Chapter 5: Boredom

Waiting for the webs to dissolve felt like an eternity. Ally was bored, lonely, and had an urgent need for the bathroom. Her phone was a constant buzz in her pocket. The vibrations eventually made her thigh itch like a mother.. She was hatching a plan though. A brilliant plan to get back at Peter for leaving her here like this. Even if she did basically the same thing to him, atleast hers was unintentional.

Buzz buzz

There went her phone again. Her battery had to be close to dead by now with how often it's gone off. Who was trying to get ahold of her anyway? Tony Stark? Highly doubtful. Even if she was staying under his roof, he didn't seem like the fatherly type to set a curfew for her. It could have been Peter tormenting her. Also unlikely, but more plausible than Stark.

Buzz buzz

"Gah!! Stop texting me already!!" She yelled to the nothingness around her.

End of another street, another empty corner. He was getting tired of this chore already. While at a stop sign, he pulled out his phone and sent another text.

If you don't answer, I'm leaving you out here all night.

Send, and wait. Wait. Wait some more. Nothing. This was frustrating! Happy had applied and applied to be head of security for Tony Stark, and what does he get instead? Babysitting duty for reckless teenagers. Seriously? It was bad enough that the Parker kid was blowing up his phone every minute of the day, now he had to hunt down this Allison for whatever reason. With a heavy sigh, he rounded another corner, still seeing no sign of the girl. Deciding to park by the curb, Happy opened his phone again.

Last chance. Either answer me or you're on your own tonight.

Sent, and wait.

"Gah!! Stop texting me already!!"

Nearly jumping out of his skin at the outburst, Happy got out of the car and walked into the alleyway across the road. There he saw Allison, stuck to a wall, and covered in webs that were starting to disappear.

"What in the world?" Happy asked as he walked closer.

"Happy! Oh man I'm so.. well.. HAPPY to see you!" She yelled with a wide smile, "Can you please get me out of this?"

"What happened?" He asked, still a bit confused.

"Peter and I were just playing a friendly game of catch, I lost, and the jerk left me here like a forgotten trash bag. Just a trash bag that's stuck to a wall." She explained, "Happy you gotta get me out of this! I've been so bored!!"

"Alright alright.. just.. hold still."

Ally's excitement died as she narrowed her eyes at him. What else was she gonna do besideshold still? Happy grabbed the web and pulled as hard as he could, putting his foot up on the wall for leverage. She could feel the webs getting looser and looser as he pulled.

"Yes! Keep pulling! They're getting loose!" She exclaimed.

With a sudden snap, the webs ripped from the wall, and Happy fell to the ground in a heap. Ally stretched her stiff muscles with an obnoxiously loud groan of satisfaction.

"Ahhh finally!" She yelled as she adjusted her glasses, "That's more like it!"

I'm too old for this.. Happy thought with disdain as he slowly got to his feet, his back popping in retaliation to the fall. I should be head of security for Tony, not babysitting these kids!

Ally skipped ahead to the car outside the alleyway, completely ignoring Happy struggling to get off the hard ground.

"Hurry up, Happy! It's getting dark and I need a bathroom!"

With a long, very annoyed sigh, Happy shuffled his way to the car. His phone buzzed multiple times by the time he closed the door and buckled his seat belt, and he had a bad feeling he knew who it was.

I interrogated the target, she claims to have no memories of her past. Says she doesn't work for S.H.I.E.L.D, but that remains to be seen.

Of course the Parker kid would be blowing up his phone. Who else would it be? What else would happen tonight?

Claims to be a human generator, can manipulate electricity or something like that. I'll need to do more digging to figure out who she really is.

This is Peter btw..

Peter Parker..

With a low groan, Happy locked his phone and put it in the cupholder.

Ally wasn't one for fancy places and nice clothes, but Stark's place was cool. Full of high tech gadgets that you can't even dream of getting at the store, and they all had their own ring to them. If she was blind, she'd be able to get through this house on just her powers alone. The ring of the devices made it a little difficult to sleep sometimes though. She practiced daily on toning out the noise, but getting it to be completely quiet was proving to be more difficult than she thought it would be. So she sat out on the balcony of the Avengers Tower. The wind blowing her long brown hair behind her, tangling the strands in knots. Being so high up, above all the noise of the city below was calming and serene for her.

The smell on the air was crisp. Summer was coming to a close and fall would be making its appearance qithin the next month or so. As the sun died down, the wind became colder, forcing her inside to stay warm. The singing of the electronics buzzed in her ears the second she stepped inside. One in particular stood out above the rest. It was an endless ring that sang a high pitch tune, almost like Peter's suit. Curious, she followed the sound.

Ally stopped short of a glass door, sealed by a coded lock. Inside, she could see Tony Stark sitting at a bench, the light from the MIG welding gun illuminated in front of him as he welded together his project. Whatever was singing so loudly was in that room. Her curiosity was too strong her her to turn back now. Holding her breath, she grabbed the touch pad by the door and concentrated on rigging the system just enough to unlock the door. With a click, the airlock opened, and she slipped inside, hoping that Tony wouldn't notice her.

She walked up behind him, her steps drowned out by the music playing in the shop. On the table sat a mechanical arm, silver in color, Ally guessed that it would be painted when it was finished. He was tinkering with something on the wrist. It was difficult to tell what it was meant for.

"What's that supposed to be?" Ally asked out of the blue, momentarily forgetting that she basically broke into the workshop.

Tony jumped and dropped the welding gun on the ground. Cursing, he picked it up and took off his helmet.

"How did you get in here?" He asked sternly, "More importantly, how did you get in here without me knowing?"

"The door was open." She lied.

"No no no, that door is never open. That door requires a passcode to get in anytime it closes, and from what I remember, I never gave you the passcode. So I'll ask again." Tony crossed his arms across his chest and asked slowly, "How did you get in here?"

Ally clasped her hands behind her back and rocked back and forth on her heels, avoiding Tony's stare.

"I might have.. tampered with the lock a bit." She said quietly.

"So you broke in here?"

"Well, yes and no. See, electronics are kinda my thing and I could hear this ringing coming from in here and I wanted to see what it was, so I just tampered with the electronics in the lock to open the door. I didn't break anything. It'll still work just the same as it did before, hopefully."

Tony sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose, "You came in here, without my permission. Messed with the lock, thus forcing the door open. That's called breaking in, and what do you mean you heard ringing?"

"Peter didn't tell you yet? Huh.. he was so determined to get answers out of me, I figured he was spying for you." She casually shrugged her shoulders and looked around the workshop, "So what is this thing?"

Tony blocked her path to the mechanical arm, his arms still crossed across his chest.

"That's for me to know, and me only." He said sternly, like a father scolding his child.

Ally took a step back and pouted, "Well how do you expect me to fully answer your questions if you won't answer mine at all?"

"Boo hoo." Tony pointed to the door, "Go do your homework or something."

He lightly grabbed her shoulder and lead her through the door, ignoring her pouts and complaining about homework being boring. After making a mental note to fortify the door with a stronger lock, he shut the teen out and returned to his work.

"Hmph.. grumpy old man." Ally huffed and stalked off to find something to keep her entertained.

I wonder what Peter is up to right now.

Ok, I know these chapters are short, but I'm just getting my bearings until I know I can add in more without struggling to get to the next sentence. That seems like a cheap way to do it, but it's just how I work sometimes. I hope you're enjoying what's going on so far! Reviews are always appreciated