A/N: Hello! Sorry it's been so long. I've been uninspired-then I started rewatching A:tLA with my family. I have another chapter almost ready, and hopefully my inspiration won't run away again.

Also, about the reviews. My sister is working on an ATLA fic which she's barely let me see. Leave an excited review, and maybe she'll let me post it! The premise is that, while Aang was in the iceberg, the Avatar Spirit decided he was as good as dead and moved on. The next two Avatars died young, and now the Fire Avatar doesn't know he's the Avatar and Aang can't figure out why he can't Waterbend. I'm really excited about it!



Zuko knelt by Flame's tank. She was still asleep, which made sense since it wasn't yet dawn.

"I'll never give you up," the prince swore. "I planned to give you to Father instead of the Avatar, but I can't. I...the Avatar isn't even alive anymore. But I can't ever give you to Father, so I need to either find him or never go home. But I will find him. I'll find him, and give him to Father in exchange for Father passing a law against harming merfolk. There must be more of you, right? Father will protect you if he wants the Avatar. None of your friends will be caught in a net- or you, once I set you free."

Zuko rose and walked up the stairs to deck, every step as heavy as lead.


Oh, merciful spirits of Atlantis. What have I done? I meant him to fall for me so that I could get close to him and take him down before he knew of the Avatar's return, not so he'd redouble his efforts!

about eight hours later

on an iceberg not far away


The Water Tribe siblings stared at the boy.

"Hi! I'm Aang."

not long after that


"A flare! The Avatar has returned!"

"Set a course."

Not twenty seconds later, he clatters down the stairs. "Flame, I did it. I found the Avatar!" His face is aglow with pride. Something inside of me aches, and I push it, and my cramps, away to smile at him.

What use is holding his heart when I can't tell him to give up his quest? Curse my orders against speaking. I could make him obey. I could make him give up.

Only as a last resort, they said. It's too dangerous, they said. You can't control it as well as you need to, they said.

It will be worse if I can't control him.

But I'm patient. I can wait.

He charges back on deck.

Quick as a flash, I pull out my shell. "Brains, Brawn, boys. Are you there?"

"Yes." Amara's voice is tight. "Cramps, too. Fin's got a nosebleed. Your twin has a headache, and the boss is incredibly itchy."

I wince, pressing a hand to my own abdomen. "Cramps too. Cursed signs."

The Sign of an Avatar's birth, or in this case return, can manifest in a variety of ways, most involving pain. It starts one to twelve hours before, and can last for up to three days. Then it flares up again whenever the Avatar is in danger.

Thanks to my prince, I can expect cramps for some time.

Griffin's voice cuts through a particularly severe cramp. "Which way? Any idea?"

I inhale and exhale, controlling my breath. When I speak, my voice betrays none of my pain. "I'm pretty sure we're heading south, but you can check. If I had to guess, I'd say head for the Southern Water Tribe. The Avatar will need people."

"Good girl. Amara, Fin, come with me. Neptune, stay close to the ship."

"Yessir," three voices chorus.

A tiny moan leaks from between my lips. Ancients, I hope my Sign doesn't last three days.

A/N: I have a new poll on my profile. If you have a minute, please check it out and vote! I'm trying to decide on a title for my novel, and you can help!