Disclaimer: This is fanfiction. Sonic the hedgehog franchise and it's characters belong to Sega and its partners.

Part 1


The city lights darkened the stars in the sky, leaving a black void. At the center of that light stood a building stretching hundreds of feet taller than any of the other skyscrapers. Chaos Containment rolled across the its top in brilliant white light. Even in the darkness of night, the city roared with noise. So not many people heard the sound of glass breaking as a blue blur crashed out a window.

A blue hedgehog in red sneakers and a gray helmet shot out into the air. His gray vest blew into the wind as he threw it off. Then he landed on top a building with a crunch. The cement building cracked slightly, but was still stable.

A voice came from the helmet. "Sonic. What are you doing!?"

Sonic spoke into an earpiece. "I'm done." He took off the helmet throwing it to the ground. He clenched his fists looked at the helmet in disgust. Then he looked at his hands. "Never again."

Sonic ran jumping from roof to roof, his hair blown back by the wind. He shot across the city leaving dust and wind so strong it blew over dumpsters and ripped nearby flags. He kept going as the city skyline blurred into the distance, not stopping until the road turned to dirt.

He looked back at the city lights one last time sighing. "Goodbye Ivo." Then he darted across fields of grass and disappeared into a forest.

Back at the Chaos Containment building, a puggy scientist with a thick brown mustache a red lab coat looked out from the broken window. He wore blue tinted goggles, which he took off to reveal deep brown eyes. His face was grief stricken as he stared out into the city.

Two government agents in black suits ran up to him and saluted. "Sir. We came as soon as we heard the alarm. What's going on?" They both gaped when they saw the shattered window.

The scientist sighed. "I don't know. Sonic just jumped out the window and removed his communicator."

"What!?" One of the men spoke into an earpiece. "Headquarters! We have a containment breach! Specimen 343 has gone rogue!"

"Copy that Agent Larz. We'll send out a strike force now. Do you have a visual of his trajectory?"

Agent Larz looked through the broken window for the nearest building. "Looks like 34 degrees west of south.

"We are sending strike force 34 degrees west of south. Do you confirm?"

"Yes." Agent Larz stepped back from the window. Boom! An explosion sounded from a lower floor.

The floor shook, sending the scientist to the floor as fire alarms went off. "What was that!?" He got up looking around.

Agent Larz motioned to him. "Sir. We need to get you to safety immediately."

"Right." The scientist looked at Agent Larz, then back to at the missing window bewildered. "Sonic. What have you done?" He walked away with the two agents.


Part 2


A young yellow fox with two tails lay on a bed looked at the metal walls in front of him. Light streamed from a window reminding him of the outside world. He turned toward the bars to cell, then back to the marks he'd made on the wall. He'd written down twenty three on the wall in his time here, twenty three days, trapped in an impenetrable prison with the rest of the failed experiments.

He'd been laying there for a few hours and was half asleep when a boom sounded in the distance. Hot wind blew down the hallways and the young fox ran to see what was happening. A blue object shot down the hall, stopping in front of his cell. Then it turned into a giant hedgehog wearing red sneakers and gloves. The hedgehog looked at the young fox. "Hey kid, it's Tails right? You wanna get out of here?" It pulled out keys swinging them around its finger whistling.

"What!? Are you for real!?" Tails raised an eyebrow. "Wait, how do you know my name?"

"I read it in your file." The hedgehog unlocked the cage. "Now come on. The guards will be on us soon."

"Ok." Tails nodded following the blue hedgehog down the stone hallway. They ran past several cells as different animals looked at them cursing or asking for help. "Wait. There are others trapped here too."

"I know they don't look like it, but the guys here are locked up for a reason. The only innocent one here is you." The hedgehog said.

Tails looked back at the prisoners, but then faced forward again. Tails and the hedgehog ran into a few offices with guards shooting at them. But the bullets didn't even come close to them as the hedgehog to blink in and out of view every so often. Eventually they made their way out to a courtyard and a wire fence. A guard looked down at them from a tower and yelled, but then he fell on his butt and didn't get up.

Tails stared at the guard horrified. Then the hedgehog smiled at him. "Don't worry. He's just knocked out. He'll be fine. No come on." It waved Tails toward a hole in the fence and the two ran as the prison behind them went up in smoke.

Tails glanced back and stopped when he saw the black cloud coming from the building. "Wait, that's a fire!"

"No. It's just smoke bomb. Incredible annoying and hard to see through, but perfectly safe." The hedgehog kept running and Tails followed after him into a thick oak forest. As they ran, the hedgehog looked over at him. "So, you know of any place to hide?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah maybe. Follow me." Tails ran toward an area where the trees started turning to aspen and came to a stream with a cave behind it. "We should be safe here."

"Ok. Good." The hedgehog looked at the cave. "Just let me do the talking."

"Yeah. Just let me do any talking. Knuckles doesn't like strangers." Tails said. The hedgehog grimaced and Tails looked at him confused. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, it's fine." The two walked into the cave, darkness enveloping them with each step. Soon it was pitch black. But then bits of light started to stream in. As they went further, the light grew brighter into the form of a fires on torches.

Tails and the hedgehog kept going until they saw a red echidna looking at Tails. "Kid. You're ok!" He ran up to Tails. "What happened?"

"I was trapped in a prison. This hedgehog helped me escape." Tails smiled looking at the hedgehog. "Say, I never got your name."

Knuckles glared at the hedgehog. "You…I don't need a name."

The hedgehog grimaced. Tails looked between the two of them confused. "Wait, what's going on?"

"Tails you idiot! How could you bring Sonic here!!?" Knuckles clenched his fists.

"What!?" Tails looked in horror. He'd just brought a government agent to his friends.

Knuckles walked over to Sonic. "Guess I'd have to fight you sooner or later." He looked at Tails. "Get out of here before he kills you."


Part 3


An old man in a police uniform sat in a well lit room with steel gray walls and windows with a view of the city skyline. He was scrolling through a computer file when the door opened.

A man in a red lab coat stepped into the office. "Chief Oran. You wanted to see me sir?"

"Ah. Dr. Robotnick. Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice." Chief Oran turned off the computer screen.

"I assume this is about specimen 343?" He asked.

"Yes. Sonic, going rogue has been problematic. Morale is down, and now people are wondering where their celebrity superhero is." Oran sighed looking out the window. "I still don't understand why one of our best agents went rogue like that. Wasn't he programmed to be obedient?"

"Well, yes. But it's not that simple, he's not a robot." Dr. Robotnick shook his head.

The chief raised an eyebrow. "Well, ok, cyborg. Whatever. I thought that chip could override his free will if he became dangerous."

"He's flesh and bone. It's true the programming should have made him completely obedient, but he's always had more personality than a machine." Robotnick looked at the skyline. "Still...I never imagined he would turn on us."

"He did more than that." Oran slid a photo over to Robotnick.

He looked at the photo. It showed Sonic running from an exploding building with what looked like a yellow two tailed fox behind him. Robotnick's eyes widened as he read the name of the building. "Argon Prison! The people there are the worst criminals imaginable! Why would he destroy that place!?"

"We don't know. The strike force hasn't been able to track him down yet. As much as I hate to admit it. You may have created the most powerful weapon in the world."

"So I'm responsible for a prison break of the most dangerous criminals in the world." Dr. Robotnick gritted his teeth. "What have I done?" He stared at the man intensely. "How many people?"

"For now, we've had no deaths, and only one prisoner escaped. But we need a way to stop him. Conventional methods haven't worked, and we can't just launch a nuke at him." Oran sighed.

"Why not send out Metal?"

"Metal? Isn't he still in the experimental stages?"

"Yes. But given current circumstances, I think we should at least consider it. Though I understand hesitation with the possible risk to the public." Robotnick pulled out a computer drive from his coat, handing it to Oran. "This has everything we know about Metal so far."

Oran plugged the drive into his computer, turning the screen on. "All right. I'll take a look at it. But for now, I need you to do whatever you can to stop Sonic. And find out why he turned on us."

"I've already started looking into it. Hopefully I can find some answers soon." Robotnick stood up, exiting from the room.