I am not JK Rowling or Christopher Paolini. Never have been, never will. Thanks for your understanding.



I had some extra time so I decided to give you guys TWO chapters on the same day. Epic, I know. Well we are back in Alagaisa now and it's about to burst WIDE open.

Chapter 16

Eragon was impressed with the leadership his cousin displayed. Roran took to command like Saphira took to the sky. He had mobilized the entire army with Jormundar, and now they were better armed and prepared than ever. Eragon chuckled to himself as he watched a specialized battalion form ranks. Each of the soldiers had a spear, a bow, and a hammer, something that had inspired them to call the battalion the Warhammers.

The army under Nasuada had changed from the army under Galbatorix. Instead of crimson, they were outfitted in dwarf made armor, leather gambsons and a white tunic featuring a blue dragon. The men's weapons were elf made. Though not made to the same quality as the Riders swords since Rhunon refused to forge weapons, they were nearly indestructible.

"Impressive aren't they?" said Elva, standing beside him. She was once again wearing her light mail armor with Tinkledeath around her waist. Eragon was also outfitted and ready. But theirs was a different mission, and with that in mind, he turned to his Riders.

Murtagh, Arya and Blödhgarm were assembled and waiting with their dragons.

The younger students had protested about being sent back, but they also understood the precaution: If Eragon and the others failed, the students would take up the mantel as Riders, lest they all be destroyed.

"My Riders, my friends. Once more, Riders fight for the freedom of Alagaisa. Our foes are powerful, aye. And one is well versed in our order. But we will not let them destroy the peace that we fought so hard to make. So I ask you, are you ready to destroy that abomination of a Rider and his sidekick?! " Eragon shouted.

The five dragons roared loudly and Murtaugh raised Zar'roc in salute.

" Then let's get them before they get us! " declared Eragon, before leaping onto Saphira. Saphira bellowed her challenge and said," Tear down that Dark wizard and rip out that abomination's heart!" and leapt into the air spreading her massive wings. Behind Eragon, Arya, Murtagh, Blödhgarm and Elva followed suit, swords and armor gleaming in the sun. Below them, the men cheered and shouted.

Their plan was simple. Roran and the other captains would lead the soldiers to the Great Plain where they would wait and engage the soldiers of Sundavar and Voldemort. Blödhgarm, Arya and Murtagh would provide strength and magic as the elves engaged the flank and the Urgals came from behind. The dwarves were already camped there and they would provide the war machines and men. But before that, Eragon and Elva were going to go to the ruins of El-harim. The spells they had cast said that they would find Harry there, and likely his captors. But in the back of his mind, Eragon worried that it would not be enough to stop the two Dark sorcerers.

Leagues away in El-harim, Harry heard the battle between Sundavar and Voldemort and made his play. Voldemort had taken his wand, but Harry was not without magic. Breathing deeply, he unleashed the power of the Dragon Rider and the power of the Four Founders surged to join the strange magic. In Harry's mind, he felt the two powers greet each other. It was magic that the Founders understood and now Harry's green eyes glowed with the power of two worlds. Focusing on the chains that bound him, he prepared to cast the magic.

At that very moment, there was an enormous Crack!

"You are positive Harding? It's only been a few days." said Ron.

The tall Unspeakable nodded, his eyes shining with pride and triumph.

"Yes Mr Weasley. I have succeeded. I can't say where in this world you will reappear, but I am confident that you will make it through. Are Miss Lovegood and Mrs Weasley ready?"

"Yes. We will join you in half an hour." said Ron, already calling the two witches names into his enchanted mirror.

Ron shifted his weight as he stared at the blue strand of light before him. If Harding had done it right, they would appear in the old world. Beside him, Hermione and Luna were waiting for the all clear.

"Alright there Mr Weasley. She's ready. Just step through." said Harding. Ron took a deep breath, and then stepped through the light. A jerk behind his navel pulled him forward like a portkey dragging him through a ever tightening tube, then suddenly...

Cold air was the first thing he came to know. A chill Ron would never forget.

A few feet away, Hermione was getting to her feet and Luna had already drawn her wand.

"Dementors." she said. And that's when Ron saw the space around them. They were standing in the ruins of an ancient castle and the Dementors were hovering everywhere. Dark, cold, their hooded faces hidden. Dozens of them. Hundreds.

Ron's Auror training took over as instinct.

"Expecto Patronum!" he bellowed, and his silver terrier leapt at the Dementors. A moment later, a silver otter and a hare joined in and drove the Dementors back. Ron grinned, but their victory was short-lived as dozens of Inferi rose up to engage them. Cries of Incendio were heard from all three.

Harry looked away from the door, directed his power once more and said, "Jierda!"

The metal cuffs shattered and Harry quickly repeated the spell for the manacles around his ankles. At the door, he focused his energy and this time shouted "Bombarda!" and the door exploded.

Hurrying towards the sound of battle, Harry Potter was alive with magical energy.

As he drew nearer, he heard something he had not expected. Two women and a man engaged in combat with Inferi. What shocked him, was that he recognized the voices and they were shouting Wizarding spells. Wand spells. Then he felt the unnatural chill of the Dementors.

Harry leapt into the open courtyard and bellowed, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

Ron spun around as an enormous dragon patronus swept through the ruined courtyard, chasing the Dementors down. The dragon bellowed and real fire billowed, engulfing the Inferi. Ron turned to the entry to see... Ron blinked. Harry was standing there directing the patronus, with black fire flying from his hands into the Inferi causing them to shriek in their unearthly voices.

As the last smoking corpse dropped, Harry banished the patronus and stared in surprise at the sight of Ron, Hermione and Luna. Automatically, Harry moved towards them, his eyes wide behind his glasses.

Ron stepped forward, equally surprised.

"Ron..? How?" said Harry.

Then Ron punched Harry right in the face.


Ron and the others are now in Alagaisia, Elva and Eragon will soon join, but so will another unexpected ally or two. All the elements are in place for the battle in chapter 18.

You can't miss it.

KJC Reilly.