Chapter 1 - Unexpected House


With the Sorting Hat's proclamation, most of the people gathered in the Great Hall were shocked. Harry Potter, their precious Savior, had been sorted into the Snake House.

Not seeing the problem with anything, Harry calmly got off the stool, then slowly made his way over to his appointed table. As dinner appeared, Harry looked down at his lap and sat quietly, knowing that he wouldn't be allowed to have any.

Sitting at the Head Table, Severus Snape looked over the first years, especially Potter. He narrowed his eyes when he saw Harry wasn't eating. The boy looked much too thin to as it was. Severus would be sure to keep a close eye on the boy, especially easy now that he was in Severus' house.

After dinner, Harry got up with the rest of the first years to walk down to the dungeon with their prefect. After learning that the password was "Belladonna" (though he wasn't sure what that even was) they assembled in the common room to wait for their head of house, Professor Snape, to come in to discuss the rules.

Soon after the first years were assembled, Snape swept into the common room in a billow of robes. As he was going over the rules and expectations, he looked over to Potter and saw him swaying on his feet. As if it were happening in slow motion, Snape watched Harry's eyes roll back into his head as he crumpled to the floor.

Harry's last thought was that he needed to stay conscious because all this sounded important, and then the world went black.