Did I stop and watch the sunset fade?
What gave me life and took my breath away?
Did I take a last-call stranger home,
So I wouldn't have to wake up alone?

7 Weeks Later

Chris rolled over in bed and got a whiff of something delicious. He was slowly waking from his slumber and realizing his fiance was not beside him. The tantalizing scent of coffee and bacon made his mouth water.

He slipped out of bed and crept sleepily into the kitchen. Laurel pulled was mixing something in a bowl, and he realized she was also frying up beignets.

"You're too good to me." He said.

"Ah!" She let out a little squeal. "You scared me, Christopher Lasalle!"

He chuckled and grabbed her hips, "I'm sorry, baby." He planted a kiss on her forehead.

Something seemed different about her this morning. It was Valentine's Day, maybe romance was just in the air. Whatever it was, she was glowing as she drizzled chocolate over some of the beignets.

He sat at the table. "This is a nice surprise. I'm usually the one up early."

She sat a plate down in front of him with a cup of milk. Then, she sat down across from him. He was stuffing his face and she couldn't help but smile. He was his old self again, or rather his new self. She fell more in love every day.

I heard I was a wild one.
Actin like a child, son,
But I really don't recall.
Heard I was a fast one.
Always was last one Waitin' for the other shoe to fall.
I've seen pictures,
And I've heard stories 'Bout the boy I used to be...
But I don't remember me...

Laurel glanced at the counter where her Valentine's Day card for Chris was laying. She inhaled to speak, but just as she did Chris' phone began to ring in the bedroom.

She bit her lip as he wiped his mouth and jogged into the bedroom. She swiped her hair from her shoulder and it fell down her back. She groaned inwardly when Chris walked out pulling on his shirt.

"Do you have to go to work?" She asked.

"Nope." He smiled.

Laurel brightened. "Oh. Then, who was it?"

"A secret." He winked at her.


"Okay," he laughed. "It was the restaurant confirming our reservation for this evening.

She gasped, "Chris! You sneaky thing."

He grinned widely at her. He didn't know how he got so lucky to be given so many chances with her.

Was I just another ghost in this town?
Who was I when no one was around?
Did I even know that I was livin' without?
Who are my favorite songs about?

I heard I was a wild one.
Actin like a child, son,
But I really don't recall.
Heard I was a fast one,
Always was last one Waitin' for the other shoe to fall.
I've seen pictures,
And I've heard stories 'Bout the boy I used to be...
But I don't remember me...

Night was falling and Laurel still hadn't plucked up the courage, or found the right moment to give Chris her card. They were getting ready for their evening out. Chris had made reservations a month ago for tonight.

As she curled her hair she felt butterflies dancing in her belly. She was so happy. So in love. They hadn't started planning the wedding just yet, but the thought of it sent her heart racing.

"You 'bout ready?" Chris called out.

"Yeah, almost."

Laurel picked up the envelope on placed it in her purse. One last check in the mirror and she joined Chris at the front door.

"You look beautiful." He kissed her cheek.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself, Lasalle."

They arrived at the restaurant and took their seats in a secluded corner. Candlelight lit the space around them. They ordered their drinks and an appetizer to start and as they waited for their food Laurel pulled the red envelope from her purse.

She slid it across the table.

"This is for you."

He noticed her hand was shaking. He eyed her curiously as opened the envelope.

Roses are red,
Love is sweet.
Our family is growing by two hearts and four feet.

"Two hearts and four feet?" He chuckled.

Was my heart beatin' in my chest?
Was I even alive before the day we met?

Laurel watched as slow realization spread across her love's face. Before he could say anything she handed him another envelope. He opened it and stared at two pictures.

"You're pregnant?" He stammered.

She nodded.

"With twins, Christopher."

"Twins? Twins."

He was quiet for a moment, still processing.

"I'm gonna be a dad?"

Her eyes filled with tears, "You're going to be a dad."

He sprung from the table and pulled her into his arms. He took a deep breath and held her tight.

"I'm so happy, Laurel. I'm so so happy."

I heard I was a wild one,
Acted like a child son.
Heard I was a fast one.
Always was last one,
Waitin' on the other shoe to fall.
I've seen pictures,
And I've heard stories
'Bout the boy I used to be.
But I don't remember me...
No, I don't remember me...before you.

Awwww. They're cute. We've come to the end of their story I'm afraid. Thank you all for your amazing support! Please leave one last review :)

Lyrics by Brothers Osborne.