CHAPTER 26: A walk to remember

Eric POV

I relived my last memory of walking in the light more times than I could count, but nothing could have prepared me for the feeling of its warmth against my skin after all this time. It pulsated throughout me with a rhythm I had all but forgotten. The sun, the wind, the salt in the air as it rolled off the crashing waves in a subtle mist. It was perfect, better than any dream I had dreamt in the last thousand years, and it was all because of Sookie. This was destiny… mine and hers. Fuck the skye prince, Meyers, and even Salazar, this changed everything.

Closing my eyes basking in the heat I tried not to ruin the moment, to think about the things I saw in the light.

The minute it invaded me, I felt the intensity. It was as if I had walked through an open door to her soul. Every question I had, every detail I wanted to know painfully flashed before my eyes in a collage of graphic detail. Images I can never unsee, sounds that can never be unheard. She had been broken so many times and glued back together it was no wonder she shut it off, packed it away, and kept it buried so deep even I couldn't find it.

Ever since Sookie came back, she had only spoon-fed me details that wouldn't push me over the edge, and now I knew why. It wasn't just Castro, the shadow realm, or even those assholes who were supposed to be her family, it was more than that. Everything she had endured to come back enraged me. The wars she fought in Brigant's fucking name, her years of silent suffering while I played house with Freyda, the men who wanted what they couldn't have, and all that other fairy bullshit… Behind it all was one thing… and I hated myself for it.

How could I ever have rejected her? I was just another asshole in a long line that didn't deserve her; I wasn't worthy of her love, and I proved it time after time. Searching for the words… I wanted to say something, anything, but I didn't know where to begin.

"You know," she started purring in my ear while her hand squeezed my shoulder, knowing everything I had just seen. "I thought I wanted something. The perfect normal human life, 2.5 kids, a dog, the white picket fence." She laughed, "by the time I realized that was the fantasy, it was too late."

"You don't have to explain anything. I understand Sam…"

"That makes one of us." Sookie mused, brushing her hand through the back of my hair. "Honestly, a part of me just wanted to piss you off after everything but–"

"You succeeded," I growled, pulling her onto my lap before raising my brow. "It still pisses me off." Even though I knew her relationship was short-lived with the shifter, it didn't change how I felt about the man. We all saw the way he drooled over her, watched her every move, and even stalked her as a dog, but deep down I knew his actions came from a place of love. I would have cut his heart out had I not been afraid of making her hate me any more than she did.

"I never hated you no matter how much I tried to," she grinned kissing my lips reading me like an open book. "Part of me has always understood why things worked out the way they did. I mean, I didn't make the decision easy for you."

"Don't." I scowled, despising how much blame she put on herself when I knew the truth. Niall Brigant had always been pulling the strings, creating doubt, harvesting our insecurities like a well-planted crop as he bent us both to his will. "The first time I saw you walk into Fangtasia with Bill, I felt it. Feelings that had been dead for so long I didn't understand them. They terrified me, you… terrified me." I paused, brushing my hand through her hair. "I should never have tricked you into the bond or the marriage, but it was the only thing I could think of to keep you, to make you mine. I forced your hand, not the other way around. There were things I thought wanted too, but once you were gone none of it mattered."

"It's history," she smirked wrapping her arms around my neck before seducing my lips with hers and all I wanted to do was spend the rest of eternity making out with this woman, holding her in my arms, and proving I will never be a mistake. Sitting here seeing the sun on her beautiful face, I wanted to run, disappear into the light, and never look back.

The things I once thought I couldn't give up; I would abandon in an instant to secure a life with her.

"What is on that crazy busy fairy schedule of yours today, lover?"

"A date." she winked with a devious grin before I felt the pop.

I did not understand what she meant, but by the time the sun was setting on the Egyptian pyramids, I had lived more in this one day than I had in the last thousand years. I saw the Eiffel tower in the morning light, walked the great wall of China with that gorgeous creature riding on my back, and scoffed in the face of death kayaking through the Grand Canyon while she mocked my fear. We talked, laughed entirely too much, and shared everything that had gone unsaid. It was a glimpse of how things could be if they allowed us to be a normal fucking couple. Well, as normal as a vampire and fairy can be.

It figured all I wanted to do was ditch the politics, leaving everything behind, and she was just getting started conquering the realm.

Returning to the Shreveport office building was the last thing I wanted to do, knowing there was one more thing I desperately wanted to talk to Sookie about. After the day we just had I wanted more of it, her, the fucking sun. I'm almost game for the 2.5 kids and picket fence bullshit, I could deal with adopting tiny humans. There was a whole unknown world of possibilities, but seeing Killian impatiently tapping his foot, I realized we were back to the shit show.

"I have been running interference with your wolf problem all day." The fairy groaned, rolling his eyes. "And Pam is looking for you, blondie. Roman and Octavia are in one apartment, and Edgington is in another. You two weren't supposed to be gone that long Brigant," he crossed his arms attempting to scold her until his eyes drifted behind us with a puzzled look. Turning around, I saw why. Johann Meyers and Constantine Aimar were coming to blows as they scuffled their way through the heavy glass lobby door, bellowing at one another.

"Separate them," Sookie ordered, glancing at Becker instantly silencing both men. "Put them in different rooms until we assess the situation."

"What," Meyers growled in rage while Constantine smirked, crossing his arms. "Where is my grandson and why is this vampire still hanging around?"

"I'm right here old man," Baxter grinned walking directly towards Sookie grinning with Alcide trailing behind him. I could tell by the look on the old wolf's face this was some sort of game he was telling me to play but my fangs almost dropped watching the boys arm snake around Sookie's waist. "Sorry I'm late," he smirked, kissing her cheek as Becker led the confused men away.

"You better have one hell of an explanation, Meyers," I growled before his arm reluctantly dropped from her body once the pair were out of sight. "I was having such an outstanding day and you instantly fucking ruined it, wolf."

"It's not completely ruined yet. Whatever is going here it can wait," Sookie smirked grabbing the collar of my shirt demanding a kiss I was more than willing to give her, especially in front of the wolf. "We need a shower. It has been a long day and I have sand in places I don't even want to think about right now." She laughed and I couldn't have agreed more. These assholes can all wait on us. I don't care what they think anymore.

"How can I argue with that?" I grinned, watching obvious disappointment wash over Baxter's face while Alcide dropped his head, trying not to snicker as Sookie led me away. Once the elevator door closed, I pinned that vixen against the wall pulling her into my arms before kissing those gorgeous lips for the millionth time today. When it opened, I had every intention of taking her right there in the entrance to the penthouse but when I heard Pam clearing her throat, I sighed realizing it would not happen.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can I steal him for a little bit Sookie?" She asked, trying to contain her amusement. "I promise it won't take long."

"It better not or I'll have to start without him," Sookie murmured nipping my bottom lip knowing all too well she was taunting my lust. "You have something I need."

Dropping her to the floor I groaned looking down. "You better wait for me, woman. I would hate to have to punish you if you don't." Glancing over my shoulder I watched her face until it disappeared as I walked into the lower level penthouse realizing it was the first time I had seen it. "You decorated this place fast," I grinned, glancing around the apartment that was perfectly Pam.

"When would I have time for that," she shrugged, leading me to the table that was covered in bridal magazines all opened to different pages. "Sookie just knows me," she smiled pridefully, almost jabbing me with the fact she was always there. "That's why I needed to talk to you. This has to be perfect and I have a bit of good news but first tell me everything. You know I hate you right now… you smell like the sun and look tan." Pam pouted, crossing her arms. "No bleeds?"

"No, I feel perfect… more alive than I have in centuries." I practically beamed before every little detail poured out of my mouth with newfound excitement. Kissing her in Paris, fucking her on the wall as we backpacked through China, almost drowning in that death trap and the cabana in the Egyptian desert. I almost felt like a child regaling an epic adventure. "It was all so perfect, no fucking way I could ever top that now." I laughed when her eyes widened in awe.

"You… Eric fucking Northman went kayaking," she raised her perfectly arched brow as her nose scrunched. "Well, goddamn if that isn't the most disgustingly romantic date I've ever heard of. So what's the problem?"

I shrugged, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "I've been thinking. What would you say if wanted to give all this up, run away with her… asked her not to be the fairy queen?" I paused, watching the grin fade from her face while she gathered her words.

"I would say who the hell are you. The man I know doesn't run from anything and I would wonder if the sun took your balls too." She smirked, laughing, "but after saying that I would help you pack. Have you told her this?"

"No," I scowled.

"You've picked one hell of a time not to be an ambitious Viking." Pam's head shook before her eyes rolled. "I understand your thinking. I really do, but we don't have enough information yet, none of us. There are still pieces those fairies are putting together. Running now… means always running, looking over your shoulder, waiting for day Sookie doesn't come home. That moment someone finally finds the two of you will come sooner than you think. Could you live like that because I doubt little miss Bon Temps dreams of that life regardless of whether or not she wants to be the fairy queen."

"Of course she wants to be–"

"Karin and I don't think so. You're not going to like this Eric, but we've known her longer, and that fairy has only ever wanted one thing." She paused, poking my chest. I knew she was about to lay into me, and I had a feeling it would hurt. "We never gave her up. You had it easy locked in your little tower of self-hatred while we had to watch her waste away, hiding the pain we could clearly see and longing for a man who let her go. Had you not been our maker we would have sent to meet your true death alongside that bitch Freyda."

"I had no choice," I spit in rage.

"Bullshit," she snorted. "You are Eric fucking Northman nobody makes you do anything you don't want to. You let your anger get the best of you and we all suffered because of it. That Viking pride… foolish, stubborn ignorance. You had your chance and your way fucked everything up… it's her turn. Sookie did what had to in order to survive. I don't think any of this has been about ruling the realm, becoming an all-powerful fairy, or any of this other bullshit that has happened. That woman would be content serving burgers at a greasy spoon if you were by her side. I trust this is all part of her bigger plan and your date was a taste of everything to come. Don't fuck it up this time by running off half-cocked thinking you know what's best."

"Well damn Pamela don't hold anything back," I glowered, knowing to some extent she was right. "I tried to get out of that contract a million times. It was ironclad, but ironically Niall Brigant could swoop in and break it instantly when it served his purpose. The fucking prince has had a hand in everything."

"Yes. I have also come to that conclusion. After last night, you know when you took off on your first-class fairy cruise." She paused, waiting for me to say something, but I only glared, crossing my arms before her eyes rolled and she continued. "Fairies are congregating outside the Stackhouse property line and they are quite chatty."

"Why are you watching that house? Didn't Sookie leave it to Jason's kids."

Pam snorted, "Indeed she did, and those little animals put it on the market for a ridiculous price right after the funeral. I bought it," she shrugged when my brow furrowed. I mean, I knew she liked the woman, but this was over the top even for Pam. "What can I say the fairy has grown on me. I may have also recently purchased the Compton property, but there was a fire of unknown origin that claimed the house. The fairies are practically camped out on its grounds."

"I bet the historical society loved that." I snorted, wishing they had involved me in ridding the world of Bill's ancestral home. "Why are they there?"

"The light called to them. Apparently, the portal between the worlds is now open thanks to a wolf crossing the threshold and they are here in service to the rebellion, the liberation of the realm the old-timer called it. The funny thing is it drew them to Sookie's house, but its warded with a magic that repels all fairies but one. Her people are dealing with them, and even they can't cross the property line."

"What does that mean?"

"I think it says our little rebel has her own trust issues with the prince maybe even all of fae. If I had to venture a guess, I would put money on this entire plan hinging on removing her dear old grandfather from our lives permanently. It's not about power and glory… it's vengeance for everything he has done."

"You sound confident about that."

"I am… Plus, Killian let it slip he saw something in the updated fae contracts. A delicious little detail regarding dissolving the crown among the kingdoms, uniting all the territories in high council. It would crush the monarchy… that whole "for the people by the people" government American's love. Talk about hitting the prince where it counts."

"You're kidding?"

"No, I'm not so stop stressing me out. We only have four days to get this figured out and there is a LOT of pressure after that monumental date she just took you on." She waved her arms over the table. "Which brings me to my news. He'll be Friday night, but he requires a private audience with the king before he agrees."

"That is excellent news."

"Is it?" She laughed silently, thinking he would be a pain in the ass. "Speaking of assholes. Killian said there is a wolf problem. The fairy wouldn't elaborate, but I've been hearing Byron Meyers is back in the state. Some even say he was among Castro's wolves at the compound."

"No wonder Baxter requested a meeting last night," I growled, knowing what I have heard about his junkie brother and the lack of self-control he exhibits.

"Or it has something to do with the fact Baxter was running around town claiming our little fairy today. He's been spreading a tall tale about visiting the realm. One endorsed by Johann Meyers himself and supported by none other than Niall fucking Brigant."

"How the hell did you find that out?" I paused, scowling.

"I may have read Sookie's little brief those fairies prepare for her every day. The attention to detail was mind-blowing. It makes me want to add a couple of them to the payroll. Well, maybe just the charmer," she winked. "They think good ole grandpappy is trying to side with the wolves and throw a wrench into all this kumbaya truce shit."

"That would explain Johann Meyers and Constantine Aimar fighting downstairs. Not to mention the fact the Baxter just rolled in with Alcide putting on quite the little show."

"I'm sorry I missed that, but look what I am dealing with," she huffed, glancing around to the magazines that were everywhere. "I'm assuming you still have the dress, but damn at least give me some direction. I'm freaking and I don't freak out." She winced, slamming her hands to her hips.

"The botanical garden after sunset. Think Moroccan lanterns hanging from the trees, a modern Viking vide, LOTS of flowers… You can handle it; I have faith in you, Pamela." I grinned, backing my way to the door before raising my brow. "I don't want her to start without me."

"God, you haven't fucked her enough for one day… You're whipped!" she called out as the elevator door started closing. "I'm getting the fairy to help me."

Brushing my hand through my hair, grinning, I no longer cared if she recruited Killian as long as everything was perfect.

I hated to admit my progeny was right about one thing. All the cards were not on the table and I wasn't thinking clearly. Life on the run would never be an option. It would drive me crazy waiting for the other shoe to drop, I'd smother her with protection and all that would accomplish is giving her a reason to resent me. Although it would probably be fun at first, it would never work, I thought as the door opened and I saw the clothing trail.

"Where are you, lover?" I called out walking past the bar noticing the half drank glass of whiskey and the book the demon had given her before hearing the shower start. "Good girl," I half-whispered, tossing my t-shirt to the floor when the cell phone started vibrating in my pocket. Letting it go to voicemail I kicked the jeans to the ground not wanting any interruptions for at least the next hour.

"You better hurry," she laughed before I slid under the water, pinning her to the tile with my body.

"It is a good thing you waited for me."

"Who says I waited," biting her bottom lip she glanced up with those lust-filled blue eyes baiting my desire to take her right there. It was a demand I couldn't resist as I cupped her ass, sliding her up the wall before those gorgeous legs were right where they belonged, wrapped around my waist. "That's more like it," she sighed, kissing my neck briefly then stopping.

"I didn't tell you to stop." Playfully growling I grabbed her chin forcing her face to mine. "But now that you have, I need to ask you something. What do you want to accomplish with all this?"

"It isn't obvious," she whispered, brushing her lips across mine. "We want the same thing. The freedom to have days like today, the security of knowing my grandfather is dead, and just enough power so no one fucks with us ever again. But I don't think that's what you're asking."

"It would be hard to have the freedom we had today with the obligations you'll have to the realm."

"Oh… you don't want me to be queen," her eyes narrowed, filling with a look of rage before she leaned her head back into the tile, laughing outrageously loud. "Is that what you're worried about," Sookie grinned, kissing my lips. "I have no intention of becoming the next Niall Brigant. Unless you want me to…"

"Of course not, but after everything, I couldn't ask you to give it up. It would have been selfish."

"Well, today is your lucky day. It just so happens that I have a thing for selfish Viking vampires."

"Good, because the only queen I want you to be is mine," I growled invading her mouth while the intensity of her body pushed against me silently insisting that we continue all conversation later. The woman was a drug I couldn't get enough of, and I wanted her all to myself.

A/N: First and foremost, I want to apologize for how long it has taken me to get an update posted and the fact this was a shorter chapter than most. I also want to answer a couple of questions.

1. Sookie is NOT an alcoholic. The girl has been through more crap than any person can take. Whiskey to her is like Redbull to a human.

2. She doesn't use her telepathy much in this story because she is primarily surrounded by vampires and her fairies. Since she has ascended, she has more powers than just reading thoughts which causes her to rely less on that than she has previously.

3. She can teleport… it doesn't matter if she was caught. She is powerful.

This story started out as a fun, creative outlet to continue the adventures of characters I LOVE. I felt a little robbed by both the books and HBO when they denied us the epic Eric and Sookie love story we all wanted (I know I wasn't alone). Now I am 166k words deep in a story I love but it's RAW.

I literally woke up one day and wrote. I didn't care about sentence structure or punctuation. The only thing I focused on was this crazy, complicated story I had worked out in my head… (there are more twists coming.). BUT I have learned so much about writing in the past 7 months that it hurts my eyes to read some of the previous chapters. That being said, I plan to completely overhaul this story and fix the glaring errors and any unresolved plot wholes or questions you may have.

I appreciate your patients.

2020 or as I fondly call it "the dumpster fire" has been extremely difficult for several reasons. All of which have affected the time and attention I was able to give to this story.

I rung in the new year from a hospital room where my 4-year-old son nearly died from complications from the FLU - yes the flu. He is in recovery but undergoing EXTENSIVE therapy as he has had to re-learn everything… walking, talking, eating… It's one of those "every parent's worst nightmare" situations that I'm honestly still coping with the ramifications of.

On top of that already difficult situation, I ended my 22-year marriage to a narcissistic abusive man with the help of law enforcement. Then corona, quarantine, COVID…. I'm over here just waiting for the murder hornets and killer clowns to round off the circus of 2020.

Together everything sounds horrible. But it was a blessing in disguise that opened a door to new possibilities. We are now happy, healthy, and moving forward creating our best lives. Writing has been a huge part of that… it's a journey I hope you will follow me on when I release my first novel in an original series later this year.

"The Whyte Witch Chronicles" will be a true blood, meets vampire diaries, sprinkled with a slight revolution vibe.

In addition to updating and finishing this. Feel free to follow me on Facebook for updates on future works.

Facebook mlmorrisauthor