
Love is treacherous when underestimated.




In these cases, suffering from it as a disease similar to the bubonic plague was unusual, and a comparison rather than embarrassing, inhospitable.

Far from looking like a blessing, it seemed like a spell imposed on the explosive blond, who swore and perjured to be the number one hero.

For some, that young man was either a vain or someone worthy of admiration. Either one was valid, but putting them together didn't look tolerable, especially for those who had long have him in their sights. Especially a young man with curly green hair, huge and expressive green eyes, and being born without a Quirk.

That young explosive man, better known as Katsuki Bakugo, had not understood the strange condition that had been going on in his always focused mind for weeks, thus constantly distracting him from his goal.

He had a confused sentimental turbulence within him, so strong was such a circle that shaken him and harassed him with becoming more sincere with himself, no matter how much resistance he put up, or how many curses he said, nothing and no one could take away that feeling sown in his heart.

Only with that boy with green hair did these violent impulses arise from wanting to approach him in any way, if any, through insults, contempt, humiliation, challenges, etc.

Someone in their right mind would not challenge that boy, since he was not anyone, no, he was Izuku Midoriya, alias Deku.

That stupid Deku had taken over his feelings in the worst way. He hated him more strongly for having bewitched him in some way. And with just wishes, he hated him for that.

He hated him for being him, for being Deku, for being so unusable, for having a Quirk, for smiling at his friends, for smiling at his companions, and above all things, for smiling purely at the half-and-half bastard. That half-and-half bastard didn't deserve Deku's smiles, but who was he to forbid them? Nobody.

He was only Kacchan in Izuku's eyes.

Therefore, the stupid Deku should not get into his thoughts when even he gave him no reason to do so. Therefore, the stupid Deku should not follow him if he smiles at the half-and-half bastard of Todoroki.

Therefore, love in his world was a curse, a ridiculous and silly spell to distract him from his goal of being the number one hero, above All Might.





P.S. Hello! This is my first fic of this anime, please be kind to me if you don't like it, but I will try to make it the best I can to make it enjoyable to read.

This fic is improvised, that is, I don't have everything very clear, there may also be certain discrepancies in relation to the direction I give to the story, so suggestions of any kind are acceptable.