This is my first fan fiction. I Hope you like it!


He heard Tony calling his name frantically. It was weird to hear because Tony usually called him "Kid" or "Pete" but now was not the time for nicknames. Peter was face to face with Thanos. He had just knocked the gauntlet out of Thanos's hand and grabbed it while Thanos was still bending over, I guess the little guys do have some advantages, Peter thought. He stared at the glove for a moment, wondering what he was doing. Then he realized, if Thanos snaps again, there's no coming back. Peter slowly lifts the gauntlet.


Tony realizes what is about to happen, stupid genius, he thinks, why does Peter have to be so damn smart but so incredibly stupid at the same time. He is all the way across the battlefield, flying his top speed towards Peter. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. go faster!" He's still so far, "We can't sir, we're going as fast as we can." She responds. "God damn it!"


Peter knows it's suicide. But I have too, it's what Mr. Stark would do, he puts the gauntlet on his right hand. It automatically forms to his size. Then the pain starts. Peter yells out in agony as his arm starts burning to a crisp. "NO!" Tony screams from where he is, still racing to get to Peter. As the pain subsides, although it's still making him tremble, he looks Thanos straight in the eyes. He thinks about MJ and how much he loves her, about May who raised him and stood beside him, about Ned who helped him through so much, and about Tony, who was like a father to him. He says to Thanos, "No one else is going to die" and snaps his fingers. There's a huge flash as Peter screams in pain, the burning moving to his neck and face. Tony is finally there, catching Peter as he falls the the ground. Peter is barley conscious, looking at Tony with his big brown eyes, "M-Mr. S-Stark?" His voice is trembling and full of pain.


"Yeah, yeah I'm here, oh my God." He sees Peters limp arm burnt to a crisp and bleeding heavly, "your gonna be OK, Kid, I promise. Just hold on!" Tony is sobbing, he sees the pain in Peter's eyes. Too much for even him. "Hold on, hold on, hold on" he says frantically. Peter is about to lose consciousness, "D-Did we win Mr. S-Stark?" His voice was still trembling. Tony just nods and doesn't take his eyes off of Peter. The others are gathered in a circle around them, not sure what to do. They know there's nothing to do, not here anyway. Finally, Bruce walks up to Tony, puts his hand on his shoulder and says, "His powers are healing him but not fast enough, we have to get him out of here." Tony nods again and doesn't take his eyes off of Peter, who's breathing is now fast and shallow. Bruce turns to Dr. Strange and nods. He backs up and Strange walks toward Tony and Peter. Using his powers, he lifts Peter and opens a portal. Tony follows right next to Peter, not taking his eyes off of him. "It's ok, your going to be ok, it's gonna be alright." The words were mainly for Tony, who was trying to calm himself. It wasn't working. Peter had passed out but still groaned occasionally from the pain. Rhodey and Pepper are trying to pull Tony away from Peter. " Tony," Pepper says softly, "you have to let him go." Tony rips his eyes away from Peter, tears still streaming down his face. He looks at Pepper, nods softly and reluctantly lets go of Peter's hand. Pepper and Rhodey take him to the waiting room. Tony finally realizes where he is, the hospital wing at the Avengers HQ. "Strange is the best surgeon in the world, Peter is going to be fine."


Pepper didn't know if she was lying or not but she had to calm Tony down somehow. He had started having a panic attack, like the ones he got after the battle in New York. Hours passed and Tony had calmed down but was pacing back and forth. Finally, at 8:06 the next morning, Strange walks in with his gloves covered in blood and so were his scrubs. Tony stops pacing and looks up at him, "Is he ok?" He asks, sounding more worried than Pepper had ever heard. "He's alive." Is the only thing Strange says. "Oh thank God!" Tony says "Where is he I have to see him" he starts walking past Strange but he stops him, "Tony, listen, your not going to like what you see." Pepper imagines Peter bloody and pale, she shakes the thought away. Happy bursts into the room, Morgan in his arms, "Where's Peter?" He says in a panicked voice. Pepper goes and takes Morgan, "He's alive," she says to Happy, "but Strange says it's pretty bad." Happy goes to stand next to Tony and turns to Strange, "We have to see him." His voice was stern and serious. "I don't think that's such a good idea..." Strange responds calmly. Morgan turns to Pepper, "What's going on, mommy?" She whispers in her ear. "Peter got hurt, Sweety." Morgan's face turns worried, "Is he ok?" Pepper didn't know what to tell her.


Tony was about to punch Strange in the face. "Let. Me. See. Peter. Now." This was not a request, this was an order.


Comment if you want to find out what happens next!