And that's it, the final chapter. Enjoy.

The New Veela.

Six Years Later.

Celeste giggled, her long blonde pigtails dancing around her head as she skipped through Beauxbatons while she played with some of her friends, laughing with joy while she raced through the grounds of the school, resplendent in her blue uniform. France perhaps had the largest population of Veela on the planet, although they existed everywhere and despite what those stupid wizards in Britain thought, Veela weren't creatures but people who were allowed by law to be educated in Beauxbatons.

The five-year-old Veela laughed as she played with her friends who were Veela like her, and she was lucky that she had classmates who were Veela, unlike when her cousins Gabrielle and Fleur had attended the school, and they hadn't had any Veela around them to support them when their allure came out.

Fleur had dreaded her allure coming out since her friends weren't Veela, and they didn't realise what it entailed. One of the greatest problems Veela faced when they had mundane witches as friends was the fact the witches believed the Veela allure was meant to tempt husbands and boyfriends away from them, but in truth, it was perfectly normal for Veela to have their allure come out at the age of eleven.

So many Veela with mundane witches as friends had suddenly found themselves alone, and while some witches were okay and were truly friends with them because men went automatically to them, but Celeste didn't have that worry since the majority of her friends were like her.

When their game was over, Celeste and her friends headed for their next class.

"Are you going to come to the party on Saturday, Celeste?" Camille asked in her soft but thick French accent although while British wizards would need to use a translation potion or spell to understand the girls, the Veela friends didn't have that problem.

Celeste nodded, a big smile on her angelic face. "Definitely," she replied in her own lilting French accent, nodding and her blonde hair was soon bouncing.

Monique looked depressed, making Annette wrap her arms around her shoulders in concern. "What's wrong, Monique?" she asked, drawing the attention of the others over to the girl. Monique was a few months older than Celeste, but she was developing into a beautiful Veela. They all were.

"My sister is getting married in a few days," Monique replied. "She's getting married to an English wizard," she stressed the word English, saying it with distaste which made her thoughts on the matter known, "and she wants the full family to be there. In any case, she wants it to be a happy occasion, especially since her fiancé will be depressed."

Darcel wrinkled her nose. "Why?"

"The wedding coincides with the day the Boy Who Lived vanished."

The group of Veela looked at each other. Although the Boy Who Lived was known around the world, his story was more celebrated in Britain than anywhere else. No-one knew what had happened to him. He had vanished from the Wizarding world six years before when the last Tri-wizard tournament had been held at Hogwarts.

Harry Potter had already passed through two of the three tasks, and then suddenly he had vanished. But mysteriously a diary belonging to the Boy Who Lived somehow got into the hands of an Austrian newspaper, and it showed a different image of the boy hero than what everyone thought and accepted. The British magical world saw the Boy Who Lived as a mighty hero, in the diary he was just a kid who wanted to be normal and was tired of being victimised and abused by all around him.

Celeste had heard about her cousin Fleur being in the Tri-wizard tournament, and she had painted a totally different picture from what everyone said about such an event. Fleur had told her how scary it had, especially since the organisers of the whole event had set the second task up to occur underwater, and they had placed Gabrielle there underwater.

Didn't those imbecilic barbarians know what sort of effect being submerged for long periods did to a Veela's magic? She knew Magical Britain was foolish, especially with that fool Cornelius Fudge causing problems in his post as the Minister for Magic, but since she had only heard stories of what was going on in Britain, Celeste had no idea what he was really doing. Her mama and papa had told her enough though for her to be aware of how much of a fool the man was, so it wasn't that much of a surprise his stupidity had been passed down to others.

"Are they still searching for him?" Camille asked curiously.

Monique nodded. "Yes, they've never stopped."

"Do they have any new leads?" Celeste asked, curious herself; out of all of them, she knew someone, well was related to two someones who had actually known the famous young wizard.

Monique shrugged. "I don't know, but I'll probably ask him when I speak to him."

Celeste doubted the British would have found anything new. They had spent the last six years looking for him, although she wasn't sure if they would find him or not. From the bits and pieces she had picked up over the years about the Boy Who Lived, he hadn't been very happy in the magical worlds, so if he had run away then it wouldn't have been too difficult since he understood the muggle world. At least, that was the main consensus of what had happened.

The bell rang.

"Back to class," Monique smiled.

The other girls went off, giggling to class.


At the age of five, Celeste had been looking forward to the day where, in Veela society, she would be considered a full Veela. As a child, eleven had been such a long way away, but now she was eleven she could certainly say she felt like a true Veela. She had often asked mama how it felt, to have the Veela allure.

Catherine had never replied. She had just simply given her a soft, enigmatic smile, and she had just said it felt different for everyone.

For the first time ever, Celeste could see her point.

Witches and wizards out there believed the allure was just a means to attract men in, like moths to a flame. That wasn't entirely true. A Veela allure was so much more than that. She could feel the emotions around her every time she went out in public now, and she enjoyed the attention. Unlike her cousin Fleur, Celeste had the benefit of having other Veelas her own age as friends, so she didn't feel the same sadness Fleur had felt because she had ordinary witches as friends and they were worried that Fleur's allure would draw boys away from them.

Celeste looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was dressed in her new Beauxbatons uniform. She had recently undergone a growth spurt, and her new uniform was tailored to her new curvy body. She was becoming a young woman as well as a healthy Veela. She turned to the side when she heard her owl, Hecate. Celeste smiled.

"I look beautiful, no?' she asked.

Hecate hooted approvingly. The snowy white owl had apparently never liked the name but she had adjusted with time, and at the same time, the owl had adopted the little girl. Celeste loved the owl. Sure, the snowy white bird had a bit of an attitude problem, but they loved each other anyway.

In the doorway, Catherine watched as her youngest daughter preened in the mirror with pride. The pride she had successfully raised the new version of Harry Potter without any problems. She hadn't really had any problem with Hecate, who now went by the name of Hecate in order to make it hard for anyone to realise the truth of the snowy owl's true origins.

Fortunately, Celeste had never really asked where Hecate came from, and Catherine had never asked her. One of the most important aspects of the Veela culture was any wizard or male who was transformed into a Veela, reborn, shed the old life.

Celeste would never know who she had been, and the only ones who would know the truth were only those who took part in the rebirth ritual.

But Catherine and the rest of her other Veela sisters weren't stupid enough to advertise the fact they had a snowy white owl, and for eleven years now she had managed to keep her daughter hidden from view.

There was no doubt in Catherine's mind the loss of Harry Potter would continue to haunt the British wizarding community, but truthfully it was their own fault. Catherine had sat the furore out while the entire country went mind trying to find him, but they had failed as she knew it would. The goblins would have recorded the Potter family extinct, along with those of several other pureblood families. Catherine had little sympathy for them since many of them were aligned with the Dark Lord.

Catherine made a face at the thought of the Dark Lord who had plagued the magical world. Although the other beings who shared the magic with witches and wizards had been discriminated against due to the bizarre mindsets of depraved witches and wizards who thought they were better because of their heritage, Voldemort had been beyond insane. Catherine had no doubt in her mind if he hadn't been stopped and exposed the existence of magic, the ICW would have made him regret it, but his aims to wipe out so many magical races as possible.

History was full of insane, butchering wizards, but Catherine didn't know which one came close.

She shook that off, surveying her daughter. She caught Hecates's massive golden eyes. The owl had been so grateful towards her for giving Harry Potter a new life, and Catherine had been grateful to find a kindred spirit who loved the girl.

She smiled when she saw Hecate swoop over to Celeste and preen at her daughter's hair, making the girl squeal and giggle in delight. She had no idea what the future held for Celeste, but she hoped the girl lived a long, happy life.

It was the type of life Harry Potter would have wanted.