They say, don't walk towards the light.

That there is where death lies, waiting to claim its right.

I frankly disagree. All my life was spent in misery laying on a white bed in a white room with naught but my self for company. Sure, there was the occasional nurse that came in for the daily check-ups, but most of them never cared to communicate, too busy in their jobs to make the time of day. I don't blame them. They were there to do their jobs not to socialize. In my opinion it had to do with my family, they were always stiff and gave of the aura of being superior to those around them. I guess they had the right to do so as they were a part of the world's top 5 percent. Nurses probably thought that either I was as stuck up as my family or that if they were caught chatting to me rater that working then they might lose their jobs. I remember once a nurse had been nice enough to cheer me up and joke with me when I was younger but was yelled at by my mother for chatting to me rather taking care of my needs.

This nurse was my hero, she still made the time of day, at the end of her shift, to come and talk to me about the most random of stuff. I was young and don't remember her name, but she gave me hope and belief. Belief that there was some higher power out there that cared for us and loved us for who we are. She converted me from an atheist to a Muslim within the time I spent with her. She was kind and gentle and a motherly figure I didn't know I was missing so desperately in my life. She retired when I was about 11 and had moved to the UK so that her son could get better education and make something of himself.

My family, if it can be called that, included my father, mother, my elder sister and my younger brother. I would only consider my sister to be my closest family member but even then, we only ever talked for about an hour total in a week. Still though, I was lucky I was born to a rich family because since they could not spare me the time of day, they instead gave me a monthly pocket money of 200. money was to do as I like with. Unfortunately, that is the extent of my relations to my family. To them its was like giving me money and getting me health care was the epitome of care that they could give me. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for what they did and that they did not just disown me and let me fend for myself with a dysfunctional spine.

Anyways, enough about me, I am getting of track. I spent 23 years of life on earth chasing whatever took my fancy like a doctorate in cancer biology, genetics and bacteriology. I also dabbled in other fields in biology but dropping them after a while. Its amazing what a human brain can absorb when its only state of entertainment are the educational texts all day and every day. It also highlights few issues with the current educational system, see the human brain subconsciously retains what it finds interesting and forgets the boring. Hence why people excel at what they enjoy and recall most details retaining to their favorite shows and hobbies. My hobbies from childhood where to explore the unknown, now I know that sounds like a stretch but, I couldn't move from my positions and as such I could only explore via books and the internet. One might think my curious and adventurous side would make me a fan of documentaries and action adventure movies but my desire to cure my self and explore the world with my own eyes was larger. A combination of these factors led to me exploring the sciences relating to body and biology I general.

I was a well-known researcher and scientist who went by the name of Silver Black. Many companies and private organizations tried to get me to join them but as I had been using an alias, they had not been privy to my situation, so I just politely tuned them down. In return I was deemed as a somewhat arrogant and self-centered researcher that though himself above the other researchers, this may be because I lacked social skills and had at many occasions tried to correct other researchers' theory and papers and questioned many others about theirs. I, truth be told, had been asking out of general thirst for knowledge and drive to improve myself but I had understood to late that my questions had been an afront to their knowledge and my corrections had been condescending. Nevertheless, I had kept up with my pursuit to find a cure for my broken spine. I was somewhere in my teens, above 14 and below 18 can't seem to remember the exact age, when I had gotten bored of going through other researchers' papers and simply typed "restoring spinal injuries" into a search engine. The search results showed some researcher's and their paper that I was either going through or was going to go through in the near future but soon I came across a name.


So, I made and executive decision and clicked on this link.

Minutes later my world was in pieces, my mind lost and my heart struggling with my breaths lost. There it unheard of and fantastical solution to this mundane world problems.

I only admit this now, as I frolic towards the light, after my death. That I spent the entirety of 2 years going through and learning and enjoying the mainstream MCU and DC universe. It was after a lot of theoretical talk (fanboying) on forums that I finally decided to DEADPOOL myself.

I would upload a "how to" video on to the net but I won't so…ill give you the basics of my amazing genius instead. I researched cancer cell and broke down their structure, see cancer cells have a habit to replicate themselves like rabbits in heat. I broke the cancer cells till I found the strand of their structure that was responsible for their rapid regeneration. From here on it get a little funny, see I was 20 when I started research into cancer cells, but I had always used simulations and other peoples notes to do my research or simply hire some researchers to do some tests and give me the results. I had to do something with my small fortune that I had gathered over the years. But I digress, I found out some good news and bad news in February after my daily checkup went downhill and I had to go through other extensive tests. Bad news was that I had something that was similar hulks blood as instead of making my body near indestructible the blood was in fact breaking everything inside my body to add to itself. Basically, the white blood cells which are meant to protect the body from invaders now thought that everything else needed to be cleansed. Good news was that doctors had found out that I was in the early stages of cancer and could be cured.

Funny right?

Well anyways, I told the doctors that I would rather my cancer not be cured. This stumped not only the doctors but also my family. But what hurt the most was the pity in their eyes and hope in the eyes of my little brother. I mean let's be honest, if I die the inheritance is his. Oh and my elder sister left the family and ran away with some man she loved but at least she left me an apology and hope to forgive letter, typical rich girl falls for poor boy drama. Anyways, I used this opportunity to ask a 'I-am-going-to-die-have-pity-on-me-loan' of my father of 1.5 billion dollars. Again, did I fail to mention that these people had moved up in the world? At least they were doing something while they were away from me.

I used the money to start a company called Raven Inc. This is where it goes a bit dark so close your eyes.


Did you SEE what I did there. Haaaa…. I'm funny. Maybe? I Think?

*Throat clear*

Seriously though, I spent a week or so searching the dark web using the most secure channels I could find. I was looking for human traffickers and a slave to buy. I needed someone that was broken, wont challenge me and would do anything for the slimmest chance of returning home. Now remember that hero nurse I talked about previously. I was a converted Muslim, but I was going to commit a big crime, enslaving another human being. A being that is repeatedly preached about as my equal in everything no matter the case. Before I could further question my actions, I had found something, I proceeded with my plans and completed the purchase through questionable means. A week later a 17-year-old was brought in by my care taker (think Jarvis or Alfred) who I had told that she was a runaway girl and a sister to one of my online friends and that I would look after her for a while till she decides to returns home. He seemed unsure but thought better than to question and just let it parents either didn't care or weren't informed in the first place.

The girl, when I had asked her of her origins, had told me she was from the middle east where war was at its best and people at its worst. She had been sold to human traffickers out right by her own brother so that he could get enough money to leave the country with his own wife and child. Fortunately for her the traffickers were decent as far as traffickers go and didn't want to break her.

"Most like to break the toys themselves, they told me" Amina stated in a platonic voice to me with defiance in her eyes and satisfaction after seeing me like I am.

"I bought you girl, because I need a pair of arms and legs" I got straight to the point, I was already running out of time and panic was starting to set in.

"I doubt my limbs would like nice attached to your torso…sir" she tried the whole platonic monotone thing, but I could hear the ridicule, amusement and satisfaction cramped into her sentence.

"Just do as I say, and you'll be an official American citizen with a few million in your bank account by the end of this. "I told her after having a good proper laugh in probably the last few months.

Even now I believe I saw her roll her eyes at me, but I never could tell with that girl. Mainly because I was intent on watching her face and reading her every move like she was the best subject I ever read. After a sigh she just gave in, now don't go correcting me if I'm wrong but, I think it was due to the fact that I had a room dedicated to her, allowed her to order and wear anything she liked and do basically do as she pleased other that ignore me or deny me anything. Now Imagine living in a war zone where people die on a day-to-day basis and rely on luck to live through the day, where there is little choice in shelter and food. Then Imagine moving into a well kept mansion where you have food, shelter freedom and safety as long as you follow a few would be the same as moving from hell to heaven and being told that everything is fine as long as the golden apple isn't eaten. I'm pretty sure I just described Stockholm syndrome, but I never studied phycology, so I don't really know.

It took 2 years for the labs and the company to be set up and be organized and structured enough under my supervision. Me and Amina had a sort of understanding and were more like friends now and I think deep down she understood more about me than I understood about myself. I like to think of her as my very own Pepper Potts. She's even grown a spine and is now telling me when I actually want something or if I'm just being childish or just straight-up stubborn for no reason.

On the science end of things, I had been using plant cells as base to see what occurs when the regenerative gene is shoved into it when cloning the plant. There where some plants that accepted the regenerative gene into their cloning, but they always burnt themselves out in a day or to. A clone already has a shortened lifespan but when the cells regenerate like there is no tomorrow then unfortunately there really isn't a tomorrow for it. It burns out too quick and can't gather enough sustenance to keep going. Without realizing It I had created extremis except there was ashes and dust after the process and no explosion of any sort.

This was the biggest failure of my entire life. I had tried to recreate Deadpool but instead I got extremis. Don't get me wrong it can still heal me but its like what happened to . He tried to create the SS Serum but created the hulk instead.

Fortunately, I still had a year to go before I died so I could work on retracing my steps for Deadpool healing as extremis, while discovered, is still out of my range to perfect.

"Sir?" Amina interrupted my thought and brought me out of my mind space.

"Yes, Amina?" I questioned after taking in a deep breath to e gather myself and readjust to my surroundings.

"The poison, Sir" she said as she extended a vial of clear viscous liquid with a reddish tint.

"Ah, yes" I said and swallowed the liquid inside the vial whole. I then thanked Amina and closed my eyes to let unconsciousness claim me.

I had been using more and more potent poisons since I found out about my disease. See if the white blood cells are busy attacking and cleansing the poison then my body is safe from being attacked. My blood cells have also nearly cleansed me of any cancer. That reminds me I should probably irradiate myself and give my self some form of cancer perhaps that would keep me from dying and extend my life more?


My white blood cells are key to Deadpool Serum.


I think I'll coin that term.

It took me another half a year to create the Deadpool Serum and another half to perfect extremis mainly because I not had DS to counter the problems in the plants.

I pulled a Tony Stark and made Amina CEO of Raven Inc as I approached my death bed.

I told Amina to inject me with the DS soon after I start to flatline on the monitor. I also gave her access to a peculiar file called EIDITH.I had to leave a note behind of what it meant since she was never good with acronyms. This was the file that told held information on how to create sturdier and more yielding crops that required little to no food just a diluted shot of DS. Raven Inc in no time would reach top ten in the fortune 500's as It would solve world hunger and global pollution as now you would be able to throwdown a forest anywhere whenever you want. The last file was a way to generate fossil fuels by reversing some of the effects of extremis but I never got to finish that.




I just realized.I have been sprinting toward the light for what seems like hours but I have yet to reach anywhere.


"Oh SHIT!"I had just realized that Deadpool never recovered from cancer and had merely countered it while I had tried to cheat death by using DS meaning that I would…I would…..forever be stuck between life and death.

"In Limbo" I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks as the worst realization struck my cold dead heart


That was a dead joke I know


Great now I cant tell if I should be laughing or crying

"Definitely crying" Amina spoke up from behind me. Not only scaring me to the dea…..wait would it now be scaring half alive?

"I see your sense of humor is still as damaged as ever"

"hold my fudging cock, how in the milky way did you get behind my anus" I tried to joke again hoping against all hope that my dear Amina would correct me on..

"Uranus, you mean "she finished my thoughts with a smirk.

"why are you here?" I asked with general curiosity and a surprising amount of calm.

"For a Deadpool lover you do tend to forget me don't you?" she questioned me with a disappointed sigh only a parent would give their child

"Wait, Cable? Damn have you been working out?"

'Amina' first looked down at her own physique the looked at me with a raised eyebrow and an amused smirk

"fine I'll give you that one, Cable IS kind of forgettable" she said in a conceding tone

"heh, anyways Death care to help the little guy move on or move back? "I queried with a gallon full of hope.

"Normally those that cheat me, TRY to cheat me and run from me. I usually chase down with sadistic glee. Since you know this chick got nothing else to do" she glared at me when she said try and like the man I was I stared directly at the ground at my whistling all the while.

"YES!" I suddenly shouted

"You said NORMALLY!" I screamed with lungs that no longer work


Dead joke

Ok ill stop now.

"You created a solution to World Hunger, you created a solution to world pollution and lessened the risks of global warming. Moreover, you did this while stuck in a bed with you will tested everyday. ALL this earned you some GOOD karma" she looked at me appraisingly

"you remained unmoving while your sister struggled against your family while you could do something. You watched as a mother, that raised you as her own, moved away to get a better future for her son and again you did nothing. Did you not state that she was your hero, you even follow her faith." she looked at me with that dreaded pitying look and the cold glance of disapproval.

I could feel myself shrink with every work she spoke. I could have help that nurse any time in my life but was too busy trying to solve my own issues to care, same thing happens again to my sister. Last thing she didn't mention was the worst thing I ever did. What I did with Amina.

"Looking across your karma score,

You who chose the name Silver Black,

You who was born on 1st of January 2050

You who died on the 23rd of June 2073

Have been granted special passage and been graced with the title of the chosen champion,

You, one of the Six

Will be forgiven for you misdeeds and allow to live with great boons in the next lyfe"

With each sentence Death shocked me and set my nerves on fire.

The next thing I knew I was surrounded by light and completely blinded.


New to writing.

I hope you enjoy the story.


Also i wrote this as a spur of the moment at like 2 in the morning so if there are any mistakes, then please let me know and ill try to correct them.