Hi guys! As penance for being late, I'm giving you this first chapter now! I've been working on this next part of the saga for a long time and am very excited to share it with you all! The first four chapters are unique to my story of Yu-Gi-Oh! and the introduction to the circle! I base it heavily off of The Night World books circles so there is that explanation for when we get there. The first ones will have lots of references but only up to a certain point of 2016 which is when I imagine Christine leaving the modern world!

*I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! I also don't own Dragon Age Inquisition, Lord of the Rings, Dead by Daylight or any other things I reference in this chapter! I only own Christine and Meg, my OCs!*

"What do you mean we can't get there today?!" Jounouchi was screaming at the man behind the desk.

"Exactly what I said, sir." The man replied back, a tick in his eyebrow revealing his annoyance. "The bus will not be available until Monday."


The rest of us were sitting a few feet away, our faces down in annoyance at our blond friend as well. I was leaning on Yugi's shoulders to try and alleviate some of the pain from my feet; there weren't a lot of places to sit down over here. We had walked all day from location to location trying to find this place.

My new charm kept bouncing into Yugi's hair, reminding me of memories that plagued my dreams now. They were so realistic and I almost believed that I was really remembering them. They were all of me as a kid in Egypt. Lady Isis was prevalent in them so I figured I was remembering the beginning and would eventually get to the end. Jounouchi's screeching woke me up from my remembrance.

The gang and I had flown out to California because we had been invited by Miho to visit her. Honda was ecstatic to see her but he definitely looked downtrodden when someone mentioned that she had a boyfriend. I was proud of the smile he kept on his face and moved forward.

While we were with her, someone had gotten Miho's number for Kaiba and was able to pass on a message for us. Kaiba was essentially holding us hostage. We couldn't return home to Japan until we came to his new park and participated in his new tournament. And apparently, dueling Yugi was the prize. I gave a loud sigh which caused Miho to give a bright laugh. Jounouchi growled at the actions but I could tell he was pumped at the idea of another tournament. Miho let us go on our way, catching her own bus to get back to her mother's house.

Meanwhile, two hours of constant walking and waiting later, we were still here trying to catch our own bus. "Grr!"

I sighed. I needed a drink.

"I'm gonna find a vending machine, kay?" I leaned down to whisper into Yugi's ear. "Need anything?"

"Nah, I'm ok." He replied.

"Kay kay."

I pulled myself off of the boy's shoulders and across the lane to the vending machines. I hummed to myself – probably the Hobbit theme or something – as I played with the money I had and tried to pick out what I wanted. I heard someone walk past me but there was no sign that they noticed me. The footsteps stopped dead in their tracks after a few paces.

"Who who is the girl with loyal friends and true?" A familiar voice half sang before snapping twice.

I blinked, movements stopping dead. I knew what it was immediately. But how….? I played along.

"Who who?" I replied with the snaps.

There was a small gasp before the voice continued.

"Who who has a bond as strong as crazy glue?" Double snaps again.

A wild smile was stretching across my face now.

"Who who?" Double snaps.

I turned around and saw a face I hadn't seen in over a year. My best friend's face hadn't changed at all. Her hazel eyes were bright and her smile pulled wide. Her dark brown hair was still short, hanging just above her shoulders. And the blue ribbon… it was still wrapped around her neck like the last time I had seen her.

"Who can sound the call and sisters all come through?"

"Who… who…" Tears suddenly began to stream down my cheeks but I held back a sob.

Footsteps approached me and I was wrapped in a tight hug. I returned it immediately and allowed my tears to escape. I couldn't hear anything else other than my best friend laughing lightly in my ear, teasing me for crying this much just from seeing her. I tried to whack her but she dodged and continued to laugh. When I pulled away, my best friend was all smiles.

"How've ya been, 'stine?"

I gave a watery laugh, wiping my tears away.

"My life has been extremely weird, Meggie."

"Your life has been weird without me?!" Meg replied, almost offended. "I'm hurt!"

I gave another laugh, wrapping my friend in another hug. "I'm glad to see you, 'stine." I gave a hum of approval.

"Christine?" Yugi's voice woke me up from my reverie.

I pulled away from Meg's hug and smiled at my friends' confused expressions. Yugi eyes were stuck on my face and I consciously wiped my face again. Sure enough, there were more tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Who's this?" Anzu asked.

I smiled, wrapping my arm around my first and best friend. Meg beamed in pride.

"Guys, this is Meg."

Meg gave a smile and a wave. Some of my friends waved back. "She and I know each other from home." I turned back to my friend quickly. "Though how are you here? I have been completely blocked off from there." Meg shrugged.

"I just woke up here." Meg replied. "I fell asleep one day about two months ago and wound up here. No one questions it and I can get away with pretty much everything. It's weird!"

I gave a hum. It wasn't the same way I got here… I reminded myself to tell her about how I got here; none of my friends, except for Yami of course, would understand. "And I take offense at your choice of words, 'stine!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"How so?!"

"We don't just know each other! How long have we been friendos?!"

I gave a smile, scratching the back of my head. "Since we were six!"

"Right! Right!"

Meg gave a playful humph but it faded into a bright smile. "What are you doing here, Meggie?"

"I had yoga today." Meg pointed to her bag, which sat innocently a few feet away. "I pass by here and I heard the song of my little people!"

I burst into laughter. Of course she would recognize it. Everyone else looked confused but they seemed happy that I was laughing hysterically. "You guys trying to catch a bus?"

"Rich boy's up and marooned us!" Jounouchi grouched.

"We're being forced into his tournament." Yugi replied.

"Huh…" Meg crossed her arms, one of them reaching to her chin in thought. "The buses stopped nearly an hour ago so you guys won't be getting anywhere till Monday. Buuuut…."

Meg bounced her hip off mine. "You can stay at my place till then. I have a few guest rooms that are easily commandeered."

"Easily?" I teased.

Meg laughed loudly, yanking at my wrist to pull me out of the corner. The rest of the gang followed after us, catching up when Meg had to reach down for her bag. She had a large pair of headphones that she hung over her neck, not putting them on. My heart dropped. We walked a good way before I whispered to my friend. "Even here?" Meg's smile faded.

"Yeah… They're not bad but… they're annoying."

I gave a whine. "I'm fine, 'stine. Don't worry about me."

"I can't help it!"

"What's going on?" Anzu asked, jumping over to us.

Meg and I both hesitated in replying. We glanced over to each other, silently asking each other if it was ok to reply. Meg eventually shrugged her shoulders and I took it as her acceptance. I glanced over to the gang as we kept walking.

"Witches can have an array of abilities: elemental and mental. But sometimes… it doesn't end up like that."

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked, tilting his head curiously.

I was going to try and word it in a way that was delicate and probably confusing. Meg, on the other hand, decided to be blunt.

"I see dead people." Meg simply said.

"What?!" Jounouchi and Honda screamed.

"Sh!" I hissed.

They did quiet down but their faces were still wide in shock. "Do you two know when to keep quiet?!"

"Dead people?" Ryuji asked gently. "You mean like… ghosts?"

Meg nodded her head. She was super calm about it.

"Yep. Ever since I was a kid."

The gang's faces were still wide in shock and amazement. "People say it's a curse. A past life of mine did something terrible and when they died, it was passed on to me."

"That's terrible." Yugi breathed.

Meg simply shrugged. She was probably so used to it by now. I was upset that I didn't have the talisman that allowed me to see the way she did with me; I had left it at home the day I arrived in this world since Meg wasn't going to be at school that day. Meg must have known my train of thought as she playfully hit my hip again.

"Don't worry about it, 'stine."

I gave a nod of my head, making my friend smile at me. She ended up changing the subject and the mood became much brighter then.

Meg's house was a townhouse about 15 minutes away from the bus station. It didn't stand out from the rest of the houses but it looked like no one even noticed as we approached and entered the house. Not even a passing dog looked up at our feet. That was really weird. The interior was arranged much like her house back at home, the main living area just across from the kitchen. Meg's guitar was placed in its hold against the wall, just like it always was. She took our bags and pulled them down a side hall. My stomach growled lightly so I walked into the kitchen.

"Meggie!" I called. "I'm jacking your kitchen!"

"Go for it!"

The gang laughed at how little she cared about me messing with her stuff. I happily skipped into the kitchen and fiddled through her drawers and cupboards. I couldn't hear what the gang were saying outside the kitchen but the sound of Meg's guitar filtered through the small window into the living area. I was surprised that it actually followed her here. The beginning chords of a familiar song hit my ears and I smiled. I was happy to remember the words, singing them under my breath.

Once we were
In our peace
With our lives assured.

Once we were
Not afraid of the dark.

Once we sat in our kingdom
With hope and pride.

Once we ran through
The fields with great strides.

We held the Fade
And the demon's flight
So far from our children
And from our lives.

We held together
The fragile sky
To keep our way of life.

Once we raised
Up our chalice
In victory.

Once we sat
In the light of our dreams.

Once we were
In our homeland
With strength and might.

Once we were
Not afraid of the night.

We held the Fade
And the demon's flight
So far from our children
And from our lives.

We held together
The fragile sky
To keep our way of life

I giggled when song ended. The hilarity faded when I heard Meg shout. "Heard that, 'stine!" I huffed loudly and I heard Meg burst into laughter again.


Meg laughed again and I heard the rest of the gang join in. I rolled my eyes as I picked up the small plate of snacks that I gathered. I walked out of the kitchen to see Meg and the gang settled on the couches. Meg was fiddling with her guitar, plucking the strings mindlessly.

"I didn't know you sang, Christine?" Honda joked.

"I don't. Meg just likes to think I can."

Meg stuck her tongue out at me and I wrinkled my nose at her in retort. My friend put her guitar back into its hold and gave a smile.

"So!" She chirped. "Did I miss anything?"

We regaled Meg with everything that happened from the beginning all the way to now. Meg would glance at me at different moments when it came to Yami and myself. I gave her a look that said I would explain later and she nodded her head. As soon as the stories ended, Meg gave a hum and leaned back in her chair. "Wow… That's a lot in the span of a year."

"You're telling me." Yugi joked.

Meg laughed at the jab, slapping her knee in hilarity. "So… since you and Christine know each other, is there anything you can tell us about her?" I snapped my head towards Yugi.

"Yugi!" I hissed.

It was too late though. A Cheshire cat smile streaked across Meg's face. "Meg…. Don't you dare…" The threat wasn't considered as Meg gave a sinister chuckle.

"Ya guys want to see 'stine being super salty?"

The gang agreed immediately. Meg ran to get her laptop and pulled up fun videos of us. I rolled my eyes at the clips she picked ranging from us playing Super Smash bros to my original gang playing Dead by Daylight. I laughed hysterically when the clip of me chasing Meg as the Nurse showed up with her screaming obscenities at me when I finally knocked her down. "I'm still mad at you for that." I gave a cheeky smile.

I also used the moment to quietly explain most of what was going on on my end. Meg got another Cheshire cat smile when I admitted Yami and I were together. I didn't tell her about being Iliana as that would have been extremely difficult to explain without the help of the Millennium Necklace.

"Oh, how are my parents?" I breathed. "Are they ok?"

Meg's smile faded immediately. My excitement dropped. Meg waved me into another room while the gang kept watching the clips. Meg gave a heaving sigh once we were sure there wasn't anyone in ear shot.

"Your parents… don't remember you."

Everything went cold.


"The day you vanished; I wasn't at school but this phone number called me as soon as classes ended. The ID said Carrie or something? I had no idea who it was so I didn't answer."

I think I knew where this was going… "Carrie kept calling until I answered. She was super pissed. 'How could I be ignoring my best friend?'" A shuddering breath left my lungs. "She was their daughter. She definitely looked like your dad and didn't inherit any powers. She had no idea that the circle even existed. Your mom barely even let me into the house! Said I was a bad influence on her trying to live a normal life. All the pictures were the same but instead of you, it was her!" Meg gave a huff. "She was definitely your mom's kid though, bossy and all that."

"What about dad?"

"Carrie wasn't much of a Lord of the Ring's fan and you know your Dad's opinion on that."

"He loves it. He would have gone berserk…"


Another shuddering breath left my lungs.

"What else?"

"All our videos. The ones on my laptop are still good but the ones online are completely changed! She has utterly replaced you! Not even Austin and Senpai remembered you!"

It was like I was utterly erased. The only one who remembered me was Meg… I gasped a sob. I spent so long wanting to see them again and this was what I was given. It was just my luck. Meg quickly wrapped me up into a tight hug. I tried to be quiet so as to not get the attention of the gang.

We stayed like that for a little while so that I could calm down. When Anzu knocked at the door, asking if we were ok. I didn't respond so Meg did for me, saying that we would be out in a minute. The two of us eventually left the room. Nobody mentioned my tear stained face and I was happy to keep it quiet. I would end up going to rest in the room Meg put my bag, ironically her room, so that I could be numb without anyone questioning me.


The moment 'stine walked into Meg's room, she knew something was wrong. Meg stared at the closed door for a second, eyes narrowed. Yugi's voice caught her attention so Meg was forced to look away.

"So, what's up with the ghosts?" Yugi asked.

Meg gave a gentle shrug.

"I see them and as soon as they know I see them, they like to…." Meg had to think of the word. "hang out around me."

"That has to be annoying." Ryuji deadpanned.

"You have no idea. It's a pain!"

"Can they touch you?" Anzu asked hesitantly.

"Nah, they go right through me. I've had them try to rough me up but…"

Meg made a sound effect like a 'whoosh'. "You learn to deal." Meg saw Yugi's expression. She figured he could tell it still bothered her sometimes and it was true. It was unnerving to say the least. Being shouted at by someone she didn't know and by someone no one else could see.

"What's up with the ribbon?" Jounouchi then asked, pointing to his neck.

Meg flinched. She fought past the painful memories of that day. She put on a fake bright smile as she gave her usual excuse.


"With that flinch?" Honda asked, eyebrow raised. "We're not dumb."

"Honda!" Anzu snapped.

The girl turned to Meg then. "Sorry about him, Meg. You don't have to talk about it." Meg gave a sigh. If she knew Jounouchi and Honda well enough, they wouldn't give up questioning the blue ribbon wrapped around her throat. She shook her head, brushing off Anzu's apology.

"No. It's fine."

Meg reached behind her neck and pulled the ribbon loose. It came apart with a light click and Meg revealed a large scar across the front of her neck. Anzu gave a gasp and all the boy's eyes all widened. "Don't tell 'stine I told you this, ok?" She got her answer from the silence. "Being cursed means a lot more that simply seeing something that isn't meant to be there. You're isolated from the circle and in my case, my own family. As soon as my mother found out, she kept me away from my siblings like I had a disease that would spread. My dad… he was a bit more violent." Meg saw Jounouchi's eyes narrow at that. "When 'stine and I were 12, my dad lost it. We had come home from a school trip and were talking about something I had seen in the water of the nearby lake. My dad grabbed me and…" Meg's voice cut off there, her hand slid up to her throat. The slide of the knife was still imbedded in her memories. "I don't remember much after that. I woke up in the hospital with severe blood loss and a battle scar."

No one said anything. Meg took the moment of silence to return her ribbon to her neck. "I'm lucky I wasn't injured more but the real injury hit 'stine. She was traumatized for months after. She was the one to call 911 and get me help when my mother and siblings did nothing. I… I have her to thank for saving my voice and my life."

"That's horrible!" Ryuji growled.

Meg gave a shrug.

"It's the life of someone who's cursed."

Meg quickly changed the subject. "You all should head to bed. It's late." Nobody argued with her. Though before Yugi could walk out of the room, Meg quickly spoke again. "Yugi? Can I have a quick word?" Yugi changed course and walked back to Meg. "Could I talk to the Pharaoh super quick? It's about 'stine."

"Oh, yeah!" Yugi chirped. "Gimme a sec."

The change was near instant and Meg was face to face with the 3000 year old Pharaoh. He blinked curiously at her with crimson eyes.

"Can Yugi hear me?"

"No." The Pharaoh shook his head. "Is something wrong?"

Meg gave a sigh. She played with her fingers for a second before she spoke.

"You know about 'stine and I, right? How we're not from… here."

The Pharaoh nodded. "I mentioned something about her parents and it made her really upset. She's not mad at me but she's mad, I guess. I was wondering if you, as her utterly amazing and super talented boyfriend, could help cheer her up?"

"What could I do though?"

"You're the boyfriend, you can do anything!"

The Pharaoh gave her a raised eyebrow but Meg only continued to smile. "At least talk to her?"

"All right."

Meg smiled at the Pharaoh, silently thanking him for being so understanding.


My need for food was the thing to bring me out of Meg's room finally. My friend was taking a shower so I was able to sneak out of the room without making too much noise. The rest of the gang probably went to bed as well and I was thankful that they weren't going to question my still red face.

Yami sitting on the couch greeted me as I walked back into the living room. He snuck up on me?

"Hey…" He breathed gently.

"Hey…" I breathed back, nervously trying to wipe away more of the tear stains on my cheek.

We stared at each other for a second. Yami moved first when he lifted a hand out to me. I walked over to take it and he pulled me to sit next to him. The spirit adjusted us so that he could sit comfortably but still turn to talk to me. The hand not holding mine moved up to my cheek to wipe at the red streaks on my cheeks.

"Are you ok? Meg said that you were upset."

She told him? I gave a sigh. Of course Meg would get Yami involved.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."


I looked up at the Pharaoh, seeing his crimson eyes slightly narrowed. "I could see that this bothered you even before Meg said anything. All I want to know is if you're ok." Tears teamed at my eyes again and I had to hold back a sob. Yami wrapped me up in his arms quickly so that when I did finally break down, I could cry into his chest. "It's ok… It's ok…"

I pulled away after a while, wiping away the remaining tears. Yami kept his free arm around my waist, keeping himself and me close. "Can I know what's going on?"

"My parents… the people who raised me… they don't remember me…"

I practically heard Yami's confusion. He tilted his head, leaning it gently on the couch behind us. "I was replaced the day I left that world and arrived in Domino. My mom and dad now have a perfectly normal daughter and have no memory of me." Yami wiped away a tear that streaked down my cheek at the words. "It's almost my luck. I wanted to see them again and this…" I gave another sigh. "It's very disheartening." Yami hummed gently. His thumb was now rubbing gently into the skin of my cheek.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But there is something good…"

I looked up at him again. What could be good about this? "They may not remember you but you remember them. Your memory of them keeps that part of them alive."

"Even if they've changed entirely?"

"Even so. The people they were will live on in your memory where they be eternal."

That way of thinking was actually helpful. I finally gave a smile.

"Thank you."

Yami smiled. His grip around my waist tightened slightly and I happily allowed myself to cuddle into my boyfriend. I then decided to be a smartass. "I guess you're finally getting the hang of the religion again." Yami rolled his eyes at my tease, making me laugh. It was cut off when my boyfriend pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. I was quick to press one in return and it brought a smile to Yami's face now. I wrapped him in a quick hug before I spoke again. "You and Yugi should head to bed. It's late." Yami hummed again before kissing me again. I had to pull him to his feet so that he would get moving. He gave me one last kiss before he walked back to where he and Yugi were resting for the night. My happy thoughts were interrupted when Meg walked out of the bathroom.

"Damn…" She deadpanned. "And I thought I was thirsty."


My best friend cackled as she entered the room I was sharing with her. I glowered at her before stomping inside, my good mood dropping immediately.

"So…." Meg drawled as she laid on her back on the bed. "About you and the Pharaoh…"

"Yeah….? What about it?"

"You do know what will happen eventually, right?"

I finished pulling my sleep shirt over my head and allowed the thoughts to circulate in my head. I remembered the general idea of what was to come. The more I was here, the less I remembered. "'Stine, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm not, Meggie."

"What if he's got a wife?! 'stine! How are you gonna compete with someone's he's been married to for 3000 years?!"

The question actually made me smile. Meg glowered at it. "What exactly is there to be smiling about? Is there something I should know?"

"Oh yeah…"

Meg raised her eyebrow as I walked over to the charm Marik gave me at the end of Battle City. I tossed it over to my friend, who had to sit up and catch it in both hands. She looked it over for a second before looking back up to me. "I got that from Marik Ishtar whose Ghouls dug it up from rubble underneath an 18th dynasty palace structure in what was ancient Ipt-sut or Thebes."

"The capital of the New Kingdom?"


"And? What does that have to do with anything?"

I reached back into my bag to lift up the Millennium Necklace. Yugi let me carry it for this trip because it brought me a bit closer to my past. Meg stared at it for a second before flicking her eyes back to me. "You're not getting zapped by it."

"It's never zapped me. It's tingled but never zapped."

Meg gave a hum as she looked over to the Millennium Necklace again. "It's also showed me visions. Wanna see if it will give us one?" Meg sat up fully and played with her chin.

"Will Shadi come after us for disturbing the mystical alignment?"

"I highly doubt it."

"Let's do it then!"

I laughed at Meg's enthusiasm as I stepped over to sit next to her. I held one side of the necklace while holding out the other side to my friend. Meg was only slightly hesitant but eventually took hold of the necklace.

We only waited a second before the eye began to glow bright white and we were transported away.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Bakura: I'm amazed you've looked away from your Fire Emblem game long enough to do all this...

Robyn glares at Bakura before lifting her hands to be antlers on her head.

Fear... The... Deer...

Bakura: Black Eagle Strike Force!