Disclaimer: I do not own Girl meets world, unfortunate though it is.

Authors note: this is my first fic, please review, and be nice!

In the center of new york, in her bedroom in the center of an apartment complex, Riley Matthews paced. She had taken the tests in school, and the physical ones, but she hadn't known what they did with that information. Now though, now she knew. Earlier that day, she had been called down to the principals office, thankfully not out of her father's class.( If it had been his class, it would have been made into some big deal, like it always was. Riley secretly hated being called into the spotlight with personal things like that. She knew her dad meant well, but honestly. ) She was taken into a private meeting room, with two unknown men in fancy bussiness suits. At first she was terrified. Now though… the confidence and business air they held she quite liked. They were striaght to the point. She didn't like disscussing her own emotions in depth, and she liked helping people. What these men had offered her was both.


"Miss. Matthews?" she nodded, nervous " please sit down. What you're about to hear is for your ears only."

She sat, perching on the edge of her chair, warily watching them. The bald man let out a tight-lipped smile, and his partner, a young man in whta must have been his twenties passed a folder across the table. She glanced down, and with a nudge of encouragment, opened it. She couldn't believe her eyes, she, Riley
Matthews, was being recruited to a government training school? It was so far away, and… look at the requirements… but finally, FINALLY, she would have a purpose. Something she was good at. She knew that to her friends she was still just smiley riley, but she needed room to grow, and change. Maybe this is what she needed. These people saw a purpose in her that even her own family didn't, and while it was going to be hard work, and a sacrifice, Riley knew this was something she needed to do.

Before she could get scared, she clicked open the pen next to her, and scribbled her signature in the required places. She looked up and met the eyes of the young man, and firmly nodded, passing the folder back to him. He and his partner signed the document as witness to the willful participation of herself, and as a group they stood, and shook hands.

End of Flashback

Riley could hardly believe that the time had passed so quickly. She had been introduced, briefed, and hustled out of the building to her apartment. She had packed bare essentials quickly, her toothbrush, contacts, and a set of clothes. She removed all personal jewelry and items, as she couldn't afford any ties to her old life, took one last look at the bay window, and headed into the kitchen.

Matt greeted her, looking up as she walked in. He was the young man in the group, still in the program himself and studying under Glen, the balding man. Matt was 18, though with the poise and conduct of one befitting his job. Riley had quickly learned though that when in a relaxed environment, he was quick witted, and a joker, as well as a huge flirt. Glen was nice, if a bit on edge. He refused to disclose his age.

Matt got up from the couch and with drew a scarlett red envelope from his blazer, winking at Riley. " Well, your first day on the job we don't want to be called in to investigate your disappearance. That would be awkward." Riley rolled her eyes at him " your just mad i thought of it first." he joked, then softened. " I'm not going to lie. Leaving your friends and family behind isn't just nothing. But if I understand you're thinking, you know this is your calling, to help people this way. I did too. It's hard, but your team will eventually become your new family. I'm not saying forget them, just… know you did the right thing." She gave him a sad smile.

"I have no doubts. I know this is my purpose. I know they'll be fine, just… what will you say happened?"

Matt took a breath, and set the note on the counter, " They're going to think you killed yourself.". There was a heavy silence. " It's a clean break, leaves no investigation with a letter, and no ' body' with the right ' method' . It will be hard for your family, but it doesn't leave any loose ends."

Riley looked back at him with slightly red-rimmed eyes. " I understand. If it is suicide then… thats the letter?" at a nod from Glen, and a grimace from Matt, she continued, " My best friend… well, Maya won't understand, we've always been together, and she was what would make me hesitate. I love my family and my friends, and I know everyone can get on without me, but… Maya's always been there for me. I at least want to give her a goodbye. Please?"

The men exchanged glances, and Matt affirmed this with a quick nod. Riley took ten minutes to write her goodbye, desperately wishing to stay but knowing that their pathes had to separate. She sealed the letter, and set it on the cushion of the Bay window, their meeting place, Their safe place, and sanctuary. "Goodbye Maya" she whispered as she closed the curtains. Then Riley Matthews set off to her new life, with her team, remembering always, but not regretting. Leaving behind her a life, a legacy, and a purple envelope, resting against the white cushions of a bay window, in a home that would never be the same.