Children had such an innocent fascination that I couldn't begrudge them anything. Even the Potter boys, 4 and 2, commented with no judgement on the state of my arms that I'd simply swept them into them as we cuddled on our sofa and explained slowly one by one the stories behind the burns. Albus, too young to fully understand, listened because his brother was and James, with all his infinite wisdom, commented that I was braver than his Auror father. The same Auror father who was off on a mission whilst his mother was away on a training bootcamp. Their parents had been so reluctant to leave them alone, that they'd taken George and I up on our offer to babysit. Even if I was on the precipice of welcoming their cousin into the world.

The boys, growing tired of being cooped up inside all day, had started to grow rather irritable and instantly agreed with my idea to visit their uncle in the shop. Of course, I'd made them promise to hold my hand as we walked because I wouldn't be able to chase after them in my condition. They'd pinkie sworn with me – assuring me I could chop the pinkie off if they broke it – that they would be on their very best behind – really, really. So, as we walked through the crowded street toward George's shop, they were on their best behaviour. Their parents didn't allow them to visit the shop too often – claiming that it gave James too many ideas and Salazar, I swore he was practically buzzing with excitement beside me. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. But it was far too late to head back.

"Now before we go inside," I started as we stopped in front of the shop. I stepped aside with the boys, conscious that we were blocking the way of the family behind us. "Remember, you have to stay close to me or else you'll get lost in the shop and your mum will turn me into an owl."

The Potter boys dissolved into raucous laughter that made me smile a smile I could never have hoped to stop. I waited until the two stopped laughing, taking a moment to catch their breath. When they were calm, I prepared myself to bring the boys into what was sure to be a chaos filled shop.

It was.

Holding them securely by the hand, I helped them through the shop and through the groups of people that crowded around the display units. I peeked down at the boys to make sure that thet weren't overwhelmed by the crowd – it was a useless concern. Both Potter boys were looking at everything with wide eyed wonder, even if Albus clung a little closer to my side than his brother did.

We continued to walk through the shop, and when James stopped in his step to admire something, I had to remind him that we promised to see his uncle before he saw any inventions – who knew, his uncle might even take them behind the shop to see the new inventions. It was all he needed, walking so quickly that he was leading us to George who stood behind the counter. George, tending to a customer, greeted us with instant grins and ushered us behind the counter.

His hand reached out reflexively, snagging James by the hood of his hoodie when he made a break for the back room. "Hold your horses there, Potter. Give me a minute and you can head into the back."

"Are we bothering you?" I asked, looking over the busy shop floor.

"Never a bother," he assured, pressing a kiss to my forehead. Over his shoulder, I spied the giggling Potter boys. He waited a moment longer until Ron took over behind the counter, greeting his nephews with a wink.

George turned to the boys then, ushering them into the back room. And then, before they could run around and wreak havoc, George lifted them both onto his work bench. I watched from behind as George raised his fingers to his lips and snuck something into both boy's pockets. Merlin, I really didn't want to know what that was. Hopefully, if they decided to get up to some mischief in our house, George would have something lying around the house that would help clean it up.

Leaving the two boys, George came to my side, sidling up to me and holding my stomach with gentle hands. I studied his face closely, noting the gentle smile on his face and the wonder that he was watching me with. He lifted his hands then, moving to cradle my face and just as he was about to kiss me, James called out for his uncle from behind him. George let out a teasing long suffering groan before turning back to James who was pointing at a box.

"You can't tell anyone what you see," George warned as I took a seat, having grown tired of standing.

He opened the box then, with careful fingers, and warned the boys to be careful before unleashing the chocolate dragon. It hopped out cautiously onto the desk, looking around before blowing fake fire that had the boys petrified but, when the flame turned into confetti, they burst into giggles.

"You know," George started when his nephews were occupied, he walked behind me slowly and begun to massage out the tension from my neck. I let out a relieved groan, "You should be at home, relaxing."

"No, it's alright," I said softly, looking at the Potter boys as they started to throw the fire confetti at each other. They watched as the chocolate dragon tried to eat some of it up, spitting it out with a cough that had the boys laughing so hard they got a stitch, "I just wanted to get out the house for a while. Besides, I missed you."

"Look at that, I've made you soft," he teased, nuzzling his nose against the back of my head.