Chapter 6: Dark Jack's Ambition of The Enchanted Forest's Spirits

Around 10am sharp in the morning inside Arendelle castle the maids were as busy and the guards stood on the grounds and on patrol duty and in the dining room was Anna and Kristoff along with Olaf with his cheerful smile as always helping out setting plates on the table preparing some breakfast. since they celebrated the fall festival yesterday along with Arendelle's people a good breakfast would be worthwhile for their empty stomachs.

Anna sighed and turned at Kristoff and asked with concern,

"So Kristoff do you expect that Jack would come back safely? I mean he's being gone for about a day or two since he left telling he needed to do his job spreading Winter and happiness everywhere and he did told you well only you that he would come back soon"

Kristoff chuckled and assured Anna with comfort,

"Well Jack's a pretty busy guy like Elsa and he has responsibilities for his job as Guardian as much as he told me so I'm pretty much sure he was asked to catch a break from Guardian Duties with North or Bunny for that matter so it's perfectly fine Anna Jack will come back soon and you do know how much you're sister loves him Jack is pretty good with the ladies"

Anna laughed and shook her head with playful amusement and smiled to herself. Kristoff seemed right though Jack would be safe and would come home soon with his staff and long cloak and blue eyes and white hair and sweater that Anna liked and even liked his ice powers much like her sister's powers that she enjoyed playing with her sister along with Jack. Jack was like a big brother figure to Anna and the two formed a strong friendship and bond that can never be broke and Anna was a lot like Jack's deceased sister Emma full of wonder energy gentleness playfulness and caring personality which makes Anna really similar to Jack's sister entirely.

"Alright there finished!" Olaf announced putting down the final plate along with the fork and knife and the kitchen table was all set for one good breakfast with orange juice scrambled eggs toast with butter and jam glasses of milk and tea cups along with coffee mugs prepared.

"Great job guys alright now then let's just wait for my sister to come down and we can finally chow down our grub and man I am totally craving for some chocolate right now looking at these food right at the present" Anna said with a small smile and sarcastic pout while Kristoff sat on his seat with Olaf climbing next to his seat as well chuckling with glee and Anna made herself comfortable sitting next to a empty chair opposite of Kristoff and Olaf, manly to let the boys know that the empty chair is for her sister to sit next to Anna, and right on time Anna heard Elsa's footsteps approaching the dining hall and quickly said to Kristoff

"Here comes the Queen herself"

Anna turned around and smiled at her sister who walked into the dining room and what she saw made her gasp with surprise and happiness at what she seen along with Elsa who entered the dining room with her, what Anna saw was a young adult person along with Elsa who looked like the one person that Anna and everyone were waiting for a certain Guardian Of Winter, stood right before the young princess the snowman and the mountain man with his cocky smirk and white hair it was a big surprise who it is the person she looked at was Jack.

Jack looked at Anna and said with playfulness,"Hi Anna it's me Jack I'm home did you miss me?"

Anna beamed and got up quickly from her seat and run towards Jack and hugged him tightly with a happy laugh and said to Jack,

"JACK! I'm glad you came home safe are you okay? Where were you? and you just missed the fall festival you said you would come but you must have gone somewhere for a break or whatever anyways doesn't matter I'm relieved to see you here with my own eyes"

Anna lets go of Jack and glanced at her sister and said to Elsa alongside Jack,

"So you two are happy with each other now that you are reunited and stuff but I'm guessing you two had a let's just say well should I put this a making out session am I like right sis?" Anna remarked with a smirk and Elsa blushed and stammered saying to her sibling,"Whaa?! N-No we just slept normally Anna and we might have had a few kisses with our lips but we just slept with each other and honestly we were just as happy when we slept" Elsa said with honesty and looked at Anna with an embarrassing blush on her cheeks, Anna just chuckled softly and said to the two winter users"

"Alright I believe you Elsa Well I'm glad you two enjoyed a perfect sleepy evening for good measure and I was wondering you would want some breakfast?"

Jack and Elsa both smiled and nodded and Elsa Replied "Sure Anna I'm relieved you along with Kristoff and Olaf managed to set up the table with the food as well you hungry too Jack?" Elsa looked up at Jack and Jack chuckled at looked at her and said to her question "I'm always hungry for anything Elsie" Elsa smiled at Jack and Jack smiled at Elsa and they went to the table and sat next to each other holding their hands still.

Kristoff and Olaf were also happy for Jack's sudden appearance and Olaf went under the table and hugged Jack around the legs which made Jack laugh and Elsa giggle at the sight before coming out from under the table and going back to seat himself again with a chuckle and finally the reunited Arendelle family happily ate their breakfast and shared laughs and told stories in particular like the fall festival and telling Jack what the fall festival means and why it's celebrated as a as Jack would call it a Norway version of Thanksgiving day and finally the gang finished their breakfast and decided to play together in the castle garden of Arendelle for a game of eyespy or hide and seek later on.

Jack and Elsa went back to their bedroom and shut the door behind and relaxed together on the bed while relaxing they both heard a strange voice in their heads as it feels like someone is calling out to their presence.

Ahhh Ahh Ahhh

Jack and Elsa looked at each other in confused looks and Jack Spoke up"Uh Elsa did you heard that sound whatever that thing I just heard in my head?" Elsa shook her head and sighed and said to Jack" yeah I actually did it sounded like someone is calling us that was really weird though but maybe it's just my head playing tricks or something" Jack looked into her beautiful light blue eyes and hugged her and she hugged Jack back with a sigh and rested her head on his shoulder and Jack said to Elsa.

"Maybe you are right I think it's nothing to worry about we should enjoy our lives together to the fullest and live normally as a family again don't you think Els?" Jack said with assuring care and Elsa nods and replies to Jack,

"You're right Jack let's just live our lives as normally as possible that we can live for that"

"That's my Elsie" Jack kissed her lightly and Elsa giggled and kissed Jack back with love and they pulled away but still hugged one another.

"So I'll be going out for a fly out and I'll be back in a few minutes and I won't be long though just fresh air is what I'm seeking with the morning light and whatever and you have queenly duties to do you know what I mean and you can tell the others that I'll be back in a few minutes alright Els?" Jack explained to Elsa and she nodded and said to Jack,"Sure Jack you were right I am still a queen and a queen must act accordingly to her duties so yeah I don't mind you flying out for a while just please hurry back and don't stay out for too long you know how worried I get when you aren't showing up so you promise to come back early Jack?" Elsa said with concern and Jack sighed and stroked her hair and replied to the platinum blonde,

"Don't worry I promise I won't be out long" Elsa smiled gratefully and looked at Jack and kissed his cheek lightly and said to the Spirit Of Winter.

"Good I love you though"

"Yeah and I love you too Elsie"

They hugged each other with warm smiles and pulled away and Jack stood up and went to open the window and Elsa watched Jack as he looked at her and smiled and said to her,"I won't be long I'm just going for a short flying stroll in the skies and after that I'm coming home straight away so I'll see you later Elsie" Elsa chuckled and nodded and waved at Jack saying" just be careful okay come back safely Jack I love you" Jack nodded and flew out the window and into the skies shouting to Elsa "i love you too sweetheart see you in a few minutes" with that said Jack soared into the sky with staff in hand only and apparently yesterday Jack had gotten rid of the sword and scabbard that North gave Jack for defense but Jack was uncomfortable using a sword so the spirit had no choice but to dispose of it into a shop he found when he came back to Arendelle, luckily for Jack his staff is powerful enough to handle any danger whenever it be spirits fearlings or even the yetis to a degree with that Jack continued flying around until he got tired and decided to land in a clearing in the Arendelle forest to relax,

Whilst Jack was resting against a tree he suddenly heard movements coming from a nearby shrubbery and Jack got up on his feet quickly and said to the empty air,

"Who's there show yourself!"

"My My I should expect some bravado for a weakling's greeting like that I guess I'll show myself then" a creepy voice said behind the tree opposite of Jack and Jack flew away from the tree and landed meters away and pointed his staff at the tree where the figure spoke and the figure teleported in front of Jack a few meters away and Jack widen his eyes in shock but faded away instantly and Jack's expresssion turned angry with seriousness as Jack know who the figure is and he wasn't happy on seeing that figure again.

"You again" Jack growled with hatred Jack's staff began emitting sparks of ice

Dark Jack laughed and smiled at his counterpart and mockingly said,

"Well Well Well if it isn't Jack Frost my Arch Enemy how the heck are you? Enjoying a family reunion in Arendelle I presume?"

"Dark Jack why are you here and what do you want this time?!" Jack hissed impatiently

Dark Jack chuckled evilly and spoke up"I just came here to show you something that you aren't fully familiar with and what better way to prove then that dream you had was real and I could show you some proof that I am correct and what better way to prove it to you then by conjuring it out of actual air"

Dark Jack with his red eyes closed his eyes and outstretched his hand out and Light engulfs the whole area and Jack covers his eyes and the light fades away and Jack removed his arms from his eyes and stares at the four levitating objects that were hovering above Dark Jack's palm, the objects were palm sized crystal looking shards that had marks on the front that resemble the looks of a element such as a gust of wind a flame a mountain and a tidal wave marked on the ice crystals respectfully, Jack looked at his evil counterpart as Dark Jack began Explaining,

"Jack Frost these four crystals are what are known as Spiritual Vessels you could think of these as hearts or life forces of spirits that keep their status alignments corrected in the field of magic however when these vessels are forcibly extracted and removed from their core they become hostile out of control and desire nothing more but destruction and personal death to humans or good spirits alike when threatened encountered or opposed what I did to show you was that I learned about the Enchanted Forest and It's Stranded People the magic tamers that tamed and took care of the Spirits Of The Enchanted Forest Air Earth Fire and Water. With the strong will of these vessels that I potentially stolen from the four spirits by taking over their minds via my magic of fear and anger allowing the spirits to be my personal minions I was able to extract their hearts or their Spiritual vessels out of their bodies retroactively and as the little splasher Nokk once said during our conflict in you're dream Jack, Nokk said that I was the one who caused and started out a fierce battle of spirits vs humans to spiral out of control and it was my plan to take revenge on you and you're pathetic bunch of Guardian friends by putting so much darkness in the spirits mind so that they are now prone to violence and were the reason that the Enchanted Forest was covered in mist because of that one battle and it was all thanks to that fool of a man that King Adgar's father Runeard who believed that magic is evil and would be dangerous to the people of Arendelle so I casted my dark magic on his mind that caused insanity and anger to take over his weak mind and ordered the soldiers to attack the spirits and there was a full battle there were no survivors even Runeard had fallen off a cliff and died and the Northuldra retreated in fear of the destructive powers the spirits had wielded and hidden away into the Forest with everybody struck with terror I absorb their fear and ordered the spirits to cloud the whole Enchanted Forest to keep the Northuldra and the soldiers escaping their non escapable prison and the soldiers were trapped with the Northuldra and were stuck for years with no possible means of escape."

Dark Jack chuckled evilly and Jack looked at his enemy with pursed lips and a death glare

"Now then where was I Jack? Oh yes after I trapped the Northuldra and the Soldiers in the Enchanted Forest with the cloud barrier serving as a prison of sorts as both groups begin to start cowering in terror confusion and uncertainty in their hearts I feeded on their fear to make myself stronger and unstoppable and with these Spirtual Vessels in my hands I'm afraid you Jack Frost are too late to stop the incoming storm and it seems King Adgar and Queen Iduna suffered the loss of their former home and got married to forget that entire incident that they call a mistake and moved on being the new King and Queen Of Arendelle and had two lovely daughters that you care about and you call yourself a spirit who makes everybody happy? Why is that makes you so special even my Master wanted you to join him but you are as a arrogant fool as you seem didn't understood what goes better together then cold and dark"

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!"Jack screamed at Dark Jack and shoots bolts of ice and Dark Jack teleports while laughing and Dark Jack snaps his finger and makes the crystals disappear and Dark Jack shoots black Ice at Jack and Jack dodges it and flys up and Jack menacingly conjures ice shooting out from the ground around Dark Jack with his counterpart distracted Jack flys down and with a battle scream he summons a large icicle above his head the size of a skyscraper and throws it down towards Dark Jack who dodges it and with Dark Jack distracted Jack spots his chance and punches his enemy hard and kicks Dark Jack in the chest sending his dark counterpart flying and Dark Jack broke through and shattered the sharp icicles on contact and went spiraling in mid flight out of control towards a mountain wall hitting on contact leaving him dazed Jack flicks his wrist in a fast blur sharp icicles shot out from the ground and pinned Dark Jack against the mountain stopping Dark Jack from moving Dark Jack grunts as he attempts to get free from the icicles Jack his staff releasing bolts of ice off of it's wood as he walks Jack walks to Dark Jack menacingly with pursed lips and a death glare he holds his staff to Dark Jack's neck dangerous icicles slowly start growing out of Jack's staff to pierce Dark Jack's neck. Jack quietly threatens his enemy,

"Give The Crystals To Me Or I Will Kill You Where You Stand Before Me"

Dark Jack glared back at the spirit and spoke with sarcasm,

"You want the pretty little crystals fine take em they do not serve any role in my plan and they are nothing but a waste of time"

Dark Jack summons the crystals and gives them to Jack quickly with Jack stepping back holding onto the Spiritual Vessels and relinquishing his staff from his enemy's neck with the icicles going back inside Jack's wooden staff and Dark Jack breaks out of the ice restraints and stares at Jack and tells the Guardian Of Frost one final saying of the crystals,

"Jack Frost Spiritual Vessels won't work on a out of control spirit in a better way of restoring a spirit you must battle it out of submission until you can possibly push the crystal into their bodies and when that happens they are restored to being good guys again that is the only answer I will give you as of being helpful every once in a while but know this Jack this isn't a game this means war and I mean it in every way you and I will meet again farewell hero"

Dark Jack glared at Jack and teleported away leaving Jack with the crystals and Jack felt calmer with crystals in his grasp now that their light warmed Jack up and cleansed away his rage and anger away and replaced it with relief and calmness Jack says to himself,

"Well Jack looks like you know what to do when the time comes for you to save the Enchanted Forest along with Elsa and Anna with me and I bet these Spiritual Vessels are much important to save The Enchanted Forest now...Oh darn I gotta head back to Elsa and Anna I did promised I will come back so I better head back it's almost evening so better get lunch when I head back and then play games with the family life yep that's right"

Jack holds the shards carefully and puts the shards into his sweater pocket with that job finished Jack gripped his staff and flew up into the air and heads back to Arendelle.

When Jack got back from the battle with the evil counterpart Jack went inside Elsa's bedroom and saw Elsa reading a novel and Jack placed his staff against the dresser next to Elsa's bed and saw Flaki who was still sleeping peacefully on the pillows and Jack rolls his eyes and walked up behind Elsa and covered her eyes "Guess who's here" Jack comments with playfulness and Elsa laughed and turns around and Jack removed his hands from her eyes and looks at her and Elsa looks at Jack and says to her beloved one,

"Jack you're safe I'm glad you are alright!" Elsa stands up and hugs Jack and Jack hugs Elsa back and whispers in her ear "I'm here Elsie and I was wondering do you want to play hide and seek with myself and you're sister and Kristoff and Olaf in the castle garden?"

Jack and Elsa pulled away but still hugged each other and Elsa smiled and nodded and replied to Jack's question "Sounds like fun I actually done most of the work when you were out and I think I need a break now I guess you are right Jack"

"You sure could use a break Els and I wanna have fun" Jack kisses her lightly and Elsa kisses Jack back both smiling while kissing and they pulled away and they chuckled together and Jack wrapped his arm around Elsa and Elsa wrapped her arm around Jack as well and they walked out of Elsa's bedroom and while walking Elsa smiles at Jack and Jack smirks at Elsa and Elsa kisses Jack on the cheek and says " I love you Jack"

Hello Everybody of Jelsa fanatics sorry for the chapter I was coming up with another chapter to think about and manage to create another chapter so hooray I hope you enjoyed this new chapter and I think the next chapter will be the into the unknown chapter where jack and Elsa awakened the spirits of the forest also I do not own Rise Of The Guardians and Frozen and along with their characters they Belong to Dreamworks and Disney respectively except Flaki Bruni's twin who I own who is a oc of mine so people and fans of Jelsa read write and review and give my story more attention as it was it is a story and should be read anyways I think of something for the next chapter and i'll see you next time bye bye! :)