HMAS Hammersley was sailing back to Cairns Port. It had been a long and gruelling 3 weeks assisting with clear up operations in the Timor sea after the recent storms and earthquake that had hit the area.

It had been physically and emotionally draining , as soon as they had one area clear there would be a land slide or a aftershock completely undoing all their work filling the area with debris so they would have to start over again.

"Here there XO Speaking all crew not on watch to muster boat deck" Kates voice echoed over the pipes

Everyone stood on deck wondering what was going on they had a ship to bring home and all wanted to be back in port as soon as possible desperate to get back to friends and family and enjoy the festivities as Hammersley was scheduled to remain in port over the Christmas period.

Both mike and Kate stood waiting for the crew to settle down and listen to what was to be said.

"as you know we lost a much loved member of the Hammersley Family earlier this year. Swain was more than a crew member, he was a friend and a brother. Obviously this is the first Christmas with out him so I think we should try and bring a smile to little Chloe's face. The X will pass round the cap"

Everyone dug in to their pockets pulling out their wallets dropping the notes that they had in to the cap.

"2-dads" Kate smiled holding the cap in front of him.

Pulling a couple of notes from the wallet he screwed them up dropping them in hoping no one will see the miniscule amount he had dropped in

"10 bucks! "Bugsy the new engineer called next to him. "I never even met this swain and even I can do better than that" and he dropped two 50 dollar notes in to the cap.

Walking back to Mike, Kate pulled all the notes from the cap counting it quickly. "there is about a grand here Sir" she looked down at the bundle of notes in her hand

"well its better than something I suppose" mike sighed disappointed "now on to shore leave. Enjoy it don't spend the entire time pissed."

The crew laughed knowing that that was never going to happen

"one more thing. 2-dads and Bird you'll be joining the X visiting the childrens ward at base hospital giving out the gifts that have been donated to NAVCOM. Now we still have a ship to bring in so back to your duties."

"you are such a cheep skate 2-dads" Bomber called walking past him towards the bridge

"hey I put in what I could I need the money too" he protested "also I hate Christmas"

"what ever 2 dads your such a scrooge" she called over her shoulder heading down to the galley.

Walking through the ship 2-dads came to a stop outside mikes cabin. Knocking he braced him self hoping for the outcome he wanted.

"2-dads what can I do for you" Mike turned from his paper work

"emm Sir do I really have to go to the hospital with the X and Bird I mean I think it would be better if bomber went you know Santa's Se..."

"think carefully before you finish that otherwise you will be on charges for sexual harassment in the workplace"

"I mean 3 girls would be much better especially at the beds of sick children." he grinned

"2-dads you will be going to the hospital with the X and Bird your name was pulled out of the hat fair and square. Just think of those poor children stuck in hospital for Christmas. Stop being a scrooge"

"sir I don't really do hospitals or children"

"2-dads you are going to the hospital and you will go with a smile . end of now return to your duties leader"

"Yes sir" he huffed stomping out of mikes cabin heading back towards the bridge

Sitting in front of the radar he sunk low in his seat arms folded

"problem Leader" Kate called looking over from the captains seat.

"no ma'am" he replied through gritted teeth wishing everyone would leave him alone.

"then could you please inform your face that is the case, sit up properly and pay attention to that radar!" she called

Bird skipped on to the bridge "ma'am when we go to the hospital are we in whites DPNUs or are we dressing up?"

Turning to face the young sailor Kate smiled at her enthusiasm "as far as I know its whites but I will check with commander white see what she says"

"okay hope we can dress up I love being a elf" Bird giggled

" I. Am. Not. Dressing. Up" 2dads hissed from the radar

"oh don't be such a scrooge 2-dads"

"well I think you would make quite a cute elf. Rosie cheeks bomber grinned "you have the face for it" bomber grinned walking up behind him

"Bah Humbug" he hissed turning back to the radar. Annoyed as everyone started laughing he was turning in to Ebenezer him self

Keeping his eyes on the radar he hoped they would be in port soon as he had a date with poker. He staired at the screen for ages its not like anything would appear as they were just entering the port boundaries but orders dictated some one must be at the radar at all times just in case. His eyes began to droop when a face appeared in the centre of the radar screen.

" 2-dads" a eerie whisper came from the face. Before if disappeared as fast as it appeared

"did you see that" he called to dutchy sat next to him

"see what" Dutchy was filling out a from sat in front of the EOD

"there was a face in the radar it called out to me" 2-dads stammered

"2-dads, insanity wont get you out of this hospital visit we all know your as mad as the march hare" dutchy stood to leave.

"there was a face and I am not mad" he huffed some one must be playing a prank on him a projection of some sort it had to be there was no such thing as ghosts.

so this is one of my favourite books and films at Christmas time. I love some of the re-workings of the original story they can be quite a hoot. anyway enjoy and let me know what you think