a/n: Thanks to each one of you who were a part of this journey, for your reviews which make me feel really humbled by all the love you have sent my way. This story ends here. Thank you all for loving Ron and Hermione so much and for also loving Alex. I loved writing him but I'm happier to send him away and welcome back 'Hermione's Ron.'

Chapter 8: Home


He opened his eyes while breathing deeply, and the surrounding materialised around him slowly as if he had woken up after a very long nap.

"H-Hermione?" he called, and her tear-stricken face appeared over his.

"R-Ron?" she called, as if fearful he wouldn't recognise her, again.

He tried smiling but noticing how her eyes were taking him, searching, tears flowing freely, Ron heaved a sigh and swallowed, choking back on a sob. He placed a palm on her cheek and she grabbed it in both of hers, seemingly struggling for words too. Despite being breathless, he pulled her face closer and pressed his lips to hers, heard her cry of relief mingle with his as she climbed onto his lap and grabbed him fiercely.

He could taste her salty tears as he kissed her face over and over, brushing away her locks with his palms, wiping as much moisture as he could while she kept holding onto his jumper with one hand while running her hands over his chest as if making sure he was not a dream.

They separated after aeons, but only a smidge.

Ron tried saying something again, but unable to find words he pushed himself to a sitting position. He noticed he was resting against some pillows she must have conjured while he was unconscious.

He still couldn't frame words and it seemed like the enormity of the situation had rendered her speechless as well. Hermione continued to look at him while she adjusted his fringe before grabbing his face with both her hands and brushing his cheeks with the pad of her thumbs. She looked tired, and soon she closed her eyes while she touched his forehead to his.

Wrapping his arms firmly around her waist, he pulled her closer, closing his eyes and breathing as if for the first time in many many years.

After a long time, she pulled away, just enough to be able to see his face clearly.

Carefully, she placed her palm on his cheek, bit her lip and sniffed again, "Feeling okay?" she managed, searching his eyes still.

Sighing deeply, he licked his chapped lips and nodded a little, smiling "Yes,"

He continued to gaze at her as her eyes pooled over again, and she seemed to choke back a sob and attempted a smile and then she crashed into his chest.

The realisation crept in slowly. He was back where he belonged. He was home.

And then he sobbed while she held onto him, fiercely, protectively.

Two loud cracks echoed and drowned in the sound of the traffic, and no one noticed the weirdly dressed men who emerged from a dead-end alley and dashed to the main street before they ran into an indescriptive flat, only to come to a skidding halt in front of the second door on the third floor.

The seemingly younger of the two had barely pulled out a long stick when the door opened for them.

"Hermione?!" Harry gasped, "Your Patronus…"

The rest of the words died on his lips as a tall wizard walked out of the room. He looked exhausted, but there were the same lopsided grin and familiar pair of eyes that greeted them.

"Harry? Bill?"

Hermione closed the door shut and watched as both the men crashed onto Ron, grabbing him fiercely, their words a jumbled mess of exhilaration, relief and tears.


Much later that night, after Ron and Hermione had told Harry and Bill what had transpired, and the boys had told them all about the diary, Bill found Hermione sitting next to Ron's sleeping form, holding his hand with one hand, holding Erasmus' diary in the other.

Harry had to leave for an urgent Auror meeting but he had declared he was coming back to Hermione's as soon as he was done.

Hermione had insisted vehemently on taking Ron to the Healers right away and Bill had found Harry send him an incredulous but happy smile when Ron being him had managed to calm her down, promising he'd visit the Hospital the first thing in the morning.

"I feel mostly okay, just a little worn out. May I please go to sleep? You know they'll prod and poke all night if we go there now!" he countered, and Bill hadn't failed to notice how she melted at his words. Hermione had, however, forced him to take a sip of Dreamless Sleeping Potion.


She sniffed and turned to face him. "Yes, Bill?" she smiled, and he walked into her bedroom. He looked fondly at Ron's sleeping form, and let out a tired sigh before walking forward and placing a palm on top of her head.

"You've done the impossible," he said quietly as he sat down in front of her. She glanced a look at Ron's peacefully sleeping form again, closed the diary and heaved a tired smile.

"I-I am just relieved it all worked out. The Healers weren't very optimistic."

"Yeah, Harry told me."

They sat quietly watching Ron sleep before she finally spoke. "When do we tell the family?"

"Tomorrow morning," he replied. "You guys take him to the hospital first and then-" he paused and he noticed his voice was thick with emotions when he spoke, "-bring him home."

She smiled and seemed to try to say something before her eyes pooled again and she nodded.

"Go to sleep. You need rest too. I'll see you three tomorrow, yeah?"

"I will. Just waiting for Harry to return," she replied.

Taking one look at Ron, he patted his sleeping brother's head fondly before he left. Once back at the dark alley, he sent out a few patronuses before he apparated home.

It was almost eight when Bill landed just beyond the protective wards of the Burrow. He strode in quickly, knowing well that he would be greeted by an anxious Weasley brood.

His father pulled open the door before he could knock.

The kitchen was bursting at the seem with all his brothers, his wife and daughter. His mother and Fleur were busy serving breakfast. Only his sister was missing; he hadn't expected her to be able to make it at such short notice anyway.

"Bill!" called Fred, looking peakish. "What's the matter? Why did you call us all here so early?"

Bill looked around and noticed how despite the normal chattering, every face was barely holding in their worry.

"I have to tell you all something," he announced and felt the air around him stifle. He couldn't blame them.

"Is Hermione alright?" his mother asked, dropping her ladle and wiping her hand on her apron, deep worry lines marking her features.

"Yes, she is, Mum. And she and Harry will be here in some time. And- they are bringing someone home." Curious eyes turned at him. "Ron," he provided.

"R-Ron?!" George gasped as his mother looked away to wipe her tears.

"Bill that's a sick joke, mate," Charlie glared.

" It's not a joke. A miracle? Yes."


He glanced at his watch. From the message Harry's Patronus had given him, the three would take another half an hour at the very least.

"You guys better grab seats. This will be a lot to take in."


Almost two hours had passed since Bill's arrival and the gathered group had moved into the garden, every pair of eyes trained at the spot just beyond the wards.

Bill found his father standing by a tree, his tired, old eyes waiting.

"Dad?" he called softly, and the old man turned, "You okay?"

"Y-yeah," his father replied sighing and glanced sideways where their mum was setting up a long table, wiping her eyes at regular intervals but looking happier than Bill could remember.

"Hermione did it," Arthur smiled, opened mouth as if to say more and then shook his head as if lost for words.

"Yes, she and Harry," Bill agreed. He blew out softly and pulled out the box he had procured form Diagon Alley that morning. "Dad, erm, what do you think about these?" he called as he opened the velvet box to show his father the contents. The old man looked at them for a long while, and his eyes were full of unshed tears when he met Bill's eyes again.

"They are perfect, son," he announced and pulled out his wand to cast the spell.


They had landed amidst hugs, tears and smiles the moment they had apparated. Hermione couldn't even remember when she had felt so much happiness around her. The morning had been the best in years, she had woken up to the sounds of laughter from her boys who were sat on the floor, she knew, waiting for her to wake up.

Ron had pulled her into a hug while grabbing Harry with his free hand, and they had remained that way for a long time. Harry, she had noticed, looked like he had aged in reverse suddenly.

She watched as the group laughed and enjoyed their meal, sitting all around the enormous table, Harry and Ron flanking her on either side. Once again she looked down at Ron's hand that was holding firmly onto hers under the table. Her heart was too full. She felt like her brain was yet to comprehend everything, the relief seemed almost surreal.

After a plethora of tests, the stunned Healers had prescribed Ron some potions to strengthen his mind but otherwise declared him fit. She knew she would continue to need medication for her anxiety. The previous night she had woken up multiple times just to check if Ron was still next to her. It was only in the early hours of the morning when exhaustion had lulled her to sleep.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione?" Bill called, breaking her line of thought, and she looked up.

"This is for you guys," he said and handed her a box. She found her boys looking curiously at her and by the look on the faces of others, no one apart from Bill, Arthur and Molly were aware of the contents.

She opened it carefully, her eyes pooling instantly at the sight while she heard a soft gasp from Harry.

"We should have got these long ago for you two," said Molly. She was leaning heavily on her husband, wiping her eyes with her apron.

"- but without Ron's…" sighed Arthur with a sad smile.

Hermione looked at Ron who beamed at them. Harry gave her a watery smile before he looked away.

"Go ahead, you three," prodded the twins, and suddenly there was lots of clambering as everyone pushed away from their chairs.


The three new spoons glinted brightly in the sunlight streaming into the room, and as soon as all the three were fixed to the dial, they swung around to join the others and came to rest on the part labelled Home.

