Chapter 1: Memories & Joyfulness

Several months have passed since Marshall and Everest became parents and since then Zuma and Alyssa got married and now they have three pups of their own named Kendall, Dylan, and Maya. Things have been going well for the others as well. Ryder and Katie finally told each other how they felt and are now dating. Whitney and Rubble are now in the girlfriend/boyfriend stage of their relationship. As for Rocky and Abbey something had happened the day before.

* Rocky was walking down the hall in the Lookout that had all their rooms in it and when he got to one room he stood in front of it. Opening the door he was the one dog he was looking for.

"Hey Abbey, could you come here please." He asked Abbey who was looking for something in her room.

" Sure let's go. " Soon they got to the end of the bridge and when they did Rocky pulled something out.

"What's that?" Abbey asked .

"I want to show you something, but I want you to be surprised." Rocky said putting the blindfold around her eyes. As he was leading her to the place she suddenly felt a different feeling on her paws.

"Is that... sand?" She asked. Soon after that they stopped. Taking off the blindfold, Abbey saw Rocky and behind him was a little fancy picnic looking over at the water.

"I took you here because of course it is a date but there is something else over there that I have for you, but first let's eat." Rocky said as they ate while watching the view and of course away from the water. After they ate they had a bit of small talk between themselves.

"Are you ready to see what I have for you?" Rocky asked earning a nod from her. "Then head straight in that direction and when you see it stop." Walking in the direction Abbey took a few steps then she saw something in a few more feet. When she got there she saw a heart in the sand with her and Rocky's initials in the center with candles around it. After she saw it she felt Rocky's presence behind her.

" Oh Rocky this is where we first met. " She said still looking at the heart as the memories started flowing in.

"Yep, I have been busy planning this and I thought that you would like it."

" Oh, I love it. "

"And if you turn around, you'll love something else."

" Rocky, you already know that I... " She started as she turned around. When she saw what Rocky was meaning she couldn't help but let out a small gasp. " you." She finished softly. In front of her was none other than Rocky but instead of standing he was on one knee holding a box in his paw.

"Abbey since we met I have loved you. I love how you are good at encouraging people and that you are trustworthy enough to have kept my past a secret and then I loved you even more when my mom and dad and I were reunited and we met Melody and so I wanted to ask you, Will you be my wife? " Rocky said holding up a pin with their initials on it.

"Of course I will be your wife. Yes!" She said as he got up and they hugged each other before he put them pin on her collar. "I love you, Rocky."

" I love you too. " Rocky said as they hugged again. After they broke apart they smiled at each other and then packed everything up and headed back to the Lookout.*

On this day the adults were watching the pups play when Rocky and Abbey came out of the Lookout.

"Hey guys." Rocky said.

"Hey you two. Did you guys sleep well?" Marshall asked.

"Yeah how long have we been asleep?" Abbey asked.

"Not long we woke up about an hour ago and when Chase went to wake you up he saw you guys fast asleep so we let you sleep in." Skye said.

"Yeah cause it looks like you guys had an awesome night last night." Whitney said pointing to the pin on Abbey's collar causing them to blush.

"So when will it be?" Chase asked .

"When will what be?" A voice asked causing the dogs to turn and see Ethan , Amanda, and Melody walking towards them. Then when Melody noticed the pups playing she ran and started playing with them.

"Oh look, Rocky now you can tell them." Rubble said earning a glare from Rocky causing the others to laugh.

"Tell us what?" Amanda asked.

"Well, yesterday I took Abbey out on a date and then I asked her if she would marry me and she said yes." Rocky said as they were happy for them.

" Yay! Our son is getting married. Isn't that exciting, Ethan. " Amanda cheered as she gave them a hug.

"Yep it is." He said giving them a hug as well.

"So is that what you were going to tell them the date of the wedding." Ethan said.

"Yeah we talked about it and we decided that we wanted a spring wedding so we are going to do March 21st." Abbey said as she and Rocky looked at each other and then at the others.

"Wow then we have a just over a month to get everything ready." Alyssa said.

"Yeah but we have been able to pull it off before and with all of us working together I am positive we will get it done." Rocky said. Then for the rest of the day they enjoyed their time together and relaxed as they watched the pups play.


And there it is the first chapter of the story Abbey and Rocky's wedding. This will probably be the last story before the one I have been working on. I am not sure yet if I'll do another story after that but we'll wait and see. This was only the introductory chapter but there will be more exciting ones to come. Read review and enjoy.
