"Check, Ladybug!" Hawkmoth's deep voice carried across the rooftop, his dark, evil grin rooting Ladybug to her spot, yo-yo tightening around Mayura's body as the heroine's eyes flashed.

"No!" She screeched, staring at Chat Noir's dreary predicament in fear. The feline male was wrapped up tightly in Hawkmoth's arms, trapped to the point where he could not move.

Hawkmoth chuckled darkly, flexing his fingers to reach for Chat Noir's Miraculous.

The cat-themed hero suddenly let out a purr, practically leaned into Hawkmoth's touch.

Surprised, the villain jerked his hand back, the noise of affection having the same effect as if Chat Noir had just activated Cataclysm.

"Did you just…purr?!" Hawkmoth demanded to know, ignoring Ladybug and Mayura's horrified expressions.

"Um…no?" Chat Noir squeaked, still snuggling even deeper into Hawkmoth's arms as he purred again. "Of course not!"

"Chat…are you okay?" Ladybug inquired, cocking her head in confusion as she stared troublingly at

"I swear, I'm not meaning to!" Chat Noir protested, his next movement a half-hearted struggle, though the purring wouldn't stop.

Hawkmoth wasn't sure if he liked the purring. Sure, it was relaxing, but it was coming form his enemy. He reached – out of curiosity of course, nothing more! – up to touch Chat Noir's hair, brushing his fingers through it. Even through his gloves, he could feel how soft the blonde hair. It tickled his fingers, soft and cuddly. When the sun shone onto it in just the right way, it looked like it was glowing.

And, as a moth/butterfly themed villain, Hawkmoth was rather attracted to it, burying his chin into the soft, keratin organism. He wondered if Adrien's hair had even a fraction of this cuddliness. Emilie's hair was some of the softest hair he knew, yet it wasn't nearly as fun to touch.

"You two are freaking me out." Ladybug said, narrowing her eyes at them.

"Please, sir, stop it." Mayura begged, staring at Hawkmoth.

Chat Noir was purring even harder now, leaning as far into Hawkmoth as earthly possible.

It was so relaxing, made him pretty much forget about the grief he had felt since Emilie passed. His hair was so soft, and his purring was hypnotizing.

"That's it. I'm adopting you." Hawkmoth announced, wrapping Noir up in a proper hug.

The child-like joy could not be kept form the hero's voice. "Okay!"

Hawkmoth was fairly certain that Ladybug and Mayura's eyes were going to pop from their sockets, and that their jaws would fall off. Any other time, he would have enjoyed the look on the heroine's face. But, at the moment, he was content to snuggle into Chat Noir's hair.


This idea has been in my head for two days. For the joy of it, I decided to write it down. Especially after all the angst I recently released. So, have a bit too much fluff.