One Year Later

Lasalle barely recognized the person in the mirror. He hadn't shaved in a couple weeks. He was currently sporting a full beard. Still trying to wake up, he splashed his face with icy water and grabbed a towel.

He slept in this morning per Dwayne's orders. He'd just closed the biggest, most personal case of his career. Closed case was a kind way of saying that he put a bullet between Judson, the Midnight Murderer's eyes and called it a day.

For her.

Everything he'd done this past year had been for her. Now, finally she could sleep at night, and the Midnight Murderer was dead. It was a win. And he lost zero sleep over what he'd done. No, the only reason he didnt sleep these days was her. Still haunted by memories.

Taunted by everything he should have done, but didn't. The days after Laurel left New Orleans were dark ones. Pride tried to console him, but it was no use. For the first time in his life Christopher Lasalle was hopeless. But then...then a break in the case gave him purpose.

They spent the past year chasing the man responsible for seventeen murders, and the abduction of Laurel.

He shook off the memories of the past as he stepped into NCIS.

"Lasalle! I thought you were gonna shave that thing off your face." Tammy whined.

"Nope. I like it." Chris rubbed his beard and smiled.

"He's just trying to be like me." Sebastian joked.

They all laughed. Pride just shook his head. He planned to keep a close eye on Christopher. He witnessed the events leading up to the kill of the Midnight Murderer. He pulled a knife on Christopher, and with one hand the gun, and a finger on the trigger Chris didn't hesitate.

It was justified, but Pride knew it was exactly what Chris wanted. Revenge had long been on his mind. He got it, he really did. He missed Laurel too. For a year she had refused to step foot in New Orleans.

She had healed and adjusted well as far as Pride could tell. Whenever he visited she was happy, or at least she acted like she was. She didn't sleep anymore without the help of medication, but he couldnt blame her. Not with her torturer still at large.

That was all going to change today.

He watched Chris take a seat at his desk and kept one eye on him as he dialed Laurel. He got her voicemail.

"Hey Laurel, its me. Just call me when you get a chance. Love you baby."

He saw Chris glance up briefly. If he had any feelings about hearing her name he didn't show them.

Laurel got off the subway and checked her voicemail. The city was bursting to life around her. The sounds of New York city. She was finally accustomed to them, but they didn't compare to the musicality of New Orleans.

Lately she was having such a longing for home. If she wasn't so stubborn she would be on a plane right now. Next week was Thanksgiving. She could swallow her fear and surprise her dad for the holiday.

But that would mean seeing Christopher. She wasn't sure she was ready for that. After the way she left things...It was what she needed at the time though, and for better or worse she couldn't change the past.

She thought back to their last night together. He'd seen her scars. They made love. He held her. She had every opportunity to tell him her plans...but she knew, she knew he would talk her out of going. So instead she kissed his head and left a note. Her confession. Her goodbye.

You're a grown woman, Laurel. Time to face him.

She made the split decision to get a ticket. She rushed home and threw some clothes in her carry on. Two hours later she was boarding a plane. Three hours after that at 7:30 PM she touched down in Louisiana.

It felt so good to be here...home.

Laurel took a cab to the Tru Tone. The place was full and she maneuvered her way through the crowd to get upstairs.

"Daddy!" She said enthusiastically. She waited for him to appear, but the place was empty.

She turned on her phone and tried to call him. It went to voicemail. She waited for a bit before wandering back downstairs.

"Laurel?!" Her uncle Jimmy called her name over the music.

"Uncle Jimmy!" She hugged him.

P"What you doing in New Orleans, girl?"

"Looking to surprise daddy, but I cant find him and he isnt answering his phone. Do you know where he is?"

"I couldn't say. He comes and goes as he pleases, you know your daddy."

"Yeah." She tapped the bar and turned to go.

"He's probably out celebrating." Jimmy quipped.

She turned back around, her pony tail swinging. "Celebrating what?"

Jimmy threw the towel he was wiping the bar with over his shoulder. "Your daddy didn't tell you?"

"I've had my phone off...Tell me what?"

Suddenly her stomach was churning with anticipation, but somehow she already had a feeling she knew what he was about to say. She just...knew.

He placed a caring hand on her shoulder, "They got him, Laurel."

"Him." She whispered. "They got...him." She closed her eyes as relief washed over her.

"You okay, darlin'?" He asked.

Laurel took a deep breath and nodded.

"I gotta go uncle Jimmy."

The cab dropped her off at NCIS at around 9:00. It was dark and chilly. Laurel stood outside and hugged her sweater tighter around her body. She should go inside, but there she stood waiting. Waiting for what?

Her courage?

She swallowed hard and put one foot in front of the other. She could do this. The sights and smells of NCIS were pretty much the same. Man, it took Laurel back. She'd practically been raised in and out of this building.

The lights were on and she assumed her father would be sitting at his desk. He wasn't there, but her heart dropped to the floor when her eyes landed on the agent who was.

She almost didn't recognize him.

"Laurel." He said her name. It wasn't a question, it wasn't an was a plea. A small whisper. It made her knees weak.

"Hello Christopher."

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