Last time on New Legend. Orochi and Kaido have just taken over Wano and his parents have been poison and have asked to take up the way of the sword and take and eat the devil fruit. He then sees the state of Wano and once-thriving place of samurai are now a place where suffering and crime. Where the rich and powerful rule over the poor and weak. The young boy rises to be the hope and light of despair and darkness. This yellow hair boy is Naruto Namikaze heir to the

Uzumaki and Namikaze clan in Wano...


Naruto is nervous. The reason is he just killed a rampaging samurai but Naruto killed him in cold blood his friends are now pissed and now want Naruto's blood.

"You'll pay for this !" A ronin samurai yelled and Naruto ran away as the samurai chased him out of the flower capital and into the woods. Naruto disappeared into the forest but Naruto's enemies followed him.

As they follow Naruto into the forest. Which was where Naruto trained and he kept running until he lost them.

"Phew, I think I lost them," Naruto said to himself.

As Naruto sat down and relaxed he realized what he has done. He has saved the guy in the flower capital but might have doomed himself to eternal hell in the flower capital.

"I may have jumped the gun on this one," Naruto thought finally realizing his error of judgment.

Little did he know that he saw a food truck was heading for the flower capital.

"Wait isn't there a poor village in leftover town or Ebisu town. They are starving and these high-class assholes are living their life in the Flower capital. What the fuck. You know what I am going to e the leader of that town and bring hope their cause right now they are people in the streets poor begging and kids crying because no one is doing anything !" Naruto thought enraged.

"Hey kid gets the hell ou of are way !" the beast pirates yelled out as they rode towards the flower capital.

"Yeah no... see my friends in leftover town kind of need that food so you are going to hand over that food or die, " Naruto said seriously.

"Oh looky here a kid trying to be tuff move out of the way or you die !" the beast pirate yelled out angrily at the yellow-haired kid.

Naruto smirked and took out a knife and the beast pirates roared and charged at the kid. Naruto jumped over the first pirate and kicked him in the kneck stunning him and causing him to fall in shock and pain.

"I can't move" the down beast pirated thought in fear.

The other beast pirate stared in shock but quickly got enraged and attacked him to avenge their comrade.

Naruto dodged the first beast pirate and he jumped over the pirate and Naruto jumped and kicked him in the back.

the other pirate charged at him and he stabbed his knife into a pirate eye.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" the pirate yelled in pain. He was on the ground wheezing in pain.

Naruto took his sword and started to clash with the other to men and he slashed them in the both of them.

He took the food chart and he arrived at the leftover town and gave them food.

Leftover town or Ebisu town is on the outskirts of the Flower capital and they have the poorest of citizens of wano. Now they are eating and laughing.

"Thank you," a citizen of the leftover town said.

Another said "thank you bless you" another said.

Naruto nodded and went out to sleep.

Well follow, review

Well guys see yeah

Darth Plageuis signing out