" I'm sorry my love , I'm afraid I'm not going to make it " A blonde woman with a loving look in her eyes said as she lay against a large pile of rubble , she wore a grey outfit with light grey plating across the shoulders . Her yellow eyes looked into those of her husband as tears ran down her face .

" My brother , with this act , I will finally atoned for my crimes " A bald man with a scarred face wearing white clothing that had golden designs across it said as he lay on the ground , a hole through his chest .

" My master , take it , I am dying . I will not survive the night . Take it from us " A red skinned alien said , he wore a bone white mask and a hooded outfit as he looked up to the being he considered a god .

" Do it my love , Bind us to you " The woman named lana beniko said as she gazed apon her husband .

" My borther , I will serve you in death as I have in life " The former emperor Arcann said as he looked at the man he considered his saviour .

" I will , With your life force added to mine . I will avenge you all " Came the cracking voice of a young man , his yellow eyes looking over his companions as he clasped his hands together . This mans name was Obrunik , though to others he was known as Darth Nox .

A single tear ran down his cheek before his eyes glowed an ethereal purple .

Shimmering into existance behind him were five etherial beings .

" It appears we're going to have some company . Atleast I won't have to bicker with you anymore " The voice of an ancient being known as erghast said as he looked on sadly .

" I hate you too " A semi red skinned male said in responce as they watched nox prepare to sacrifice and bind his loved ones and allies .

" I love you " Lana said as she closed her eyes and leant back onto the pile of debris that served as her seat the agony she felt as she layed dying .

" I love you too " Nox said quietly as he drained Lana of her essence before forcibly binding her spirit to him .

It took a moment before the five ghosts behind Nox to part ways as another was added to their group .

" With this , my brother , I atone for my crimes by serving in your shadow for eternity " Arcann said with a smile as he drew his final breath .

" You have surely attoned . I will make sure everyone knows it " Nox said as he felt the unnatural presence of arcann get added to the collection growing behind him . He turned to his last close companion , his apprentice .

" You really are ... a god . It was and will continue to be an honor to serve you " The apprentice known as Xalek said as the light died in his eyes .

" You have been an invaluable servant , you will continue to aid me from now , until the end of times " Nox said as he consumed Xaleks force presence and binded his apprentice to himself .

Darth Nox unclasped his hands as he looked at the now eight ghosts behind him , Looking at his now deceased wife then at the man he considered his brother and then the being who thought him to be a god .

" Your deaths will not be in vein , none of yours " Nox said as he looked around what used to be the alliance command centre , the companions who had ready moved on lay at rest strewn across the room .

Ashara lay with a smile on her face as .

' Atleast you found the rest you wanted Ashara ' Nox thought to himself as he looked to his next companion .

' Khem . You fullfilled your goal , Rest in peice my friend ' Nox thought as he looked at the deshade whom miraculously still clutched his vibro blade even in death .

Nox chuckled half heartedly as he spotted Andrnikos , He lay there choke holding a republic trooper ' Stupbourn pirate ' Nox then looked on to talos , the one who had warned them and then immediately been killed ' You served us well talos , None of you will ever be forgotten ' Nox thought as he looked back to the bound spirits .

" The republic will pay dearly for prying us apart my love " Lanas ghost said as her eyes glowed purple along with Nox's .

" They ... shall pay for their war mongering ways " Acrann said as his eyes glowed like lanas .

" It is my gods will , they will die " Xalek said as he mimicked the first two .

" Yes they shall " Nox said as he unclipped his lightsaber before heading down the hallway to the elevator after dispelling the congregated ghosts .


The jedi commander salem stood above the mountain side overlooking the crumbling alliance base , she was a pale green skinned twilek , she wore the classic brown robes of the jedi order over her battle gear .

" Master the alliance has fallen , why do we stand here and wait " Her apprentice said as he came to stand beside her . His name was kat'thor , He also was the classic robes , he was a Zabrak male who stood nearly at the same height as his master even though he was but a teen .

" Even without his alliance , Nox is still a threat , if I don't see his body we will remain until we find it " Salem said as she looked back at the base .

" It's only one person master , he has surely run , it would be suicide to face us " The apprentice said arrogantly .

" That is where you're... " Salem never got to finish as she watched a battalion of republic soldiers collapsed onto the ground without warning .

" What the... " Another command trooper tried saying something but stopped as a black and purple blade burst through his chest as Nox de-cloaked .

" The republic will pay for what you have so arrogantly done " Nox said before he rose his hand and shocked the rest of the soldiers in the immediate area with chain lightning, effectively burning them to a crisp as their brains leaked out of their skulls from the heat .

Nox looked at next group of troopers before crushing them in the debris that surrounded them as he warped the metal around their bodies .

Nox's senses flared as he launched his fist into the ground , causing a shock wave around him as three jedi were thrown away from him .

" You three will serve the same fate as my companions as well as the rest of you jedi on this planet " Nox said as he consumed their life force with his drain ability , he watched as their ghosts formed , being kept from passing on by the force itself .

At watching their fellow jedi be forcibly kept from joing the force , the other jedi began to feel fear clutch at their souls .

" You feel it don't you " Nox said as he turned around and looked directly at the commander .

" The force is not with you here . It is against you , crying for penance and retribution for your actions . You jedi have disobeyed the will of the force, I will be its instrument to show you your faults before tearing you from this plane of existance " Nox said as the jedi felt his presence in the force for the first time as he removed the haze that hid him .

" What is this " Salem's apprentice said as he threw up what he had in his stomach .

" A monster " Salem said as she felt the force around her . To her it felt warped and twisted , Wrong and corrupted . As she connected with the force she physically recoiled as it attacked her senses , Striking her very soul as the thing she relied on her whole life was used against her .

' This presence , I'm gonna die , I'm gonna die , I'm gonna die ' salem's apprentice thought as he fell into despair .

" Now you die " Nox said as he reignited his lightsaber , coating it in lightning before throwing it at the nearest trooper before shocking those around the trooper , calling his blade back and cutting down another soldier after the first had collapsed.

Nox stopped as he levitated off of the ground , his forearms becoming coated in lightning as he held them out on opposite sides of his body , his eyes glowing purple as he used the power inside of him and the perfect unification of the force around him as it threw itself to his aid , the nexus's of both the light and dark sides of the force working together with a singular goal as they granted Nox access to the nexus that now feuled him .

The republic forces were forced to look up at the sky as clouds gathered at an unnatural rate , becoming black as lightning sparked inside of them , terror forming on their faces as they watched the clouds spread over the horizon .

The jedi commander looled up in horror before the screams of her men were heard around the battlefield as bolts of supercharged lightning struck the men , killing them apon impact , some being turned to ash in the process while others burst into flames as their gear melted to their body .

The republic ships that had been circling fell from the skies onto their forves as their electronics failed and short circuited , crashing and combusting apon impact .

" What have we done " An annamed trooper said before being crushed by falling debris along with his squad .


Nox stood alone where the alliance base used to stand , surrounded by the bodies of his enemies as well as the ships unfortunate enough to get cuaght in his storm , he looked apon the last surviving jedi , the commander of the jedi forces .

" With your death , as the one who slew my companions . You will join those stuck in this plane of existance as a servant to me . You will never lay a hand apon me , nor shall you rebel . Thise is the will of the force . Goodbye , commander " Nox said as he plaunged his blade through her chest .

" Let us begin " Nox said as the eight ghost spread throughout the battle field . Salem appeared before Nox with a bewildered look on her face .

" Hello again " Nox said from behind his mask as he thrust his hands forwards , grasping the womans ghost as he enacted the ritual on her .

" Atleast I won't be the only jedi inhibiting your head now " Kalatosh said as he walked up to the now bound Salem .

" Now for the rest of your jedi " Nox said before moving onto the next slain jedi to bind to himself .

2 hours later .

" It is finished " Nox said as he looked over the corpses , the force being stripped from the jedi and the troopers laying facedown on the ground as useless as they were in life .

" Indeed it is " Came the familiar voice of darth marr " But you have another purpose . The force has decided to put you on another journey . One of far more importance than here . With your newfound immortality, the force has a task for you " The mask man said as he stood beside Nox .

" And what is that " Nox said as he stared at one of the only beings to still hold his respect .

" That is not for me to tell, but for you to find out " Marr said cryptically as he turned to Nox .

Unexpectedly Nox felt something wrong within him and around him . The nexus around him fluctuating as the force gathered , an ethereal glow forming around the man .

" What ... are you ... doing ... marr " Nox said as he was brought to his knees .

" It is the will of the force . For you gaining the immortality that you sought , you must repay for what was given to you " Marr said as he stared at the force cacooning around Nox .

" MARRRRR " Nox screamed as the energy fluctuated once more before a crack was heard as a shockwave rose over the location , complete silence followed as Marr was the only one left on the planet .

" Maybe one day you'll forgive me " Marr said before disappearing .

And just like that , Nox was presumed dead as his legacy faded into legends . His rule nothing but a rumor as his name became nothing but a whisper for historians , the only ones knowing the significance of his name being the jedi .

As time went on so did the war , with the eternal fleet being gone , the sith dying off during their last stand before the republic took control of the galaxy .

It would be roughly 4000 years before the significance of his disappearance would be realised .


a few things , Nox in this is not a god . He will be immensely powerful , granted . But he will not be a god . There is a possibility of him going to the valley of jedi . Though that is very very low and I would only do so if there are multiple requests .

In this chapter , Nox used force walking to bind the spirits of the dead , Mainly Lana beniko , Arcann and Xalek as well as the fallen jedi around the battlefield .

He will possibly also be using both light side and dark side of the force during this fanfiction

The rest of the story starts a twelve years before the battle of naboo

This chapter will also be updated in the future

Feel free to give any feedback you want .