quickly and without impressing much stress on yourself. It's good to know that the Grand Knight will soon return to his duties."

She was at the bar. I remember now.

"I think I refused back then when you approached me," I pointed out. "I said that I wasn't going to be their lackey."

"Not even when those you care for are in danger?"

I shook my head at that attempt. I paused for a moment as my mind replayed the scene of what I did when I first saw her.

Moving out of my stool and quickly paying the bartender, I had left by the backdoor. I had hoped to make a run for it, that the distance would've been enough to bolt out of the city…

But Apogeo wasn't a being limited by speed and space. The fact that I was the only one noticing her approaching through the entrance of the building earlier in that situation should've reminded me of this.

Alcohol was more than enough to lessen up my senses and I ended up ambushed because of it.

"Spare me the pleas, Apogeo. I know you're better than this," I rebuked tiredly. I had this discussion already, and right now I wasn't in the mood to be subjected to this irritating spiel again "I remind you that your Gods decided to bring me back despite my wish to stay with those I cared for."

"Your family would've missed you-"

"THEY DIED BECAUSE I COULDN'T CONTROL MY RAGE," I yelled back, the area surrounding us cracking a little bit because of it. "You deprived me of my memories, suppressed my powers, but did nothing about the fury I had directed at the Dragons that, back then, I had no real target to direct it. My own mother and father thought that I hated them for no reason."

"And here you are, sprouting about 'heart-warming' and even 'rejoicing' at my 'success' when we all know that you're the sole culprit behind my amnesia," I continued to vent on. "And let me guess, the Emperor is trying to return and you need someone to clean up the fact the fact your deities are self-centered morons?"

"I understand your anger- and I can see the truth in your words but-"

"Don't even try to give me the 'understanding' card, because we both know that's a lie," I interjected again. "I was there fighting the war. Sure, the Gods helped around, but they did so little before the fact someone was trying to exterminate every race that wasn't Narakhan."

Apogeo finally showed distress through her usual composure. She kept quiet as I went on with my rant as she knew that I was completely right.

She had been there to offer moral support numerous times. She was there when the first tragedy happened and when the crew didn't have a new place where to run to.

We were always chased by the Empire, the forces of evil trying to corner us at every opportunity left for them to use.

Apogeo was there to give guidance and help. She was a mediator in the few times fights erupted among us, and someone that assisted us through our galaxy-wide voyage.

But now that so many unpleasant things had happened after that long-deserved victory?

That figure had perished the same moment the saddening truth of this very individual was revealed to the rest of the crew.

Despite her priorities being protecting all species and creating the best of worlds out of the various circumstances, she still submitted to the rule of the Dragon Gods and she conceded to my 'transfer' back home.

Once a friend that I could rely on with my own insecurities and trust, she was now the greatest of backstabbers.

I glared at the spirit for a long time as I sorted out my thoughts, ultimately speaking once again.

"Let me ask you this then if there are some issues with my own thoughts," I started with an incredibly calm and cold tone. "Did the Gods make sure to help what few Narakhans that actually helped us during the war, to purge away the taint?"

I knew the answer was technically no. While there were scientists that had already developed some therapies in removing the taint if it was applied years after the birth of the patient and if it was in its initial stage, I knew that the corruption couldn't be removed completely.

A faint connection would still exist. One that was a haunting experience for those that lived a long life.


"I-I tried," She answered with a sob, my eyes narrowed at her as the spirit was now crying. It was the first time I had ever seen her do such a thing.

Finally, a genuine novelty in that sea of lies. Now I can die happy, I suppose.

"I b-begged them. I tried so much and… and they said that they couldn't lift that curse. That it was only justice for those that had died to their race."

I kept quiet as she kept crying, and I pondered on this.

Why would this insanity keep on for so long? Why wasn't there genuine drive from the Gods to amend their own mistakes. It was their selective favoritism that created the Emperor.

The weakest Narakhan became the strongest monster in the entire Galaxy. A being capable of matching the deities with his simple powers, to squash Prism's own last stand when the Empire started its campaign for conquest.

Despite my reluctance to admit it to anyone else but myself, I could also remember the small sympathy I held over our defeated opponent.

Their drive wasn't devious as it would then become with the destruction of Prism. They tried bringing change, and ended up corrupted by the thirst of power needed to bring such a reform to the entire Galaxy.

Winning that war might have prevented the worst, but it mostly did nothing about the deities keeping themselves firm on their old judgment of the Narakhans.

"Why did they want me back if they knew I wasn't going to be a soldier blindly listening to their orders?" I asked, this time genuinely feeling interested as to what kind of mental operation they went through to have me back. Before I was thrown out of this dimension, I remember being quite colorful with my words. Enough to at least make them reluctant in asking for my help again.

The Spirit blinked, keeping silent for a solid minute, but then answered with a sigh and a curt reply.

"They didn't."

Frowning at that, I felt confused by this response.

"What?" I inquired quickly and she nodded.

"The Gods asked for someone that could fit with the tasks, and I proposed a valiant hero that I personally know would make it through with these," Apogeo explained with a nervous tone. "They were uneasy at bringing you back, but I vouched that you weren't planning to do any harm to them."

"I mean, swearing profusely at them isn't harming them in any way, shape or form," I agreed at the legitimate comment. "But still, why did you want me for the job?"

Indeed, why was Apogeo interested in bringing me back?

There was some hesitation at answering that and I sighed.

"Come on, I know plenty of the truth already, you shouldn't stop at this when-"

"I missed you."

I blinked at that sudden admission, completely lost at that unexpected response from the spirit.

"You… what?"

"After you were gone, I thought that the grudge the Crests felt towards me would've faltered in due time," Apogeo started to elaborate. "And I was correct as they all started despising me less and less. With the sole exception of Carmesi, the Crests have long abandoned their hatred for me over what had happened… but none had ever granted me the very trust and affection that once existed thanks to you."

Huffing, I shook my head. "You're telling me that you wanted me back because of that?"

Before I had the time to say more about it, she closed up the gap between us and had her hands squeezing at my shoulders.

I stared right at her face as she looked at me with a fierce and serious look. Almost forgetting how intense her cyan eyes would get when she was either annoyed or angry.


Frowning at this, I was about to speak again when I was suddenly pulled in a tight hug.

The spirit's hold was almost desperate, almost needy and she sobbed again as soon as her chin found a spot by my shoulder.

"I missed my friends."

My eyes widened at that declaration, but she was far from being done with this.

"I missed when I wasn't just a messenger. When my purpose wasn't just to be a… creator of Nanozell Spirits," Apogeo muttered tiredly. "I wanted this back. I want to talk again about the present rather than the 'what ifs' and 'what could have been'. I want to be more than just Apogeo the Heart of Prism."

"You wanted to be Apogeo, the happy friend," I guessed quietly, noticing a soft nod on my shoulder as she kept quiet after that, leaving me to contemplate some more about these very words.

From my estimations, it's been at least two centuries worth of loneliness that the Spirit had to go through. Sure, Ambar has to have entertained her presence plenty of times, but I don't think the Wise Bear was someone to just forgive the kind of rift Apogeo had been accessory to create by allowing my 'removal'.

While I felt the need to do something about her betrayal, at the same time I knew that her choice didn't depend much on herself. The Gods were far too interested in seeing me gone, and there was nothing that Apogeo could've said against that without getting severely punished because of it.

So I decided to take a step back from my furious state of mind and… accept the fact that I can't punish someone that has already been punished for her mistakes.

So I lifted my arms up and wrapped those around her waist. Her sobbing increased a little bit and I sighed at the noise.

"I don't hate you. But I hope you understand that I can't just forget what you've done," I pointed out with a calm voice. "I trusted you, Apogeo. I really did. And then terrible things happened."

Leaning back, I allowed her to stand out from the hug to look at me properly.

"Which is why I want you to do two things for me. It's not related to punishment, nor do I wish for you to consider these as such," I continued, getting a quick nod from her. "These are favors I'm asking from you since I know that you can do something about both circumstances."

"If- If it's not too much, then I will work on these requests."

At the spirit's agreeing tone, I took a moment to smile and sigh at her eagerness. I really did miss this…

Just like I was missing meeting with my other friends.

…Oh God, I was going to deal with a furious Carmesi and an irritated Grace.


Still, I couldn't waste time pondering how I was going to avoid getting pummeled by both of the lovely Crests. Preparations had to be made before I left and…

There was also the issue of leaving Gossamer.

Now that I knew that there was an urgent threat that Ambar was unable to face on her own, I would need to start wandering around Neo-Earth to take out the issues one by one.

But not now. I couldn't afford to leave now that people at the farm needed all the help they could get. Not now that Diana was so close to passing away.

Gritting my teeth at that last thought, I decided to address the requests with Apogeo.

"First, I need you to ask Ambar to call me as soon as she's free. Don't say anything about my recovery, just that it would be best to contact me when she is available," I started to list out. "Finally, I need you to make sure that news of my recovery is delayed for at least a full week from now."

She nodded at both cases, smiling as she finished listening to the last one. "I'm glad that you found the care of Mrs. Linda enough to keep fighting for her children's future."

"You chose her for me, didn't you?" I asked with a fascinated tone. "You tried to make me remember my reasons by giving me a situation like the one I started with back when I was first summoned here."

The spirit merely smiled, and she seemed ready to leave in that very moment… but I stopped her by taking hold of her hand.

Apogeo blinked in surprise at this, but I spoke up instead of keeping silent about the sudden gesture.

"Since you're here, how about we spare some words together?" I suggested with a mirthful tone. "I want to hear how life has been treating you, 'Geo."

Tensing up at the nickname, her eyes widening in remembrance at it. Smiling widely, the spirit nodded as we spent the next few hours talking about how things are right now and how the Crests have settled down after so much time had passed since I last saw them.

Despite my own annoyance that I was once again involved with a dangerous plot aimed at shattering the long period of peace I had contributed to create, I was quite happy to finally break through the last few obstacles of my amnesia.

I was whole once again… and now I had the means to help out at Las Lindas!

Time moved swiftly as soon as I started my first shift of my work.

I was once again left to deal with the Apple orchard, but instead of wasting time slowly picking up the fruits, I decided to test out the current potency of my abilities.

Huffing a little, I picked up the pace twice as fast that usual thanks to the use of Wind. The Element worked well in small quantities, but I had to keep up a frustrating degree of control to avoid getting cuts on the lower section of my pants.

Seriously, who would've thought that Wind was this difficult to manipulate.

I was rusty after a full decade wasted away without remembering how to use my powers, but now that I was tasting the delicious results of my current mastery, I knew I really needed to make use of these capacities to bolster myself.

The farm couldn't survive if I continued with my standard working conditions, and I knew that using once or twice the various elements wouldn't make much of an issue for anyone around.

If any of the Crests had been nearby to perceive the small-scale usage of the powers, then yes, I knew that I would've brought unwanted attention to the farm as it was right now.

Grinning happily as I blitzed through the task, filling up eighty wooden crates with apples, I took an early end to my shift to bring the result of my work back to the house.

Randal was partially distracted in noticing the unusual increased amount of apples compared to the normal load, but Alejandra seemed perplexed by the various crates being brought at the entrance.

"How did you do that?"

Merely shrugging at the Cow Prime, I eagerly headed inside the house as I had a couple of things to do now that I was freed from work.

Returning to the Collie's room, I went to retrieve my old phone and a screwdriver that I had found by the kitchen.

I sat down by the floor, carefully trying to pry open the stubborn device.

The action wasn't one born from frustration at the little thing, but rather correlated to something I had forgotten about the fossil. Something that I now knew about after my memories had been unlocked.

The true 'gold' of this mystery was hidden within the physical form of the phone, not within its data.

The process was tedious, but I soon found myself entertained as someone finally decided to call through the other phone, the one that actually worked.

I gave a quick look at its display before accepting the call request, smiling as I knew that this was going to be the most amusing bit I will have for a long while.

"High Prime, I didn't expect a call from you," I muttered with faux surprise, holding back a snort as I needed to appear 'innocent' to draw maximum amusement from the fellow prankster.

"My apologies, Matt. I hope I'm not disturbing, I wouldn't want to cause any disturbance if you were busy," She replied calmly. "But I remember saying that you could call me Ambar, dear."

I sighed, my lips twitching at the fact that she seemed completely unaware of the trickery around the corner.

"Not truly, Lady Ambar. I was just thinking about something odd I've recently heard about that I don't know what to make of," I explained with a 'calm' voice. "When I heard it, I thought that it was just slander, but now, I find myself more convinced that it might be the truth."

The bait is now out. Let's see what the hugging bear will do with it.

"Truly? Could it be something Minos had told you?" The Crest of Wisdom asked with a hint of nervousness, clearly distressed by the chances of some awkward tale having been told beyond the close circle of friends. "Like a strange party or-"

"I think it was something about you lying when you said that your relationship with Pulsar was nothing serious," I finally interjected, my tone growing stern at the very instance. I can still remember Ambar having the gall in trying to deny any chances of her settling down with the Crest of Ice. "And now I learn that you have a smart daughter born from a stable relationship with him. Well, I sure hope somebody picks up that phone… 'cause I fucking called it~!"

I grinned madly at that, waiting for the realization to sink in by the Bear Prime's brain.

Waiting patiently, I felt more and more amused at the curious silence coming from the other side of the call… but I almost broke in chuckles when she finally answered.


My lips twitched at her voice. "Yes, Ambar?"

"You remember."





I frowned at the sudden repeat. "Yes… Ambar?"

"You're a bastard."

At this point I exploded into a laugh at that comeback. My laugh was matched with hers for a couple of seconds, just enough for both to sober up from that little interaction.

"Good to hear that you've recovered from your amnesia. How do you feel?"

I smiled at her concern, managing a quick nod. "I'm well. I had a chat with Apogeo about what happened recently. Nothing that much important but… I'm now whole again."

"I'm so glad- does that mean we can now talk about what will you do now that-"

"Not yet," I interrupted her with a sigh. "I still have unfinished business here at the farm."

"Always helping those in need," The Crest of Wisdom pointed out happily. "Never change, Matt. Never change."

"Also, I need to ask a favor from you. Something that I know you can do rather easily and without much of a burden on your paperwork," I commented placidly, drawing a sigh out of the redhead.

"Already back and asking favors?" Ambar hummed with a sigh. "Sure, what is it?

"There is someone that is trying to fly here in Gossamer but is having issues due to logistics and timing," I started to explain. "I know you can send something to pick her up. Her name is-"

"Mora Linda?" The Bear Prime quickly 'suggested', making me frown at the precise guessing. "To think you would be this helpful, Matt. You're truly a gift. One that I would love to give a thorough hug once you're in my range."

"Good grief, Ambar. Mind out of the gutter-" I sighed, shaking my head. "I swear, you will always be funny and incorrigible. No matter how much time has gone by."

She giggled at this.

"Good to know I didn't lose my shine. Also, if you want I can call Geecku and-"

"Tomorrow, Mrs. Carebear," I retorted with a sigh. "I don't think I can manage you both at the same time. Plus I think you would tease the heck out of me."

"Understood~, just don't forget to call her. I don't want the dearie to be in the dark for so long and- also don't forget about my daughter. Don't go too strong about this with her-"

"I'm not you, milady."

Snorting at the interruption, Ambar regaled me with a final 'see you later' before ending the call.

And now… it's only you and me, little shiny amethyst.

The gem was contained in a small golden decoration, one that was actually essential for its true functions to manifest. I poked at it, noticing it glow at my touch and I sighed.

"I swear to God, Archie, I will pinch your cheeks if you're planning to jumpscare me," I commented quietly as I continued with my poking. "I know you're awake and just keeping to yourself for a quick fright."

A familiar huff erupted from within the gem and… a blinding light erupted from it.

Waiting patiently as the phenomenon came to an end, I found myself staring at a familiar smiling face with purple eyes.

The Nanozell Spirit looked barely different from last time he was out from his gem.

I found myself grinning again. "Hello Archie."

"It's about time, Boss!" The flying spirit muttered happily, quickly rushing for a hug.

In that hug, I found myself getting reminded that while the world around me wasn't the one I had left back when the War ended, it still had the same people I had left behind the first time around. And I wasn't going to stop until I was sure I got everyone back together and… a hug from her.

And from what I've read about our dear Queen, she sure would go for a hug now more than ever.


The last five chapters.

This story is coming to an end… but there is still the Prequel and the Sequel before we can say everything is done here. Also, you're a jerk for that fright.

Heh, I got you~-

By the way, it's been a while since you last uploaded a chapter about your adventures in Paraiso. I think the readers wouldn't like that.
